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2021-12-10 10:43:52 +00:00
import os
import gzip
import rapidjson
2021-12-10 10:43:52 +00:00
import numpy as np
import pyerrors as pe
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
import pyerrors.input.json as jsonio
2022-02-02 08:54:32 +01:00
import pyerrors.input.dobs as dobsio
2022-02-03 10:33:24 +01:00
import pytest
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
def test_jsonio():
o = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, .2, 'one')
o2 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r1')
o3 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r2')
o4 = pe.merge_obs([o2, o3])
otag = 'This has been merged!'
o4.tag = otag
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
do = o - .2 * o4
2021-12-14 15:47:14 +01:00
co1 = pe.cov_Obs(1., .123, 'cov1')
2021-12-14 16:31:33 +01:00
co3 = pe.cov_Obs(4., .1 ** 2, 'cov3')
do *= co1 / co3
do.tag = {'A': 2}
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
o5 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.8, .1, 'two|r2')
2021-12-14 15:47:14 +01:00
co2 = pe.cov_Obs([1, 2], [[.12, .004], [.004, .02]], 'cov2')
o5 /= co2[0]
o3 /= co2[1]
o5.tag = 2 * otag
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
testl = [o3, o5]
arr = np.array([o3, o5])
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
mat = np.array([[pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, .1, 'mat'), pe.pseudo_Obs(0.3, .1, 'mat')], [pe.pseudo_Obs(0.2, .1, 'mat'), pe.pseudo_Obs(2.0, .4, 'mat')]])
mat[0][1].tag = ['This', 'is', 2, None]
mat[1][0].tag = '{testt}'
mat[1][1].tag = '[tag]'
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
tt1 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(100), np.random.rand(100)], ['t|r1', 't|r2'], idl=[range(2, 202, 2), range(22, 222, 2)])
tt3 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(102)], ['qe'])
tt = tt1 + tt3
tt.tag = 'Test Obs: Ä'
2021-12-14 16:31:33 +01:00
ol = [o4, do, testl, mat, arr, np.array([o]), np.array([tt, tt]), [tt, tt], co1, co2, np.array(co2), co1 / co2[0]]
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
fname = 'test_rw'
jsonio.dump_to_json(ol, fname, indent=1, description='[I am a tricky description]')
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
rl = jsonio.load_json(fname)
os.remove(fname + '.json.gz')
2021-12-09 15:59:53 +00:00
for o, r in zip(ol, rl):
assert np.all(o == r)
for i in range(len(ol)):
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
if isinstance(ol[i], pe.Obs):
o = ol[i] - rl[i]
assert(ol[i].tag == rl[i].tag)
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
or1 = np.ravel(ol[i])
or2 = np.ravel(rl[i])
for j in range(len(or1)):
o = or1[j] - or2[j]
2021-11-29 15:27:28 +01:00
if isinstance(ol[i], pe.Obs):
for name in ol[i].r_values:
assert(np.isclose(ol[i].r_values[name], rl[i].r_values[name]))
elif isinstance(ol[i], list):
for j in range(len(ol[i])):
for name in ol[i][j].r_values:
assert(np.isclose(ol[i][j].r_values[name], rl[i][j].r_values[name]))
description = {'I': {'Am': {'a': 'nested dictionary!'}}}
jsonio.dump_to_json(ol, fname, indent=0, gz=False, description=description)
rl = jsonio.load_json(fname, gz=False, full_output=True)
os.remove(fname + '.json')
2021-12-09 15:59:53 +00:00
for o, r in zip(ol, rl['obsdata']):
assert np.all(o == r)
assert(description == rl['description'])
def test_json_string_reconstruction():
my_obs = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(100)], ['name'])
2021-12-10 10:43:52 +00:00
json_string = pe.input.json.create_json_string(my_obs)
2021-12-10 10:43:52 +00:00
reconstructed_obs1 = pe.input.json.import_json_string(json_string)
assert my_obs == reconstructed_obs1
compressed_string = gzip.compress(json_string.encode('utf-8'))
reconstructed_string = gzip.decompress(compressed_string).decode('utf-8')
reconstructed_obs2 = pe.input.json.import_json_string(reconstructed_string)
assert reconstructed_string == json_string
assert my_obs == reconstructed_obs2
def test_json_corr_io():
my_list = [pe.Obs([np.random.normal(1.0, 0.1, 100)], ['ens1']) for o in range(8)]
rw_list = pe.reweight(pe.Obs([np.random.normal(1.0, 0.1, 100)], ['ens1']), my_list)
for obs_list in [my_list, rw_list]:
for tag in [None, "test"]:
obs_list[3].tag = tag
for pad in [0, 2]:
for corr_tag in [None, 'my_Corr_tag']:
for prange in [None, [3, 6]]:
for gap in [False, True]:
my_corr = pe.Corr(obs_list, padding=[pad, pad], prange=prange)
my_corr.tag = corr_tag
if gap:
my_corr.content[4] = None
pe.input.json.dump_to_json(my_corr, 'corr')
recover = pe.input.json.load_json('corr')
assert np.all([o.is_zero() for o in [x for x in (my_corr - recover) if x is not None]])
for index, entry in enumerate(my_corr):
if entry is None:
assert recover[index] is None
assert my_corr.tag == recover.tag
assert my_corr.prange == recover.prange
assert my_corr.reweighted == recover.reweighted
def test_json_corr_2d_io():
obs_list = [np.array([[pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0 + i, 0.1 * i, 'test'), pe.pseudo_Obs(0.0, 0.1 * i, 'test')], [pe.pseudo_Obs(0.0, 0.1 * i, 'test'), pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0 + i, 0.1 * i, 'test')]]) for i in range(4)]
for tag in [None, "test"]:
obs_list[3][0, 1].tag = tag
for padding in [0, 1]:
for prange in [None, [3, 6]]:
my_corr = pe.Corr(obs_list, padding=[padding, padding], prange=prange)
my_corr.tag = tag
pe.input.json.dump_to_json(my_corr, 'corr')
recover = pe.input.json.load_json('corr')
assert np.all([np.all([o.is_zero() for o in q]) for q in [x.ravel() for x in (my_corr - recover) if x is not None]])
for index, entry in enumerate(my_corr):
if entry is None:
assert recover[index] is None
assert my_corr.tag == recover.tag
assert my_corr.prange == recover.prange
2022-02-02 08:54:32 +01:00
2022-02-03 10:33:24 +01:00
def test_json_dict_io():
def check_dict_equality(d1, d2):
def dict_check_obs(d1, d2):
for k, v in d1.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = dict_check_obs(v, d2[k])
elif isinstance(v, list) and all([isinstance(o, pe.Obs) for o in v]):
for i in range(len(v)):
assert((v[i] - d2[k][i]).is_zero())
elif isinstance(v, list):
v = list_check_obs(v, d2[k])
elif isinstance(v, pe.Obs):
assert((v - d2[k]).is_zero())
elif isinstance(v, pe.Corr):
for i in range(v.T):
assert((v[i] - d2[k][i]).is_zero())
elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
a1 = np.ravel(v)
a2 = np.ravel(d2[k])
for i in range(len(a1)):
assert((a1[i] - a2[i]).is_zero())
def list_check_obs(l1, l2):
for ei in range(len(l1)):
e = l1[ei]
if isinstance(e, list):
e = list_check_obs(e, l2[ei])
elif isinstance(e, list) and all([isinstance(o, pe.Obs) for o in e]):
for i in range(len(e)):
assert((e[i] - l2[ei][i]).is_zero())
elif isinstance(e, dict):
e = dict_check_obs(e, l2[ei])
elif isinstance(e, pe.Obs):
assert((e - l2[ei]).is_zero())
elif isinstance(e, pe.Corr):
for i in range(e.T):
assert((e[i] - l2[ei][i]).is_zero())
elif isinstance(e, np.ndarray):
a1 = np.ravel(e)
a2 = np.ravel(l2[ei])
for i in range(len(a1)):
assert((a1[i] - a2[i]).is_zero())
dict_check_obs(d1, d2)
return True
od = {
'a': pe.pseudo_Obs(1, .2, 'testa', samples=10),
'b': [pe.pseudo_Obs(1.1, .1, 'test', samples=10), pe.pseudo_Obs(1.2, .1, 'test', samples=10), pe.pseudo_Obs(1.3, .1, 'test', samples=10)],
'c': {
'd': 1,
'e': pe.pseudo_Obs(.2, .01, 'teste', samples=10),
'f': pe.Corr([pe.pseudo_Obs(.1, .01, 'a', samples=10), pe.pseudo_Obs(.1, .01, 'a', samples=10), pe.pseudo_Obs(.1, .01, 'a', samples=10), pe.pseudo_Obs(.1, .01, 'a', samples=10)]),
'g': np.reshape(np.asarray([pe.pseudo_Obs(.1, .01, 'a', samples=10), pe.pseudo_Obs(.1, .01, 'a', samples=10), pe.pseudo_Obs(.1, .01, 'a', samples=10), pe.pseudo_Obs(.1, .01, 'a', samples=10)]), (2, 2)),
'a': 'Infor123',
'b': ['Some', 'list'],
'd': pe.pseudo_Obs(.01, .001, 'testd', samples=10) * pe.cov_Obs(1, .01, 'cov1'),
'se': None,
'sf': 1.2,
fname = 'test_rw'
desc = 'This is a random description'
with pytest.raises(Exception):
jsonio.dump_dict_to_json(od, fname, description=desc, reps='|Test')
jsonio.dump_dict_to_json(od, fname, description=desc, reps='TEST')
nd = jsonio.load_json_dict(fname, full_output=True, reps='TEST')
with pytest.raises(Exception):
nd = jsonio.load_json_dict(fname, full_output=True)
jsonio.dump_dict_to_json(od, fname, description=desc)
nd = jsonio.load_json_dict(fname, full_output=True)
assert (desc == nd['description'])
assert(check_dict_equality(od, nd['obsdata']))
nd = jsonio.load_json_dict(fname, full_output=False)
assert(check_dict_equality(od, nd))
nl = jsonio.load_json(fname, full_output=True)
nl = jsonio.load_json(fname, full_output=False)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
jsonio.dump_dict_to_json(nl, fname, description=desc)
od['k'] = 'DICTOBS2'
with pytest.raises(Exception):
jsonio.dump_dict_to_json(od, fname, description=desc)
od['k'] = ['DICTOBS2']
with pytest.raises(Exception):
jsonio.dump_dict_to_json(od, fname, description=desc)
os.remove(fname + '.json.gz')
def test_renorm_deriv_of_corr(tmp_path):
c = pe.Corr([pe.pseudo_Obs(i, .1, 'test') for i in range(10)])
c *= pe.cov_Obs(1., .1, '#ren')
c = c.deriv()
pe.input.json.dump_to_json(c, (tmp_path / 'test').as_posix())
recover = pe.input.json.load_json((tmp_path / 'test').as_posix())
assert np.all([o == 0 for o in (c - recover)[1:-1]])
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
def test_dobsio():
o = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, .2, 'one|r1')
o1 = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.5, .2, 'one|r1')
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
ol = [o, o1]
fname = 'test_rw'
dobsio.write_pobs(ol, fname, 'Testobs')
rl = dobsio.read_pobs(fname)
for i in range(len(ol)):
assert (ol[i] - rl[i].is_zero())
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
od = {
'obsdata': ol,
'name': 'testn',
'spec': 'tests',
'origin': 'testo',
'symbol': ['A', 'B']
dobsio.write_pobs(ol, fname, od['name'], od['spec'], od['origin'], od['symbol'])
rd = dobsio.read_pobs(fname, full_output=True)
for i in range(len(od['obsdata'])):
assert (od['obsdata'][i] - rd['obsdata'][i].is_zero())
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
assert(od['spec'] == rd['description']['spec'])
assert(od['origin'] == rd['description']['origin'])
assert(od['name'] == rd['description']['name'])
assert(rd['description']['enstag'] == ol[0].e_names[0])
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, 'Testobs')
rl = dobsio.read_dobs(fname)
for i in range(len(ol)):
assert (ol[i] - rl[i].is_zero())
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, od['name'], od['spec'], od['origin'], od['symbol'])
rd = dobsio.read_dobs(fname, full_output=True)
os.remove(fname + '.xml.gz')
for i in range(len(od['obsdata'])):
assert (od['obsdata'][i] - rd['obsdata'][i].is_zero())
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
assert(od['spec'] == rd['description']['spec'])
assert(od['origin'] == rd['description']['origin'])
assert(od['name'] == rd['description']['name'])
o2 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r1')
o3 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r2')
o4 = pe.merge_obs([o2, o3])
otag = 'This has been merged!'
o4.tag = otag
do = o - .2 * o4
co1 = pe.cov_Obs(1., .123, 'cov1')
co3 = pe.cov_Obs(4., .1 ** 2, 'cov3')
do *= co1 / co3
do.tag = {'A': 2}
o5 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.8, .1, 'two|r2')
co2 = pe.cov_Obs([1, 2], [[.12, .004], [.004, .02]], 'cov2')
o5 /= co2[0]
o5.tag = 2 * otag
tt1 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(100), np.random.rand(100)], ['t|r1', 't|r2'], idl=[range(2, 202, 2), range(22, 222, 2)])
tt3 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(102)], ['qe|r1'])
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
tt = tt1 + tt3
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
tt.tag = 'Test Obs: Ä'
tt4 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(100), np.random.rand(100)], ['t|r1', 't|r2'], idl=[range(1, 101, 1), range(2, 202, 2)])
ol = [o2, o3, o4, do, o5, tt, tt4, np.log(tt4 / o5**2), np.exp(o5 + np.log(co3 / tt3 + o4) / tt)]
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
fname = 'test_rw'
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, 'TEST')
rl = dobsio.read_dobs(fname, noempty=True)
os.remove(fname + '.xml.gz')
2022-04-13 16:05:30 +02:00
[o.gamma_method() for o in rl]
for i in range(len(ol)):
if isinstance(ol[i], pe.Obs):
o = ol[i] - rl[i]
or1 = np.ravel(ol[i])
or2 = np.ravel(rl[i])
for j in range(len(or1)):
o = or1[j] - or2[j]
if isinstance(ol[i], pe.Obs):
for name in ol[i].r_values:
assert(np.isclose(ol[i].r_values[name], rl[i].r_values[name]))
def test_reconstruct_non_linear_r_obs(tmp_path):
to = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(500), np.random.rand(500), np.random.rand(111)],
["e|r1", "e|r2", "my_new_ensemble_54^£$|8'[@124435%6^7&()~#"],
idl=[range(1, 501), range(0, 500), range(1, 999, 9)])
to = np.log(to ** 2) / to
to.dump((tmp_path / "test_equality").as_posix())
ro = pe.input.json.load_json((tmp_path / "test_equality").as_posix())
assert assert_equal_Obs(to, ro)
def test_reconstruct_non_linear_r_obs_list(tmp_path):
to = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(500), np.random.rand(500), np.random.rand(111)],
["e|r1", "e|r2", "my_new_ensemble_54^£$|8'[@124435%6^7&()~#"],
idl=[range(1, 501), range(0, 500), range(1, 999, 9)])
to = np.log(to ** 2) / to
for to_list in [[to, to, to], np.array([to, to, to])]:
pe.input.json.dump_to_json(to_list, (tmp_path / "test_equality_list").as_posix())
ro_list = pe.input.json.load_json((tmp_path / "test_equality_list").as_posix())
for oa, ob in zip(to_list, ro_list):
assert assert_equal_Obs(oa, ob)
def test_import_non_json_string():
with pytest.raises(rapidjson.JSONDecodeError):
pe.input.json.import_json_string("this is garbage")
def assert_equal_Obs(to, ro):
for kw in ["N", "cov_names", "covobs", "ddvalue", "dvalue", "e_content",
"e_names", "idl", "mc_names", "names",
"reweighted", "shape", "tag"]:
if not getattr(to, kw) == getattr(ro, kw):
print(kw, "does not match.")
return False
for kw in ["value"]:
if not np.isclose(getattr(to, kw), getattr(ro, kw), atol=1e-14):
print(kw, "does not match.")
return False
for kw in ["r_values", "deltas"]:
for (k, v), (k2, v2) in zip(getattr(to, kw).items(), getattr(ro, kw).items()):
assert k == k2
if not np.allclose(v, v2, atol=1e-14):
print(kw, "does not match.")
return False
return True