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synced 2025-03-15 06:40:24 +01:00
First implemenation of a json I/O
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 301 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
import json
import gzip
from ..obs import Obs
import getpass
import socket
import datetime
from .. import version as pyerrorsversion
import platform
import numpy as np
def dump_to_json(ol, fname, description='', indent=4):
"""Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .json.gz file
ol : list
List of objects that will be exported. At the moments, these objects can be
either of: Obs, list, np.ndarray
All Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same set of configurations.
fname : str
Filename of the output file
description : str
Optional string that describes the contents of the json file
indent : int
Specify the indentation level of the json file. None or 0 is permissible and
saves disk space.
def _default(self, obj):
return str(obj)
my_encoder = json.JSONEncoder
_default.default = json.JSONEncoder().default
my_encoder.default = _default
class deltalist:
def __init__(self, li):
self.cnfg = li[0]
self.deltas = li[1:]
def __repr__(self):
s = '[%d' % (self.cnfg)
for d in self.deltas:
s += ', %1.15e' % (d)
s += ']'
return s
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def _gen_data_d_from_list(ol):
dl = []
for name in ol[0].e_names:
ed = {}
ed['id'] = name
ed['replica'] = []
for r_name in ol[0].e_content[name]:
rd = {}
rd['name'] = r_name
if ol[0].is_merged.get(r_name, False):
rd['is_merged'] = True
rd['deltas'] = []
for i in range(len(ol[0].idl[r_name])):
for o in ol:
rd['deltas'][-1] = deltalist(rd['deltas'][-1])
return dl
def _assert_equal_properties(ol, otype=Obs):
for o in ol:
if not isinstance(o, otype):
raise Exception('Wrong data type in list!')
for o in ol[1:]:
if not ol[0].is_merged == o.is_merged:
raise Exception('All Obs in list have to be defined on the same set of configs!')
if not ol[0].reweighted == o.reweighted:
raise Exception('All Obs in list have to have the same property .reweighted!')
if not ol[0].e_content == o.e_content:
raise Exception('All Obs in list have to be defined on the same set of configs!')
# more stringend tests --> compare idl?
def write_Obs_to_dict(o):
d = {}
d['type'] = 'Obs'
d['layout'] = '1'
d['tag'] = o.tag
if o.reweighted:
d['reweighted'] = o.reweighted
d['value'] = [o.value]
d['data'] = _gen_data_d_from_list([o])
return d
def write_List_to_dict(ol):
d = {}
d['type'] = 'List'
d['layout'] = '%d' % len(ol)
if len(set([o.tag for o in ol])) > 1:
d['tag'] = ''
for o in ol:
d['tag'] += '%s\n' % (o.tag)
d['tag'] = ol[0].tag
if ol[0].reweighted:
d['reweighted'] = ol[0].reweighted
d['value'] = [o.value for o in ol]
d['data'] = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol)
return d
def write_Array_to_dict(oa):
ol = np.ravel(oa)
d = {}
d['type'] = 'Array'
d['layout'] = str(oa.shape).lstrip('(').rstrip(')')
if len(set([o.tag for o in ol])) > 1:
d['tag'] = ''
for o in ol:
d['tag'] += '%s\n' % (o.tag)
d['tag'] = ol[0].tag
if ol[0].reweighted:
d['reweighted'] = ol[0].reweighted
d['value'] = [o.value for o in ol]
d['data'] = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol)
return d
if not isinstance(ol, list):
ol = [ol]
d = {}
d['program'] = 'pyerrors %s' % (pyerrorsversion.__version__)
d['version'] = '0.1'
d['who'] = getpass.getuser()
d['date'] = str(datetime.datetime.now())[:-7]
d['host'] = socket.gethostname() + ', ' + platform.platform()
if description:
d['description'] = description
d['obsdata'] = []
for io in ol:
if isinstance(io, Obs):
elif isinstance(io, list):
elif isinstance(io, np.ndarray):
if not fname.endswith('.json') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.json'
if not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.gz'
jsonstring = json.dumps(d, indent=indent, cls=my_encoder)
# workaround for un-indentation of delta lists
jsonstring = jsonstring.replace('"[', '[').replace(']"', ']')
fp = gzip.open(fname, 'wb')
# this would be nicer, since it does not need a string
# with gzip.open(fname, 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') as zipfile:
# json.dump(d, zipfile, indent=indent)
def load_json(fname, verbose=True):
"""Import a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .json.gz file.
The following structures are supported: Obs, list, np.ndarray
fname : str
Filename of the input file
verbose : bool
Print additional information that was written to the file.
def _gen_obsd_from_datad(d):
retd = {}
retd['names'] = []
retd['idl'] = []
retd['deltas'] = []
retd['is_merged'] = {}
for ens in d:
for rep in ens['replica']:
retd['idl'].append([di[0] for di in rep['deltas']])
retd['deltas'].append([di[1:] for di in rep['deltas']])
retd['is_merged'][rep['name']] = rep.get('is_merged', False)
retd['deltas'] = np.array(retd['deltas'])
return retd
def get_Obs_from_dict(o):
layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip()
if layouts != '1':
raise Exception("layout is %s has to be 1 for type Obs." % (layouts), RuntimeWarning)
values = o['value']
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o['data'])
ret = Obs([[ddi[0] + values[0] for ddi in di] for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl'])
ret.reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False)
ret.is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret.tag = o.get('tag', '')
return ret
def get_List_from_dict(o):
layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip()
layout = int(layouts)
values = o['value']
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o['data'])
ret = []
for i in range(layout):
ret.append(Obs([list(di[:, i] + values[i]) for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl']))
ret[-1].reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False)
ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret[-1].tag = o.get('tag', '')
return ret
def get_Array_from_dict(o):
layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip()
layout = [int(ls.strip()) for ls in layouts.split(',')]
values = o['value']
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o['data'])
ret = []
for i in range(np.prod(layout)):
ret.append(Obs([di[:, i] + values[i] for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl']))
ret[-1].reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False)
ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret[-1].tag = o.get('tag', '')
return np.reshape(ret, layout)
if not fname.endswith('.json') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.json'
if not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.gz'
with gzip.open(fname, 'r') as fin:
d = json.loads(fin.read().decode('utf-8'))
prog = d.get('program', '')
version = d.get('version', '')
who = d.get('who', '')
date = d.get('date', '')
host = d.get('host', '')
if prog and verbose:
print('Data has been written using %s.' % (prog))
if version and verbose:
print('Format version %s' % (version))
if np.any([who, date, host] and verbose):
print('Written by %s on %s on host %s' % (who, date, host))
description = d.get('description', '')
if description and verbose:
obsdata = d['obsdata']
ol = []
for io in obsdata:
if io['type'] == 'Obs':
elif io['type'] == 'List':
elif io['type'] == 'Array':
return ol
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import pyerrors.obs as pe
import pyerrors.input.json as jsonio
import numpy as np
import os
def test_jsonio():
o = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, .2, 'one')
o2 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r1')
o3 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r2')
o4 = pe.merge_obs([o2, o3])
do = o - .2 * o4
o5 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.8, .1, 'two|r2')
testl = [o3, o5]
mat = np.array([[pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, .1, 'mat'), pe.pseudo_Obs(0.3, .1, 'mat')], [pe.pseudo_Obs(0.2, .1, 'mat'), pe.pseudo_Obs(2.0, .4, 'mat')]])
ol = [do, testl, mat]
fname = 'test_rw'
jsonio.dump_to_json(ol, fname, indent=1)
rl = jsonio.load_json(fname)
os.remove(fname + '.json.gz')
for i in range(len(rl)):
if isinstance(ol[i], pe.Obs):
o = ol[i] - rl[i]
or1 = np.ravel(ol[i])
or2 = np.ravel(rl[i])
for j in range(len(or1)):
o = or1[i] - or2[i]
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