2021-10-21 15:05:21 +01:00

32 lines
1,021 B

# Development
### Setup
If you want to contribute to `pyerrors` please fork `pyerrors` on Github, clone the current `develop` branch
git clone --branch develop
and create your own branch
cd pyerrors
git checkout -b feature/my_feature
I find it convenient to install the package in editable mode in the local python environment
pip install -e .
Please send any pull requests to the `develop` branch.
### Documentation
Please add docstrings to any new function, class or method you implement.
### Tests
When implementing a new feature or fixing a bug please add meaningful tests to the files in the `tests` directory which cover the new code.
### Continous integration
For all pull requests tests are executed for the most recent python releases via
pytest -v
and the linter `flake8` is executed with the command
flake8 --ignore=E501,E722 pyerrors
Please make sure that all tests are passed for a new pull requests.