* feat: corr_matrix kwargs as input for least squares fit * feat/tests: inverse covariance matrix and correlation matrix kwargs as input for least squares function * feat/tests/example: reduced new kwargs to 'inv_chol_cov_matrix' and outsourced the inversion & cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix (function 'invert_corr_cov_cholesky(corr, covdiag)') * tests: added tests for inv_chol_cov_matrix kwarg for the case of combined fits * fix: renamed covdiag to inverrdiag needed for the cholesky decomposition and corrected its documentation * examples: added an example of a correlated combined fit to the least_squares documentation * feat/tests/fix(of typos): added function 'sort_corr()' (and a test of it) to sort correlation matrix according to a list of alphabetically sorted keys * docs: added more elaborate documentation/example of sort_corr(), fixed typos in documentation of invert_corr_cov_cholesky()
205 KiB
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyerrors as pe
import scipy.optimize
from scipy.linalg import cholesky
from scipy.stats import norm
import shutil
usetex = shutil.which('latex') not in ('', None)
plt.rc('text', usetex=usetex)
Read data from the pcac example
fP = pe.Corr(pe.input.json.load_json("./data/f_P"), padding=[1, 1])
We can now define a custom fit function, in this case a single exponential. Here we need to use the autograd wrapped version of np (imported as anp) to use automatic differentiation.
import autograd.numpy as anp
def func_exp(a, x):
y = a[1] * anp.exp(-a[0] * x)
return y
Fit single exponential to f_P. The kwarg resplot
generates a figure which visualizes the fit with residuals.
start_fit = 9
stop_fit = 18
fit_result = fP.fit(func_exp, [start_fit, stop_fit], resplot=True)
print("\n", fit_result)
The covariance of the two fit parameters can be computed in the following way
cov_01 = pe.fits.covariance([fit_result[0], fit_result[1]])[0, 1]
print('Covariance: ', cov_01)
print('Normalized covariance: ', cov_01 / fit_result[0].dvalue / fit_result[1].dvalue)
Effective mass¶
Calculate the effective mass for comparison
m_eff_fP = fP.m_eff()
m_eff_fP.tag = r"Effective mass of f_P"
Calculate the corresponding plateau and compare the two results
m_eff_plateau = m_eff_fP.plateau([start_fit, stop_fit])
print('Effective mass:\t', m_eff_plateau)
print('Fitted mass:\t', fit_result[0])
We can now visualize the effective mass compared to the result of the fit
Fitting with x-errors¶
We first generate pseudo data
ox = []
oy = []
for i in range(0,10,2):
ox.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(i + 0.35 * np.random.normal(), 0.35, str(i)))
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(np.sin(i) + 0.25 * np.random.normal() - 0.2 * i + 0.17, 0.25, str(i)))
[o.gamma_method() for o in ox + oy]
[print(o) for o in zip(ox, oy)];
And choose a function to fit
def func(a, x):
y = a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * anp.sin(x)
return y
We can then fit this function to the data and get the fit parameter as Obs with the function odr_fit
which uses orthogonal distance regression.
beta = pe.fits.total_least_squares(ox, oy, func)
for i, item in enumerate(beta):
print('Parameter', i + 1, ':', item)
For the visulization we determine the value of the fit function in a range of x values
x_t = np.arange(min(ox).value - 1, max(ox).value + 1, 0.01)
y_t = func([o.value for o in beta], x_t)
plt.errorbar([e.value for e in ox], [e.value for e in oy], xerr=[e.dvalue for e in ox], yerr=[e.dvalue for e in oy], marker='D', lw=1, ls='none', zorder=10)
plt.plot(x_t, y_t, '--')
We can also take a look at how much the inidividual ensembles contribute to the uncetainty of the fit parameters
for i, item in enumerate(beta):
print('Parameter', i)
Correlated fits with a covariance of your own choosing¶
generate a random data set¶
def fitf(p, x):
return p[1] * anp.exp(-p[0] * x)
num_samples = 400
N = 10
x_random = norm.rvs(size=(N, num_samples)) # generate random numbers
r = np.zeros((N, N))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
r[i, j] = np.exp(-0.8 * np.fabs(i - j)) # element in correlation matrix
errl = np.sqrt([10.0, 2.5, 25.0, 2.8, 4.2, 4.7, 4.9, 5.1, 3.2, 4.2]) # set y errors
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
r[i, j] *= errl[i] * errl[j] # element in covariance matrix
c = cholesky(r, lower=True)
y = np.dot(c, x_random)
x = np.arange(N)
data = []
for i in range(N):
data.append(pe.Obs([[np.exp(-(i + 1)) + np.exp(-(i + 1)) * o for o in y[i]]], ['ens']))
data[2] = data[2]+0.05
[o.gamma_method() for o in data]
corr = pe.covariance(data, correlation=True)
covdiag = np.diag(1 / np.asarray([o.dvalue for o in data]))
chol_inv = pe.obs.invert_corr_cov_cholesky(corr,covdiag)
chol_inv_keys = [""]
plt.matshow(corr, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
plt.title('The full correlation matrix')
generate a block diagonal covariance matrix¶
block_diag_corr_matrix = np.zeros((N,N))
for k in range(3):
step = 4
block = pe.covariance(data[:4],correlation=True)
step = 3
block = pe.covariance(data[:3],correlation=True)
block_diag_corr_matrix[e:e+step,e:e+step] += block
block_diag_chol_inv = pe.obs.invert_corr_cov_cholesky(block_diag_corr_matrix,covdiag)
plt.matshow(block_diag_corr_matrix, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
plt.title('A block diagonal correlation matrix')
perform a fully correlated fit and a fit with a block diagonal covariance matrix¶
fitpc = pe.least_squares(x, data, fitf, correlated_fit=True)
fitp_inv_block_diag_cov = pe.least_squares(x, data, fitf, correlated_fit = True, inv_chol_cov_matrix = [block_diag_chol_inv,chol_inv_keys])
generate a block diagonal covariance matrix with modified weights for particular data points + perform the fit again¶
covdiag[2][2] = covdiag[2][2]/100. # weight the third data point less
block_diag_chol_inv_weighted = pe.obs.invert_corr_cov_cholesky(block_diag_corr_matrix,covdiag)
fitp_inv_block_diag_cov_weighted = pe.least_squares(x, data, fitf, correlated_fit = True, inv_chol_cov_matrix = [block_diag_chol_inv_weighted,chol_inv_keys])
compare the fully correlated fit to those with block-diagonal covariance matrices (and modified weights)¶
x_fit = np.arange(min(x) - 1, max(x)+ 1, 0.01)
y_fit_correlated = fitf([o.value for o in fitpc.fit_parameters], x_fit)
y_fit = fitf([o.value for o in fitp_inv_block_diag_cov.fit_parameters], x_fit)
y_fit_weighted = fitf([o.value for o in fitp_inv_block_diag_cov_weighted.fit_parameters], x_fit)
plt.errorbar(x,data,yerr=[o.dvalue for o in data])
plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit_correlated, '--',label = '$\chi^2/\mathrm{d.o.f.}$=' + str(round(fitpc.chisquare/fitpc.dof,2)) +': fully correlated')
plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit, '--',label = '$\chi^2/\mathrm{d.o.f.}$=' + str(round(fitp_inv_block_diag_cov.chisquare/fitp_inv_block_diag_cov.dof,2)) +': block-diag. cov matrix')
plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit_weighted, '--',label = '$\chi^2/\mathrm{d.o.f.}$=' +str(round(fitp_inv_block_diag_cov_weighted.chisquare/fitp_inv_block_diag_cov_weighted.dof,2)) +
': block-diag. cov matrix + reduced weight 2. point')
- the fully correlated fit vs. the fit with a block diagonal covariance matrix
- the fits do not differ significantly $\rightarrow$ the block diagonal covariance matrix can be a good estimator (if a large fraction of the off-diagonal elements are small)\ $\rightarrow$ sparser matrices can be more easily/cheaply inverted/saved
- the fit with a block diagonal covariance matrix vs. the fit with " and a decreased weight for the third data point
- the $\chi^2/\mathrm{d.o.f.}$ improves - decreasing/increasing the weights can be used for points that are known to be less/more 'trustworthy'