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import numpy as np
import autograd.numpy as anp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
import math
import scipy.optimize
2021-10-15 14:13:06 +01:00
from scipy.odr import ODR, Model, RealData
from scipy.linalg import cholesky
from scipy.stats import norm
import iminuit
from autograd import jacobian
from autograd import hessian
2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
import pyerrors as pe
import pytest
2021-10-15 13:05:00 +01:00
2021-10-15 14:13:06 +01:00
def test_fit_lin():
x = [0, 2]
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(0, 0.1, 'ensemble'),
pe.pseudo_Obs(2, 0.1, 'ensemble')]
res = pe.fits.fit_lin(x, y)
assert res[0] == y[0]
assert res[1] == (y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
x = y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(0, 0.1, 'ensemble'),
pe.pseudo_Obs(2, 0.1, 'ensemble')]
res = pe.fits.fit_lin(x, y)
m = (y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
assert res[0] == y[1] - x[1] * m
assert res[1] == m
def test_least_squares():
2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
dim = 10 + int(30 * np.random.rand())
x = np.arange(dim)
y = 2 * np.exp(-0.06 * x) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.15, dim)
yerr = 0.1 + 0.1 * np.random.rand(dim)
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], str(i)))
def f(x, a, b):
return a * anp.exp(-b * x)
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popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(f, x, y, sigma=[o.dvalue for o in oy], absolute_sigma=True)
def func(a, x):
y = a[0] * anp.exp(-a[1] * x)
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return y
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, expected_chisquare=True, resplot=True, qqplot=True)
beta = out.fit_parameters
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2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
for i in range(2):
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2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
assert math.isclose(beta[i].value, popt[i], abs_tol=1e-5)
assert math.isclose(pcov[i, i], beta[i].dvalue ** 2, abs_tol=1e-3)
chi2_pyerrors = np.sum(((f(x, *[o.value for o in beta]) - y) / yerr) ** 2) / (len(x) - 2)
chi2_scipy = np.sum(((f(x, *popt) - y) / yerr) ** 2) / (len(x) - 2)
assert math.isclose(chi2_pyerrors, chi2_scipy, abs_tol=1e-10)
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, const_par=[beta[1]])
assert((out.fit_parameters[0] - beta[0]).is_zero())
assert((out.fit_parameters[1] - beta[1]).is_zero())
oyc = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oyc.append(pe.cov_Obs(y[i], yerr[i]**2, 'cov' + str(i)))
outc = pe.least_squares(x, oyc, func)
betac = outc.fit_parameters
for i in range(2):
assert math.isclose(betac[i].value, popt[i], abs_tol=1e-5)
assert math.isclose(pcov[i, i], betac[i].dvalue ** 2, abs_tol=1e-3)
def test_least_squares_num_grad():
x = []
y = []
for i in range(2, 5):
x.append(i * 0.01)
y.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(i * 0.01, 0.0001, "ens"))
2022-10-06 17:55:04 +01:00
num = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, lambda a, x: np.exp(a[0] * x) + a[1], num_grad=True)
auto = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, lambda a, x: anp.exp(a[0] * x) + a[1], num_grad=False)
assert(num[0] == auto[0])
assert(num[1] == auto[1])
def test_prior_fit_num_grad():
x = []
y = []
for i in range(2, 5):
x.append(i * 0.01)
y.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(i * 0.01, 0.0001, "ens"))
num = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, lambda a, x: np.exp(a[0] * x) + a[1], num_grad=True, priors=y[:2])
auto = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, lambda a, x: anp.exp(a[0] * x) + a[1], num_grad=False, piors=y[:2])
def test_total_least_squares_num_grad():
x = []
y = []
for i in range(2, 5):
x.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(i * 0.01, 0.0001, "ens"))
y.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(i * 0.01, 0.0001, "ens"))
num = pe.fits.total_least_squares(x, y, lambda a, x: np.exp(a[0] * x) + a[1], num_grad=True)
auto = pe.fits.total_least_squares(x, y, lambda a, x: anp.exp(a[0] * x) + a[1], num_grad=False)
assert(num[0] == auto[0])
assert(num[1] == auto[1])
def test_alternative_solvers():
dim = 92
x = np.arange(dim)
y = 2 * np.exp(-0.06 * x) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.15, dim)
yerr = 0.1 + 0.1 * np.random.rand(dim)
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], 'test'))
def func(a, x):
y = a[0] * anp.exp(-a[1] * x)
return y
chisquare_values = []
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, method='migrad')
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, method='Powell')
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, method='Nelder-Mead')
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, method='Levenberg-Marquardt')
chisquare_values = np.array(chisquare_values)
assert np.all(np.isclose(chisquare_values, chisquare_values[0]))
def test_correlated_fit():
num_samples = 400
N = 10
x = norm.rvs(size=(N, num_samples))
r = np.zeros((N, N))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
r[i, j] = np.exp(-0.8 * np.fabs(i - j))
errl = np.sqrt([3.4, 2.5, 3.6, 2.8, 4.2, 4.7, 4.9, 5.1, 3.2, 4.2])
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
r[i, j] *= errl[i] * errl[j]
c = cholesky(r, lower=True)
y = np.dot(c, x)
x = np.arange(N)
for linear in [True, False]:
data = []
for i in range(N):
if linear:
data.append(pe.Obs([[i + 1 + o for o in y[i]]], ['ens']))
data.append(pe.Obs([[np.exp(-(i + 1)) + np.exp(-(i + 1)) * o for o in y[i]]], ['ens']))
[o.gamma_method() for o in data]
if linear:
def fitf(p, x):
return p[1] + p[0] * x
def fitf(p, x):
return p[1] * anp.exp(-p[0] * x)
fitp = pe.least_squares(x, data, fitf, expected_chisquare=True)
assert np.isclose(fitp.chisquare / fitp.dof, fitp.chisquare_by_dof, atol=1e-14)
fitpc = pe.least_squares(x, data, fitf, correlated_fit=True)
assert np.isclose(fitpc.chisquare / fitpc.dof, fitpc.chisquare_by_dof, atol=1e-14)
for i in range(2):
diff = fitp[i] - fitpc[i]
2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
def test_hotelling_t():
tt1 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(50)], ["ens"])
tt2 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(50)], ["ens"])
ft = pe.fits.least_squares([1, 2], [tt1, tt2], lambda a, x: a[0], correlated_fit=True)
assert ft.t2_p_value >= ft.p_value
def test_fit_corr_independent():
dim = 30
x = np.arange(dim)
y = 0.84 * np.exp(-0.12 * x) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1, dim)
yerr = [0.1] * dim
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], str(i)))
def func(a, x):
y = a[0] * anp.exp(-a[1] * x)
return y
for method in ["Levenberg-Marquardt", "migrad", "Nelder-Mead"]:
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, method=method)
out_corr = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, correlated_fit=True, method=method)
assert np.isclose(out.chisquare, out_corr.chisquare)
assert np.isclose(out.dof, out_corr.dof)
assert np.isclose(out.chisquare_by_dof, out_corr.chisquare_by_dof)
assert (out[0] - out_corr[0]).is_zero(atol=1e-4)
assert (out[1] - out_corr[1]).is_zero(atol=1e-4)
def test_linear_fit_guesses():
for err in [1.2, 0.1, 0.001]:
xvals = []
yvals = []
for x in range(1, 8, 2):
yvals.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(x + np.random.normal(0.0, err), err, 'test1') + pe.pseudo_Obs(0, err / 97, 'test2', samples=87))
lin_func = lambda a, x: a[0] + a[1] * x
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares(xvals, yvals, lin_func)
[o.gamma_method() for o in yvals]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares(xvals, yvals, lin_func, initial_guess=[5])
bad_guess = pe.least_squares(xvals, yvals, lin_func, initial_guess=[999, 999])
good_guess = pe.least_squares(xvals, yvals, lin_func, initial_guess=[0, 1])
assert np.isclose(bad_guess.chisquare, good_guess.chisquare, atol=1e-8)
assert np.all([(go - ba).is_zero(atol=5e-5) for (go, ba) in zip(good_guess, bad_guess)])
def test_total_least_squares():
2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
dim = 10 + int(30 * np.random.rand())
x = np.arange(dim) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.15, dim)
xerr = 0.1 + 0.1 * np.random.rand(dim)
y = 2 * np.exp(-0.06 * x) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.15, dim)
yerr = 0.1 + 0.1 * np.random.rand(dim)
ox = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
ox.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(x[i], xerr[i], str(i)))
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], str(i)))
def f(x, a, b):
return a * anp.exp(-b * x)
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def func(a, x):
y = a[0] * anp.exp(-a[1] * x)
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return y
data = RealData([o.value for o in ox], [o.value for o in oy], sx=[o.dvalue for o in ox], sy=[o.dvalue for o in oy])
model = Model(func)
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odr = ODR(data, model, [0, 0], partol=np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
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odr.set_job(fit_type=0, deriv=1)
output = odr.run()
out = pe.total_least_squares(ox, oy, func, expected_chisquare=True)
beta = out.fit_parameters
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2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
for i in range(2):
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assert math.isclose(beta[i].value, output.beta[i], rel_tol=1e-5)
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assert math.isclose(output.cov_beta[i, i], beta[i].dvalue ** 2, rel_tol=2.5e-1), str(output.cov_beta[i, i]) + ' ' + str(beta[i].dvalue ** 2)
out = pe.total_least_squares(ox, oy, func, const_par=[beta[1]])
2021-11-15 18:12:49 +01:00
diff = out.fit_parameters[0] - beta[0]
assert(diff / beta[0] < 1e-3 * beta[0].dvalue)
assert((out.fit_parameters[1] - beta[1]).is_zero())
2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
oxc = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oxc.append(pe.cov_Obs(x[i], xerr[i]**2, 'covx' + str(i)))
oyc = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oyc.append(pe.cov_Obs(y[i], yerr[i]**2, 'covy' + str(i)))
outc = pe.total_least_squares(oxc, oyc, func)
betac = outc.fit_parameters
for i in range(2):
assert math.isclose(betac[i].value, output.beta[i], rel_tol=1e-3)
assert math.isclose(output.cov_beta[i, i], betac[i].dvalue ** 2, rel_tol=2.5e-1), str(output.cov_beta[i, i]) + ' ' + str(betac[i].dvalue ** 2)
outc = pe.total_least_squares(oxc, oyc, func, const_par=[betac[1]])
diffc = outc.fit_parameters[0] - betac[0]
assert(diffc / betac[0] < 1e-3 * betac[0].dvalue)
assert((outc.fit_parameters[1] - betac[1]).is_zero())
outc = pe.total_least_squares(oxc, oy, func)
betac = outc.fit_parameters
for i in range(2):
assert math.isclose(betac[i].value, output.beta[i], rel_tol=1e-3)
assert math.isclose(output.cov_beta[i, i], betac[i].dvalue ** 2, rel_tol=2.5e-1), str(output.cov_beta[i, i]) + ' ' + str(betac[i].dvalue ** 2)
outc = pe.total_least_squares(oxc, oy, func, const_par=[betac[1]])
diffc = outc.fit_parameters[0] - betac[0]
assert(diffc / betac[0] < 1e-3 * betac[0].dvalue)
assert((outc.fit_parameters[1] - betac[1]).is_zero())
2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
def test_odr_derivatives():
x = []
y = []
x_err = 0.01
y_err = 0.01
for n in np.arange(1, 9, 2):
loc_xvalue = n + np.random.normal(0.0, x_err)
x.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(loc_xvalue, x_err, str(n)))
y.append(pe.pseudo_Obs((lambda x: x ** 2 - 1)(loc_xvalue) +
2021-10-15 14:13:06 +01:00
np.random.normal(0.0, y_err), y_err, str(n)))
2021-10-15 12:43:42 +01:00
def func(a, x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x ** 2
out = pe.total_least_squares(x, y, func)
fit1 = out.fit_parameters
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tfit = fit_general(x, y, func, base_step=0.1, step_ratio=1.1, num_steps=20)
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assert np.abs(np.max(np.array(list(fit1[1].deltas.values()))
2021-10-15 14:13:06 +01:00
- np.array(list(tfit[1].deltas.values())))) < 10e-8
def test_r_value_persistence():
def f(a, x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x
a = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.1, .1, 'a')
assert np.isclose(a.value, a.r_values['a'])
a_2 = a ** 2
assert np.isclose(a_2.value, a_2.r_values['a'])
b = pe.pseudo_Obs(2.1, .2, 'b')
y = [a, b]
[o.gamma_method() for o in y]
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares([1, 2], y, f)
assert np.isclose(fitp[0].value, fitp[0].r_values['a'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[0].value, fitp[0].r_values['b'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[1].value, fitp[1].r_values['a'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[1].value, fitp[1].r_values['b'])
fitp = pe.fits.total_least_squares(y, y, f)
assert np.isclose(fitp[0].value, fitp[0].r_values['a'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[0].value, fitp[0].r_values['b'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[1].value, fitp[1].r_values['a'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[1].value, fitp[1].r_values['b'])
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares([1, 2], y, f, priors=y)
assert np.isclose(fitp[0].value, fitp[0].r_values['a'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[0].value, fitp[0].r_values['b'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[1].value, fitp[1].r_values['a'])
assert np.isclose(fitp[1].value, fitp[1].r_values['b'])
def test_prior_fit():
def f(a, x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x
a = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.0, 0.1, 'a')
b = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, 0.2, 'a')
y = [a, b]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares([0, 1], 1 * np.array(y), f, priors=['0.0(8)', '1.0(8)'])
[o.gamma_method() for o in y]
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares([0, 1], y, f, priors=['0.0(8)', '1.0(8)'])
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares([0, 1], y, f, priors=y, resplot=True, qqplot=True)
def test_vs_old_prior_implementation():
x = np.arange(1, 5)
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 * i + 1.1 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1), .1, 't') for i in x]
[o.gm() for o in y];
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0] * x + a[1]
priors = [pe.cov_Obs(1.10, 0.01 ** 2, "p0"), pe.cov_Obs(1.1, 0.3 ** 2, "p1")]
pr = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=priors, method="migrad")
fr = old_prior_fit(x, y, fitf, priors=priors)
assert pr[0] == fr[0]
assert pr[1] == fr[1]
def test_correlated_fit_covobs():
x1 = pe.cov_Obs(1.01, 0.01 ** 2, 'test1')
x2 = pe.cov_Obs(2.01, 0.01 ** 2, 'test2')
x3 = pe.cov_Obs(2.99, 0.01 ** 2, 'test3')
[o.gamma_method() for o in [x1, x2, x3]]
def func(a, x):
return a[0] * x + a[1]
fit_res = pe.fits.least_squares(np.arange(1, 4), [x1, x2, x3], func, expected_chisquare=True)
assert np.isclose(fit_res.chisquare_by_dof, fit_res.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare)
fit_res_corr = pe.fits.least_squares(np.arange(1, 4), [x1, x2, x3], func, correlated_fit=True)
assert np.isclose(fit_res.chisquare_by_dof, fit_res_corr.chisquare_by_dof)
def test_error_band():
def f(a, x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x
a = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.0, 0.1, 'a')
b = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, 0.2, 'a')
x = [0, 1]
y = [a, b]
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, f)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.fits.error_band(x, f, fitp.fit_parameters)
pe.fits.error_band(x, f, fitp.fit_parameters)
def test_fit_vs_jackknife():
od = 0.9999999999
cov1 = np.array([[1, od, od], [od, 1.0, od], [od, od, 1.0]])
cov1 *= 0.05
nod = -0.4
cov2 = np.array([[1, nod, nod], [nod, 1.0, nod], [nod, nod, 1.0]])
cov2 *= 0.05
cov3 = np.identity(3)
cov3 *= 0.05
samples = 500
for i, cov in enumerate([cov1, cov2, cov3]):
dat = pe.misc.gen_correlated_data(np.arange(1, 4), cov, 'test', 0.5, samples=samples)
[o.gamma_method(S=0) for o in dat]
func = lambda a, x: a[0] + a[1] * x
fr = pe.least_squares(np.arange(1, 4), dat, func)
jd = np.array([o.export_jackknife() for o in dat]).T
jfr = []
for jacks in jd:
def chisqfunc_residuals(p):
model = func(p, np.arange(1, 4))
chisq = ((jacks - model) / [o.dvalue for o in dat])
return chisq
tf = scipy.optimize.least_squares(chisqfunc_residuals, [0.0, 0.0], method='lm', ftol=1e-15, gtol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15)
ajfr = np.array(jfr).T
err = np.array([np.sqrt(np.var(ajfr[j][1:], ddof=0) * (samples - 1)) for j in range(2)])
assert np.allclose(err, [o.dvalue for o in fr], atol=1e-8)
def test_correlated_fit_vs_jackknife():
od = 0.999999
cov1 = np.array([[1, od, od], [od, 1.0, od], [od, od, 1.0]])
cov1 *= 0.1
nod = -0.44
cov2 = np.array([[1, nod, nod], [nod, 1.0, nod], [nod, nod, 1.0]])
cov2 *= 0.1
cov3 = np.identity(3)
cov3 *= 0.01
samples = 250
x_val = np.arange(1, 6, 2)
for i, cov in enumerate([cov1, cov2, cov3]):
dat = pe.misc.gen_correlated_data(x_val + x_val ** 2 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1, 3), cov, 'test', 0.5, samples=samples)
[o.gamma_method(S=0) for o in dat]
func = lambda a, x: a[0] * x + a[1] * x ** 2
fr = pe.least_squares(x_val, dat, func, correlated_fit=True, silent=True)
[o.gamma_method(S=0) for o in fr]
cov = pe.covariance(dat)
chol = np.linalg.cholesky(cov)
chol_inv = np.linalg.inv(chol)
jd = np.array([o.export_jackknife() for o in dat]).T
jfr = []
for jacks in jd:
def chisqfunc_residuals(p):
model = func(p, x_val)
chisq = np.dot(chol_inv, (jacks - model))
return chisq
tf = scipy.optimize.least_squares(chisqfunc_residuals, [0.0, 0.0], method='lm', ftol=1e-15, gtol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15)
ajfr = np.array(jfr).T
err = np.array([np.sqrt(np.var(ajfr[j][1:], ddof=0) * (samples - 1)) for j in range(2)])
assert np.allclose(err, [o.dvalue for o in fr], atol=1e-7)
assert np.allclose(ajfr.T[0], [o.value for o in fr], atol=1e-8)
def test_fit_no_autograd():
dim = 3
x = np.arange(dim)
y = 2 * np.exp(-0.08 * x) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.15, dim)
yerr = 0.1 + 0.1 * np.random.rand(dim)
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], str(i)))
def func(a, x):
y = a[0] * np.exp(-a[1] * x)
return y
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares(x, oy, func)
pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, num_grad=True)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.total_least_squares(oy, oy, func)
def test_invalid_fit_function():
def func1(a, x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * anp.sinh(x) + a[199]
def func2(a, x, y):
return a[0] + a[1] * x
def func3(x):
return x
xvals =[]
yvals =[]
err = 0.1
for x in range(1, 8, 2):
yvals.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(x + np.random.normal(0.0, err), err, 'test1') + pe.pseudo_Obs(0, err / 100, 'test2', samples=87))
[o.gamma_method() for o in yvals]
for func in [func1, func2, func3]:
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares(xvals, yvals, func)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.total_least_squares(yvals, yvals, func)
def test_singular_correlated_fit():
obs1 = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, 0.1, 'test')
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.fits.fit_lin([0, 1], [obs1, obs1], correlated_fit=True)
2022-01-10 15:24:43 +01:00
def test_ks_test():
def f(a, x):
y = a[0] + a[1] * x
return y
fit_res = []
for i in range(20):
data = []
for j in range(10):
data.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(j + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.25), 0.25, 'test'))
my_corr = pe.Corr(data)
fit_res.append(my_corr.fit(f, silent=True))
def test_combined_fit_list_v_array():
res = []
for y_test in [{'a': [pe.Obs([np.random.normal(i, 0.5, 1000)], ['ensemble1']) for i in range(1, 7)]},
{'a': np.array([pe.Obs([np.random.normal(i, 0.5, 1000)], ['ensemble1']) for i in range(1, 7)])}]:
for x_test in [{'a': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}, {'a': np.arange(6)}]:
for key in y_test.keys():
[item.gamma_method() for item in y_test[key]]
def func_a(a, x):
return a[1] * x + a[0]
funcs_test = {"a": func_a}
res.append(pe.fits.least_squares(x_test, y_test, funcs_test))
assert (res[0][0] - res[1][0]).is_zero(atol=1e-8)
assert (res[0][1] - res[1][1]).is_zero(atol=1e-8)
def test_combined_fit_vs_standard_fit():
x_const = {'a':[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 'b':np.arange(10, 20)}
y_const = {'a':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(1, val, 1000)], ['ensemble1'])
for val in [0.25, 0.3, 0.01, 0.2, 0.5, 1.3, 0.26, 0.4, 0.1, 1.0]],
'b':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(1, val, 1000)], ['ensemble1'])
for val in [0.5, 1.12, 0.26, 0.25, 0.3, 0.01, 0.2, 1.0, 0.38, 0.1]]}
for key in y_const.keys():
[item.gamma_method() for item in y_const[key]]
y_const_ls = np.concatenate([np.array(o) for o in y_const.values()])
x_const_ls = np.arange(0, 20)
def func_const(a,x):
return 0 * x + a[0]
funcs_const = {"a": func_const,"b": func_const}
for method_kw in ['Levenberg-Marquardt', 'migrad', 'Powell', 'Nelder-Mead']:
res = []
res.append(pe.fits.least_squares(x_const, y_const, funcs_const, method = method_kw, expected_chisquare=True))
res.append(pe.fits.least_squares(x_const_ls, y_const_ls, func_const, method = method_kw, expected_chisquare=True))
[item.gamma_method for item in res]
assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].chisquare_by_dof - res[1].chisquare_by_dof), 1e-14, 1e-8)
assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].chisquare_by_expected_chisquare - res[1].chisquare_by_expected_chisquare), 1e-14, 1e-8)
assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].p_value - res[1].p_value), 1e-14, 1e-8)
assert (res[0][0] - res[1][0]).is_zero(atol=1e-8)
def test_combined_fit_no_autograd():
def func_exp1(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.5*x)
def func_exp2(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.8*x)
xvals_b = np.arange(0,6)
xvals_a = np.arange(0,8)
def func_a(a,x):
return a[0]*np.exp(a[1]*x)
def func_b(a,x):
return a[0]*np.exp(a[2]*x)
funcs = {'a':func_a, 'b':func_b}
xs = {'a':xvals_a, 'b':xvals_b}
ys = {'a':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.5, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp1(xvals_a)],
'b':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.4, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp2(xvals_b)]}
for key in funcs.keys():
[item.gamma_method() for item in ys[key]]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs)
pe.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs, num_grad=True)
def test_plot_combined_fit_function():
def func_exp1(x):
return 0.3*anp.exp(0.5*x)
def func_exp2(x):
return 0.3*anp.exp(0.8*x)
xvals_b = np.arange(0,6)
xvals_a = np.arange(0,8)
def func_a(a,x):
return a[0]*anp.exp(a[1]*x)
def func_b(a,x):
return a[0]*anp.exp(a[2]*x)
corr_a = pe.Corr([pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.5, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp1(xvals_a)])
corr_b = pe.Corr([pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.4, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp2(xvals_b)])
funcs = {'a':func_a, 'b':func_b}
xs = {'a':xvals_a, 'b':xvals_b}
ys = {'a': [o[0] for o in corr_a.content],
'b': [o[0] for o in corr_b.content]}
comb_fit = pe.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
corr_a.show(x_range=[xs["a"][0], xs["a"][-1]], fit_res=comb_fit)
corr_a.show(x_range=[xs["a"][0], xs["a"][-1]], fit_res=comb_fit, fit_key="a")
corr_b.show(x_range=[xs["b"][0], xs["b"][-1]], fit_res=comb_fit, fit_key="b")
def test_combined_fit_invalid_fit_functions():
def func1(a, x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * anp.sinh(x) + a[199]
def func2(a, x, y):
return a[0] + a[1] * x
def func3(x):
return x
def func_valid(a,x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x
xvals =[]
yvals =[]
err = 0.1
for x in range(1, 8, 2):
yvals.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(x + np.random.normal(0.0, err), err, 'test1') + pe.pseudo_Obs(0, err / 100, 'test2', samples=87))
[o.gamma_method() for o in yvals]
for func in [func1, func2, func3]:
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares({'a':xvals}, {'a':yvals}, {'a':func})
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares({'a':xvals, 'b':xvals}, {'a':yvals, 'b':yvals}, {'a':func, 'b':func_valid})
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares({'a':xvals, 'b':xvals}, {'a':yvals, 'b':yvals}, {'a':func_valid, 'b':func})
def test_combined_fit_invalid_input():
xvals = []
yvals = []
err = 0.1
def func_valid(a,x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x
for x in range(1, 8, 2):
yvals.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(x + np.random.normal(0.0, err), err, 'test1') + pe.pseudo_Obs(0, err / 100, 'test2', samples=87))
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pe.least_squares({'a':xvals}, {'b':yvals}, {'a':func_valid})
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares({'a':xvals}, {'a':yvals}, {'a':func_valid})
def test_combined_fit_no_autograd():
def func_exp1(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.5*x)
def func_exp2(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.8*x)
xvals_b = np.arange(0,6)
xvals_a = np.arange(0,8)
def func_a(a,x):
return a[0]*np.exp(a[1]*x)
def func_b(a,x):
return a[0]*np.exp(a[2]*x)
funcs = {'a':func_a, 'b':func_b}
xs = {'a':xvals_a, 'b':xvals_b}
ys = {'a':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.5, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp1(xvals_a)],
'b':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.4, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp2(xvals_b)]}
for key in funcs.keys():
[item.gamma_method() for item in ys[key]]
with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs)
pe.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs, num_grad=True)
def test_combined_fit_num_grad():
def func_exp1(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.5*x)
def func_exp2(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.8*x)
xvals_b = np.arange(0,6)
xvals_a = np.arange(0,8)
def func_num_a(a,x):
return a[0]*np.exp(a[1]*x)
def func_num_b(a,x):
return a[0]*np.exp(a[2]*x)
def func_auto_a(a,x):
return a[0]*anp.exp(a[1]*x)
def func_auto_b(a,x):
return a[0]*anp.exp(a[2]*x)
funcs_num = {'a':func_num_a, 'b':func_num_b}
funcs_auto = {'a':func_auto_a, 'b':func_auto_b}
xs = {'a':xvals_a, 'b':xvals_b}
ys = {'a':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.5, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp1(xvals_a)],
'b':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.4, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp2(xvals_b)]}
for key in funcs_num.keys():
[item.gamma_method() for item in ys[key]]
num = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs_num, num_grad=True)
auto = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs_auto, num_grad=False)
assert(num[0] == auto[0])
assert(num[1] == auto[1])
def test_combined_fit_dictkeys_no_order():
def func_exp1(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.5*x)
def func_exp2(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.8*x)
xvals_b = np.arange(0,6)
xvals_a = np.arange(0,8)
def func_num_a(a,x):
return a[0]*np.exp(a[1]*x)
def func_num_b(a,x):
return a[0]*np.exp(a[2]*x)
def func_auto_a(a,x):
return a[0]*anp.exp(a[1]*x)
def func_auto_b(a,x):
return a[0]*anp.exp(a[2]*x)
funcs = {'a':func_auto_a, 'b':func_auto_b}
funcs_no_order = {'b':func_auto_b, 'a':func_auto_a}
xs = {'a':xvals_a, 'b':xvals_b}
xs_no_order = {'b':xvals_b, 'a':xvals_a}
yobs_a = [pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.5, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp1(xvals_a)]
yobs_b = [pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.4, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp2(xvals_b)]
ys = {'a': yobs_a, 'b': yobs_b}
ys_no_order = {'b': yobs_b, 'a': yobs_a}
for key in funcs.keys():
[item.gamma_method() for item in ys[key]]
[item.gamma_method() for item in ys_no_order[key]]
for method_kw in ['Levenberg-Marquardt', 'migrad', 'Powell', 'Nelder-Mead']:
order = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs,method = method_kw)
no_order_func = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs_no_order,method = method_kw)
no_order_x = pe.fits.least_squares(xs_no_order, ys, funcs,method = method_kw)
no_order_y = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys_no_order, funcs,method = method_kw)
no_order_func_x = pe.fits.least_squares(xs_no_order, ys, funcs_no_order,method = method_kw)
no_order_func_y = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys_no_order, funcs_no_order,method = method_kw)
no_order_x_y = pe.fits.least_squares(xs_no_order, ys_no_order, funcs,method = method_kw)
assert(no_order_func[0] == order[0])
assert(no_order_func[1] == order[1])
assert(no_order_x[0] == order[0])
assert(no_order_x[1] == order[1])
assert(no_order_y[0] == order[0])
assert(no_order_y[1] == order[1])
assert(no_order_func_x[0] == order[0])
assert(no_order_func_x[1] == order[1])
assert(no_order_func_y[0] == order[0])
assert(no_order_func_y[1] == order[1])
assert(no_order_x_y[0] == order[0])
assert(no_order_x_y[1] == order[1])
def test_correlated_combined_fit_vs_correlated_standard_fit():
x_const = {'a':[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 'b':np.arange(10, 20)}
y_const = {'a':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(1, val, 1000)], ['ensemble1'])
for val in [0.25, 0.3, 0.01, 0.2, 0.5, 1.3, 0.26, 0.4, 0.1, 1.0]],
'b':[pe.Obs([np.random.normal(1, val, 1000)], ['ensemble1'])
for val in [0.5, 1.12, 0.26, 0.25, 0.3, 0.01, 0.2, 1.0, 0.38, 0.1]]}
for key in y_const.keys():
[item.gamma_method() for item in y_const[key]]
y_const_ls = np.concatenate([np.array(o) for o in y_const.values()])
x_const_ls = np.arange(0, 20)
def func_const(a,x):
return 0 * x + a[0]
funcs_const = {"a": func_const,"b": func_const}
for method_kw in ['Levenberg-Marquardt', 'migrad', 'Powell', 'Nelder-Mead']:
res = []
res.append(pe.fits.least_squares(x_const, y_const, funcs_const, method = method_kw, correlated_fit=True))
res.append(pe.fits.least_squares(x_const_ls, y_const_ls, func_const, method = method_kw, correlated_fit=True))
[item.gamma_method for item in res]
assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].chisquare_by_dof - res[1].chisquare_by_dof), 1e-14, 1e-8)
assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].p_value - res[1].p_value), 1e-14, 1e-8)
assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].t2_p_value - res[1].t2_p_value), 1e-14, 1e-8)
assert (res[0][0] - res[1][0]).is_zero(atol=1e-8)
def test_combined_fit_hotelling_t():
xvals_b = np.arange(0,6)
xvals_a = np.arange(0,8)
def func_exp1(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.5*x)
def func_exp2(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.8*x)
def func_a(a,x):
return a[0]*anp.exp(a[1]*x)
def func_b(a,x):
return a[0]*anp.exp(a[2]*x)
funcs = {'a':func_a, 'b':func_b}
xs = {'a':xvals_a, 'b':xvals_b}
yobs_a = [pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.5, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp1(xvals_a)]
yobs_b = [pe.Obs([np.random.normal(item, item*1.4, 1000)],['ensemble1']) for item in func_exp2(xvals_b)]
ys = {'a': yobs_a, 'b': yobs_b}
for key in funcs.keys():
[item.gamma_method() for item in ys[key]]
ft = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs, correlated_fit=True)
assert ft.t2_p_value >= ft.p_value
def test_combined_resplot_qqplot():
x = np.arange(3)
y1 = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 * o + np.random.normal(0, 0.1), 0.1, "test") for o in x]
y2 = [pe.pseudo_Obs(3 * o ** 2 + np.random.normal(0, 0.1), 0.1, "test") for o in x]
fr = pe.least_squares(x, y1, lambda a, x: a[0] + a[1] * x, resplot=True, qqplot=True)
xd = {"1": x,
"2": x}
yd = {"1": y1,
"2": y2}
fd = {"1": lambda a, x: a[0] + a[1] * x,
"2": lambda a, x: a[0] + a[2] * x ** 2}
fr = pe.least_squares(xd, yd, fd, resplot=True, qqplot=True)
def test_x_multidim_fit():
x1 = np.arange(1, 10)
x = np.array([[xi, xi] for xi in x1]).T
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(i + 2 / i, .1 * i, 't') for i in x[0]]
[o.gm() for o in y]
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0] * x[0] + a[1] / x[1]
pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf)
def test_priors_dict_vs_list():
x = np.arange(1, 5)
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 * i + 1.1 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01), .01, 't') for i in x]
[o.gm() for o in y];
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0] * x + a[1]
priors = [pe.cov_Obs(1.0, 0.0001 ** 2, "p0"), pe.cov_Obs(1.1, 0.8 ** 2, "p1")]
pr1 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=priors)
prd = {0: priors[0],
1: priors[1]}
pr2 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
prd = {1: priors[1],
0: priors[0]}
pr3 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
assert (pr1[0] - pr2[0]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[1] - pr2[1]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[0] - pr3[0]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[1] - pr3[1]).is_zero(1e-6)
def test_not_all_priors_set():
x = np.arange(1, 5)
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 * i + 1.1 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01), .01, 't') for i in x]
[o.gm() for o in y];
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0] * x + a[1] + a[2] * x ** 2
priors = [pe.cov_Obs(2.0, 0.1 ** 2, "p0"), pe.cov_Obs(2, 0.8 ** 2, "p2")]
prd = {0: priors[0],
2: priors[1]}
pr1 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
prd = {2: priors[1],
0: priors[0]}
pr2 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
assert (pr1[0] - pr2[0]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[1] - pr2[1]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[2] - pr2[2]).is_zero(1e-6)
def test_force_fit_on_prior():
x = np.arange(1, 10)
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1), .1, 't') for i in x]
[o.gm() for o in y];
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0]
prd = {0: pe.cov_Obs(0.0, 0.0000001 ** 2, "prior0")}
pr = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
diff = prd[0] - pr[0]
assert diff.is_zero_within_error(5)
def test_constrained_and_prior_fit():
for my_constant in [pe.pseudo_Obs(5.0, 0.00000001, "test"),
pe.pseudo_Obs(6.5, 0.00000001, "test"),
pe.pseudo_Obs(6.5, 0.00000001, "another_ensmble")]:
dim = 10
x = np.arange(dim)
y = -0.06 * x + 5 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.3, dim)
yerr = [0.3] * dim
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], 'test'))
def func(a, x):
y = a[0] * x + a[1]
return y
# Fit with constrained parameter
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, priors={1: my_constant}, silent=True)
def alt_func(a, x):
y = a[0] * x
return y
alt_y = np.array(oy) - my_constant
[o.gm() for o in alt_y]
# Fit with the constant subtracted from the data
alt_out = pe.least_squares(x, alt_y, alt_func, silent=True)
assert np.isclose(out[0].value, alt_out[0].value, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-6)
assert np.isclose(out[0].dvalue, alt_out[0].dvalue, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-6)
assert np.isclose(out.chisquare_by_dof, alt_out.chisquare_by_dof, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-6)
def test_prior_fit_different_methods():
dim = 5
x = np.arange(dim)
y = 2 * x + 0.5 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.3, dim) + 0.02 * x ** 5
yerr = [0.3] * dim
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], 'test'))
def func(a, x):
return a[0] * x + a[1] + a[2] * x ** 5
for priors in [None, {1: "0.5(4)"}, ["2(1)", "0.6(3)", "0(5)"]]:
chisquare_list = []
for method in ["Levenberg-Marquardt", "migrad", "Powell"]:
fr = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, silent=True, priors=priors, method=method)
assert np.allclose(chisquare_list[0], chisquare_list[1:])
def test_resplot_lists_in_dict():
xd = {
'a': [1, 2, 3],
'b': [1, 2, 3],
yd = {
'a': [pe.pseudo_Obs(i, .1*i, 't') for i in range(1, 4)],
'b': [pe.pseudo_Obs(2*i**2, .1*i**2, 't') for i in range(1, 4)]
[[o.gamma_method() for o in y] for y in yd.values()]
fd = {
'a': lambda a, x: a[0] + a[1] * x,
'b': lambda a, x: a[0] + a[2] * x**2,
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares(xd, yd, fd, resplot=True)
def test_fit_dof():
def func(a, x):
return a[1] * anp.exp(-x * a[0])
dof = []
cd = []
for dim in [2, 3]:
x = np.arange(dim)
y = 2 * np.exp(-0.3 * x) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.3, dim)
yerr = [0.3] * dim
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], 'test'))
for priors in [None, {0: "0(2)"}]:
fr = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, silent=True, priors=priors)
assert np.allclose(dof, [0, 1, 1, 2])
assert cd[0] != cd[0] # Check for nan
assert np.all(np.array(cd[1:]) > 0)
def fit_general(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
"""Performs a non-linear fit to y = func(x) and returns a list of Obs corresponding to the fit parameters.
Plausibility of the results should be checked. To control the numerical differentiation
the kwargs of numdifftools.step_generators.MaxStepGenerator can be used.
func has to be of the form
def func(a, x):
y = a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * np.sinh(x)
return y
y has to be a list of Obs, the dvalues of the Obs are used as yerror for the fit.
x can either be a list of floats in which case no xerror is assumed, or
a list of Obs, where the dvalues of the Obs are used as xerror for the fit.
Keyword arguments
silent -- If true all output to the console is omitted (default False).
initial_guess -- can provide an initial guess for the input parameters. Relevant for non-linear fits
with many parameters.
if not callable(func):
raise TypeError('func has to be a function.')
for i in range(10):
func(np.arange(i), 0)
n_parms = i
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameters')
global print_output, beta0
print_output = 1
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
beta0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(beta0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length.')
beta0 = np.arange(n_parms)
if len(x) != len(y):
raise Exception('x and y have to have the same length')
if all(isinstance(n, pe.Obs) for n in x):
obs = x + y
x_constants = None
xerr = [o.dvalue for o in x]
yerr = [o.dvalue for o in y]
elif all(isinstance(n, float) or isinstance(n, int) for n in x) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
obs = y
x_constants = x
xerr = None
yerr = [o.dvalue for o in y]
raise Exception('Unsupported types for x')
def do_the_fit(obs, **kwargs):
global print_output, beta0
func = kwargs.get('function')
yerr = kwargs.get('yerr')
length = len(yerr)
xerr = kwargs.get('xerr')
if length == len(obs):
assert 'x_constants' in kwargs
data = RealData(kwargs.get('x_constants'), obs, sy=yerr)
fit_type = 2
elif length == len(obs) // 2:
data = RealData(obs[:length], obs[length:], sx=xerr, sy=yerr)
fit_type = 0
raise Exception('x and y do not fit together.')
model = Model(func)
odr = ODR(data, model, beta0, partol=np.finfo(np.float64).eps)
odr.set_job(fit_type=fit_type, deriv=1)
output = odr.run()
if print_output and not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.res_var)
print_output = 0
beta0 = output.beta
return output.beta[kwargs.get('n')]
res = []
for n in range(n_parms):
res.append(pe.derived_observable(do_the_fit, obs, function=func, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, x_constants=x_constants, num_grad=True, n=n, **kwargs))
return res
def old_prior_fit(x, y, func, priors, silent=False, **kwargs):
output = pe.fits.Fit_result()
output.fit_function = func
x = np.asarray(x)
if not callable(func):
raise TypeError('func has to be a function.')
for i in range(100):
func(np.arange(i), 0)
except TypeError:
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError("Fit function is not valid.")
n_parms = i
if n_parms != len(priors):
raise Exception('Priors does not have the correct length.')
def extract_val_and_dval(string):
split_string = string.split('(')
if '.' in split_string[0] and '.' not in split_string[1][:-1]:
factor = 10 ** -len(split_string[0].partition('.')[2])
factor = 1
return float(split_string[0]), float(split_string[1][:-1]) * factor
loc_priors = []
for i_n, i_prior in enumerate(priors):
if isinstance(i_prior, pe.Obs):
loc_val, loc_dval = extract_val_and_dval(i_prior)
loc_priors.append(pe.cov_Obs(loc_val, loc_dval ** 2, '#prior' + str(i_n) + f"_{np.random.randint(2147483647):010d}"))
output.priors = loc_priors
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameter' + 's' * (n_parms > 1))
y_f = [o.value for o in y]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y]
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
p_f = [o.value for o in loc_priors]
dp_f = [o.dvalue for o in loc_priors]
if np.any(np.asarray(dp_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No prior errors available, run the gamma method first.')
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
x0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(x0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length.')
x0 = p_f
def chisqfunc(p):
model = func(p, x)
chisq = anp.sum(((y_f - model) / dy_f) ** 2) + anp.sum(((p_f - p) / dp_f) ** 2)
return chisq
if not silent:
print('Method: migrad')
m = iminuit.Minuit(chisqfunc, x0)
m.errordef = 1
m.print_level = 0
if 'tol' in kwargs:
m.tol = kwargs.get('tol')
m.tol = 1e-4
params = np.asarray(m.values)
output.chisquare_by_dof = m.fval / len(x)
output.method = 'migrad'
if not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.chisquare_by_dof)
if not m.fmin.is_valid:
raise Exception('The minimization procedure did not converge.')
hess = hessian(chisqfunc)(params)
hess_inv = np.linalg.pinv(hess)
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
model = func(d[:n_parms], x)
chisq = anp.sum(((d[n_parms: n_parms + len(x)] - model) / dy_f) ** 2) + anp.sum(((d[n_parms + len(x):] - d[:n_parms]) / dp_f) ** 2)
return chisq
jac_jac = hessian(chisqfunc_compact)(np.concatenate((params, y_f, p_f)))
deriv = -hess_inv @ jac_jac[:n_parms, n_parms:]
result = []
for i in range(n_parms):
result.append(pe.derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: (x[0] + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) / (y[0].value + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) * params[i], list(y) + list(loc_priors), man_grad=list(deriv[i])))
output.fit_parameters = result
output.chisquare = chisqfunc(np.asarray(params))
if kwargs.get('resplot') is True:
residual_plot(x, y, func, result)
if kwargs.get('qqplot') is True:
qqplot(x, y, func, result)
return output