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\title[$A_\mu^a$ impr. for msl. \& mass. quarks]{Non-singlet axial current improvement for massless and massive sea quarks}
\author[Justus Kuhlmann]{\textbf{Justus Kuhlmann}\\ Patrick Fritzsch, Jochen Heitger}
% \institute wird von der Vorlage nicht direkt verwendet
\institute{Institut für theoretische Physik}
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% Relevance of the AV-current
% Relevance in renormalisation adn improvement of other currents
% so far only in chi lim
% not exactly given with the ensembles at hand
% also: we have ensembles close to the symmetric point
% openLAT so far at sym point
% differences at sym point?
% improvement at the symmetric point
% example
\frametitle{Relevance for further improvement and physics}
\item exp. Wilson-clover fermion framework
\item massive $\widehat{=}$ at $N_{\rm f}=3$ symmetric point
\item needed for improv. quark current mass
\item decay constants \& matrix elements
% \item masses of mesons (e.g. $\chi_\mathrm{c1}$ or $D_\mathrm{1}^\ast$)
\item improvement and renormalisation:
\item $\cv$, $c_{\rm T}$, $\za$
\item no $\ca$ $\Rightarrow$ no improvement of other channels
\frametitle{Determination of $\ca$}
\item Schrödinger functional boundary conditions
\item similar to quenched \arxivtag{hep-lat/9609035}, $N_{\rm f} = 2$ \arxivtag{hep-lat/0503003} and std. Wilson-Clover $N_{\rm f} = 3$ \arxivtag{1502.04999}
\item derive from PCAC mass
$$m_{\rm PCAC} = \frac{\partial_0 f_{\rm A}}{2f_{\rm P}} + \ca~a\frac{\partial^2_0 f_{\rm P}}{2f_{\rm P}} = r + \ca~as$$
$$m_{\rm PCAC}^{(0)} = m_{\rm PCAC}^{(1)}\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad\ca = - \frac{r^{(1)} - r^{(0)}}{s^{(1)} - s^{(0)}}$$
\frametitle{The wavefunction method}
\item mimic pionic sources on boundaries $\pi^{(0)}, \pi^{(1)}$ and require PCAC relation to hold for both
\item basis wavefunctions:
$\omega_{\rm b1} = e^{-r/a_0}\;,\quad\omega_{\rm b2} = r~e^{-r/a_0}\;,\quad\omega_{\rm b3} = e^{-r/(2a_0)}$
\item also include $\omega_{\rm b4} = {\rm cons.}\;,\quad\omega_{\rm b5} = -r^2~e^{-r/a_0}$
\quad with $r=|\vec{y}-\vec{x}|$
\item eigenvectors of boundary-to-boundary corr. func. $(F_1)_{i,j} = -\langle O(\omega_{{\rm b}i}) O'(\omega_{{\rm b}j})\rangle$
\item diagonalise $(F_1)_{i,j}$ \& project $f_{\rm A}(x_0)$ and $f_{\rm P}(x_0)$ onto the eigenstates
% Question: do we include all wavefunctions or just some?
% How does this interplay with the states that we achieve?
% Which is the optimal wf combination?
% \item also: where on the lattice do we define $c_{\rm A}$?
\item evaluate $c_{\rm A}(x_0)$ with these source terms
\item later: choice of $x_0$ and wavefunction basis is part of the improvement condition
\framesubtitle{$T=L\approx 3\,{\rm fm}$ Schrödinger-Functional ensembles, exp. Wilson-Clover fermions}
$L/a$ & $\beta$ & $\kappa_{1}\approx\kappa_{\rm cr}$ & $\kappa_{2}$ & $\kappa_{3}\approx\kappa_{\rm sym}$&$a$\\
\item interested in 2 LCPs: chiral and $N_{\rm f}=3$ sym. point
\item matching sym. point of \openlat~\arxivtag{2201.03874}
\frametitle{Improvement of the axial-vector current}
\framesubtitle{$\ca$ estimators}
Critical point ensembles&Symmetric point ensembles\\
% systematic errors, to capture "non-plateauness"
% interpolations
\framesubtitle{... to the symmetric and critical point}
\item ensembles not exactly tuned
\item able to interpolate to the desired points due to 2 or 3 ensembles per $\beta$
\item determine points of interest as in \openlat~ensembles \arxivtag{2201.03874}
\item define: $$\Phi^{\rm SF}_4 = \frac{3}{2}\,8t_0\,|m_{\rm eff}|\,m_{\rm eff}
\quad \Rightarrow \quad \Phi^{\rm SF}_4\bigm\lvert_{m_{0,{\rm cr}}} = 0\,,\;\Phi^{\rm SF}_4\bigm\lvert_{m_{0,{\rm sym}}} = 1.115$$
\frametitle{Improvement of the axial-vector current}
\framesubtitle{Finding the symmetric and chiral point}
\frametitle{Improvement of the axial-vector current}
\framesubtitle{Interpolations in $c_{\rm A}$}
\frametitle{Improvement of the axial-vector current}
\framesubtitle{Final interpolations in $g_0^2$}
% first study for difference:
\frametitle{First scaling test of improvement}
\item Example: construct a non-trivial observable, for which renormalisation drops out
$$\frac{A_{\rm R}^{+-}}{A_{\rm R}^{ll}} = \frac{Z_{\rm A}}{Z_{\rm A}} \frac{(1+ b_{\rm A} (m_{{\rm q},+-})}{(1+ b_{\rm A} m_{{\rm q},ll})} \frac{(1+\bar{b}_{\rm A}Tr[M_{\rm q}])}{(1+ \bar{b}_{\rm A}Tr[M_{\rm q}])} \frac{A^{+-}}{A^{ll}}$$
\quad with $m_{{\rm q}, ij} = (m_{{\rm q}, i} + m_{{\rm q}, j})/2$
\item fulfilled by $m_{{\rm q}, \pm}=m_{{\rm q}, l}\pm \Delta$
\item symmetric point \openlat~ensembles
\item $\ca = 0$ vs $\ca(g_0^2)|_{\rm chi}$ vs $\ca(g_0^2)|_{\rm sym}$
\frametitle{First study of improvement}
\item finish $\zv$, $\bV$ and $\bar{b}_{\rm V}$ through SF
\item further improvement and renormalisation currently in the works:
\item vector and tensor current improvement ($c_{\rm V}$, $c_{\rm T}$)
\item current quark mass renormalisation ($b_{\rm A}-b_{\rm P}$, $b_m$, $Z$)
\item determination of $Z_{\rm A}$, $Z_{\rm V}$, $Z_{\rm S}/Z_{\rm P}$ through $\chi$SF