\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{wwustyle}[% 2018/02/26 beamer presentations using the WWU corporate design% ] % Usage: Just put \usepackage{wwustyle} in the header of your tex % file! % Available options: % - english: uses the English claim (“living.knowledge”) % - Color variants (see the Corporate design manual % https://sso.uni-muenster.de/intern/marketing/corporatedesign/cdmanual.html): % pantone312 (“light blue”) % pantone3135 (“green”) % pantone7462 (“dark blue”) % - Different title images: % - belltower (default): castle bell tower % - wedge: text wedge % - prinz: WWU letters at Prinzipalmarkt (photo) % - inverse: inverse title image (white on colored background % instead of color on white background) % - nopagenumbering: disables slide numbering % - fullpagenumbering: displays total slide number in addition to % current slide number % % Maintainers: Simon May (simon.may@uni-muenster.de) % Fachschaft Physik (fsphys@uni-muenster.de) % % Jochen Heitger (some slight individual adjustments only): % - some slight shifts at head-/footlines to gain space % - further modifications indicated by "J.H." ... %% =============== required packages ============================ \RequirePackage{tikz} \RequirePackage{xpatch} % typographical improvements (micro-typography) \RequirePackage{microtype} % enable colors \RequirePackage{xcolor} % enable inclusion of images (EPS, PNG, JPG, PDF) \RequirePackage{graphicx} % include .tex files with \includegraphics \RequirePackage{gincltex} % better handling of filenames with \includegraphics etc. \RequirePackage{grffile} % includes amsmath \RequirePackage{mathtools} % enables quotes \RequirePackage{csquotes} % tables \RequirePackage{booktabs} % referencing \RequirePackage[numbers,square]{natbib} \RequirePackage{hyperref} %% =============== package settings ============================= % LaTeX \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} % graphicx % use “keepaspectratio” as a default % s. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/91619 \setkeys{Gin}{keepaspectratio} % hyperref \hypersetup{unicode} %% =============== additional settings/commands ================= \newcommand*{\email}[1]{\href{mailto:#1}{\texttt{#1}}} % surpress roman numbering of refrences (allowframebreaks) \setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{} % specify the directory of the general graphic files % % J.H.'s location for this directory ... % \graphicspath{{~/tex/inputs/wwustyle_CorporateDesign/latex-wwustyle_2018/en/template/wwustyle}} % alpha logo macros % \newcommand{\Alpha}{\hbox{\includegraphics[width=0.75cm] % {./logos/alpha_color_60}}} % \newcommand{\ALPHA}{\hbox{\includegraphics[width=0.875cm] % {./logos/alpha_color_60}}} % \newcommand{\CLS}{\hbox{\includegraphics[width=0.75cm] % {./cls_color}}} %% =============== definitions (\definecolor, \newcommand) ====== % available font and background colors % RGB color values have been taken from the WWU corporate design manual % https://sso.uni-muenster.de/intern/marketing/corporatedesign/cdmanual.html % Pantone 312: “variant 1” of the PowerPoint template \definecolor{pantone312} {RGB}{0, 157, 209} % light blue % Pantone 3135: “variant 2” of the PowerPoint template \definecolor{pantone3135}{RGB}{0, 142, 150} % green % Pantone 7462: “variant 3” of the PowerPoint template \definecolor{pantone7462}{RGB}{0, 87, 138} % dark blue \definecolor{pantoneblack7}{RGB}{62, 62, 59} % use the same text color as in the PowerPoint presentation template % the same color is also used for the WWU logo \definecolor{wwu-textcolor}{RGB}{88, 88, 90} % set frame background to same color as title page background % (“Schwarz, 5% Deckkraft”) \definecolor{wwu-bgcolor}{RGB}{244, 244, 244} \DeclareOption{bgwhite}{ \definecolor{wwu-bgcolor}{RGB}{255, 255, 255} } \colorlet{prinz}{white} % set pantone312 as the default main color \newcommand*{\main@color}{pantone312} % set bell tower as default background \newcommand*{\bg@motiv}{pantone315glocke} \newcommand*{\wedgeskip}{0pt} % by default give only current page number \newcommand*{\@@insert@framenumber}{\insertframenumber} % command to set the main color % for the color definitions, see the WWU corporate design manual % https://sso.uni-muenster.de/intern/marketing/corporatedesign/cdmanual.html % parameter #1: color \newcommand*{\set@wwu@maincolor}[1]{% \renewcommand*{\main@color}{#1}% } \newcommand*{\title@fnt@color}{maincolor} \newcommand*{\title@date@color}{wwu-textcolor} % The inverted title image only appears on the title page. % The text color must be white there. % \fn@invers is used to read the corresponding background image file % \bg@invers is used to switch the text color \newcommand*{\fn@invers}{} \newcommand*{\bg@invers}{} \newif\if@invers % smaller sized WWU logo on l.h.s. of frame headlines % \newcommand*{\logoHeadline}{\wwulogo{2cm}} \newcommand*{\logoHeadline}{\wwulogo{1.5cm}} % \newcommand*{\logoTitleSmall}{\csname wwulogo\bg@invers\endcsname{3.5cm}} \newcommand*{\claimText}{wissenleben} \newcommand*{\claimDeEn}{} %% ========= possible package options =========================== % Pantone 312: “variant 1” of the PowerPoint template \DeclareOption{pantone312}{ \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone312} } % Pantone 3135: “variant 2” of the PowerPoint template \DeclareOption{pantone3135}{ \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone3135} } % Pantone 7462: “variant 3” of the PowerPoint template \DeclareOption{pantone7462}{ \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone7462} } \DeclareOption{inverse}{ \@inverstrue \renewcommand*{\fn@invers}{invers} \renewcommand*{\bg@invers}{invers} \renewcommand*{\title@fnt@color}{white} \renewcommand*{\title@date@color}{white} % with inverse title image: switch to white title text \renewcommand*{\title@fnt@color}{white} \renewcommand*{\title@date@color}{white} } % There are three title images: % - castle bell tower % - text wedge % - WWU letters at Prinzipalmarkt \DeclareOption{belltower}{ \renewcommand*{\bg@motiv}{glocke} } \newif\if@wedge \DeclareOption{wedge}{ \@wedgetrue \renewcommand*{\bg@motiv}{textkeil} \renewcommand*{\wedgeskip}{4.5cm} } \DeclareOption{prinz}{ \renewcommand*{\bg@motiv}{prinzipalmarkt} \@inverstrue \renewcommand*{\fn@invers}{invers} \renewcommand*{\bg@invers}{invers} % with inverse title image “Prinzipalmarkt”: % switch to text color “prinz” on title \renewcommand*{\title@fnt@color}{prinz} \renewcommand*{\title@date@color}{prinz} } \DeclareOption{english_claim}{ \renewcommand*{\claimText}{livingknowledge} \renewcommand*{\claimDeEn}{-en} } % For the text wedge, the whole background is colored. % For the other images, a white strip remains at the bottom. \newcommand*{\claimMain}{% \if@wedge% \if@invers% \claim{white}% \else% \claim{gray}% \fi% \else% \claim{gray}% \fi% } % decide whether the page number should show up \DeclareOption{nopagenumbering}{ \renewcommand*{\@@insert@framenumber}{} } \DeclareOption{fullpagenumbering}{ \renewcommand*{\@@insert@framenumber}{% \insertframenumber\,\vrule width0.8pt height7pt depth 3pt\,\inserttotalframenumber% } } % allow the user to do the font setup instead of doing it in the package \newif\if@manualfonts \DeclareOption{manualfonts}{ \@manualfontstrue } \ProcessOptions\relax % save the specified color as “maincolor” \colorlet{maincolor}{\main@color} % do font setup if “manualfonts” wasn’t specified \if@manualfonts % language setting \RequirePackage[english]{babel} \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} %% use MetaRoman Normal as the standard non-serif font. See folder install meta on how to install. % % J.H.'s modification to change meta to standard fonts ... % % \RequirePackage{meta} % \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{fMt} \else % \RequirePackage{wwustyle/meta-office-pro} \fi %% =============== images and graphics ========================== \newcommand*{\bgbox}[1]{\texorpdfstring{\colorbox{maincolor}{#1}}{#1}} % WWU claim with \includegraphics; uses one parameter: % parameter #1: color \newcommand*{\claim}[1]{% % unfortunately, the image must be scaled here instead of using a fixed % width or height, because the German and English versions of the claim % differ in both \rlap{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{\claimText#1}}% } % WWU logo with \includegraphics; uses one parameter % parameter #1: width \newcommand*{\wwulogo}[1]{\wwu@logo{#1}{wwu-textcolor}} \newcommand*{\wwulogoinvers}[1]{\wwu@logo{#1}{white}} \newcommand*{\wwu@logo}[2]{% \def\temp@a{#2}\def\temp@b{white}% \ifx\temp@a\temp@b% \includegraphics[width=#1]{WWUMuenster_Logo_2017_rgb_negativ}% \else% \includegraphics[width=#1]{WWUMuenster_Logo_2017_rgb_beamergray}% \fi% } % background image (in a saved box, so only for the first frame) \newbox\bg@title \def\hintergrundbild{% \sbox\bg@title{% % % J.H.'s modification to optionally suppress background image on the title page ... % \includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{\main@color\bg@motiv\fn@invers}% }% } \AtBeginDocument{\hintergrundbild} % workaround for the issue in https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/417282 \xpatchcmd{\ps@empty}{% \vbox{\hbox{\hskip-\Gm@lmargin\raise\headheight\box\beamer@tempbox\box\@tempboxa}\hfil}% }{% \vbox{\hbox{\hskip-\Gm@lmargin\raise\headheight\box\beamer@tempbox\raise\headheight\box\@tempboxa}\hfil}% }{\PackageWarning{wwustyle-beamer}{% Applying workaround for plain frame background in older beamer versions\MessageBreak% (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/417282)% }}{} % define the institute logo command \newcommand*{\@institutelogo}{} \newcommand*{\institutelogo}[1]{% \renewcommand*{\@institutelogo}{#1}% } \newcommand*{\@institutelogosmall}{} \newcommand*{\institutelogosmall}[1]{% \renewcommand*{\@institutelogosmall}{#1}% } %% =============== margins, spacing, etc. ======================= % disable left sidebar (empty) \setbeamersize{sidebar width left=0cm} % disable right sidebar now that the claim isn’t shown there anymore \setbeamersize{sidebar width right=0cm} % set text margins to 0.5cm % this gives the same margins as before with the sidebars % (with empty sidebars and sidebar width left=-0.25cm, sidebar width right=0.25cm) \setbeamersize{text margin left=0.5cm} \setbeamersize{text margin right=0.5cm} % switch off the navigation symbols \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty %% =============== color definitions for beamer ================= % colors to be used \definecolor{text-gray}{rgb}{0.45, 0.45, 0.45} % gray text on white background \definecolor{fu-blue} {RGB}{0, 51, 102} % blue text \definecolor{fu-green}{RGB}{153, 204, 0} % green text \definecolor{fu-red} {RGB}{204, 0, 0} % red text (used by \alert) %% =============== redefinition of styles ======================= % colors \usecolortheme{lily} \setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=wwu-textcolor, bg=wwu-bgcolor} \setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=fu-red} \setbeamercolor{example text}{fg=fu-green} \setbeamercolor{structure}{fg=maincolor} \setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=white, bg=maincolor} \setbeamercolor{block title alerted}{fg=white, bg=fu-red} \setbeamercolor{block title example}{fg=white, bg=fu-green} \setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=maincolor!10} \setbeamercolor{block body alerted}{bg=fu-red!10} \setbeamercolor{block body example}{bg=fu-green!10} \setbeamercolor{bibliography entry author}{fg=fu-blue} \setbeamercolor{bibliography entry journal}{fg=text-gray} % frame title % % shift the frametitle slighty to the top, to gain some space ... % \setbeamertemplate{frametitle}{% % \vskip4mm \vskip2mm \fontsize{14pt}{14pt} \selectfont \color{maincolor} \bfseries \insertframetitle \par \ifx\insertframesubtitle\empty% \else \fontsize{12pt}{12pt} \selectfont % set frame subtitles in pantoneblack7 % (which is darker than the color of normal text) \color{pantoneblack7} \mdseries \insertframesubtitle \fi% } % title page % The background for the title page is saved in \bg@title. % This box is output on the first page and is empty afterwards. \setbeamertemplate{background}{\hbox to \paperwidth{\hss\box\bg@title}} % redefine \@arrayparboxrestore so that the presentation title (which is set % using a \parbox) uses \raggedright instead of justifying text \g@addto@macro\@arrayparboxrestore{\raggedright} \setbeamertemplate{title page}{% % set the title, subtitle, author and date \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}(0,15) \put(0,4){\parbox[c]{10cm}{% \color{\title@fnt@color}% % title \LARGE% \bfseries% \inserttitle% \par% \vskip2mm% % subtitle \footnotesize% \normalfont% \insertsubtitle% \smallskip% % author \par% \insertauthor% \par% % date \medskip% \scriptsize% \color{\title@date@color}% \insertdate% \par% }} \end{picture} \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay] % WWU logo (top left) \node[xshift=0.4cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=west] at (current page.north west) {\logoTitleSmall}; % WWU claim (bottom left) \node[xshift=0.5cm, yshift=0.65cm] at (current page.south west) {\claimMain}; % institute logo (bottom right) \node[xshift=-0.5cm, yshift=0.8cm, inner sep=0, anchor=east] at (current page.south east) {% % see \claimMain \if@wedge% \if@invers% \color{white}% \fi% \fi% \@institutelogo\hspace*{\wedgeskip}% }; \end{tikzpicture} } % headline % % shift logos, short title etc. in the headline slighty to the top, % to gain some space ... % \setbeamertemplate{headline}{ \fontsize{6pt}{1pt}% \selectfont% {% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay] % \node[xshift=0.5cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=south west, inner sep=0] \node[xshift=0.5cm, yshift=-0.6125cm, anchor=south west, inner sep=0] at (current page.north west) {\logoHeadline}; % \node[xshift=3.5cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=south west, inner sep=0] \node[xshift=3.5cm, yshift=-0.6125cm, anchor=south west, inner sep=0] at (current page.north west) {\@institutelogosmall}; \end{tikzpicture} }% \hfill% \bfseries% \color{maincolor}% \let\bgbox\relax\insertshorttitle% % same space to the right as text margin \hspace{0.5cm}% % invisible rule to set headline height % \rule{0pt}{10mm}% \rule{0pt}{5mm}% } % footline % make footline background non-transparent so that frame content cannot “slide % into” the footer % % % shift the footline slighty to the bottom, to gain some space ... % \setbeamercolor{footlinecolor}{bg=wwu-bgcolor} \setbeamertemplate{footline}{% \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{footlinecolor} \fontsize{6pt}{1pt}% \selectfont% \color{maincolor}% \rule{\textwidth}{0.8pt}% horizontal line % \vskip2mm% \vskip-0.5mm% \hspace{5mm}% \color{wwu-textcolor}% \let\bgbox\relax\insertshortauthor% % \vrule height7pt depth3pt width0pt\hfill% \vrule height3pt depth3pt width0pt\hfill% % \fontsize{9pt}{12pt}% \fontsize{6pt}{9pt}% \selectfont% \color{maincolor}% \bfseries% \@@insert@framenumber% \hspace{5mm}% \strut% % \vskip3mm% \vskip1mm% \end{beamercolorbox}% }