diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
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+++ b/.gitattributes
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 * annex.backend=MD5E
 **/.git* annex.largefiles=nothing
+README.md annex.largefiles=nothing
+*.tex annex.largefiles=nothing
+*.sty annex.largefiles=nothing
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new file mode 100644
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d9881d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Template for presentations
+This is a repo for templates in the WWU style.
+Maybe some updates are in order after the renaming of the university.
diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..615c745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alpha.sty b/alpha.sty
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..60372f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alpha.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+%                                                                  %
+%  This is alpha.sty, to be used with \documentclass{article}      %
+%  of Latex2e. It is to be included with the command               %
+%                                                                  %
+%         \usepackage[<OPTIONS>]{alpha}                            %
+%                                                                  %
+%  It modifies the size of the section, subsection and appendix    %
+%  titles and of figure and table captions. We include some        %
+%  packages such as cite, graphicx, booktabs and hyperref.         %
+%                                                                  %
+%  [ To avoid clashes with hyperref, some packages need to be  ]   %
+%  [ loaded after the present one in the main tex file, others ]   %
+%  [ before.                                                   ]   %
+%                                                                  %
+%  OPTIONS = 'draft' will produce labels for references            %
+%          = 'nohyper' does not load hyperref package              %
+%                                                                  %
+%  DEFAULTS = 'JHEP.bst' as bibtex style file if available,        %
+%             standard public Latex 'ieeetr.bst' otherwise         %
+%  _________________                                               %
+%  PROVIDED COMMANDS                                               %
+%                                                                  %
+%   * \usebiblio{} to include *.bib files (w/o this command no     %
+%                  reference section is included automatically)    %
+%   * \maketitle   produces common ALPHA collab. title page using  %
+%                                                                  %
+%      + \title{}                                                  %
+%      + \preprintno{}                                             %
+%      + \collaboration{}                                          %
+%      + \author[affil1,affil2]{Author1} ...                       %
+%      + \address[affil1]{Affiliation1}  ...                       %
+%      + \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract}                       %
+%      + \begin{keyword}  ... \PACS{...} \end{keyword}             %
+%                                                                  %
+%   * \begin{acknowledgement} ... \end{acknowledgement} produces   %
+%     an acknowledgements section at current position              %
+%                                                                  %
+%   * \usechangever[vX.Y]{<text>}  if in draft mode outputs <text> %
+%                                  on new pages at end of docum.   %
+%                                                                  %
+% --------------------------------- ALPHA collaboration, 2016 ---- %
+%  v0.5, 27 Sep 2017, PF changed appearance of abstract            %
+%  v0.4, 23 May 2016, PF, sidecap breaks caption style -> replaced %
+%                     by caption package                           %
+%  v0.3, 18 Jan 2014, PF added \usechangever[]{} for draft mode    %
+%  v0.2, 18 Nov 2013, PF                                           %
+%  v0.1, 11 Nov 2013, PF                                           %
+%                                                                  %
+  [2016/05/23 v0.4 paper style file of ALPHA collaboration]
+% package option handling 
+  \typeout{[draft] mode set in alpha.sty}%
+  \newif\iflabelshow\labelshowtrue
+  \typeout{[bibkeys] mode set in alpha.sty}%
+  \newif\iflabelshow\labelshowfalse
+  \newif\ifXbibkeys\Xbibkeystrue
+  \typeout{[nohyper] mode set in alpha.sty}%
+  \newif\ifnohyperhow\nohypertrue
+% page layout
+% minimal package list (to be loaded before hyperref)
+% define colors for hyperref
+% hyperref
+    linkcolor = darkred,
+    urlcolor  = darkblue,
+    citecolor = darkgreen
+    ]{hyperref}
+% packages to be loaded after hyperref call
+  \usepackage{showlabels}%
+  \renewcommand{\showlabelfont}{\scriptsize\ttfamily}%
+  \usepackage[notref]{showkeys}%
+  \renewcommand{\showkeyslabelformat}[1]{{\normalfont\scriptsize\ttfamily\{#1\}}}%
+% modify figure and table captions
+            format=plain,
+            labelfont={bf,footnotesize},
+            textfont={rm},
+% modification of section, subsection etc.
+                                  \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
+                                   {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+                                   {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
+                                   {\reset@font\large\bfseries}}
+                                     {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+                                     {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
+                                     {\reset@font\normalsize\bfseries}}
+                                     {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+                                     {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
+                                     {\reset@font\normalsize\itshape}}
+                                    {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
+                                    {-1em}%
+                                    {\reset@font\normalsize\bfseries}}
+                                       {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%
+                                       {-1em}%
+                                      {\reset@font\normalsize\bfseries}}
+% modify equation labelling
+  \newcommand{\TABLE}[1]{\begin{table}
+    \small
+    \begin{center} {#1} \end{center}
+    \end{table}}
+  \newcommand{\FIGURE}[1]{\begin{figure}[tb]
+    \begin{center} {#1} \end{center}
+    \end{figure}}
+  \newcommand{\FIGUREB}[1]{\begin{figure}[b]
+    \begin{center} {#1} \end{center}
+    \end{figure}}
+  \newcommand{\FIGURET}[1]{\begin{figure}[t!]
+    \begin{center} {#1} \end{center}
+    \end{figure}}
+  \newcommand{\FIGUREP}[1]{\begin{figure}[p!]
+    \begin{center} {#1} \end{center}
+    \end{figure}}
+  \newcommand{\TABLEP}[1]{\begin{table}[p!]
+    \footnotesize
+    \begin{center} {#1} \end{center}
+    \end{table}}
+  \newcommand{\TABLET}[1]{\begin{table}[t!]
+    \footnotesize
+    \begin{center} {#1} \end{center}
+    \end{table}}
+  \newcommand{\TABLEH}[1]{\begin{table}[h!]
+    \footnotesize
+    \begin{center} {#1} \end{center}
+    \end{table}}
+% special command(s)
+  \begin{tabular}{rl}
+     \bf current version: & #1         \\  %     \bf started:         & Month Year \\
+     \bf compile date:    & \today     \\
+  \end{tabular}
+% new environment(s)
+\noindent{\normalsize\bf Acknowledgements.}~\small
+%% The following section uses and modifies some of the definition from    %%
+%% `elsarticle.cls', to have a proper author-affiliation environment.     %%
+%%                                                                        %%
+%%  It was part of the 'Elsarticle Bundle' with the following License :   %%
+%% ----                                                                   %%
+%% It may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public %%
+%% License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any    %%
+%% later version.  The latest version of this license is in               %%
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt                               %%
+%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX         %%
+%% version 1999/12/01 or later.                                           %%
+%% ----                                                                   %%
+         {\string\Newlabel{#1}{\@currentlabel}}\@esphack}
+\def\Newlabel#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname X@#1\endcsname{#2}}
+\def\elsRef#1{\@ifundefined{X@#1}{0}{\csname X@#1\endcsname}%
+    \def\@fnmark{\@for\@@fnmark:=#1\do{%
+    \edef\fnotenum{\@ifundefined{X@\@@fnmark}{1}{\elsRef{\@@fnmark}}}%
+  \unskip\comma\fnotenum\let\comma,}}%
+     \refstepcounter{fnote}\elsLabel{#1}%
+   \def\thefootnote{\thefnote}%
+   \global\setcounter{footnote}{\thefnote}%
+   \footnotetext{#2}}}
+    \unskip\textsuperscript{\sep\ifcase\cnotenum\or
+       $\ast$\or$\ast\ast$\fi\hspace{-1pt}}\let\sep=,}
+    \refstepcounter{cnote}\elsLabel{#1}%
+    \def\thefootnote{\ifcase\thecnote\or$\ast$\or
+    $\ast\ast$\fi}%
+    \footnotetext{#2}}}
+    \edef\@corref{\ifcase\cnotenum\or
+         $\ast$\or$\ast\ast$\fi\hskip-1pt}}
+   \c@fnote=0 \c@tnote=0 \c@footnote=0}
+  \def\{{\string\lbracechar\space}%
+   \def~{\hashchar\space}%
+   \def\}{\string\rbracechar\space}%
+   \edef\tmp{\the\@eadauthor}
+   \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\emailauthor
+     {#1}{\expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\tmp}}%
+  \egroup
+     \g@addto@macro\@elseads{\raggedright%
+      \let\corref\@gobble
+      \eadsep\texttt{#1} (#2)\def\eadsep{\unskip,\space}}%
+  \def~{\string\hashchar\space}%
+  \def\_{\string\underscorechar\space}%
+   \edef\tmp{\the\@eadauthor}
+   \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\urlauthor
+     {#2}{\expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\tmp}}%
+  \egroup
+     \raggedright\eadsep\texttt{#1}\space(#2)%
+     \def\eadsep{\unskip,\space}}%
+    \def\baselinestretch{1}%
+    \authorsep#2\unskip\textsuperscript{%#1%
+      \@for\@@affmark:=#1\do{%
+       \edef\affnum{\@ifundefined{X@\@@affmark}{1}{\elsRef{\@@affmark}}}%
+     \unskip\sep\affnum\let\sep=,}%
+      \ifx\@fnmark\@empty\else\unskip\sep\@fnmark\let\sep=,\fi
+      \ifx\@corref\@empty\else\unskip\sep\@corref\let\sep=,\fi
+      }%
+    \def\authorsep{\unskip,\space}%
+    \global\let\sep\@empty\global\let\@corref\@empty
+    \global\let\@fnmark\@empty}%
+    \@eadauthor={#2}
+    \def\baselinestretch{1}%
+    \upshape\authorsep#1\unskip\textsuperscript{%
+      \ifx\@fnmark\@empty\else\unskip\sep\@fnmark\let\sep=,\fi
+      \ifx\@corref\@empty\else\unskip\sep\@corref\let\sep=,\fi
+      }%
+    \def\authorsep{\unskip,\space}%
+    \global\let\@fnmark\@empty
+    \global\let\@corref\@empty
+    \global\let\sep\@empty}%
+    \@eadauthor={#1}
+  \ifcase#1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or k\or
+  l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or
+  y\or z%
+  \else\@ctrerr\fi}
+     \vskip0.3em
+     \def\baselinestretch{1}%
+     \refstepcounter{affn}
+     \xdef\@currentlabel{$\theaffn$}
+     \elsLabel{#1}%
+     \textsuperscript{$\theaffn$}{\,#2}\par}}
+    \def\baselinestretch{1}%
+    \addsep\vskip8pt
+    \footnotesize\itshape#1
+    \def\addsep{\par\vskip6pt}%
+    \def\authorsep{\par\vskip8pt}
+    }}
+  \hsize=\textwidth\def\baselinestretch{1}%
+  \noindent\unskip\centerline{{\color{gray}\rule[0.3em]{0.4\textwidth}{0.4pt}\hfill}\textbf{Abstract}{\color{gray}\hfill\rule[0.3em]{0.4\textwidth}{0.4pt}}}
+ \par\medskip\noindent\unskip\ignorespaces}
+ {{\color{gray}\rule[0em]{\textwidth}{0.4pt}}\egroup}
+  \def\sep{\unskip, }%
+  \def\PACS{\par\leavevmode\hbox {\it PACS:\space}}%
+  \global\setbox\keybox=\vbox\bgroup\hsize=\textwidth
+  \small\normalfont\def\baselinestretch{1}
+  \parskip\z@
+  \noindent\textit{Keywords: }
+  \raggedright                         % Keywords are not justified.
+  \ignorespaces}
+\def\endkeyword{\par \egroup}
+% composing ALPHA title page
+  {%\clearpage
+  \thispagestyle{empty}%
+  \ifx\@preprintno\@empty\relax
+    \hspace*{1cm}\vskip50pt
+  \else
+    %\vskip-35pt
+    \vspace*{-4em}
+    {\footnotesize
+    \begin{flushright}
+       %\vskip-35pt
+       \@preprintno
+       \vskip25pt
+    \end{flushright}
+    }
+  \fi
+  \begin{center}%
+   \enlargethispage{4ex}
+   \def\baselinestretch{1}%
+    \Large\bfseries\@title\par\vskip20pt\rm
+    \ifx\@collaboration\@empty\relax
+      \hspace*{1cm}\vskip5pt
+    \else
+      \vskip10pt
+      \vbox{\makeatletter\@collaboration\makeatother}
+      \vskip20pt
+    \fi
+    \normalsize\rm\elsauthors\par\vskip20pt
+    %\footnotesize\itshape\elsaddress\par\vskip36pt
+    \footnotesize\elsaddress\par\vskip36pt
+    \vfill
+    \ifvoid\absbox\else\unvbox\absbox\par\vskip20pt\fi
+    \vfill
+  \end{center}%
+  \ifvoid\keybox\else\unvbox\keybox\par\vskip0pt\fi
+  \gdef\thefootnote{\arabic{footnote} }%
+  \clearpage%
+  }%
+  }
+% last but not least
+% add bibliography
+ \IfFileExists{JHEP.bst}{\bibliographystyle{JHEP}}{%
+                         \bibliographystyle{ieeetr}
+ }
+% add version/changes description page
+  \iflabelshow
+  \clearpage
+  \footnotesize
+  \@usechangever
+  \fi
diff --git a/document.tex b/document.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409ad34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/document.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+	\frametitle{How are sigma terms defined? - renormalisation}
+	\begin{align*}   
+	m_q^\mathrm{ren} = Z_\mathrm{m} \left[m_q \, + \, (r_\mathrm{m} - 1) \frac{\mathrm{Tr} M}{N_\mathrm{f}} \right] + \text{cut-off effects}, \quad \mathrm{Tr} M = \Sigma_q m_q
+	\end{align*}
+	{\small $Z_\mathrm{m}$ - renormalisation parameter of the non-singlet scalar density}
+	%The matrix elements must renormalise in the inverse manner to the masses so that
+	\begin{align*}
+	 \sigma_{qB}^{\mathrm{ren}} = \left(m_q + \frac{r_\mathrm{m}-1}{3} \mathrm{Tr} M \right) \left(g_{q,S}^B - \frac{r_\mathrm{m}-1}{3r_\mathrm{m}}\mathrm{Tr} g_{S}^B  \right) \quad	\text{for}\, N_\mathrm{f}= 3,\ \sigma_{\pi B}^\mathrm{ren} = \sigma_{uB}^\mathrm{ren} + \sigma_{dB}^\mathrm{ren}
+	\end{align*}
+The normalisation factor $r_\mathrm{m}$ (ALPHA, RQCD) is\\ the ratio of flavour non-singlet and singlet scalar density renormalisation parameters. \\
+$\rightarrow$ accounts for the \textbf{mixing of quark flavours under renormalisation} for Wilson fermions. 
diff --git a/einstellungen.tex b/einstellungen.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6fcca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/einstellungen.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+%%% Einstellungen zur richtigen Benutzung von wwustyle.sty
+% Einstellungen der Schriftart (Meta Office Pro) für Text und Mathematik
+% math**=sym angeben, damit auch diese Befehle die Schriftart Meta verwenden
+% Spracheinstellung
+% Offizielles WWU-LaTeX-Paket für Präsentation (leicht modifiziert)
+\usepackage[pantone315, english]{wwustyle-mod}
+% Typographische Verbesserungen (Verbot mancher Ligaturen)
+% Typographische Verbesserungen (Mikrotypographie)
+% Daten/Zeiten formatieren
+% Formatierung von Telefonnummern
+% „Schöne“ Brüche im Fließtext mit \sfrac
+% Ermöglicht die Nutzung von „\SI{Zahl}{Einheit}“
+% Automatisches Umwandeln von Anführungszeichen
+% Farben ermöglichen
+% Paket für Bilder-Einbindung (EPS, PNG, JPG, PDF)
+% .tex-Dateien mit \includegraphics einbinden
+% Bessere Verarbeitung von Dateinamen für \includegraphics etc.
+% -- biblatex (Literaturverzeichnis)
+	%\bibliographystyle{plain}
+	\addbibresource{res/literatur.bib}
+% latex
+% graphicx
+% Standardmäßig „keepaspectratio“ verwenden
+% s. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/91619/51235
+% hyperref
+% siunitx
+	locale=UK,
+	binary-units,
+	quotient-mode=fraction,
+	per-mode=fraction,
+	fraction-function=\sfrac,
+	detect-weight
+% csquotes
+% Zusätzliche Einstellungen/Befehle
+\newfontfamily\DejaSans{DejaVu Sans}
+\newcommand{\deldel}[2]{\frac{\partial {#1}}{\partial {#2}}}%Partielle Ableitung
+\newcommand{\Deldel}[2]{\frac{\partial^2 {#1}}{\partial {#2}^2}}%2te Partielle Ableitung
diff --git a/fonts/Meta-Bold.ttf b/fonts/Meta-Bold.ttf
new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
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new file mode 120000
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
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+++ b/fonts/The files for the font “Meta” must be placed here	
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 120000
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros.sty b/macros.sty
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e53824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1273 @@
+%                                        %
+% ALPHA's "macros.sty" (status: 07/2009) %
+%                                        %
+% Definitions and abbreviations
+% Roman letters in math formulae
+\def\rmd{{\rm d}}
+\def\rmD{{\rm D}}
+\def\rme{{\rm e}}
+\def\rmO{{\rm O}}
+\def\Or{{\rm O}}
+\def\rmR{{\rm R}}
+% Real and integer numbers
+\def\Im{{\rm Im}\,}
+\def\Re{{\rm Re}\,}
+\def\rmonetwo{{r_\mathrm{m}^{\lbrace \mathrm{u,nu}\rbrace}}}
+\def\rmonethreethree{{r_\mathrm{m}^{\lbrace \mathrm{u;}Z,T/3\rbrace}}}
+\def\rmtwothreethree{{r_\mathrm{m}^{\lbrace \mathrm{nu;}Z,T/3\rbrace}}}
+\def\rmonethreefour{{r_\mathrm{m}^{\lbrace \mathrm{u;}Z,T/4\rbrace}}}
+\def\rmtwothreefour{{r_\mathrm{m}^{\lbrace \mathrm{nu;}Z,T/4\rbrace}}}
+\def\rmonethree{{r_\mathrm{m}^{\lbrace \mathrm{u;}Z\rbrace}}}
+\def\rmtwothree{{r_\mathrm{m}^{\lbrace \mathrm{nu;}Z\rbrace}}}
+\def\zthree{{Z^{\lbrace T/3 \rbrace}}}
+\def\zfour{{Z^{\lbrace T/4 \rbrace}}}
+% Expectation values
+% Special relations and symbols
+\def\defeq{\mathrel{\mathop=^{\rm def}}}
+\def\proof{\noindent{\sl Proof:}\kern0.6em}
+\def\endproof{\hskip0.6em plus0.1em minus0.1em
+\vbox{\hrule height0.8pt
+\hbox{\vrule width0.8pt\box0\vrule width0.8pt}
+\hrule height0.8pt}}
+% \def\frac#1#2{\hbox{$#1\over#2$}}
+% \def\mod{\;\hbox{\rm mod}\;}
+    \setbox1=\hbox{$\scriptstyle\leftarrow$}
+    #1\kern-\wd0\smash{
+    \raise\ht0\hbox{$\raise1pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle\leftarrow$}$}}
+    \kern-\wd1\kern\wd0}
+    \setbox1=\hbox{$\scriptstyle\rightarrow$}
+    #1\kern-\wd0\smash{
+    \raise\ht0\hbox{$\raise1pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle\rightarrow$}$}}
+    \kern-\wd1\kern\wd0}
+% Lattice derivatives
+\def\nabstar#1{\nabla\kern-0.5pt\smash{\raise 4.5pt\hbox{$\ast$}}
+               \kern-4.5pt_{#1}}
+\def\drvstar#1{\partial\kern-0.5pt\smash{\raise 4.5pt\hbox{$\ast$}}
+               \kern-5.0pt_{#1}}
+% Lattice momenta
+    \setbox0=\hbox{${#1}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${#1}_{#2}$}
+    {#1}_{#2}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise4.5pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle +$}}}
+    \setbox0=\hbox{${#1}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${#1}_{#2}$}
+    {#1}_{#2}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise4.5pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle -$}}}
+    \setbox0=\hbox{${#1}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${#1}_{#2}$}
+    {#1}_{#2}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise4.5pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle \pm$}}}
+    \setbox0=\hbox{${#1}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${#1}_{#2}$}
+    {#1}_{#2}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise3pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle +$}}}
+    \setbox0=\hbox{${#1}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${#1}_{#2}$}
+    {#1}_{#2}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise3pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle -$}}}
+    \setbox0=\hbox{${#1}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${#1}_{#2}$}
+    {#1}_{#2}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise3pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle \pm$}}}
+% Units
+\def\MeV{{\rm MeV}}
+\def\GeV{{\rm GeV}}
+\def\TeV{{\rm TeV}}
+\def\fm{{\rm fm}}
+% Constants
+\def\euler{\gamma_{\rm E}}
+% Fields
+\def\psiclass{\psi_{\rm cl}}
+\def\psibarclass{\psibar_{\rm cl}}
+\def\zetar{\zeta_{\raise-1pt\hbox{\rm R}}}
+\def\zetabarr{\zetabar_{\raise-1pt\hbox{\rm R}}}
+\def\phieff{\phi_{\rm eff}}
+\def\phiimpr{\phi_{\kern0.5pt{\rm I}}}
+\def\phir{\phi_{{\rm R}}}
+\def\ar{A_{{\rm R}}}
+\def\vr{V_{{\rm R}}}
+\def\pr{P_{{\rm R}}}
+\def\sr{S_{{\rm R}}}
+\def\aimpr{A_{{\rm I}}}
+\def\pimpr{P_{{\rm I}}}
+\def\vimpr{V_{{\rm I}}}
+% Dirac matrices
+    \setbox0=\hbox{$\gamma$}\setbox1=\hbox{$\gamma_{#1}$}
+    \gamma_{#1}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise4.5pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle#2$}}}
+% Improvement coefficients
+\def\csw{c_{\rm sw}}
+\def\ca{c_{\rm A}}
+\def\cv{c_{\rm V}}
+\def\cs{c_{\rm s}}
+\def\ct{c_{\rm t}}
+\def\cttil{\widetilde{c}_{\rm t}}
+\def\ba{b_{\rm A}}
+\def\bp{b_{\rm P}}
+\def\bm{b_{\rm m}}
+\def\bg{b_{\rm g}}
+% Correlation functions
+\def\fa{f_{\rm A}}
+\def\fp{f_{\rm P}}
+\def\fas{f_{\rm A S}}
+\def\ftps{\tilde f_{\rm P S}}
+\def\gA{g_{\rm A}}
+\def\gP{g_{\rm P}}
+\def\lT{l_{\rm T}}
+\def\lV{l_{\rm V}}
+\def\faimpr{f_{\rm A}^{\rm I}}
+\def\kvimpr{k_{\rm V}^{\rm I}}
+\def\fximpr{f_{\rm X}^{\rm I}}
+\def\etaa{\eta_{\rm A}}
+\def\etap{\eta_{\rm P}}
+% Gauge group, parameters
+\def\nf{N_{\rm f}}
+\def\Nf{N_{\rm f}}
+\def\NF{N_{\rm f}}
+\def\NVAL{N_{\rm val}}
+\def\SUtwo{{\rm SU(2)}}
+\def\SUthree{{\rm SU(3)}}
+\def\SUn{{\rm SU}(N)}
+\def\Ad{{\rm Ad}\,}
+\def\CF{C_{\rm F}}
+\def\cf{C_{\rm F}}
+% Lagrangian
+\newcommand{\lag}[1]{{\mathcal{L}}_{\rm {#1}}}
+% Action
+\def\Sg{S_{\rm G}}
+\def\Sf{S_{\rm F}}
+\def\Seff{S_{\rm eff}}
+\def\Simpr{S_{\rm impr}}
+\def\Simprf{S_{\rm F\!,impr}}
+\def\Zf{{\cal Z}_{\rm F}}
+\def\op#1{{\mathcal O}_{\rm #1}}
+\def\opprime#1{\setbox0=\hbox{${\cal O}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${\cal O}_{\rm #1}$}
+    {\cal O}_{\rm #1}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise4.5pt\hbox{\kern1pt$\scriptstyle\prime$}}\kern1pt}
+\def\ophat#1{\widehat{\cal O}_{\rm #1}}
+\def\opbar#1{\overline{\mathcal O}_{\rm #1}}
+\def\ophatprime#1{\setbox0=\hbox{$\widehat{\cal O}$}
+    \setbox1=\hbox{$\widehat{\cal O}_{\rm #1}$}
+    \widehat{\cal O}_{\rm #1}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise4.5pt\hbox{\kern1pt$\scriptstyle\prime$}}\kern1pt}
+\def\opi#1#2{{\cal L}_{#1}^{(#2)}}
+\def\opa#1#2{{\mathcal A}_{#1}^{(#2)}}
+\def\bop#1{{\cal L}_{\rm #1}}
+\def\bopprime#1{\setbox0=\hbox{${\cal O}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${\cal O}_{\rm #1}$}
+    {\cal L}_{\rm #1}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise4.5pt\hbox{\kern1pt$\scriptstyle\prime$}}\kern1pt}
+\def\blag#1{{\cal B}_{#1}}
+\def\blagprime#1{\setbox0=\hbox{${\cal B}$}\setbox1=\hbox{${\cal B}_{#1}$}
+    {\cal B}_{#1}\kern-\wd1\kern\wd0
+    \smash{\raise5.2pt\hbox{\kern1pt$\scriptstyle\prime$}}\kern1pt}
+% Renormalization schemes
+\def\alphaSF{\alpha_{\rm SF}}
+\def\alphaTP{\alpha_{\rm TP}}
+\def\dSF{d^{\rm SF}}
+\def\gbarSF{\gbar_{\rm SF}}
+\def\gbsqSF{\overline{g}^2_{{\rm SF}}}
+\def\gbarTP{\gbar_{\rm TP}}
+\def\gr{g_{{{\rm R}}}}
+\def\gSF{g_{{{\rm SF}}}}
+\def\gparisi{g_{{{\rm P}}}}
+\def\mq{m_{\rm q}}
+\def\mqtilde{\widetilde{m}_{\rm q}}
+\def\mr{m_{{{\rm R}}}}
+\def\mc{m_{\rm c}}
+\def\mSF{m_{{\rm SF}}}
+\def\dm{\Delta m}
+\def\dM{\Delta M}
+\def\mbar{\kern1pt\overline{\kern-1pt m\kern-1pt}\kern1pt}
+\def\avm{m_{\rm av}}
+\def\za{Z_{\rm A}}
+\def\zv{Z_{\rm V}}
+\def\zp{Z_{\rm P}}
+\def\zs{Z_{\rm S}}
+\def\zss{Z_{\rm S}^{0}}
+\def\zg{Z_{\rm g}}
+\def\zm{Z_{\rm m}}
+\def\zM{Z_{\rm M}}
+\def\zgm{Z_{\rm g,m}}
+\def\zmSF{Z_{\rm m}^{\hbox{\rm SF}}}
+\def\zmlat{Z_{\rm m}^{\rm lat}}
+\def\zzetah{Z_{\zeta_{\rm h}}}
+\def\sigmap{\sigma_{\rm P}}
+\def\rmsea{r_{\rm m}}
+\def\xg{X_{\rm g}}
+\def\xm{X_{\rm m}}
+\def\hopcr{\kappa_{\rm crit}}
+\def\hopval{\kappa^{\rm val}}
+\def\hopsea{\kappa^{\rm sea}}
+\def\ms{{\rm MS}}
+\def\msbar{{\rm \overline{MS\kern-0.05em}\kern0.05em}}
+\def\lat{{\rm lat}}
+% Blackbord bold types
+% [02/01/91 202131045  MEMBER NAME  MACROS   (TEXT13)   M  TEX]
+{\rm I\kern-0.21 em{R}}{\rm I\kern-0.21 em{R}}
+{\rm I\kern-0.19 em{R}}{\rm I\kern-0.19 em{R}}}
+{\rm Z\kern-0.32 em{Z}}{\rm Z\kern-0.32 em{Z}}
+{\rm Z\kern-0.28 em{Z}}{\rm Z\kern-0.28 em{Z}}}
+{\rm I\kern-0.14 em{H}}{\rm I\kern-0.14 em{H}}
+{\rm I\kern-0.11 em{H}}{\rm I\kern-0.11 em{H}}}
+{\rm I\kern-0.14 em{P}}{\rm I\kern-0.14 em{P}}
+{\rm I\kern-0.11 em{P}}{\rm I\kern-0.11 em{P}}}
+{\rm T\kern-0.52 em{T}}{\rm T\kern-0.52 em{T}}
+{\rm T\kern-0.40 em{T}}{\rm T\kern-0.40 em{T}}}
+\def\su{{\rm su}(N)}
+\def\SU{{\rm SU}(N)}
+\def\sutwo{{\rm su}(2)}
+\def\suthree{{\rm su}(3)}
+% Schroedinger functional, effective action, action
+\def\schrodinger{{\cal Z}}
+\def\chernsimons{S_{\rm CS}}
+% Background field, quantum field
+% Fluctuation operator, Faddeev-Popov operator
+    \smash{\raise 4.5pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle\prime$}}
+    \kern-1.5pt_{1}}
+\def\FP{{\rm FP}}
+\def\deltaSone{\Delta^{{\rm S}^1}}
+% Seeley-DeWitt expansion, zeta functions
+% \def\zetaprime#1{\zeta'(0|#1)}
+% Hamilton operator, Hilbert space, transfer matrix
+\def\opAstat{{\,\mathbb{A}_0^{\rm stat}}}
+\def\Tr{{\rm Tr}}
+\def\initial{|\rm i_{0}\rangle} 
+\def\final{\langle \rm f_{0}|} 
+\def\initialt{\langle \rm i_{0}|} 
+\def\finalt{| \rm f_{0}\rangle} 
+\def\initialpi{|\rm i_{\pi}\rangle} 
+\def\finalpi{\langle \rm f_{\pi}|} 
+\def\initialpi{|\rm i_{\pi}\rangle} 
+\def\initialpit{\langle \rm i_{\pi}|} 
+\def\pf{{\cal Z}}
+\def\vecp{{\bf p}}
+% \def\vecsig{{\bf \sigma}}
+% \def\vecsigma{{\bf \sigma}}
+\def\vecD{{\bf D}}
+\def\vecB{{\bf B}}
+% Plaquette field, covariant derivatives
+\def\delstar#1{\Delta\kern-1.0pt\smash{\raise 4.5pt\hbox{$\ast$}}
+               \kern-4.0pt_{#1}}
+\def\nabstar#1{\nabla\kern-0.5pt\smash{\raise 4.5pt\hbox{$\ast$}}
+               \kern-4.5pt_{#1}}
+             {\raise 4.5pt\hbox{$\ast$}}\kern-4.5pt_{#1}}
+\def\cdev#1{D\kern-0.2pt\smash{\raise 4.2pt
+            \hbox{$\scriptstyle\phantom{\ast}$}}
+            \kern-4.8pt_{#1}}
+\def\cdevstar#1{D\kern-0.2pt\smash{\raise 4.2pt
+                \hbox{$\scriptstyle\ast$}}
+                \kern-4.8pt_{#1}}
+% Abelian background field
+\def\setS{{\cal S}}
+% Group of gauge transformations, field space etc.
+\def\gaugegroup{{\cal G}}
+\def\cartangroup{{\rm C}_N}
+\def\gaugealgebra{{\cal L}}
+\def\fluctuationspace{{\cal H}}
+\def\gap#1{\ga{#1}({\bf p})}
+\def\fsp#1{\fs{#1}({\bf p})}
+% Calculation of determinants
+\def\amat{{\cal A}}
+\def\bmat{{\cal B}}
+\def\cmat{{\cal C}}
+\def\funcspace{{\cal F}}
+\newcommand{\Dsl}{D \kern-.65em/}
+% Fermion determinants
+% Abbreviations for equations, sections etc.
+% \newcommand{\fig}[1]{Fig.~\ref{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\figs}[1]{Figs.~\ref{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\sect}[1]{Sect.~\ref{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\sects}[1]{Sects.~\ref{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\app}[1]{App.~\ref{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\App}[1]{Appendix~\ref{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\tab}[1]{Table~\ref{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\tabs}[1]{Tables~\ref{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\Ref}[1]{Ref.~\cite{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\Refs}[1]{Refs.~\cite{#1}}
+% Redefinitions complying with JHEP conventions 
+%\newcommand{\Ref}[1]{ref.~\cite{#1}} needed to do this for arxiv submission
+% One-loop coefficients, schemes, masses etc.
+\newcommand{\vbar}{\bar v}
+\newcommand{\MSbar}{\overline{\rm MS}}
+\newcommand{\Oa}{{\rm O}(a)}
+\newcommand{\Oasq}{{\rm O}(a^2)}
+\newcommand{\Lmax}{L_{\rm max}}
+\newcommand{\proj}{{\cal P}}
+\newcommand{\smear}{{\cal S}}
+\newcommand{\tmin}{t_{\rm min}}
+\newcommand{\tmax}{t_{\rm max}}
+\newcommand{\vecr}{{\it \bf r}}
+\newcommand{\vecd}{{\it \bf d}}
+\newcommand{\vecu}{{\it \bf u}}
+\newcommand{\vecv}{{\it \bf v}}
+\newcommand{\vecx}{{\it \bf x}}
+\newcommand{\vecy}{{\it \bf y}}
+\newcommand{\vecz}{{\it \bf z}}
+\newcommand{\rI}{r_{\rm I}}
+\newcommand{\sigplatt}{\Sigma_{\rm P}}
+\newcommand{\Sigmap}{\Sigma_{\rm P}}
+\newcommand{\sigpcont}{\sigma_{\rm P}}
+\newcommand{\Fp}{F_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\Gp}{G_{\rm PS}}
+\def\mp{m_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\Fk}{F_{\rm K}}
+\newcommand{\Fb}{F_{\rm B}}
+\newcommand{\Fbs}{F_{\rm B_{\rm s}}}
+\newcommand{\Fbd}{F_{\rm B_{\rm d}}}
+% \newcommand{\Fb}{f_{\rm B}}
+% \newcommand{\Fbs}{f_{\rm B_{\rm s}}}
+\newcommand{\Gk}{G_{\rm K}}
+\newcommand{\mk}{m_{\rm K}}
+% \newcommand{\mb}{m_{\rm B}}
+\newcommand{\mkstar}{m_{\rm K^*}}
+\newcommand{\Bk}{B_{\rm K}}
+\newcommand{\mv}{m_{\rm V}}
+\newcommand{\mav}{m_{\rm av}}
+\newcommand{\strange}{{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\up}{{\rm u}}
+\newcommand{\down}{{\rm d}}
+\newcommand{\Mref}{M_{\rm ref}}
+\newcommand{\mref}{m_{\rm ref}}
+\newcommand{\beauty}{{\rm b}}
+\newcommand{\mbeauty}{m_{\rm b}}
+\newcommand{\Mh}{M_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\charm}{{\rm c}}
+\newcommand{\rrmm} {1.5736}
+% Abbreviations for text
+\newcommand{\txtSF}{{Schr\"odinger functional }}
+\newcommand{\ps}{{pseudoscalar }}
+\newcommand{\stat}{{static effective field theory}}
+%                                               %
+% ALPHA's "macros_static.sty" (status: 01/2009) %
+%                                               %
+% Decay constant
+\newcommand{\fb}{F_{\rm B}}
+% Static action
+\def\Sstat{S_{\rm h}}
+\def\Sastat{S_{\bar{\rm h}}}
+\def\Shqet{S_{\rm HQET}}
+\def\Srel{S_{\rm rel}}
+\def\Lstat{{\cal L}_{\rm stat}}
+\def\LQCD{{\cal L}_{\rm QCD}}
+\def\LHQET{{\cal L}_{\rm HQET}}
+\def\qcdpar{{\cal C}_{\nf}}
+\def\qcdparred{{\cal C}_{\nf-1}}
+\def\hqetpar{{\cal C}_{\rm HQET}}
+\def\NHQET{{N_{\rm HQET}}}
+\def\Dop{{\cal D}}
+\def\Lhb{\lag{\bar h}}
+\def\Lhhb{\lag{h \bar h}}
+\def\vecg{\bf \gamma}
+\newcommand{\Okin}{\cl{O}_{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\Ospin}{\cl{O}_{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\ckin}{c_{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\cspin}{c_{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\omkin}{\omega_{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\omspin}{\omega_{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\lnu}[1]{{\cal L}^{(#1)}}
+% Static approximation fields
+\newcommand{\heavy}{\psi_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\heavyb}{\overline{\psi}_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\aheavy}{\psi_{\bar{\rm h}}}
+\newcommand{\aheavyb}{\overline{\psi}_{\bar{\rm h}}}
+\newcommand{\light}{{\psi}_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\lights}{{\psi}_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\lightb}{\overline{\psi}_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\lightsb}{\overline{\psi}_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\rhol}{\rho_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\rholb}{\overline{\rho}_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\rholprime}{\rho_{\rm l}\kern1pt'}
+\newcommand{\rholbprime}{\overline{\rho}_{\rm l}\kern1pt'}
+\newcommand{\rhoh}{\rho_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\rhohbprime}{\overline{\rho}_{\rm h}\kern1pt'}
+\newcommand{\zetal}{\zeta_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\zetalb}{\overline{\zeta}_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\zetalprime}{\zeta_{\rm l}\kern1pt'}
+\newcommand{\zetalbprime}{\overline{\zeta}_{\rm l}\kern1pt'}
+\newcommand{\zetah}{\zeta_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\zetahb}{\overline{\zeta}_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\zetahprime}{\zeta_{\rm h}\kern1pt'}
+\newcommand{\zetahbprime}{\overline{\zeta}_{\rm h}\kern1pt'}
+\newcommand{\Astat}{A^{\rm stat}_0}
+\newcommand{\Ahqet}{A^{\rm HQET}_0}
+\newcommand{\Argi}{(A^{\rm RGI})_0}
+\newcommand{\Argistat}{(A_{\rm RGI}^{\rm stat})_0}
+\newcommand{\Aren}{(A^{\rm stat}_{\rm R})_0}
+% \newcommand{\Aren}{(A^{\rm stat}_0)_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\Vstat}{V^{\rm stat}_{k}}
+\newcommand{\Vren}{(V^{\rm stat}_{\rm R})_0}
+\newcommand{\ArenSF}{(A^{\rm stat}_{\rm SF})_0}
+\newcommand{\ArenMSbar}{(A^{\rm stat}_{\overline{\rm MS}})_0}
+\newcommand{\ArenLat}{(A^{\rm stat}_{\rm lat})_0}
+\newcommand{\ArenCA}{(A_{\rm CA})_0}
+\newcommand{\Astatimpr}{(A^{\rm stat}_{\rm I})_0}
+\newcommand{\Vstatimpr}{(V^{\rm stat}_{\rm I})_0}
+\newcommand{\zh}{Z_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\chiAstatSFMSbar}{\chi_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\chiAstat}{(\chi_{\rm A}^{\rm stat})}
+\newcommand{\chiAstatMSbarLat}{(\chi_{\rm A}^{\rm stat})_{\msbar,\rm lat}}
+\newcommand{\chiAstatMSbarLatOne}{(\chi_{\rm A}^{\rm stat})_{\msbar,\rm lat}^{(1)}}
+\newcommand{\chiAstatSFMSbarOne}{(\chi_{\rm A}^{\rm stat})^{(1)}}
+\newcommand{\SigmaAstat}{\Sigma_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\sigmaAstat}{\sigma_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\sigmaAzerostat}{\sigma_{\rm A,0}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\sigmaAonestat}{\sigma_{\rm A,1}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\sigmaAtwostat}{\sigma_{\rm A,2}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\sigmaAnstat}{\sigma_{{\rm A},n}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\gamSF}{\gamma^{\rm SF}}
+\newcommand{\gamMSbar}{\gamma^{\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\latstep}{\Sigma_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\contstep}{\sigma_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+% Static approximation correlation functions
+\newcommand{\fastat}{f_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\fakin}{f_{\rm A}^{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\faspin}{f_{\rm A}^{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\kvstat}{k_{\rm V}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\fastatimpr}{f_{\rm A}^{\rm stat, I}}
+\newcommand{\fdeltaAstat}{f_{\delta\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\fonestat}{f_{1}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\fonehh}{f_{1}^{\rm hh}}
+\newcommand{\fonekin}{f_{1}^{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\fonespin}{f_{1}^{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\fastatren}{(f_{\rm A}^{\rm stat})_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\fonestatren}{(f_{1}^{\rm stat})_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\Xbare}{X_{\rm bare}}
+\newcommand{\Xren}{X_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\XLat}{X_{\rm lat}}
+\newcommand{\Xmatch}{X_{\rm match}}
+\def\caa{C_{\rm AA}}
+\def\caahqet{C_{\rm AA}^{\rm HQET}}
+\def\daa{D_{\rm AA}}
+% Light-light correlation functions
+% Masses
+\newcommand{\mcrit}{m_{\rm c}}
+\newcommand{\mcritone}{m_{\rm c}^{(1)}}
+% \newcommand{\mMSbar}{\overline{m}_{2,\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\mMSbar}{\overline{m}_{\overline{\rm MS}}}
+% Matrices appearing in the correlation functions
+\newcommand{\Hlight}{H_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\Hheavy}{H_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\Klight}{K_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\Kheavy}{K_{\rm h}}
+% Static approximation renormalizations
+\newcommand{\zastat}{Z_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\zahqet}{Z_{\rm A}^{\rm HQET}}
+\newcommand{\zastatSF}{Z_{\rm A, SF}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\zastatMSbar}{Z_{\rm A, \overline{\rm MS}}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\zastatLat}{Z_{\rm A, lat}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\ZdeltaA}{Z_{\delta\rm A}}
+\newcommand{\BAstat}{B_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\zvstat}{Z_{\rm V}^{\rm stat}}
+\def\dmstat{\delta m}
+% Light quark renormalizations
+\newcommand{\zmMSbar}{Z_{\rm m, \overline{\rm MS}}}
+% Static approximation improvement coefficients
+\def\castat{c_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\def\cahqet{c_{\rm A}^{\rm HQET}}
+\def\cstat{c_{\rm h}}
+\def\dastat{d_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\def\bastat{b_{\rm A}^{\rm stat}}
+\def\bstat{b_{\rm h}}
+\def\cvstat{c_{\rm V}^{\rm stat}}
+\def\bvstat{b_{\rm V}^{\rm stat}}
+% Martin Kurth's stuff
+\newcommand{\vectq}{{\it \bf q}}
+\newcommand{\vectp}{{\it \bf p}}
+\newcommand{\vectn}{{\it \bf 0}}
+\newcommand{\cttilde}{\widetilde{c}_{\rm t}}
+\newcommand{\gbarLat}{\bar{g}_{\rm lat}}
+\newcommand{\gLat}{g_{\rm lat}}
+\newcommand{\fonehhtree}{f_1^{\rm hh,(0)}}
+\newcommand{\fonehhoneloop}{f_1^{\rm hh,(1)}}
+\newcommand{\zastattree}{Z_{\rm A}^{\rm stat,(0)}}
+\newcommand{\zastatoneloop}{Z_{\rm A}^{\rm stat,(1)}}
+\newcommand{\SigmaAstatoneloop}{\Sigma_{\rm A}^{\rm stat,(1)}}
+\newcommand{\sigmaAstatoneloop}{\sigma_{\rm A}^{\rm stat,(1)}}
+\newcommand{\sigmaAstattwoloop}{\sigma_{\rm A}^{\rm stat,(2)}}
+\newcommand{\sigmaAstatnloop}{\sigma_{\rm A}^{{\rm stat,}(n)}}
+% \newcommand{\deltaAstat}{\delta}
+% Rainer Sommer's stuff
+\newcommand{\fhh}{f^{\rm hh}}
+\newcommand{\zastathh}{Z_{\rm A, SF,hh}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\gamhh}{\gamma^{\rm SF,hh}}
+\newcommand{\Fhatstat}{ {\Phi}^{\rm stat} }
+\newcommand{\FhatstatRGI}{\Phi^{\rm stat}_{\rm RGI}}
+            $\stackrel{\small{#1}}{\sim}$}}
+            $\stackrel{\small{#1}}{\longrightarrow}$}}
+            $\stackrel{\small{#1}}{\Longrightarrow}$}}
+            $\stackrel{\small{#1}}{=}$}}
+            $\stackrel{\small{#1}}{\equiv}$}}
+% Jochen Heitger's stuff
+\newcommand{\mumatch}{\mu_{\rm m}}
+\newcommand{\muhad}{\mu_{\rm had}}
+\newcommand{\mupert}{\mu_{\rm pert}}
+\newcommand{\psib}{\psi_{\rm b}}
+\newcommand{\bpsid}{\overline{\psi}_{\rm d}}
+\newcommand{\mbMSbar}{m_{{\rm b},\MS}}
+\newcommand{\mB}{m_{\rm B}}
+\newcommand{\mBstat}{m_{\rm B}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\mBstar}{m_{\rm B^*}}
+\newcommand{\Mb}{M_{\rm b}}
+\newcommand{\Fbbare}{F_{\rm B}^{\rm bare}}
+\newcommand{\Fbsstat}{F_{{\rm B}_{\rm s}}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\Fbstat}{F_{{\rm B}}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\Aistat}{(A^{\rm stat}_{\rm I})_{0}}
+\newcommand{\Arstat}{(A_{\rm R}^{\rm stat})_{0}}
+\newcommand{\oldSF}{{\rm old}}
+\newcommand{\newSF}{{\rm new}}
+\newcommand{\gamSFold}{\gamma^{{\rm SF},\oldSF}}
+\newcommand{\zastatold}{Z_{{\rm A},\oldSF}^{{\rm stat}}}
+\newcommand{\SigmaAstatold}{\Sigma_{{\rm A},\oldSF}^{{\rm stat}}}
+\newcommand{\Phibare}{\Phi_{\rm bare}}
+\newcommand{\PhiSF}{\Phi_{\rm SF}}
+\newcommand{\PhiRGI}{\Phi_{\rm RGI}}
+\newcommand{\PhiMSbar}{\Phi_{\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\Phimatch}{\Phi_{\rm match}}
+\newcommand{\FhatRGI}{\hat{F}_{\rm RGI}}
+\newcommand{\FhatMSbar}{\hat{F}_{\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\FhatSF}{\hat{F}_{\rm SF}}
+\newcommand{\ZPhi}{Z_{\rm RGI}}
+\newcommand{\Cmatch}{C_{\rm match}}
+\newcommand{\Cpshat}{\widehat{C}_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\Cvhat}{\widehat{C}_{\rm V}}
+\newcommand{\Crhat}{\widehat{C}_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\Cpsvhat}{\widehat{C}_{{\rm PS}/{\rm V}}}
+\newcommand{\Cmaghat}{\widehat{C}_{\rm mag}}
+\newcommand{\Cspinhat}{\widehat{C}_{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\Cps}{C_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\Cv}{C_{\rm V}}
+\newcommand{\Cr}{C_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\Cpsv}{C_{{\rm PS}/{\rm V}}}
+\newcommand{\Cx}{C_{\rm X}}
+\newcommand{\Cspin}{C_{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\Cmag}{C_{\rm mag}}
+\newcommand{\Ckin}{C_{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\Cmass}{C_{\rm mass}}
+\newcommand{\gammatch}{\gamma^{\rm match}}
+\newcommand{\gamonematch}{\gamma_1^{\rm match}}
+\newcommand{\gamtwomatch}{\gamma_2^{\rm match}}
+\newcommand{\gamspin}{\gamma^{\rm spin}}
+%                                               %
+% various further definitions (status: 07/2009) %
+%                                               %
+% (Lattice) derivatives in directions mu,nu
+\newcommand{\dmu}[1]{\nabla^{{\rm (#1)}}_{\mu}}
+% \newcommand{\lnab}[1]{\overleftarrow{\nabla}_{#1}}
+% \newcommand{\lnabstar}[1]{{\overleftarrow{\nabla}\kern-0.5pt\smash
+%                           {\raise 4.5pt\hbox{$\ast$}}\kern-4.5pt_{#1}}}
+% Dirac matrices etc.
+% Boldface spatial momenta
+% \newcommand{\bp}{\mbp}
+% \newcommand{\bps}{\bp}
+% Fields
+\newcommand{\obir}{\mathcal{O}^a_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\obfr}{\mathcal{O}'^a_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\qbir}{(\mathcal{Q}^a_k)_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\qbfr}{(\mathcal{Q}'^a_k)_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\zer}{\zeta_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\zebr}{\bar{\zeta}_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\zeu}{\zeta_{\rm u}}
+\newcommand{\zed}{\zeta_{\rm d}}
+\newcommand{\zeub}{\bar{\zeta}_{\rm u}}
+\newcommand{\zedb}{\bar{\zeta}_{\rm d}}
+\newcommand{\psiu}{\psi_{\rm u}}
+% \newcommand{\bpsiu}{\overline{\psi}_{\rm u}}
+\newcommand{\psil}{\psi_{\rm l}}
+% \newcommand{\bpsil}{\overline{\psi}_{\rm l}}
+% \newcommand{\psic}{\psi_{\rm c}}
+% \newcommand{\psis}{\psi_{\rm s}}
+% \newcommand{\bpsis}{\overline{\psi}_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\bpsib}{\overline{\psi}_{\rm b}}
+% Masses
+\newcommand{\mzl}{m_{0,{\rm l}}}
+\newcommand{\mzh}{m_{0,{\rm h}}}
+\newcommand{\mri}[1]{m_{{\rm R},#1}}
+\newcommand{\mqi}{m_{{\rm q},i}}
+\newcommand{\mqj}{m_{{\rm q},j}}
+\newcommand{\mql}{m_{{\rm q},{\rm l}}}
+\newcommand{\mqs}{m_{{\rm q},{\rm s}}}
+\newcommand{\mqc}{m_{{\rm q},{\rm c}}}
+\newcommand{\mqh}{m_{{\rm q},{\rm h}}}
+\newcommand{\mqn}[1]{m_{{\rm q},#1}}
+\newcommand{\mqitil}{\widetilde{m}_{{\rm q},i}}
+\newcommand{\mqltil}{\widetilde{m}_{{\rm q},{\rm l}}}
+\newcommand{\mqhtil}{\widetilde{m}_{{\rm q},{\rm h}}}
+\newcommand{\mqtil}{\widetilde{m}_{\rm q}}
+\newcommand{\muq}{\mu_{\rm q}}
+\newcommand{\muqtil}{\widetilde{\mu}_{\rm q}}
+\newcommand{\Mq}{M_{\rm q}}
+\newcommand{\mbbar}{\overline{m}_{\rm b}}
+\newcommand{\mhbar}{\overline{m}_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\mb}{m_{\rm b}}
+\newcommand{\mbstat}{m_{\rm b}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\ml}{m_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\mh}{m_{\rm h}}
+\newcommand{\mQ}{m_{\rm Q}}
+\newcommand{\mhMSbar}{m_{{\rm h},\MS}}
+\newcommand{\mhbarMSbar}{\overline{m}_{{\rm h},\MS}}
+\newcommand{\msbMS}{\overline{m}_{\rm s}^{\,\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\mcbMS}{\overline{m}_{\rm c}^{\,\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\mbbMS}{\overline{m}_{\rm b}^{\,\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\mbMS}{m_{\rm b}^{\,\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\mhbMS}{\overline{m}_{\rm h}^{\,\overline{\rm MS}}}
+% \newcommand{\mbSF}{\overline{m}^{\rm SF}}
+\newcommand{\mbSF}{\overline{m}_{\rm SF}}
+\newcommand{\md}{m_{\rm d}}
+\newcommand{\mU}{m_{\rm u}}
+\newcommand{\mUb}{\overline{m}_{\rm u}}
+\newcommand{\mS}{m_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\msb}{\overline{m}_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\mC}{m_{\rm c}}
+\newcommand{\mcb}{\overline{m}_{\rm c}}
+\newcommand{\Mu}{M_{\rm u}}
+\newcommand{\Ms}{M_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\Md}{M_{\rm d}}
+% \newcommand{\Ml}{M_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\Mc}{M_{\rm c}}
+\newcommand{\kapc}{\kappa_{\rm c}}
+\newcommand{\kapu}{\kappa_{\rm u}}
+\newcommand{\kapd}{\kappa_{\rm d}}
+\newcommand{\kaps}{\kappa_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\kapl}{\kappa_{\rm l}}
+\newcommand{\kaph}{\kappa_{\rm h}}
+% Correlators
+\newcommand{\fX}{f_{\rm X}}
+\newcommand{\kv}{k_{\rm V}}
+\newcommand{\kt}{k_{\rm T}}
+% Improvement coefficients
+\newcommand{\bP}{b_{{\rm P}}}
+\newcommand{\bV}{b_{{\rm V}}}
+% Hadronic observables
+\newcommand{\PS}{{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\mps}{m_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\Fps}{F_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\Fd}{F_{\rm D}}
+\newcommand{\Fds}{F_{\rm D_{\rm s}}}
+\newcommand{\mD}{m_{\rm D}}
+\newcommand{\mDs}{m_{\rm D_{\rm s}}}
+% B-Physics
+\newcommand{\Cstat}{C_{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\Estat}{E_{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\Eeff}{E_{\rm eff}}
+\newcommand{\Ekin}{E_{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\Ekinhat}{\hat{E}_{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\Espin}{E_{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\delE}{\Delta E}
+\newcommand{\delstat}{\Delta^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\mhbare}{m_{\rm bare}}
+\newcommand{\mhpole}{m_{\rm pole}}
+\newcommand{\Xr}{X_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\XRGI}{X_{\rm RGI}}
+\newcommand{\XRGIspin}{X_{\rm RGI}^{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\Yr}{Y_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\Yv}{Y_{\rm V}}
+\newcommand{\Yx}{Y_{\rm X}}
+\newcommand{\Rr}{R_{\rm }}
+\newcommand{\gamrel}{\Gamma_{\rm rel}}
+\newcommand{\gamstat}{\Gamma_{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\gamonestat}{\Gamma_1^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\gamonekin}{\Gamma_1^{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\gamps}{\Gamma_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\gamv}{\Gamma_{\rm V}}
+\newcommand{\gamav}{\Gamma_{\rm av}}
+\newcommand{\gamdifstat}{\Xi_{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\gamdifone}{\Xi_{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\gamx}{\Gamma_{\rm X}}
+\newcommand{\Omps}{\Omega_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\Omv}{\Omega_{\rm V}}
+\newcommand{\Omav}{\Omega_{\rm av}}
+\newcommand{\Omx}{\Omega_{\rm X}}
+\newcommand{\omps}{\omega_{\rm PS}}
+\newcommand{\omv}{\omega_{\rm V}}
+\newcommand{\omav}{\omega_{\rm av}}
+\newcommand{\omx}{\omega_{\rm X}}
+\newcommand{\zb}{z_{{\rm b}}}
+\newcommand{\Bs}{{\rm B}_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\mBs}{m_{{\rm B}_{\rm s}}}
+\newcommand{\Bb}{B_{\rm B}}
+\newcommand{\Obare}{O_{\rm bare}}
+\newcommand{\OINP}{O_{\rm INP}}
+\newcommand{\ZMS}{Z^{\,\overline{\rm MS}}}
+\newcommand{\ZMSpole}{Z^{\,\overline{\rm MS}}_{\,\rm pole}}
+\newcommand{\ZRGI}{Z_{\rm RGI}}
+\newcommand{\ZINP}{Z_{\rm INP}}
+\newcommand{\Zspin}{Z_{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\Zkin}{Z_{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\PhiINP}{\Phi_{{\rm INP}}}
+\newcommand{\Phieff}{\Phi_{{\rm eff}}}
+\newcommand{\PhistatMSbar}{\Phi^{\rm stat}_{\overline{{\rm MS}}}}
+\newcommand{\PhiQCD}{\Phi^{\rm QCD}}
+\newcommand{\PhiHQET}{\Phi^{\rm HQET}}
+\newcommand{\Phiqcd}{\Phi^{\rm QCD}}
+\newcommand{\Phihqet}{\Phi^{\rm HQET}}
+\newcommand{\Phistat}{\Phi^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\Phikin}{\Phi^{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\Phispin}{\Phi^{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\Phibarkin}{\overline{\Phi}^{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\Phibarspin}{\overline{\Phi}^{\rm spin}}
+\newcommand{\Phirstat}{\Phi_{\rm R}^{\rm stat}}
+\newcommand{\PhirHQET}{\Phi_{\rm R}^{\rm HQET}}
+\newcommand{\PhirQCD}{\Phi_{\rm R}^{\rm QCD}}
+\newcommand{\Phir}{\Phi_{{\rm R}}}
+\newcommand{\sigm}{\sigma_{\rm m}}
+\newcommand{\Sigm}{\Sigma_{\rm m}}
+\newcommand{\sigkin}{\sigma^{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\Sigkin}{\Sigma^{\rm kin}}
+\newcommand{\sigx}{\sigma_{\rm X}}
+\newcommand{\Sigx}{\Sigma_{\rm X}}
+% Couplings and Lambda-parameters
+\newcommand{\lQCD}{\Lambda_{\rm QCD}}
+\newcommand{\lSF}{\Lambda_{\rm SF}}
+\newcommand{\lMSbar}{\Lambda_{\overline{{\rm MS}}}}
+\newcommand{\lMSbarq}{\Lambda_{\overline{{\rm MS}}}^{(0)}}
+% Misc
+\newcommand{\mrm}[1]{{\rm #1}}
+\newcommand{\dts}[2]{#1_{{\rm #2}}}
+\newcommand{\uts}[2]{#1^{{\rm #2}}}
+           {#1_{{\rm #2}}^{{\rm #3}}}
+\newcommand{\sfat}[1]{{\small \mbox{\boldmath$#1$}}}
+\newcommand{\lmax}{L_{\rm max}}
+\newcommand{\alphs}{\alpha_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\alphSF}{\alpha_{\rm SF}}
+\newcommand{\MZ}{M_{\rm Z}}
+\newcommand{\alphR}{\alpha_{\rm R}}
+\newcommand{\alphqqbar}{\alpha_{{\rm q}\overline{{\rm q}}}}
+\newcommand{\alphMSbar}{\alpha_{\overline{{\rm MS}}}}
+\newcommand{\mcost}{M_{\rm cost}}
+\newcommand{\dcost}{D_{\rm cost}}
+\newcommand{\nmd}{N_{\rm md}}
+\newcommand{\Fm}{{\rm fm}}
+\newcommand{\K}{{\rm K}}
+% \newcommand{\D}{{\rm D}}
+\newcommand{\Ds}{{\rm D}_{\rm s}}
+\newcommand{\meff}{m_{{\rm eff}}}
+\newcommand{\oloop}{\rm 1-loop}
+\newcommand{\dt}{{\rm d}}
+\newcommand{\Dt}{{\rm D}}
+\newcommand{\Exp}{{\rm e}}
+\newcommand{\Mod}{{\rm mod\,}}
+% \newcommand{\opa}{\Bbb{A}}
+\newcommand{\SF}{{\rm SF}}
+\newcommand{\MOM}{{\rm MOM}}
+\newcommand{\lattice}{{\rm lattice}}
+\newcommand{\QCD}{{\rm QCD}}
+\newcommand{\HQET}{{\rm HQET}}
+\newcommand{\Alpha}{\hbox{\epsfxsize=0.75 true cm 
+                          \epsfbox{plots/alpha_color_60.eps}}}
+\newcommand{\ALPHA}{\hbox{\epsfxsize=0.875 true cm 
+                          \epsfbox{plots/alpha_color_60.eps}}}
+% Patrick Fritzsch's stuff
+\def\rmi{{\rm i}}
+\def\gotildesq{\widetilde{g}_{\kern0.1em 0}^{\kern0.1em 2}}
+\newcommand{\RAP}{R_{\rm AP}}
+\newcommand{\Rm}{R_{\rm m}}
+\newcommand{\RAm}{R_{\rm Am}}
+\newcommand{\Gamps}{\varGamma_{\rm PS}}
+% Other stuff
+\newcommand{\cO}{{\cal O}}
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new file mode 120000
index 0000000..61708ef
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+% !TeX program = lualatex
+% \usepackage[backend=bibtex]{biblatex} %lualatex, biber
+\usepackage{tikz} % I added this
+\usetikzlibrary{patterns}  % I added this
+\usetikzlibrary{calc} % I added this
+\usepackage{mathtools} % I added this
+\usepackage{tcolorbox} % I added this
+\usepackage{vwcol} % I added this
+\usepackage{wrapfig}  % I added this
+\usepackage{booktabs} % Top and bottom rules for table,I added this 
+\usepackage{animate} % added this for gifs
+\usepackage{simplewick} %added this
+\usepackage{macros} % used commands defined for rm paper
+\title[$A_\mu^a$ impr. msl. \& mass. quarks]{Non-singlet axial current improvement for massless and massive sea quarks}
+\author[Justus Kuhlmann]{\textbf{Justus Kuhlmann}\\ Patrick Fritzsch, Jochen Heitger}
+% \institute wird von der Vorlage nicht direkt verwendet
+\institute{Institut für theoretische Physik}
+\newcommand{\customcite}[1]{{\color{fu-blue}\citename{#1}{author}}, \citefield{#1}{journaltitle}, {\color{pantone315}\citeyear{#1}}}
+\addbibresource{"./My Library.bib"}
+	\maketitle
+% Relevance of the AV-current
+% Relevance in renormalisation adn improvement of other currents
+% so far only in chi lim
+% not exactly given with the ensembles at hand
+% also: we have ensembles close to the symmetric point
+% openLAT so far at sym point
+% differences at sym point?
+% improvement at the symmetric point
+% example
+	\frametitle{Relevance for further improvement and physics}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item needed for improv. determination of the PCAC quark-mass
+		\item decay constants
+		\item masses of mesons (e.g. $\chi_\mathrm{c1}$ or $D_\mathrm{1}^\ast$)
+		\pause
+		\vspace{.5cm}
+		\item improvement and renormalisation:
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item $\cv$, $\za$, $c_{\rm T}$
+			\item no $\ca$ $\Rightarrow$ no improvement of other channels
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{itemize}
+	\frametitle{Determination of $\ca$}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item Schrödinger functional
+		\item used already \arxivtag{hep-lat/9609035} for $N_{\rm f} = 2$ \arxivtag{hep-lat/0503003} and std. Wilson-Clover $N_{\rm f} = 3$ \arxivtag{1502.04999}
+		\item from PCAC mass $m_{\rm PCAC} = \frac{\partial_0 f_{\rm A}}{2f_{\rm P}} + \ca \frac{\partial^2_0 f_{\rm P}}{2f_{\rm P}} = r + \ca s$
+	\end{itemize}
+	\vspace{.5cm}
+	$$m_{\rm PCAC}^{(0)} = m_{\rm PCAC}^{(1)}$$
+	$$\Leftrightarrow \ca =  - \frac{r^{(1)} - r^{(0)}}{s^{(1)} - s^{(0)}}$$
+	\frametitle{The wavefunction method}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item mimic pionic sources on boundaries $\pi^{(0)}, \pi^{(1)}$ and require PCAC to hold
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item basis wavefunctions:
+			$\omega_{\rm b1} = e^{-r/a_0}\;,\quad\omega_{\rm b2} = r~e^{-r/a_0}\;,\quad\omega_{\rm b3} = e^{-r/(2a_0)}$
+			\item also include $\omega_{\rm b4} = {\rm cons.}\;,\quad\omega_{\rm b5} = -r^2~e^{-r/a_0}$
+		\end{itemize}
+		\item eigenvectors of boundary-to-boundary corr. func. $(F_1)_{i,j} = -\langle O(\omega_{{\rm b}i}) O'(\omega_{{\rm b}j})\rangle$ lead to eigenstates $\pi^{(0)}, \pi^{(1)}$
+		% Question: do we include all wavefunctions or just some?
+		% How does this interplay with the states that we achieve?
+		% Which is the optimal wf combination?
+		% \item also: where on the lattice do we define $c_{\rm A}$?
+		\vspace{.5cm}
+		\pause
+		\item evaluate $c_{\rm A}(x_0)$ with these source terms
+		\item later: choice of $x_0$ and wavefunction basis is part of the improvement condition
+	\end{itemize}
+	\frametitle{Ensembles}
+	\framesubtitle{$L\approx 3\,{\rm fm}$ Schrödinger-Functional ensembles, exp. Wilson-Clover fermions}
+	\begin{center}
+		\begin{tabular}{cc|c|c|c|c}
+			\toprule
+			$L/a$ & $\beta$ & $\kappa_{1}\approx\kappa_{\rm cr}$ & $\kappa_{2}$ & $\kappa_{3}\approx\kappa_{\rm sym}$&$a$\\
+			\midrule
+			24&3.685&0.1396980&0.1395500&0.1394400&0.120\\
+			32&3.80&0.1392500&---&0.1389630&\\
+			40&3.90&0.1388562&0.1386148&0.1386030&\\
+			48&4.00&0.1384942&0.1384880&0.1382720&\\
+			56&4.10&0.1381410&0.1380000&0.1379450&\\
+			\bottomrule
+		\end{tabular}
+	\end{center}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item interested in 2 LCPs: chiral and at $N_{\rm f}=3$ symmetric point
+		\item matching sym. point of \openlat~\arxivtag{2201.03874}
+	\end{itemize}
+	\frametitle{Improvement of the axial-vector current}
+	\framesubtitle{$\ca$ estimators}
+	\begin{tabular}{cc}
+		Close to chiral ensembles&Symmetric ensembles\\
+		\includegraphics[width=\halflinewidth]{plots/plateaus_chi_0.2_0.3_0124_ee_ee_total_quad.pdf}&
+		\includegraphics[width=\halflinewidth]{plots/plateaus_sym_0.2_0.3_0124_ee_ee_total_quad.pdf}	
+	\end{tabular}
+	% systematic errors, to capture "non-plateauness"
+% interpolations
+	\frametitle{Interpolation}
+	\framesubtitle{Hit symmetric and critical point exactly}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item ensembles not exactly tuned
+		\item determine points of interest as in \openlat~ensembles
+		\item define: $$\Phi^{\rm SF}_4 = \frac{3}{2}\,8t_0\,|m_{\rm eff}|\,m_{\rm eff}
+		\quad \Rightarrow \quad \Phi^{\rm SF}_4\bigm\lvert_{m_{0,{\rm cr}}} = 0\,,\;\Phi^{\rm SF}_4\bigm\lvert_{m_{0,{\rm sym}}} = 1.115$$
+		\item interpolate to the desired points
+	\end{itemize}
+	\frametitle{Improvement of the axial-vector current}
+	\framesubtitle{Finding the symmetric and chiral point}
+	%\includegraphics[width=\halflinewidth]{plots/plateaus_chi_0.175_0.325_0124.pdf}
+	\frametitle{Improvement of the axial-vector current}
+	\framesubtitle{Interpolations in $c_{\rm A}$}
+	%\includegraphics[width=\halflinewidth]{plots/plateaus_sym_0.175_0.325_0124.pdf}
+	\frametitle{Improvement of the axial-vector current}
+	\framesubtitle{Final interpolations in $g_0^2$}
+	%\includegraphics[width=\halflinewidth]{plots/plateaus_sym_0.175_0.325_0124.pdf}
+% first study for difference:
+	\frametitle{First scaling test of improvement}
+	\framesubtitle{Construction}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item Example: construct a non-trivial observable, for which renormalisation drops out
+$$\frac{A^R_{\pm}}{A^R_{ll}} = \frac{Z_{\rm A}}{Z_{\rm A}} \frac{(1+ b_{\rm A} (m_{q+} + m_{q-})/2}{(1+ b_{\rm A} m_{ql})} \frac{(1+\bar{b}_{\rm A}Tr[M_q])}{(1+ \bar{b}_{\rm A}Tr[M_q])} \frac{A_{\pm}}{A_{ll}}$$
+	with $$(m_{q+} + m_{q-})/2=m_{ql}$$
+		\item symmetric point \openlat~ensembles
+		\item unimproved vs improved chi vs improves sym
+	\end{itemize}
+	\frametitle{First study of improvement}
+	\framesubtitle{Results}
+	\frametitle{Outlook}
+	\begin{itemize}
+		\item starting to work on SF determination of
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item vector current improvement ($c_{\rm V}$, $c_{\rm T}$)
+			\item current quark mass renormalization ($b_{\rm A}-b_{\rm P}$, $b_m$, $Z$)
+		\end{itemize}
+		\item determination of $Z_{\rm A}$, $Z_{\rm V}$, $Z_{\rm S}/Z_{\rm P}$ through $\chi$SF
+	\end{itemize}
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new file mode 100644
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+	2017/11/01 Modifications/patches for wwustyle.sty%
+% add resource directory to search path
+% load the same packages as wwustyle
+% intercept option “english” to fix avoid error in wwustyle.sty
+% pass all (other) options to wwustyle
+% save commands that will temporarily be overwritten
+% disable the commands \RequirePackage and \usefont before loading wwustyle
+% so that it doesn’t load fontenc.sty or meta.sty and doesn’t set the fonts
+% load wwustyle
+% restore commands
+% =============================================================================
+% fix broken package option “english”
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+	\renewcommand{\claimTextLeben}{knowledge}
+	% this line had to be fixed (was “\newcommand{\claimText}{livingknowledge}”)
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+	\switchToEnglish
+% redefine \@arrayparboxrestore so that the presentation title (which is set
+% using a \parbox) uses \raggedright instead of justifying text
+% some improvements and modifications to wwustyle.sty
+% use standard WWU logo files instead of redrawing the logo in TikZ
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+		\includegraphics[scale=#1]{unims}
+	% \else%
+		% The file WWUMuenster_Logo_2017_4c.pdf contains margins which have to
+		% be cropped. There is a horizontal margin of 2.5mm and a vertical
+		% margin of 2.66mm on each side. The trim option of \includegraphics
+		% takes values in bp (1bp = 1/72in), so 2.5mm ≈ 7.08bp and
+		% 2.66mm ≈ 7.54bp.
+		% \includegraphics[trim=7.08 7.54 7.08 7.54, clip, scale=#1]{unims}
+		\hspace{0.3cm}\includegraphics[scale=0.13]{wwustyle/rtg_logo.png}
+		% \hspace{0.3cm}\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{wwustyle/rqcd_logo.pdf}
+	% \fi%
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+% (same size as left sidebar)
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+% into” the footer
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+	\mdseries
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+	\fontsize{6pt}{1pt}%
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+	% same space to the right as text margin
+	\hspace{0.5cm}%
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+%	\rule{0pt}{10mm}%
+	\rule{0pt}{5mm}%
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a22c407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wwustyle.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+% Package wwustyle
+% A style file following the corporate design of the WWU
+% Muenster.
+% Umgearbeitet fuer die Verwendung mit dem neuen Logo und neuen Hintergrundbildern.
+%   05.09.2017 Ulrich Grabowsky (gu)
+% Version: 1.9 (07.04.2014) Fixed overfull hboxes (Cudos to Matthias Kirchner for the fix)
+% Version: 1.8 (23.05.2013) Fixed some font warnings (Cudos to Dustin Demuth for the fix)
+% Version: 1.7 (07.09.2012) Updated english claim (living.knowledge)
+%                           distances
+% Version: 1.6 (07.09.2012) Added institutelogo{,small} for institute logos
+% Version: 1.3 (01.03.2012) Make compatible with tikzlibrary "external"
+% Version: 1.2 (30.01.2012) Added option "english" for english WWU claim
+% Version: 1.1 (04.03.2011) Added new version of maketitle command for
+%                           article, scrbook, etc classes in WWU style
+% Version: 1.0 (03.03.2011) Small adjustments for publication. Colors
+%                           are now globally defined and may be used in
+%                           user code.
+% Version: 0.5 (11.12.2010) Added options nopagenumbering and
+%                           halfpagenumbering
+% Version: 0.4 (23.08.2010) Bugfix: Date is now properly aligned.
+% Version: 0.3 (06.07.2010) The colors are now set via package
+%                           options, see Usage-section for details.
+%                           Furthermore, using the option "wide" one
+%                           can create presentations in 16:10 format.
+% Version: 0.2 (11.06.2010) One may now use a non-standard font size
+%                           in his document, the style does not get
+%                           corrupted anymore.
+%                           Added fontenc as requirement, some things
+%                           look better with it.
+%                           Removed institute from title page, looked too
+%                           crowded.
+% Version: 0.1 (13.02.2010) Initial version
+% Usage:    Just put \usepackage{wwustyle} in the header of your tex
+%           file, thats all!
+%           You may reset the main color by using COLORCODE
+%           as an option to the package, where COLORCODE is the
+%           name of the color (in one word, all in small letters)
+%           as defined in the corporate design manual which is
+%           to be found on the web:
+%           http://www.wwu.de/corporate-design/
+%           Furthermore, if you choose the option "wide", you will get
+%           presentations in 16:10.
+% Remark:   This uses the MetaNormal font, which is to be found as
+%           a latex font on the homepage of the WWU and should be available
+%           for employees in the tex distribution on the WWU workstations.
+% Authors:  Sven Kaulmann, Martin Drohmann, Ulrich Grabowsky (04.09.2017)
+% Maintainer: Sven Kaulmann (sven.kaulmann at uni-muenster dot de)
+%           Ulrich Grabowsky (grabowsky@satzundsonders.de)
+%% ========= Required Packages =============
+% for the graphics
+%% use MetaRoman Normal as the standard non-serif font
+\definecolor{pantone312}{RGB}{0,157,209}    % Hellblau*
+\definecolor{pantone315}{RGB}{0,110,137}    % Dunkelblau*
+\definecolor{pantone3282}{RGB}{0,142,150}   % Dunkelgruen*
+\definecolor{pantone369}{RGB}{122,181,22}   % Hellgruen
+\definecolor{pantone390}{RGB}{177,200,0}    % Olivgruen
+\definecolor{pantone396}{RGB}{223,219,0}    % Blassgruen
+% set pantone390 as the default main color
+% Geaendert in pantone312
+% set the main color
+% for the color definitions see
+% WWU corporate design manual
+% Schriftfarbe und Hintergrundfarbe muessen gesondert festgelegt
+% werden, da nicht fuer alle Farben Hintergrunddateien vorliegen.
+% #1: Schriftfarbe
+% #2: Hintergrundfarbe (Namensteil der Hintergrunddatei)
+    \renewcommand*{\bg@maincolor}{#1}%
+    \renewcommand*{\fn@maincolor}{#2}%
+    \def\reserved@a{#1}%
+    \def\reserved@b{#2}%
+    \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b
+    \else
+        \PackageWarning{wwustyle}{Background for font color #1 not available. Background color changed to #2}{}%
+    \fi
+    \set@wwu@maincolor{pantoneblack7}{pantone312}}
+\DeclareOption{pantone312}{% Bilder vorhanden
+    \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone312}{pantone312}}
+\DeclareOption{pantone315}{% Bilder vorhanden
+    \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone315}{pantone315}}
+\DeclareOption{pantone3282}{% Bilder vorhanden
+    \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone3282}{pantone3282}}
+    \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone369}{pantone312}}
+    \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone390}{pantone312}}
+    \set@wwu@maincolor{pantone396}{pantone312}}
+    \set@wwu@maincolor{pantoneprozessyellow}{pantone312}}
+% Das invertierte Titelbild erscheint lediglich auf
+% dem Haupttitel. Dort muss die Schrift dann
+% wei� werden.
+% \fn@invers dient zum Einlesen der entsprechenden Hintergrunddatei
+% \bg@invers schaltet die Farbe um. 04.09.2017 gu
+    \@inverstrue
+    \renewcommand*{\fn@invers}{invers}%
+    \renewcommand*{\bg@invers}{invers}%
+% Drei Motive liegen vor:
+% Glockenturm des Schlosses,
+% Textkeil,
+% WWU-Schriftzug auf dem Prinzipalmarkt.
+    \renewcommand*{\fn@motiv}{glocke}%
+    \@wedgetrue
+    \renewcommand*{\fn@motiv}{textkeil}%
+    \renewcommand*{\wedgeskip}{35mm}%
+    \renewcommand*{\fn@motiv}{prinzipalmarkt}%
+    \@inverstrue
+    \renewcommand*{\fn@invers}{invers}%
+    \renewcommand*{\bg@invers}{invers}%
+% Als Voreinstellung fuer die Verwendung der Klasse article
+% verwenden wir DIN A4 und den Befehl \make@aiv@title.
+    \let\set@poster\set@poster@null
+    \@postertrue
+    \renewcommand*{\din@format}{a0paper}%
+    \renewcommand*{\maketitle}{\make@poster@title}%
+    \def\posterLogoScale{3.5}%
+    \def\posterClaimScale{3.5}%
+    \def\posterLogoXShift{15cm}%
+    \def\posterLogoYShift{-7cm}%
+    \def\posterClaimXShift{1cm}%
+    \def\posterClaimYShift{2.8cm}%
+    \paperwidth=841mm
+    \paperheight=1189mm
+    \columnsep=20mm
+    \let\set@poster\set@poster@one
+    \@postertrue
+    \renewcommand*{\din@format}{a1paper}
+    \renewcommand*{\maketitle}{\make@poster@title}
+    \def\posterLogoScale{2.5}%
+    \def\posterClaimScale{2.5}%
+    \def\posterLogoXShift{11.3cm}%
+    \def\posterLogoYShift{-4.9cm}%
+    \def\posterClaimXShift{1cm}%
+    \def\posterClaimYShift{1.9cm}%
+    \paperwidth=594mm
+    \paperheight=841mm
+    \columnsep=20mm
+% \claimPunktYShift hinzugefuegt, um die Unterlaengen in
+% den englischen Woertern auszugleichen. 22.08.2017 gu
+% Beim Textkeil wird der gesamte Hintergrund hinterlegt,
+% andernfalls bleibt der Streifen unten frei.
+    \if@wedge
+        \if@invers
+            \claim{0.5}{0}{white}%
+        \else
+            \claim{0.5}{0}{grey}%
+        \fi
+    \else
+        \claim{0.5}{0}{grey}%
+    \fi
+    }
+\newcommand{\logoHeadline}{\wwulogo{0.3}} % Groesse veraendert. 22.08.2017 gu
+%\newcommand{\logoTitle}{\wwulogo{1.019}} % Diese Gr��e entspricht dem Original 1:1
+\newcommand{\logoTitleSmall}{\csname wwulogo\bg@invers\endcsname{0.45}} % Groesse veraendert. 22.08.2017 gu hier auf invers schalten
+} %% end of wwupreparefastmode
+% % create a presentation in 16 to 10 format
+  \geometry{paperwidth=15.36cm,paperheight=9.6cm}
+% Die Farboptionen definieren zunaechst \bg@maincolor,
+% dessen Farbangabe hier zugewiesen wird.
+%% ========= Images and Graphics ============
+% the claim as a tikzpicture, it uses two parameters:
+%% \parameter 1 the scale
+%% \parameter 2 the rotation
+%% #3 Farbe
+% Schriftgroesse und Groesse des Punkts geaendert. 22.08.2017 gu
+% Um drittes Argment (Farbe) ergaenzt. 04.09.2017 gu
+    \if@poster
+    \strut\hskip\posterClaimXShift\rlap{\includegraphics[scale=#1]{\claimText#3}}%
+    \else
+    \strut\hskip-16mm\rlap{\includegraphics[scale=#1]{\claimText#3}}%
+    \fi
+\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=#1, node distance=9.9mm, rotate=#2, transform shape]
+  %% wissen
+  \node (wissen)  {
+    \color{#3}
+    \fontsize{2.8mm}{1mm}\selectfont
+    \usefont{T1}{fMt}{b}{n}
+    \claimTextWissen *
+  };
+  %% Punkt
+  \node [circle,
+    minimum width=0.45mm,
+    inner sep=0,
+    fill=#3,
+    yshift=\claimPunktYShift,
+    xshift=\claimPunktXShift,
+    right of=wissen] (Punkt) {};
+  %% leben
+  \node[
+    xshift=\claimLebenXShift,
+    right of=wissen] (leben) {
+      \color{#3}
+      \fontsize{2.8mm}{1mm}\selectfont
+      \usefont{T1}{fMt}{b}{n}
+      \claimTextLeben
+    };
+% WWU M�nster unterhalb von wissen.leben entfernt. 22.08.2017 gu
+% %% WWU
+% \node[
+%   xshift=\claimWWUXShift,
+%   yshift=\claimWWUYShift,
+%   below of=wissen] (WWU) {\textcolor{pantoneblack7!50}{\fontsize{3.8mm}{1mm}\selectfont
+%       \usefont{T1}{fMt}{m}{n}
+%       WWU}};
+% %% M�nster
+% \node[
+%   xshift=\claimWWUXXShift,
+%   right of=WWU] {\textcolor{pantoneblack7!50}{\fontsize{3.8mm}{1mm}\selectfont
+%       \usefont{T1}{fMt}{m}{n}
+%       M\"unster}};
+} % end of newcommand
+%% the logo as tikzpicture, is takes one parameter
+%% \parameter 1 the scale
+%%% In das Logo von 2017 umgearbeitet: Balkenstaerke und Gesamthoehe
+%%% leicht veraendert, Schriftzug angepasst.
+%%% Eine Skalierung von 1.02 ergibt die Originalgroesse des neuen Logos.
+%%% 22.08.2017 gu
+  \begin{tikzpicture}[
+    node distance=1.866666666mm,
+    transform shape,
+    scale=#1]
+    %scale=1.02]
+    \tikzstyle{every node}=[inner sep=0mm, fill=#2]
+    \tikzstyle{mytextnode}=[inner sep=0mm, below left of=bar,fill=none,
+    color=#2]
+    % the first bar
+  \node[rectangle,
+             color=#2,
+             minimum height=1.6mm,
+             minimum width=0.7mm] (bar)  {};
+  % the second bar
+  \node[below of = bar,
+            rectangle,
+             color=#2,
+            minimum height=0.7mm,
+            minimum width=2.6mm,
+            yshift=0.26mm] {};
+  % the third bar
+  \node[below of = bar,
+             rectangle,
+             color=#2,
+             minimum height=1.6mm,
+             minimum width=4.5mm,
+             yshift=-3.2mm] {};
+  % the fourth bar
+  \node[below left of=bar,
+            rectangle,
+             color=#2,
+            minimum height=1.5mm,
+            minimum width=17.8mm,
+            yshift=-7mm,
+            xshift=-12.1mm] (fourth) {};
+  % the fifth bar
+  \node[below left of=bar,
+             rectangle,
+             color=#2,
+             minimum height=1.6mm,
+             minimum width=17.8mm,
+             yshift=-7mm,
+             xshift=14.85mm] (fifth) {};
+  % the sixth bar
+  \node[below of=bar,
+             rectangle,
+             color=#2,
+             minimum height=0.7mm,
+             minimum width=44.75mm,
+             yshift=-10.7mm,
+             xshift=0.05mm] {};
+  % the  seventh bar
+  \node[below of=bar,
+             rectangle,
+             color=#2,
+             minimum height=1.6mm,
+             minimum width=44.75mm,
+             %yshift=-17.5mm,
+             yshift=-17.8mm,
+             xshift=0.05mm] {};
+  \node[mytextnode,
+  yshift=-9.9mm,
+  xshift=40mm] {
+    \fontsize{10.6mm}{1mm}\selectfont
+    \usefont{T1}{fMt}{b}{sc}
+    \textls[15]{WWU}
+  };
+  \node[mytextnode,
+  yshift=-17mm,
+  xshift=40.1mm] {
+    \fontsize{4.3mm}{1mm}\selectfont
+    \usefont{T1}{fMt}{m}{n}
+    \textls[15]{M\spatium \"U\spatium N\spatium S\spatium T\spatium E\spatium R}
+  };
+  \end{tikzpicture}
+} % end of the logo
+% define the institute logo command
+  \renewcommand{\@institutelogo}{#1}
+  \renewcommand{\@institutelogosmall}{#1}
+% use MetaNormal Roman everywhere
+%% ============ Margins, spacing, etc ============
+\setbeamersize{text margin right=2mm, text margin left=7.50mm}  % text margin
+% switch of the navigation symbols
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+% set the right side width so the logo fits there
+\setbeamersize{sidebar width right=1.1cm}
+\setbeamersize{sidebar width left=-.25cm}
+% by default give only current page number
+% %% ========= Possible options for beamer ==============
+% % decide, whether the page number should show up
+% \DeclareOption{nopagenumbering}{
+% \definecolor{currentframenumbercolor}{RGB}{255,255,255}
+% \definecolor{slashcolor}{RGB}{255,255,255}
+% \definecolor{totalframenumbercolor}{RGB}{255,255,255}
+% }
+% \DeclareOption{fullpagenumbering}{
+% \definecolor{currentframenumbercolor}{RGB}{62,62,59}
+% \definecolor{slashcolor}{RGB}{62,62,59}
+% \definecolor{totalframenumbercolor}{RGB}{62,62,59}
+% }
+% \ProcessOptions\relax
+%% ============ Color definitions for beamer ================
+% colors to be used
+\definecolor{text-grey}{rgb}{0.45, 0.45, 0.45} % grey text on white background
+\definecolor{fu-blue}{RGB}{0, 51, 102} % blue text
+\definecolor{fu-green}{RGB}{153, 204, 0} % green text
+\definecolor{fu-red}{RGB}{204, 0, 0} % red text (used by \alert)
+%% ================= Redefinition of Styles ============
+% colors
+\setbeamercolor*{normal text}{fg=pantoneblack7,bg=white}
+\setbeamercolor*{alerted text}{fg=fu-red}
+\setbeamercolor*{example text}{fg=fu-green}
+%\setbeamercolor*{block title}{fg=white,bg=maincolor}
+\setbeamercolor*{block title}{fg=pantoneblack7,bg=}
+\setbeamercolor*{block title alerted}{fg=white,bg=fu-red}
+\setbeamercolor*{block title example}{fg=white,bg=fu-green}
+\setbeamercolor*{block body}{bg=}
+\setbeamercolor*{block body alerted}{bg=fu-red!10}
+\setbeamercolor*{block body example}{bg=fu-green!10}
+\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry author}{fg=fu-blue}
+% TODO: this doesn't work at all:
+\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry journal}{fg=text-grey}
+% Die Einstellungen fuer Listen sind anscheinend nur durch
+% ein Mischmasch von Beamer- und LaTeX-Code einzustellen.
+% gu 06.09.2017
+\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\small}
+\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}{\small}
+\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subsubbody begin}{\small}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{dash}{--}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{dash}{--}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}{dash}{--}
+\defbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{dash}
+  \hbox{%
+    \leavevmode\hbox to2.25ex{%
+      \hfil%
+      \insertenumlabel%
+      \hfil}%
+  }%
+{\setbeamerfont{item projected}{size=\normalsize}}
+\defbeamertemplate{enumerate subitem}{dash}
+  \hbox{%
+    \hbox to2.25ex{%
+      \hfil%
+      \insertsubenumlabel%
+      \hfil}%
+  }%
+\defbeamertemplate{enumerate subsubitem}{dash}
+  \hbox{%
+    \hbox to2.25ex{%
+      \hfil%
+      \insertsubsubenumlabel%
+      \hfil}%
+  }%
+% Die folgenden Definitionen erreichen das gewuenschte Ziel:
+% Verschachtelte \item haben nun denselben Durchschuss.
+% (Logisch ist das nicht.)
+\def\@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii
+              \labelwidth\leftmarginii
+              \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+              \topsep    0pt
+              \parsep    0pt
+              \itemsep   \topsep}
+              \labelwidth\leftmarginiii
+              \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+              \topsep    4pt
+              \parsep    0pt
+              \partopsep 0pt
+              \itemsep   \topsep}
+% sidebar
+\setbeamertemplate{sidebar right}{
+  {
+% Spruch an der Seite entfernt. 22.08.2017 gu
+%  \skipexternalization
+%  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+%    \node[anchor=east,inner sep=0,yshift=-2.25cm,xshift=0.3mm] (sidebarclaim) at (current page.east) {
+%       \claimSidebar
+%    };
+%  \end{tikzpicture}
+  }
+% frame title
+    \vskip4mm
+  \fontsize{14pt}{1pt}
+  \selectfont
+    %\hskip-2.4mm
+    \color{maincolor}
+    \begin{minipage}[b][20pt]{\textwidth}
+      %\textgreater\,
+      \textbf{\insertframetitle}%
+    \end{minipage}
+    \vskip-10mm
+% headline
+  \fontsize{6pt}{1pt}
+  \selectfont
+  {
+  \skipexternalization
+  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+    \node[xshift=0.54cm,yshift=-1.21cm,
+    anchor=south west,
+    inner sep=0] at (current page.north west) {\logoHeadline};
+    \node[xshift=4.76cm,yshift=-1.21cm,
+    anchor=south west,
+    inner sep=0] at (current page.north west) {\@institutelogosmall};
+  \end{tikzpicture}
+  }
+  \hfill
+  \textbf{\color{maincolor}\let\bgbox\relax\insertshorttitle}%
+  \hskip2mm %title on the right
+  \parbox[b]{10mm}{
+    % Der Strich darf hier nur optisch entfallen, denn durch ihn reguliert
+    % sich zugleich die Hoehe der Kopfzeile.
+    % Die Seitenzahl entfaellt. 22.08.2017 gu
+    {\color{maincolor}\rule{0pt}{12mm} }
+%   \hskip1mm    \textcolor{currentframenumbercolor}{\insertframenumber}
+%    \textcolor{slashcolor}{/}\textcolor{totalframenumbercolor}{\inserttotalframenumber}
+  }
+}% end headline
+% title page
+% Der Hintergrund fuer die Titelseite ist in \bg@title abgelegt.
+% Diese Box wird auf der ersten Seite ausgegeben und ist
+% anschliessend leer. 23.08.2017 gu
+\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
+    \hbox to \paperwidth{\hss\box\bg@title}%
+\setbeamertemplate{title page}{
+ \fontsize{11pt}{1pt}
+  \selectfont
+  %% set the title and the author
+  \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}
+  \begin{picture}(0,15)
+    \put(0,8){\parbox[c]{10.75cm}{
+        \fontsize{16pt}{20pt}
+        \selectfont
+        \edef\curr@fnt@color{maincolor}%
+        \if@invers
+            \edef\curr@fnt@color{white}%
+        \fi
+        % Beim Motiv Prinzipalmarkt auf die Farbe `prinz' umschalten.
+        \ifx\p@markt\fn@motiv
+            \edef\curr@fnt@color{prinz}%
+        \fi
+        % Bei inversem Titelbild auf wei�e Schrift umschalten.
+        % Der Untertitel (s.u.) steht dann besser in halbfett.
+        \color{\curr@fnt@color}
+        {\bfseries
+            \inserttitle
+        }
+        \par
+        \vskip2mm
+        \fontsize{8pt}{10pt}
+        \selectfont
+        \insertsubtitle\par
+        \insertauthor
+        \par
+      }
+    }
+    \linespread{0.9}
+    {
+    \skipexternalization
+    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
+%      \node (authornode) [yshift=0.5cm, inner sep=0,text width=0.33\linewidth, text centered, anchor=base] at (current page.south)
+%     {\color{pantoneblack7}
+%       \fontsize{8pt}{14pt}
+%       \selectfont
+%       %\insertauthor
+%       };
+% Anstelle des Datums steht hier nunmehr das Institutslogo. 22.08.2017 gu
+% Ich habe es in eine \llap{} gepackt, weil nicht vorhersehbar ist,
+% was dort erscheinen soll.
+      \node (datenode) [yshift=0.7cm,xshift=-1cm, inner sep=0, anchor=base] at (current page.south east)
+      {\color{pantoneblack7}%
+      \if@wedge
+            \if@invers
+                \color{white}%
+            \fi
+        \fi
+       \llap{\fontsize{6pt}{8pt}\selectfont\@institutelogo\hskip\wedgeskip}%
+       };
+   \end{tikzpicture}
+   }
+  \end{picture}
+  {
+  \skipexternalization
+  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+% Die Hintergrundbalken gibt es nicht mehr. 22.08.2017 gu
+    %% the 1. rectangle
+%    \node [xshift=-0.1cm,yshift=-1.95cm] at (current page.north east)
+%    [rectangle,
+%    inner sep=0mm,
+%    minimum height=0.45cm,
+%    minimum width=0.19cm,
+%    fill=maincolor
+%    ] {};
+    %% the 2. rectangle
+%    \node [xshift=-0.27cm,yshift=-2.49cm] at (current page.north east)
+%    [rectangle,
+%    inner sep=0mm,
+%    minimum height=0.21cm,
+%    minimum width=0.53cm,
+%    fill=maincolor
+%    ] {};
+    %% the 3. rectangle
+%    \node [xshift=-0.415cm,yshift=-3.54cm] (thirdrec) at (current page.north east)
+%    [rectangle,
+%    inner sep=0,
+%    minimum height=0.45cm,
+%    minimum width=0.85cm,
+%    fill=maincolor
+%    ] {};
+    %% the 4. rectangle
+%    \node[xshift=-1.15cm, yshift=-0.46cm] (helpernode4) at (thirdrec.south){};
+%    \fill[maincolor] (current page.west)+(0,0.12cm)
+%    rectangle (helpernode4);
+    %% the 5. rectangle
+%    \node[yshift=-0.71cm] (helpernode5) at (current page.east){};
+%    \fill[maincolor] (current page.west)+(0,-0.94cm)
+%    rectangle (helpernode5);
+    %% the 6. rectangle
+%    \node[yshift=-3.08cm] (helpernode6) at (current page.east){};
+%    \fill[maincolor] (current page.west)++(0,-2.63cm)
+%    rectangle (helpernode6);
+    %% the claim
+    \node [xshift=1.3cm,yshift=0.8cm] at (current page.south west)
+    (claim) {\claimMain};
+% Der Autor steht unten auf der Seite.
+    \node [xshift=2.72cm,yshift=0.8cm] at (current page.south west)
+    (claim) {
+        \fontsize{6pt}{8pt}
+        \selectfont
+        %\insertauthor
+        };
+    %% the logo
+%    \node [xshift=6.39cm,yshift=-1cm,anchor=west] at (current page.north west)
+%    {\@institutelogo};
+% Das Logo steht oben.
+    \node [xshift=0.39cm,yshift=-1cm,anchor=west] at (current page.north west)
+    {\logoTitleSmall};
+  \end{tikzpicture}
+  }
+} %end title page
+% footline
+% Umgearbeitet in die neue Vorlage: Ein Strich statt zwei
+% Strichen, Seitenzahl. 22.08.2017 gu
+  \fontsize{6pt}{1pt}%
+  \selectfont%
+  \vskip4pt%
+  \color{maincolor}%
+  \rule{\textwidth}{0.8pt}% horizontal line
+  \vskip4mm%
+  \color{black}%
+  \hspace{5mm}%
+  \textcolor{wwublack}{\let\bgbox\relax\insertshortauthor}\hfill\textcolor{maincolor}{\fontsize{9pt}{12pt}\selectfont\textbf{\thepage}}\hspace{5mm}\strut%
+  \vskip4mm%
+  }% end footline
+} % true-branch of ifclassloaded
+% define the institute logo command
+  \renewcommand{\@institutelogo}{#1}
+  \renewcommand{\@subtitle}{#1}
+% force DIN-A4 paper
+    \RequirePackage{geometry}
+    \geometry{a4paper}
+    \renewcommand*{\maketitle}{\make@aiv@title}
+\newcommand{\make@aiv@title}{ %replace standard LaTeX-command
+ {
+ \sf
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{0mm}%
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}
+ \skipexternalization
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+%  \node [yshift=-0.8mm,xshift=-0.35mm]at (current page.center) {\includegraphics[width=21cm]{seite_einzeln}};
+    %% the logo
+    \node [xshift=5.5cm,yshift=-2.5cm] at (current page.north west)
+    {\logoTitle};
+    %% the title
+    \node (greaternode) [xshift=1.4cm,yshift=-7.86cm,anchor=base west] at (current page.north west)
+    [inner sep=0mm] {
+      \fontsize{26pt}{11pt}\selectfont\color{maincolor}};%\textgreater};
+    \node (titlenode) [xshift=1.85cm,yshift=-7.2cm,anchor=base west] at (current page.north west)
+    [inner sep=0mm,text width=16.45cm] {
+      \color{maincolor}
+      \fontsize{26pt}{28pt}\selectfont\textls[15]{\llap{> }\@title}\par
+    };
+    \node [xshift=1.85cm,yshift=-10.65cm, anchor=south west] at (current page.north west)
+    [inner sep=0mm,text width=16.45cm, minimum width=16.45cm] {
+      \color{pantoneblack7}
+      \fontsize{19.5pt}{21pt}\selectfont
+      \@subtitle\par
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+	2018/02/26 beamer presentations using the WWU corporate design%
+% Usage: Just put \usepackage{wwustyle} in the header of your tex
+%        file!
+%        Available options:
+%        - english: uses the English claim (“living.knowledge”)
+%        - Color variants (see the Corporate design manual
+%          https://sso.uni-muenster.de/intern/marketing/corporatedesign/cdmanual.html):
+%          pantone312 (“light blue”)
+%          pantone3135 (“green”)
+%          pantone7462 (“dark blue”)
+%        - Different title images:
+%          - belltower (default): castle bell tower
+%          - wedge: text wedge
+%          - prinz: WWU letters at Prinzipalmarkt (photo)
+%        - inverse: inverse title image (white on colored background
+%                   instead of color on white background)
+%        - nopagenumbering:   disables slide numbering
+%        - fullpagenumbering: displays total slide number in addition to
+%                             current slide number
+% Maintainers: Simon May (simon.may@uni-muenster.de)
+%              Fachschaft Physik (fsphys@uni-muenster.de)
+%              Jochen Heitger (some slight individual adjustments only):
+%              - some slight shifts at head-/footlines to gain space
+%              - further modifications indicated by "J.H." ...
+%% =============== required packages ============================
+% typographical improvements (micro-typography)
+% enable colors
+% enable inclusion of images (EPS, PNG, JPG, PDF)
+% include .tex files with \includegraphics
+% better handling of filenames with \includegraphics etc.
+% includes amsmath
+% enables quotes
+% tables
+% referencing
+%% =============== package settings =============================
+% LaTeX
+% graphicx
+% use “keepaspectratio” as a default
+% s. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/91619
+% hyperref
+%% =============== additional settings/commands =================
+% surpress roman numbering of refrences (allowframebreaks)
+\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{}
+% specify the directory of the general graphic files
+% J.H.'s location for this directory ...
+% alpha logo macros
+% \newcommand{\Alpha}{\hbox{\includegraphics[width=0.75cm]
+% 		{./logos/alpha_color_60}}}
+% \newcommand{\ALPHA}{\hbox{\includegraphics[width=0.875cm]
+% 		{./logos/alpha_color_60}}}
+% \newcommand{\CLS}{\hbox{\includegraphics[width=0.75cm]
+%		{./cls_color}}}
+%% =============== definitions (\definecolor, \newcommand) ======
+% available font and background colors
+% RGB color values have been taken from the WWU corporate design manual
+% https://sso.uni-muenster.de/intern/marketing/corporatedesign/cdmanual.html
+% Pantone 312: “variant 1” of the PowerPoint template
+\definecolor{pantone312} {RGB}{0,   157, 209} % light blue
+% Pantone 3135: “variant 2” of the PowerPoint template
+\definecolor{pantone3135}{RGB}{0,   142, 150} % green
+% Pantone 7462: “variant 3” of the PowerPoint template
+\definecolor{pantone7462}{RGB}{0,    87, 138} % dark blue
+\definecolor{pantoneblack7}{RGB}{62, 62, 59}
+% use the same text color as in the PowerPoint presentation template
+% the same color is also used for the WWU logo
+\definecolor{wwu-textcolor}{RGB}{88, 88, 90}
+% set frame background to same color as title page background
+% (“Schwarz, 5% Deckkraft”)
+\definecolor{wwu-bgcolor}{RGB}{244, 244, 244}
+	\definecolor{wwu-bgcolor}{RGB}{255, 255, 255}
+% set pantone312 as the default main color
+% set bell tower as default background
+% by default give only current page number
+% command to set the main color
+% for the color definitions, see the WWU corporate design manual
+% https://sso.uni-muenster.de/intern/marketing/corporatedesign/cdmanual.html
+% parameter #1: color
+	\renewcommand*{\main@color}{#1}%
+% The inverted title image only appears on the title page.
+% The text color must be white there.
+% \fn@invers is used to read the corresponding background image file
+% \bg@invers is used to switch the text color
+% smaller sized WWU logo on l.h.s. of frame headlines
+% \newcommand*{\logoHeadline}{\wwulogo{2cm}}
+\newcommand*{\logoTitleSmall}{\csname wwulogo\bg@invers\endcsname{3.5cm}}
+%% ========= possible package options ===========================
+% Pantone 312: “variant 1” of the PowerPoint template
+	\set@wwu@maincolor{pantone312}
+% Pantone 3135: “variant 2” of the PowerPoint template
+	\set@wwu@maincolor{pantone3135}
+% Pantone 7462: “variant 3” of the PowerPoint template
+	\set@wwu@maincolor{pantone7462}
+	\@inverstrue
+	\renewcommand*{\fn@invers}{invers}
+	\renewcommand*{\bg@invers}{invers}
+	\renewcommand*{\title@fnt@color}{white}
+	\renewcommand*{\title@date@color}{white}
+	% with inverse title image: switch to white title text
+	\renewcommand*{\title@fnt@color}{white}
+	\renewcommand*{\title@date@color}{white}
+% There are three title images:
+% - castle bell tower
+% - text wedge
+% - WWU letters at Prinzipalmarkt
+	\renewcommand*{\bg@motiv}{glocke}
+	\@wedgetrue
+	\renewcommand*{\bg@motiv}{textkeil}
+	\renewcommand*{\wedgeskip}{4.5cm}
+	\renewcommand*{\bg@motiv}{prinzipalmarkt}
+	\@inverstrue
+	\renewcommand*{\fn@invers}{invers}
+	\renewcommand*{\bg@invers}{invers}
+	% with inverse title image “Prinzipalmarkt”:
+	% switch to text color “prinz” on title
+	\renewcommand*{\title@fnt@color}{prinz}
+	\renewcommand*{\title@date@color}{prinz}
+	\renewcommand*{\claimText}{livingknowledge}
+	\renewcommand*{\claimDeEn}{-en}
+% For the text wedge, the whole background is colored.
+% For the other images, a white strip remains at the bottom.
+	\if@wedge%
+		\if@invers%
+			\claim{white}%
+		\else%
+			\claim{gray}%
+		\fi%
+	\else%
+		\claim{gray}%
+	\fi%
+% decide whether the page number should show up
+	\renewcommand*{\@@insert@framenumber}{}
+	\renewcommand*{\@@insert@framenumber}{%
+		\insertframenumber\,\vrule width0.8pt height7pt depth 3pt\,\inserttotalframenumber%
+	}
+% allow the user to do the font setup instead of doing it in the package
+	\@manualfontstrue
+% save the specified color as “maincolor”
+% do font setup if “manualfonts” wasn’t specified
+	% language setting
+	\RequirePackage[english]{babel}
+	\RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+	\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}
+	%% use MetaRoman Normal as the standard non-serif font. See folder install meta on how to install.
+% J.H.'s modification to change meta to standard fonts ...
+% 	\RequirePackage{meta}
+% 	\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{fMt}
+%	\RequirePackage{wwustyle/meta-office-pro}
+%% =============== images and graphics ==========================
+% WWU claim with \includegraphics; uses one parameter:
+% parameter #1: color
+	% unfortunately, the image must be scaled here instead of using a fixed
+	% width or height, because the German and English versions of the claim
+	% differ in both
+	\rlap{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{\claimText#1}}%
+% WWU logo with \includegraphics; uses one parameter
+% parameter #1: width
+	\def\temp@a{#2}\def\temp@b{white}%
+	\ifx\temp@a\temp@b%
+		\includegraphics[width=#1]{WWUMuenster_Logo_2017_rgb_negativ}%
+	\else%
+		\includegraphics[width=#1]{WWUMuenster_Logo_2017_rgb_beamergray}%
+	\fi%
+% background image (in a saved box, so only for the first frame)
+	\sbox\bg@title{%
+% J.H.'s modification to optionally suppress background image on the title page ...
+		\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{\main@color\bg@motiv\fn@invers}%
+	}%
+% workaround for the issue in https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/417282
+	\vbox{\hbox{\hskip-\Gm@lmargin\raise\headheight\box\beamer@tempbox\box\@tempboxa}\hfil}%
+	\vbox{\hbox{\hskip-\Gm@lmargin\raise\headheight\box\beamer@tempbox\raise\headheight\box\@tempboxa}\hfil}%
+	Applying workaround for plain frame background in older beamer versions\MessageBreak%
+	(see https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/417282)%
+% define the institute logo command
+	\renewcommand*{\@institutelogo}{#1}%
+	\renewcommand*{\@institutelogosmall}{#1}%
+%% =============== margins, spacing, etc. =======================
+% disable left sidebar (empty)
+\setbeamersize{sidebar width left=0cm}
+% disable right sidebar now that the claim isn’t shown there anymore
+\setbeamersize{sidebar width right=0cm}
+% set text margins to 0.5cm
+% this gives the same margins as before with the sidebars
+% (with empty sidebars and sidebar width left=-0.25cm, sidebar width right=0.25cm)
+\setbeamersize{text margin left=0.5cm}
+\setbeamersize{text margin right=0.5cm}
+% switch off the navigation symbols
+%% =============== color definitions for beamer =================
+% colors to be used
+\definecolor{text-gray}{rgb}{0.45, 0.45, 0.45} % gray text on white background
+\definecolor{fu-blue} {RGB}{0,   51, 102} % blue text
+\definecolor{fu-green}{RGB}{153, 204,  0} % green text
+\definecolor{fu-red}  {RGB}{204, 0,    0} % red text (used by \alert)
+%% =============== redefinition of styles =======================
+% colors
+\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=wwu-textcolor, bg=wwu-bgcolor}
+\setbeamercolor{alerted text}{fg=fu-red}
+\setbeamercolor{example text}{fg=fu-green}
+\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=white, bg=maincolor}
+\setbeamercolor{block title alerted}{fg=white, bg=fu-red}
+\setbeamercolor{block title example}{fg=white, bg=fu-green}
+\setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=maincolor!10}
+\setbeamercolor{block body alerted}{bg=fu-red!10}
+\setbeamercolor{block body example}{bg=fu-green!10}
+\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry author}{fg=fu-blue}
+\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry journal}{fg=text-gray}
+% frame title
+% shift the frametitle slighty to the top, to gain some space ...
+% 	\vskip4mm
+	\vskip2mm
+	\fontsize{14pt}{14pt}
+	\selectfont
+	\color{maincolor}
+	\bfseries
+	\insertframetitle
+	\par
+	\ifx\insertframesubtitle\empty%
+	\else
+	\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}
+	\selectfont
+	% set frame subtitles in pantoneblack7
+	% (which is darker than the color of normal text)
+	\color{pantoneblack7}
+	\mdseries
+	\insertframesubtitle
+	\fi%
+% title page
+% The background for the title page is saved in \bg@title.
+% This box is output on the first page and is empty afterwards.
+\setbeamertemplate{background}{\hbox to \paperwidth{\hss\box\bg@title}}
+% redefine \@arrayparboxrestore so that the presentation title (which is set
+% using a \parbox) uses \raggedright instead of justifying text
+\setbeamertemplate{title page}{%
+	% set the title, subtitle, author and date
+	\setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}
+	\begin{picture}(0,15)
+		\put(0,4){\parbox[c]{10cm}{%
+			\color{\title@fnt@color}%
+			% title
+			\LARGE%
+			\bfseries%
+			\inserttitle%
+			\par%
+			\vskip2mm%
+			% subtitle
+			\footnotesize%
+			\normalfont%
+			\insertsubtitle%
+			\smallskip%
+			% author
+			\par%
+			\insertauthor%
+			\par%
+			% date
+			\medskip%
+			\scriptsize%
+			\color{\title@date@color}%
+			\insertdate%
+			\par%
+		}}
+	\end{picture}
+	\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+		% WWU logo (top left)
+		\node[xshift=0.4cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=west]
+			at (current page.north west)
+			{\logoTitleSmall};
+		% WWU claim (bottom left)
+		\node[xshift=0.5cm, yshift=0.65cm]
+			at (current page.south west)
+			{\claimMain};
+		% institute logo (bottom right)
+		\node[xshift=-0.5cm, yshift=0.8cm, inner sep=0, anchor=east]
+			at (current page.south east) {%
+				% see \claimMain
+				\if@wedge%
+					\if@invers%
+						\color{white}%
+					\fi%
+				\fi%
+				\@institutelogo\hspace*{\wedgeskip}%
+			};
+	\end{tikzpicture}
+% headline
+% shift logos, short title etc. in the headline slighty to the top,
+% to gain some space ...
+	\fontsize{6pt}{1pt}%
+	\selectfont%
+	{%
+		\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+% 			\node[xshift=0.5cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=south west, inner sep=0]
+			\node[xshift=0.5cm, yshift=-0.6125cm, anchor=south west, inner sep=0]
+			        at (current page.north west) {\logoHeadline};
+% 			\node[xshift=3.5cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=south west, inner sep=0]
+			\node[xshift=3.5cm, yshift=-0.6125cm, anchor=south west, inner sep=0]
+				at (current page.north west) {\@institutelogosmall};
+		\end{tikzpicture}
+	}%
+	\hfill%
+	\bfseries%
+	\color{maincolor}%
+	\let\bgbox\relax\insertshorttitle%
+	% same space to the right as text margin
+	\hspace{0.5cm}%
+	% invisible rule to set headline height
+%	\rule{0pt}{10mm}%
+	\rule{0pt}{5mm}%
+% footline
+% make footline background non-transparent so that frame content cannot “slide
+% into” the footer
+% % shift the footline slighty to the bottom, to gain some space ... 
+	\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{footlinecolor}
+		\fontsize{6pt}{1pt}%
+		\selectfont%
+		\color{maincolor}%
+		\rule{\textwidth}{0.8pt}% horizontal line
+%		\vskip2mm%
+		\vskip-0.5mm%
+		\hspace{5mm}%
+		\color{wwu-textcolor}%
+		\let\bgbox\relax\insertshortauthor%
+%		\vrule height7pt depth3pt width0pt\hfill%
+		\vrule height3pt depth3pt width0pt\hfill%
+%		\fontsize{9pt}{12pt}%
+                \fontsize{6pt}{9pt}%
+		\selectfont%
+		\color{maincolor}%
+		\bfseries%
+		\@@insert@framenumber%
+		\hspace{5mm}%
+		\strut%
+%		\vskip3mm%
+		\vskip1mm%
+	\end{beamercolorbox}%