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2024-07-24 13:44:10 +02:00
2017/11/01 Modifications/patches for wwustyle.sty%
% add resource directory to search path
% load the same packages as wwustyle
% intercept option “english” to fix avoid error in wwustyle.sty
% pass all (other) options to wwustyle
% save commands that will temporarily be overwritten
% disable the commands \RequirePackage and \usefont before loading wwustyle
% so that it doesnt load fontenc.sty or meta.sty and doesnt set the fonts
% load wwustyle
% restore commands
% =============================================================================
% fix broken package option “english”
% this line had to be fixed (was “\newcommand{\claimText}{livingknowledge}”)
% switch to English if package option “english” was specified
% redefine \@arrayparboxrestore so that the presentation title (which is set
% using a \parbox) uses \raggedright instead of justifying text
% some improvements and modifications to wwustyle.sty
% use standard WWU logo files instead of redrawing the logo in TikZ
% \ifx\temp@a\temp@b%
% \else%
% The file WWUMuenster_Logo_2017_4c.pdf contains margins which have to
% be cropped. There is a horizontal margin of 2.5mm and a vertical
% margin of 2.66mm on each side. The trim option of \includegraphics
% takes values in bp (1bp = 1/72in), so 2.5mm ≈ 7.08bp and
% 2.66mm ≈ 7.54bp.
% \includegraphics[trim=7.08 7.54 7.08 7.54, clip, scale=#1]{unims}
% \hspace{0.3cm}\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{wwustyle/rqcd_logo.pdf}
% \fi%
% make right sidebar smaller now that the claim isnt shown there anymore
% (same size as left sidebar)
\setbeamersize{sidebar width right=0.25cm}
% define an actual white (since the normal white was overwritten in wwustyle)
% correct definition of pantoneblack7
% set text color to 80% of pantoneblack7
\setbeamercolor*{normal text}{fg=pantoneblack7!80}
% restore block title colors
\setbeamercolor*{block title}{fg=truewhite,bg=maincolor}
\setbeamercolor*{block title alerted}{fg=truewhite,bg=fu-red}
\setbeamercolor*{block title example}{fg=truewhite,bg=fu-green}
% restore block background color
\setbeamercolor*{block body}{bg=maincolor!5}
% make footline background non-transparent so that frame content cannot “slide
% into” the footer
\rule{\textwidth}{0.8pt}% horizontal line
% fix frame numbering (use \insertframenumber instead of \thepage)
% restore original beamer list settings overwritten by wwustyle.sty
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}[default]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}[default]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subsubbody begin}[default]
% fix \frametitle and add output for \framesubtitle
\vskip0mm %shift the frametitle slighty to the top
% same space to the right as text margin
% invisible rule to set headline height
% \rule{0pt}{10mm}%