Fabian Joswig 5122e260ea
Special function module (#221)
* [fix] Fixed intendation for flake8

* [feat] special module with Bessel functions added.

* [feat] init adapted.

* [tests] First test for special module added.

* [tests] Check kn special function derivative explicitly vs numerical
derivative of scipy function.

* [feat] Added remaining autograd scipy special functions to the special

* [feat] Imports corrected, docstring added.
2024-01-07 17:22:05 +01:00

185 lines
5.3 KiB

import platform
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from .obs import Obs
from .version import __version__
def print_config():
"""Print information about version of python, pyerrors and dependencies."""
config = {"system": platform.system(),
"python": platform.python_version(),
"pyerrors": __version__,
"numpy": np.__version__,
"scipy": scipy.__version__,
"matplotlib": matplotlib.__version__,
"pandas": pd.__version__}
for key, value in config.items():
print(f"{key: <10}\t {value}")
def errorbar(x, y, axes=plt, **kwargs):
"""pyerrors wrapper for the errorbars method of matplotlib
x : list
A list of x-values which can be Obs.
y : list
A list of y-values which can be Obs.
axes : (matplotlib.pyplot.axes)
The axes to plot on. default is plt.
val = {}
err = {}
for name, comp in zip(["x", "y"], [x, y]):
if all(isinstance(o, Obs) for o in comp):
if not all(hasattr(o, 'e_dvalue') for o in comp):
[o.gamma_method() for o in comp]
val[name] = [o.value for o in comp]
err[name] = [o.dvalue for o in comp]
val[name] = comp
err[name] = None
if f"{name}err" in kwargs:
err[name] = kwargs.get(f"{name}err")
kwargs.pop(f"{name}err", None)
axes.errorbar(val["x"], val["y"], xerr=err["x"], yerr=err["y"], **kwargs)
def dump_object(obj, name, **kwargs):
"""Dump object into pickle file.
obj : object
object to be saved in the pickle file
name : str
name of the file
path : str
specifies a custom path for the file (default '.')
if 'path' in kwargs:
file_name = kwargs.get('path') + '/' + name + '.p'
file_name = name + '.p'
with open(file_name, 'wb') as fb:
pickle.dump(obj, fb)
def load_object(path):
"""Load object from pickle file.
path : str
path to the file
object : Obs
Loaded Object
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
return pickle.load(file)
def pseudo_Obs(value, dvalue, name, samples=1000):
"""Generate an Obs object with given value, dvalue and name for test purposes
value : float
central value of the Obs to be generated.
dvalue : float
error of the Obs to be generated.
name : str
name of the ensemble for which the Obs is to be generated.
samples: int
number of samples for the Obs (default 1000).
res : Obs
Generated Observable
if dvalue <= 0.0:
return Obs([np.zeros(samples) + value], [name])
for _ in range(100):
deltas = [np.random.normal(0.0, dvalue * np.sqrt(samples), samples)]
deltas -= np.mean(deltas)
deltas *= dvalue / np.sqrt((np.var(deltas) / samples)) / np.sqrt(1 + 3 / samples)
deltas += value
res = Obs(deltas, [name])
res.gamma_method(S=2, tau_exp=0)
if abs(res.dvalue - dvalue) < 1e-10 * dvalue:
res._value = float(value)
return res
def gen_correlated_data(means, cov, name, tau=0.5, samples=1000):
""" Generate observables with given covariance and autocorrelation times.
means : list
list containing the mean value of each observable.
cov : numpy.ndarray
covariance matrix for the data to be generated.
name : str
ensemble name for the data to be geneated.
tau : float or list
can either be a real number or a list with an entry for
every dataset.
samples : int
number of samples to be generated for each observable.
corr_obs : list[Obs]
Generated observable list
assert len(means) == cov.shape[-1]
tau = np.asarray(tau)
if np.min(tau) < 0.5:
raise Exception('All integrated autocorrelations have to be >= 0.5.')
a = (2 * tau - 1) / (2 * tau + 1)
rand = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros_like(means), cov * samples, samples)
# Normalize samples such that sample variance matches input
norm = np.array([np.var(o, ddof=1) / samples for o in rand.T])
rand = rand @ np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))) @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(norm))
data = [rand[0]]
for i in range(1, samples):
data.append(np.sqrt(1 - a ** 2) * rand[i] + a * data[-1])
corr_data = np.array(data) - np.mean(data, axis=0) + means
return [Obs([dat], [name]) for dat in corr_data.T]
def _assert_equal_properties(ol, otype=Obs):
otype = type(ol[0])
for o in ol[1:]:
if not isinstance(o, otype):
raise Exception("Wrong data type in list.")
for attr in ["reweighted", "e_content", "idl"]:
if hasattr(ol[0], attr):
if not getattr(ol[0], attr) == getattr(o, attr):
raise Exception(f"All Obs in list have to have the same state '{attr}'.")