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synced 2025-03-16 23:30:24 +01:00
920 lines
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920 lines
30 KiB
from collections import defaultdict
import gzip
import lxml.etree as et
import getpass
import socket
import datetime
import json
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..obs import Obs
from ..obs import _merge_idx
from ..covobs import Covobs
from .. import version as pyerrorsversion
# Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/10076823
def _etree_to_dict(t):
""" Convert the content of an XML file to a python dict"""
d = {t.tag: {} if t.attrib else None}
children = list(t)
if children:
dd = defaultdict(list)
for dc in map(_etree_to_dict, children):
for k, v in dc.items():
d = {t.tag: {k: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v
for k, v in dd.items()}}
if t.attrib:
d[t.tag].update(('@' + k, v)
for k, v in t.attrib.items())
if t.text:
text = t.text.strip()
if children or t.attrib:
if text:
d[t.tag]['#data'] = [text]
d[t.tag] = text
return d
def _dict_to_xmlstring(d):
if isinstance(d, dict):
iters = ''
for k in d:
if k.startswith('#'):
for la in d[k]:
iters += la
iters = '<array>\n' + iters + '<%sarray>\n' % ('/')
return iters
if isinstance(d[k], dict):
iters += '<%s>\n' % (k) + _dict_to_xmlstring(d[k]) + '<%s%s>\n' % ('/', k)
elif isinstance(d[k], str):
if len(d[k]) > 100:
iters += '<%s>\n ' % (k) + d[k] + ' \n<%s%s>\n' % ('/', k)
iters += '<%s> ' % (k) + d[k] + ' <%s%s>\n' % ('/', k)
elif isinstance(d[k], list):
for i in range(len(d[k])):
iters += _dict_to_xmlstring(d[k][i])
elif not d[k]:
return '\n'
raise Exception('Type', type(d[k]), 'not supported in export!')
raise Exception('Type', type(d), 'not supported in export!')
return iters
def _dict_to_xmlstring_spaces(d, space=' '):
s = _dict_to_xmlstring(d)
o = ''
c = 0
cm = False
for li in s.split('\n'):
if li.startswith('<%s' % ('/')):
c -= 1
cm = True
for i in range(c):
o += space
o += li + '\n'
if li.startswith('<') and not cm:
if not '<%s' % ('/') in li:
c += 1
cm = False
return o
def create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[], enstag=None):
"""Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to an xml string
according to the Zeuthen pobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically. The separator | is removed from the replica names.
obsl : list
List of Obs that will be exported.
The Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same ensemble.
name : str
The name of the observable.
spec : str
Optional string that describes the contents of the file.
origin : str
Specify where the data has its origin.
symbol : list
A list of symbols that describe the observables to be written. May be empty.
enstag : str
Enstag that is written to pobs. If None, the ensemble name is used.
xml_str : str
XML formatted string of the input data
od = {}
ename = obsl[0].e_names[0]
names = list(obsl[0].deltas.keys())
nr = len(names)
onames = [name.replace('|', '') for name in names]
for o in obsl:
if len(o.e_names) != 1:
raise Exception('You try to export dobs to obs!')
if o.e_names[0] != ename:
raise Exception('You try to export dobs to obs!')
if len(o.deltas.keys()) != nr:
raise Exception('Incompatible obses in list')
od['observables'] = {}
od['observables']['schema'] = {'name': 'lattobs', 'version': '1.0'}
od['observables']['origin'] = {
'who': getpass.getuser(),
'date': str(datetime.datetime.now())[:-7],
'host': socket.gethostname(),
'tool': {'name': 'pyerrors', 'version': pyerrorsversion.__version__}}
od['observables']['pobs'] = {}
pd = od['observables']['pobs']
pd['spec'] = spec
pd['origin'] = origin
pd['name'] = name
if enstag:
if not isinstance(enstag, str):
raise Exception('enstag has to be a string!')
pd['enstag'] = enstag
pd['enstag'] = ename
pd['nr'] = '%d' % (nr)
pd['array'] = []
osymbol = 'cfg'
if not isinstance(symbol, list):
raise Exception('Symbol has to be a list!')
if not (len(symbol) == 0 or len(symbol) == len(obsl)):
raise Exception('Symbol has to be a list of lenght 0 or %d!' % (len(obsl)))
for s in symbol:
osymbol += ' %s' % s
for r in range(nr):
ad = {}
ad['id'] = onames[r]
Nconf = len(obsl[0].deltas[names[r]])
layout = '%d i f%d' % (Nconf, len(obsl))
ad['layout'] = layout
ad['symbol'] = osymbol
data = ''
for c in range(Nconf):
data += '%d ' % obsl[0].idl[names[r]][c]
for o in obsl:
num = o.deltas[names[r]][c] + o.r_values[names[r]]
if num == 0:
data += '0 '
data += '%1.16e ' % (num)
data += '\n'
ad['#data'] = data
rs = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' + _dict_to_xmlstring_spaces(od)
return rs
def write_pobs(obsl, fname, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[], enstag=None, gz=True):
"""Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .xml.gz file
according to the Zeuthen pobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically. The separator | is removed from the replica names.
obsl : list
List of Obs that will be exported.
The Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same ensemble.
fname : str
Filename of the output file.
name : str
The name of the observable.
spec : str
Optional string that describes the contents of the file.
origin : str
Specify where the data has its origin.
symbol : list
A list of symbols that describe the observables to be written. May be empty.
enstag : str
Enstag that is written to pobs. If None, the ensemble name is used.
gz : bool
If True, the output is a gzipped xml. If False, the output is an xml file.
pobsstring = create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec, origin, symbol, enstag)
if not fname.endswith('.xml') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.xml'
if gz:
if not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.gz'
fp = gzip.open(fname, 'wb')
fp = open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
def _import_data(string):
return json.loads("[" + ",".join(string.replace(' +', ' ').split()) + "]")
def _check(condition):
if not condition:
raise Exception("XML file format not supported")
class _NoTagInDataError(Exception):
"""Raised when tag is not in data"""
def __init__(self, tag):
self.tag = tag
super().__init__('Tag %s not in data!' % (self.tag))
def _find_tag(dat, tag):
for i in range(len(dat)):
if dat[i].tag == tag:
return i
raise _NoTagInDataError(tag)
def _import_array(arr):
name = arr[_find_tag(arr, 'id')].text.strip()
index = _find_tag(arr, 'layout')
sindex = _find_tag(arr, 'symbol')
except _NoTagInDataError:
sindex = 0
if sindex > index:
tmp = _import_data(arr[sindex].tail)
tmp = _import_data(arr[index].tail)
li = arr[index].text.strip()
m = li.split()
if m[1] == "i" and m[2][0] == "f":
nc = int(m[0])
na = int(m[2].lstrip('f'))
_dat = []
mask = []
for a in range(na):
mask += [a]
_dat += [np.array(tmp[1 + a:: na + 1])]
_check(len(tmp[0:: na + 1]) == nc)
return [name, tmp[0:: na + 1], mask, _dat]
elif m[1][0] == 'f' and len(m) < 3:
sh = (int(m[0]), int(m[1].lstrip('f')))
return np.reshape(tmp, sh)
elif any(['f' in s for s in m]):
for si in range(len(m)):
if m[si] == 'f':
sh = [int(m[i]) for i in range(si)]
return np.reshape(tmp, sh)
print(name, m)
def _import_rdata(rd):
name, idx, mask, deltas = _import_array(rd)
return deltas, name, idx
def _import_cdata(cd):
_check(cd[0].tag == "id")
_check(cd[1][0].text.strip() == "cov")
cov = _import_array(cd[1])
grad = _import_array(cd[2])
return cd[0].text.strip(), cov, grad
def read_pobs(fname, full_output=False, gz=True, separator_insertion=None):
"""Import a list of Obs from an xml.gz file in the Zeuthen pobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically.
fname : str
Filename of the input file.
full_output : bool
If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned.
If False, only the data is returned as list.
separatior_insertion: str or int
str: replace all occurences of "separator_insertion" within the replica names
by "|%s" % (separator_insertion) when constructing the names of the replica.
int: Insert the separator "|" at the position given by separator_insertion.
None (default): Replica names remain unchanged.
res : list[Obs]
Imported data
res : dict
Imported data and meta-data
if not fname.endswith('.xml') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.xml'
if gz:
if not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.gz'
with gzip.open(fname, 'r') as fin:
content = fin.read()
if fname.endswith('.gz'):
warnings.warn("Trying to read from %s without unzipping!" % fname, UserWarning)
with open(fname, 'r') as fin:
content = fin.read()
# parse xml file content
root = et.fromstring(content)
_check(root[2].tag == 'pobs')
pobs = root[2]
version = root[0][1].text.strip()
_check(root[1].tag == 'origin')
file_origin = _etree_to_dict(root[1])['origin']
deltas = []
names = []
idl = []
for i in range(5, len(pobs)):
delta, name, idx = _import_rdata(pobs[i])
if separator_insertion is None:
elif isinstance(separator_insertion, int):
name = name[:separator_insertion] + '|' + name[separator_insertion:]
elif isinstance(separator_insertion, str):
name = name.replace(separator_insertion, "|%s" % (separator_insertion))
raise Exception("separator_insertion has to be string or int, is ", type(separator_insertion))
res = [Obs([d[i] for d in deltas], names, idl=idl) for i in range(len(deltas[0]))]
descriptiond = {}
for i in range(4):
descriptiond[pobs[i].tag] = pobs[i].text.strip()
_check(pobs[4].tag == "nr")
_check(pobs[5].tag == 'array')
if pobs[5][1].tag == 'symbol':
symbol = pobs[5][1].text.strip()
descriptiond['symbol'] = symbol
if full_output:
retd = {}
tool = file_origin.get('tool', None)
if tool:
program = tool['name'] + ' ' + tool['version']
program = ''
retd['program'] = program
retd['version'] = version
retd['who'] = file_origin['who']
retd['date'] = file_origin['date']
retd['host'] = file_origin['host']
retd['description'] = descriptiond
retd['obsdata'] = res
return retd
return res
# this is based on Mattia Bruno's implementation at https://github.com/mbruno46/pyobs/blob/master/pyobs/IO/xml.py
def import_dobs_string(content, full_output=False, separator_insertion=True):
"""Import a list of Obs from a string in the Zeuthen dobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically.
content : str
XML string containing the data
full_output : bool
If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned.
If False, only the data is returned as list.
separatior_insertion: str, int or bool
str: replace all occurences of "separator_insertion" within the replica names
by "|%s" % (separator_insertion) when constructing the names of the replica.
int: Insert the separator "|" at the position given by separator_insertion.
True (default): separator "|" is inserted after len(ensname), assuming that the
ensemble name is a prefix to the replica name.
None or False: No separator is inserted.
res : list[Obs]
Imported data
res : dict
Imported data and meta-data
root = et.fromstring(content)
_check(root.tag == 'OBSERVABLES')
_check(root[0].tag == 'SCHEMA')
version = root[0][1].text.strip()
_check(root[1].tag == 'origin')
file_origin = _etree_to_dict(root[1])['origin']
_check(root[2].tag == 'dobs')
dobs = root[2]
descriptiond = {}
for i in range(3):
descriptiond[dobs[i].tag] = dobs[i].text.strip()
_check(dobs[3].tag == 'array')
symbol = []
if dobs[3][1].tag == 'symbol':
symbol = dobs[3][1].text.strip()
descriptiond['symbol'] = symbol
mean = _import_array(dobs[3])[0]
_check(dobs[4].tag == "ne")
ne = int(dobs[4].text.strip())
_check(dobs[5].tag == "nc")
idld = {}
deltad = {}
covd = {}
gradd = {}
names = []
e_names = []
enstags = {}
for k in range(6, len(list(dobs))):
if dobs[k].tag == "edata":
_check(dobs[k][0].tag == "enstag")
ename = dobs[k][0].text.strip()
_check(dobs[k][1].tag == "nr")
R = int(dobs[k][1].text.strip())
for i in range(2, 2 + R):
deltas, rname, idx = _import_rdata(dobs[k][i])
if separator_insertion is None or False:
elif separator_insertion is True:
if rname.startswith(ename):
rname = rname[:len(ename)] + '|' + rname[len(ename):]
elif isinstance(separator_insertion, int):
rname = rname[:separator_insertion] + '|' + rname[separator_insertion:]
elif isinstance(separator_insertion, str):
rname = rname.replace(separator_insertion, "|%s" % (separator_insertion))
raise Exception("separator_insertion has to be string or int, is ", type(separator_insertion))
if '|' in rname:
new_ename = rname[:rname.index('|')]
new_ename = ename
enstags[new_ename] = ename
idld[rname] = idx
deltad[rname] = deltas
elif dobs[k].tag == "cdata":
cname, cov, grad = _import_cdata(dobs[k])
covd[cname] = cov
if grad.shape[1] == 1:
gradd[cname] = [grad for i in range(len(mean))]
gradd[cname] = grad.T
names = list(set(names))
for name in names:
for i in range(len(deltad[name])):
tmp = np.zeros_like(deltad[name][i])
for j in range(len(deltad[name][i])):
if deltad[name][i][j] != 0.:
tmp[j] = deltad[name][i][j] + mean[i]
deltad[name][i] = tmp
res = []
for i in range(len(mean)):
deltas = []
idl = []
obs_names = []
for name in names:
h = np.unique(deltad[name][i])
if len(h) == 1 and np.all(h == mean[i]):
repdeltas = []
repidl = []
for j in range(len(deltad[name][i])):
if deltad[name][i][j] != 0.:
if len(repdeltas) > 0:
res.append(Obs(deltas, obs_names, idl=idl))
res[-1]._value = mean[i]
_check(len(e_names) == ne)
cnames = list(covd.keys())
for i in range(len(res)):
new_covobs = {name: Covobs(0, covd[name], name, grad=gradd[name][i]) for name in cnames}
for name in cnames:
if np.all(new_covobs[name].grad == 0):
del new_covobs[name]
cnames_loc = list(new_covobs.keys())
for name in cnames_loc:
res[i].shape[name] = 1
res[i].idl[name] = []
res[i]._covobs = new_covobs
if symbol:
for i in range(len(res)):
res[i].tag = symbol[i]
if res[i].tag == 'None':
res[i].tag = None
if full_output:
retd = {}
tool = file_origin.get('tool', None)
if tool:
program = tool['name'] + ' ' + tool['version']
program = ''
retd['program'] = program
retd['version'] = version
retd['who'] = file_origin['who']
retd['date'] = file_origin['date']
retd['host'] = file_origin['host']
retd['description'] = descriptiond
retd['enstags'] = enstags
retd['obsdata'] = res
return retd
return res
def read_dobs(fname, full_output=False, gz=True, separator_insertion=True):
"""Import a list of Obs from an xml.gz file in the Zeuthen dobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically.
fname : str
Filename of the input file.
full_output : bool
If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned.
If False, only the data is returned as list.
gz : bool
If True, assumes that data is gzipped. If False, assumes XML file.
separatior_insertion: str, int or bool
str: replace all occurences of "separator_insertion" within the replica names
by "|%s" % (separator_insertion) when constructing the names of the replica.
int: Insert the separator "|" at the position given by separator_insertion.
True (default): separator "|" is inserted after len(ensname), assuming that the
ensemble name is a prefix to the replica name.
None or False: No separator is inserted.
res : list[Obs]
Imported data
res : dict
Imported data and meta-data
if not fname.endswith('.xml') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.xml'
if gz:
if not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.gz'
with gzip.open(fname, 'r') as fin:
content = fin.read()
if fname.endswith('.gz'):
warnings.warn("Trying to read from %s without unzipping!" % fname, UserWarning)
with open(fname, 'r') as fin:
content = fin.read()
return import_dobs_string(content, full_output, separator_insertion=separator_insertion)
def _dobsdict_to_xmlstring(d):
if isinstance(d, dict):
iters = ''
for k in d:
if k.startswith('#value'):
for li in d[k]:
iters += li
return iters + '\n'
elif k.startswith('#'):
for li in d[k]:
iters += li
iters = '<array>\n' + iters + '<%sarray>\n' % ('/')
return iters
if isinstance(d[k], dict):
iters += '<%s>\n' % (k) + _dobsdict_to_xmlstring(d[k]) + '<%s%s>\n' % ('/', k)
elif isinstance(d[k], str):
if len(d[k]) > 100:
iters += '<%s>\n ' % (k) + d[k] + ' \n<%s%s>\n' % ('/', k)
iters += '<%s> ' % (k) + d[k] + ' <%s%s>\n' % ('/', k)
elif isinstance(d[k], list):
tmps = ''
if k in ['edata', 'cdata']:
for i in range(len(d[k])):
tmps += '<%s>\n' % (k) + _dobsdict_to_xmlstring(d[k][i]) + '</%s>\n' % (k)
for i in range(len(d[k])):
tmps += _dobsdict_to_xmlstring(d[k][i])
iters += tmps
elif isinstance(d[k], (int, float)):
iters += '<%s> ' % (k) + str(d[k]) + ' <%s%s>\n' % ('/', k)
elif not d[k]:
return '\n'
raise Exception('Type', type(d[k]), 'not supported in export!')
raise Exception('Type', type(d), 'not supported in export!')
return iters
def _dobsdict_to_xmlstring_spaces(d, space=' '):
s = _dobsdict_to_xmlstring(d)
o = ''
c = 0
cm = False
for li in s.split('\n'):
if li.startswith('<%s' % ('/')):
c -= 1
cm = True
for i in range(c):
o += space
o += li + '\n'
if li.startswith('<') and not cm:
if not '<%s' % ('/') in li:
c += 1
cm = False
return o
def create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=None, enstags=None):
"""Generate the string for the export of a list of Obs or structures containing Obs
to a .xml.gz file according to the Zeuthen dobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically. The separator |is removed from the replica names.
obsl : list
List of Obs that will be exported.
The Obs inside a structure do not have to be defined on the same set of configurations,
but the storage requirement is increased, if this is not the case.
name : str
The name of the observable.
spec : str
Optional string that describes the contents of the file.
origin : str
Specify where the data has its origin.
symbol : list
A list of symbols that describe the observables to be written. May be empty.
who : str
Provide the name of the person that exports the data.
enstags : dict
Provide alternative enstag for ensembles in the form enstags = {ename: enstag}
Otherwise, the ensemble name is used.
xml_str : str
XML string generated from the data
if enstags is None:
enstags = {}
od = {}
r_names = []
for o in obsl:
r_names += [name for name in o.names if name.split('|')[0] in o.mc_names]
r_names = sorted(set(r_names))
mc_names = sorted(set([n.split('|')[0] for n in r_names]))
for tmpname in mc_names:
if tmpname not in enstags:
enstags[tmpname] = tmpname
ne = len(set(mc_names))
cov_names = []
for o in obsl:
cov_names += list(o.cov_names)
cov_names = sorted(set(cov_names))
nc = len(set(cov_names))
od['OBSERVABLES'] = {}
od['OBSERVABLES']['SCHEMA'] = {'NAME': 'lattobs', 'VERSION': '1.0'}
if who is None:
who = getpass.getuser()
od['OBSERVABLES']['origin'] = {
'who': who,
'date': str(datetime.datetime.now())[:-7],
'host': socket.gethostname(),
'tool': {'name': 'pyerrors', 'version': pyerrorsversion.__version__}}
od['OBSERVABLES']['dobs'] = {}
pd = od['OBSERVABLES']['dobs']
pd['spec'] = spec
pd['origin'] = origin
pd['name'] = name
pd['array'] = {}
pd['array']['id'] = 'val'
pd['array']['layout'] = '1 f%d' % (len(obsl))
osymbol = ''
if symbol:
if not isinstance(symbol, list):
raise Exception('Symbol has to be a list!')
if not (len(symbol) == 0 or len(symbol) == len(obsl)):
raise Exception('Symbol has to be a list of lenght 0 or %d!' % (len(obsl)))
osymbol = symbol[0]
for s in symbol[1:]:
osymbol += ' %s' % s
pd['array']['symbol'] = osymbol
pd['array']['#values'] = [' '.join(['%1.16e' % o.value for o in obsl])]
pd['ne'] = '%d' % (ne)
pd['nc'] = '%d' % (nc)
pd['edata'] = []
for name in mc_names:
ed = {}
ed['enstag'] = enstags[name]
onames = sorted([n for n in r_names if (n.startswith(name + '|') or n == name)])
nr = len(onames)
ed['nr'] = nr
ed[''] = []
for r in range(nr):
ad = {}
repname = onames[r]
ad['id'] = repname.replace('|', '')
idx = _merge_idx([o.idl.get(repname, []) for o in obsl])
Nconf = len(idx)
layout = '%d i f%d' % (Nconf, len(obsl))
ad['layout'] = layout
data = ''
counters = [0 for o in obsl]
offsets = [o.r_values[repname] - o.value if repname in o.r_values else 0 for o in obsl]
for ci in idx:
data += '%d ' % ci
for oi in range(len(obsl)):
o = obsl[oi]
if repname in o.idl:
if counters[oi] < 0:
num = 0
if num == 0:
data += '0 '
data += '%1.16e ' % (num)
if o.idl[repname][counters[oi]] == ci:
num = o.deltas[repname][counters[oi]] + offsets[oi]
if num == 0:
data += '0 '
data += '%1.16e ' % (num)
counters[oi] += 1
if counters[oi] >= len(o.idl[repname]):
counters[oi] = -1
num = 0
if num == 0:
data += '0 '
data += '%1.16e ' % (num)
data += '0 '
data += '\n'
ad['#data'] = data
allcov = {}
for o in obsl:
for cname in o.cov_names:
if cname in allcov:
if not np.array_equal(allcov[cname], o.covobs[cname].cov):
raise Exception('Inconsistent covariance matrices for %s!' % (cname))
allcov[cname] = o.covobs[cname].cov
pd['cdata'] = []
for cname in cov_names:
cd = {}
cd['id'] = cname
covd = {'id': 'cov'}
if allcov[cname].shape == ():
ncov = 1
covd['layout'] = '1 1 f'
covd['#data'] = '%1.14e' % (allcov[cname])
shape = allcov[cname].shape
assert (shape[0] == shape[1])
ncov = shape[0]
covd['layout'] = '%d %d f' % (ncov, ncov)
ds = ''
for i in range(ncov):
for j in range(ncov):
val = allcov[cname][i][j]
if val == 0:
ds += '0 '
ds += '%1.14e ' % (val)
ds += '\n'
covd['#data'] = ds
gradd = {'id': 'grad'}
gradd['layout'] = '%d f%d' % (ncov, len(obsl))
ds = ''
for i in range(ncov):
for o in obsl:
if cname in o.covobs:
val = o.covobs[cname].grad[i].item()
if val != 0:
ds += '%1.14e ' % (val)
ds += '0 '
ds += '0 '
gradd['#data'] = ds
cd['array'] = [covd, gradd]
rs = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' + _dobsdict_to_xmlstring_spaces(od)
return rs
def write_dobs(obsl, fname, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=None, enstags=None, gz=True):
"""Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .xml.gz file
according to the Zeuthen dobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically. The separator | is removed from the replica names.
obsl : list
List of Obs that will be exported.
The Obs inside a structure do not have to be defined on the same set of configurations,
but the storage requirement is increased, if this is not the case.
fname : str
Filename of the output file.
name : str
The name of the observable.
spec : str
Optional string that describes the contents of the file.
origin : str
Specify where the data has its origin.
symbol : list
A list of symbols that describe the observables to be written. May be empty.
who : str
Provide the name of the person that exports the data.
enstags : dict
Provide alternative enstag for ensembles in the form enstags = {ename: enstag}
Otherwise, the ensemble name is used.
gz : bool
If True, the output is a gzipped XML. If False, the output is a XML file.
if enstags is None:
enstags = {}
dobsstring = create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec, origin, symbol, who, enstags=enstags)
if not fname.endswith('.xml') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.xml'
if gz:
if not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.gz'
fp = gzip.open(fname, 'wb')
fp = open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8')