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import numpy as np
from autograd import jacobian
import autograd.numpy as anp # Thinly-wrapped numpy
from .obs import derived_observable, CObs, Obs, _merge_idx, _expand_deltas_for_merge, _filter_zeroes
from functools import partial
from autograd.extend import defvjp
def derived_array(func, data, **kwargs):
"""Construct a derived Obs for a matrix valued function according to func(data, **kwargs) using automatic differentiation.
func : object
arbitrary function of the form func(data, **kwargs). For the
automatic differentiation to work, all numpy functions have to have
the autograd wrapper (use 'import autograd.numpy as anp').
data : list
list of Obs, e.g. [obs1, obs2, obs3].
man_grad : list
manually supply a list or an array which contains the jacobian
of func. Use cautiously, supplying the wrong derivative will
not be intercepted.
data = np.asarray(data)
raveled_data = data.ravel()
# Workaround for matrix operations containing non Obs data
for i_data in raveled_data:
if isinstance(i_data, Obs):
first_name = i_data.names[0]
first_shape = i_data.shape[first_name]
first_idl = i_data.idl[first_name]
for i in range(len(raveled_data)):
if isinstance(raveled_data[i], (int, float)):
raveled_data[i] = Obs([raveled_data[i] + np.zeros(first_shape)], [first_name], idl=[first_idl])
n_obs = len(raveled_data)
new_names = sorted(set([y for x in [o.names for o in raveled_data] for y in x]))
is_merged = len(list(filter(lambda o: o.is_merged is True, raveled_data))) > 0
reweighted = len(list(filter(lambda o: o.reweighted is True, raveled_data))) > 0
new_idl_d = {}
for name in new_names:
idl = []
for i_data in raveled_data:
tmp = i_data.idl.get(name)
if tmp is not None:
new_idl_d[name] = _merge_idx(idl)
if not is_merged:
is_merged = (1 != len(set([len(idx) for idx in [*idl, new_idl_d[name]]])))
if data.ndim == 1:
values = np.array([o.value for o in data])
values = np.vectorize(lambda x: x.value)(data)
new_values = func(values, **kwargs)
new_r_values = {}
for name in new_names:
tmp_values = np.zeros(n_obs)
for i, item in enumerate(raveled_data):
tmp = item.r_values.get(name)
if tmp is None:
tmp = item.value
tmp_values[i] = tmp
tmp_values = np.array(tmp_values).reshape(data.shape)
new_r_values[name] = func(tmp_values, **kwargs)
if 'man_grad' in kwargs:
deriv = np.asarray(kwargs.get('man_grad'))
if new_values.shape + data.shape != deriv.shape:
raise Exception('Manual derivative does not have correct shape.')
deriv = jacobian(func)(values, **kwargs)
final_result = np.zeros(new_values.shape, dtype=object)
d_extracted = {}
for name in new_names:
d_extracted[name] = []
for i_dat, dat in enumerate(data):
ens_length = len(new_idl_d[name])
d_extracted[name].append(np.array([_expand_deltas_for_merge(o.deltas[name], o.idl[name], o.shape[name], new_idl_d[name]) for o in dat.reshape(np.prod(dat.shape))]).reshape(dat.shape + (ens_length, )))
for i_val, new_val in np.ndenumerate(new_values):
new_deltas = {}
for name in new_names:
ens_length = d_extracted[name][0].shape[-1]
new_deltas[name] = np.zeros(ens_length)
for i_dat, dat in enumerate(d_extracted[name]):
new_deltas[name] += np.tensordot(deriv[i_val + (i_dat, )], dat)
new_samples = []
new_means = []
new_idl = []
if is_merged:
filtered_names, filtered_deltas, filtered_idl_d = _filter_zeroes(new_names, new_deltas, new_idl_d)
filtered_names = new_names
filtered_deltas = new_deltas
filtered_idl_d = new_idl_d
for name in filtered_names:
final_result[i_val] = Obs(new_samples, filtered_names, means=new_means, idl=new_idl)
final_result[i_val]._value = new_val
final_result[i_val].is_merged = is_merged
final_result[i_val].reweighted = reweighted
return final_result
def matmul(*operands):
"""Matrix multiply all operands.
Supports real and complex valued matrices and is faster compared to
standard multiplication via the @ operator.
if any(isinstance(o[0, 0], CObs) for o in operands):
extended_operands = []
for op in operands:
tmp = np.vectorize(lambda x: (np.real(x), np.imag(x)))(op)
def multi_dot(operands, part):
stack_r = operands[0]
stack_i = operands[1]
for op_r, op_i in zip(operands[2::2], operands[3::2]):
tmp_r = stack_r @ op_r - stack_i @ op_i
tmp_i = stack_r @ op_i + stack_i @ op_r
stack_r = tmp_r
stack_i = tmp_i
if part == 'Real':
return stack_r
return stack_i
def multi_dot_r(operands):
return multi_dot(operands, 'Real')
def multi_dot_i(operands):
return multi_dot(operands, 'Imag')
Nr = derived_array(multi_dot_r, extended_operands)
Ni = derived_array(multi_dot_i, extended_operands)
res = np.empty_like(Nr)
for (n, m), entry in np.ndenumerate(Nr):
res[n, m] = CObs(Nr[n, m], Ni[n, m])
return res
def multi_dot(operands):
stack = operands[0]
for op in operands[1:]:
stack = stack @ op
return stack
return derived_array(multi_dot, operands)
def inv(x):
"""Inverse of Obs or CObs valued matrices."""
return _mat_mat_op(anp.linalg.inv, x)
def cholesky(x):
"""Cholesky decomposition of Obs or CObs valued matrices."""
return _mat_mat_op(anp.linalg.cholesky, x)
def scalar_mat_op(op, obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the matrix to scalar operation op to a given matrix of Obs."""
def _mat(x, **kwargs):
dim = int(np.sqrt(len(x)))
if np.sqrt(len(x)) != dim:
raise Exception('Input has to have dim**2 entries')
mat = []
for i in range(dim):
row = []
for j in range(dim):
row.append(x[j + dim * i])
return op(anp.array(mat))
if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
raveled_obs = (1 * (obs.ravel())).tolist()
elif isinstance(obs, list):
raveled_obs = obs
raise TypeError('Unproper type of input.')
return derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, **kwargs)
def _mat_mat_op(op, obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the matrix to matrix operation op to a given matrix of Obs."""
# Use real representation to calculate matrix operations for complex matrices
if isinstance(obs.ravel()[0], CObs):
A = np.empty_like(obs)
B = np.empty_like(obs)
for (n, m), entry in np.ndenumerate(obs):
if hasattr(entry, 'real') and hasattr(entry, 'imag'):
A[n, m] = entry.real
B[n, m] = entry.imag
A[n, m] = entry
B[n, m] = 0.0
big_matrix = np.block([[A, -B], [B, A]])
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
op_big_matrix = _num_diff_mat_mat_op(op, big_matrix, **kwargs)
op_big_matrix = derived_array(lambda x, **kwargs: op(x), [big_matrix])[0]
dim = op_big_matrix.shape[0]
op_A = op_big_matrix[0: dim // 2, 0: dim // 2]
op_B = op_big_matrix[dim // 2:, 0: dim // 2]
res = np.empty_like(op_A)
for (n, m), entry in np.ndenumerate(op_A):
res[n, m] = CObs(op_A[n, m], op_B[n, m])
return res
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
return _num_diff_mat_mat_op(op, obs, **kwargs)
return derived_array(lambda x, **kwargs: op(x), [obs])[0]
def eigh(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given hermitian matrix of Obs according to np.linalg.eigh."""
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
return _num_diff_eigh(obs, **kwargs)
w = derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: anp.linalg.eigh(x)[0], obs)
v = derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: anp.linalg.eigh(x)[1], obs)
return w, v
def eig(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the eigenvalues of a given matrix of Obs according to np.linalg.eig."""
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
return _num_diff_eig(obs, **kwargs)
# Note: Automatic differentiation of eig is implemented in the git of autograd
# but not yet released to PyPi (1.3)
w = derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: anp.real(anp.linalg.eig(x)[0]), obs)
return w
def pinv(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrix of Obs."""
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
return _num_diff_pinv(obs, **kwargs)
return derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: anp.linalg.pinv(x), obs)
def svd(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix of Obs."""
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
return _num_diff_svd(obs, **kwargs)
u = derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: anp.linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=False)[0], obs)
s = derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: anp.linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=False)[1], obs)
vh = derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: anp.linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=False)[2], obs)
return (u, s, vh)
def slogdet(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the determinant of a matrix of Obs via np.linalg.slogdet."""
def _mat(x):
dim = int(np.sqrt(len(x)))
if np.sqrt(len(x)) != dim:
raise Exception('Input has to have dim**2 entries')
mat = []
for i in range(dim):
row = []
for j in range(dim):
row.append(x[j + dim * i])
(sign, logdet) = anp.linalg.slogdet(np.array(mat))
return sign * anp.exp(logdet)
if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
return derived_observable(_mat, (1 * (obs.ravel())).tolist(), **kwargs)
elif isinstance(obs, list):
return derived_observable(_mat, obs, **kwargs)
raise TypeError('Unproper type of input.')
# Variants for numerical differentiation
def _num_diff_mat_mat_op(op, obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the matrix to matrix operation op to a given matrix of Obs elementwise
which is suitable for numerical differentiation."""
def _mat(x, **kwargs):
dim = int(np.sqrt(len(x)))
if np.sqrt(len(x)) != dim:
raise Exception('Input has to have dim**2 entries')
mat = []
for i in range(dim):
row = []
for j in range(dim):
row.append(x[j + dim * i])
return op(np.array(mat))[kwargs.get('i')][kwargs.get('j')]
if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
raveled_obs = (1 * (obs.ravel())).tolist()
elif isinstance(obs, list):
raveled_obs = obs
raise TypeError('Unproper type of input.')
dim = int(np.sqrt(len(raveled_obs)))
res_mat = []
for i in range(dim):
row = []
for j in range(dim):
row.append(derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, i=i, j=j, **kwargs))
return np.array(res_mat) @ np.identity(dim)
def _num_diff_eigh(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given hermitian matrix of Obs according to np.linalg.eigh
elementwise which is suitable for numerical differentiation."""
def _mat(x, **kwargs):
dim = int(np.sqrt(len(x)))
if np.sqrt(len(x)) != dim:
raise Exception('Input has to have dim**2 entries')
mat = []
for i in range(dim):
row = []
for j in range(dim):
row.append(x[j + dim * i])
n = kwargs.get('n')
res = np.linalg.eigh(np.array(mat))[n]
if n == 0:
return res[kwargs.get('i')]
return res[kwargs.get('i')][kwargs.get('j')]
if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
raveled_obs = (1 * (obs.ravel())).tolist()
elif isinstance(obs, list):
raveled_obs = obs
raise TypeError('Unproper type of input.')
dim = int(np.sqrt(len(raveled_obs)))
res_vec = []
for i in range(dim):
res_vec.append(derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, n=0, i=i, **kwargs))
res_mat = []
for i in range(dim):
row = []
for j in range(dim):
row.append(derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, n=1, i=i, j=j, **kwargs))
return (np.array(res_vec) @ np.identity(dim), np.array(res_mat) @ np.identity(dim))
def _num_diff_eig(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the eigenvalues of a given matrix of Obs according to np.linalg.eig
elementwise which is suitable for numerical differentiation."""
def _mat(x, **kwargs):
dim = int(np.sqrt(len(x)))
if np.sqrt(len(x)) != dim:
raise Exception('Input has to have dim**2 entries')
mat = []
for i in range(dim):
row = []
for j in range(dim):
row.append(x[j + dim * i])
n = kwargs.get('n')
res = np.linalg.eig(np.array(mat))[n]
if n == 0:
# Discard imaginary part of eigenvalue here
return np.real(res[kwargs.get('i')])
return res[kwargs.get('i')][kwargs.get('j')]
if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
raveled_obs = (1 * (obs.ravel())).tolist()
elif isinstance(obs, list):
raveled_obs = obs
raise TypeError('Unproper type of input.')
dim = int(np.sqrt(len(raveled_obs)))
res_vec = []
for i in range(dim):
# Note: Automatic differentiation of eig is implemented in the git of autograd
# but not yet released to PyPi (1.3)
res_vec.append(derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, n=0, i=i, **kwargs))
return np.array(res_vec) @ np.identity(dim)
def _num_diff_pinv(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrix of Obs elementwise which is suitable
for numerical differentiation."""
def _mat(x, **kwargs):
shape = kwargs.get('shape')
mat = []
for i in range(shape[0]):
row = []
for j in range(shape[1]):
row.append(x[j + shape[1] * i])
return np.linalg.pinv(np.array(mat))[kwargs.get('i')][kwargs.get('j')]
if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
shape = obs.shape
raveled_obs = (1 * (obs.ravel())).tolist()
raise TypeError('Unproper type of input.')
res_mat = []
for i in range(shape[1]):
row = []
for j in range(shape[0]):
row.append(derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, shape=shape, i=i, j=j, **kwargs))
return np.array(res_mat) @ np.identity(shape[0])
def _num_diff_svd(obs, **kwargs):
"""Computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix of Obs elementwise which
is suitable for numerical differentiation."""
def _mat(x, **kwargs):
shape = kwargs.get('shape')
mat = []
for i in range(shape[0]):
row = []
for j in range(shape[1]):
row.append(x[j + shape[1] * i])
res = np.linalg.svd(np.array(mat), full_matrices=False)
if kwargs.get('n') == 1:
return res[1][kwargs.get('i')]
return res[kwargs.get('n')][kwargs.get('i')][kwargs.get('j')]
if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
shape = obs.shape
raveled_obs = (1 * (obs.ravel())).tolist()
raise TypeError('Unproper type of input.')
mid_index = min(shape[0], shape[1])
res_mat0 = []
for i in range(shape[0]):
row = []
for j in range(mid_index):
row.append(derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, shape=shape, n=0, i=i, j=j, **kwargs))
res_mat1 = []
for i in range(mid_index):
res_mat1.append(derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, shape=shape, n=1, i=i, **kwargs))
res_mat2 = []
for i in range(mid_index):
row = []
for j in range(shape[1]):
row.append(derived_observable(_mat, raveled_obs, shape=shape, n=2, i=i, j=j, **kwargs))
return (np.array(res_mat0) @ np.identity(mid_index), np.array(res_mat1) @ np.identity(mid_index), np.array(res_mat2) @ np.identity(shape[1]))
# This code block is directly taken from the current master branch of autograd and remains
# only until the new version is released on PyPi
_dot = partial(anp.einsum, '...ij,...jk->...ik')
# batched diag
def _diag(a):
return anp.eye(a.shape[-1]) * a
# batched diagonal, similar to matrix_diag in tensorflow
def _matrix_diag(a):
reps = anp.array(a.shape)
reps[:-1] = 1
reps[-1] = a.shape[-1]
newshape = list(a.shape) + [a.shape[-1]]
return _diag(anp.tile(a, reps).reshape(newshape))
# https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.00392.pdf Eq(4.77)
# Note the formula from Sec3.1 in https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/gilesm/files/NA-08-01.pdf is incomplete
def grad_eig(ans, x):
"""Gradient of a general square (complex valued) matrix"""
e, u = ans # eigenvalues as 1d array, eigenvectors in columns
n = e.shape[-1]
def vjp(g):
ge, gu = g
ge = _matrix_diag(ge)
f = 1 / (e[..., anp.newaxis, :] - e[..., :, anp.newaxis] + 1.e-20)
f -= _diag(f)
ut = anp.swapaxes(u, -1, -2)
r1 = f * _dot(ut, gu)
r2 = -f * (_dot(_dot(ut, anp.conj(u)), anp.real(_dot(ut, gu)) * anp.eye(n)))
r = _dot(_dot(anp.linalg.inv(ut), ge + r1 + r2), ut)
if not anp.iscomplexobj(x):
r = anp.real(r)
# the derivative is still complex for real input (imaginary delta is allowed), real output
# but the derivative should be real in real input case when imaginary delta is forbidden
return r
return vjp
defvjp(anp.linalg.eig, grad_eig)
# End of the code block from autograd.master