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1311 lines
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import os
import fnmatch
import struct
import warnings
import numpy as np # Thinly-wrapped numpy
from ..obs import Obs
from ..obs import CObs
from ..correlators import Corr
from .misc import fit_t0
from .utils import sort_names
def read_rwms(path, prefix, version='2.0', names=None, **kwargs):
"""Read rwms format from given folder structure. Returns a list of length nrw
path : str
path that contains the data files
prefix : str
all files in path that start with prefix are considered as input files.
May be used together postfix to consider only special file endings.
Prefix is ignored, if the keyword 'files' is used.
version : str
version of openQCD, default 2.0
names : list
list of names that is assigned to the data according according
to the order in the file list. Use careful, if you do not provide file names!
r_start : list
list which contains the first config to be read for each replicum
r_stop : list
list which contains the last config to be read for each replicum
r_step : int
integer that defines a fixed step size between two measurements (in units of configs)
If not given, r_step=1 is assumed.
postfix : str
postfix of the file to read, e.g. '.ms1' for openQCD-files
files : list
list which contains the filenames to be read. No automatic detection of
files performed if given.
print_err : bool
Print additional information that is useful for debugging.
rwms : Obs
Reweighting factors read
known_oqcd_versions = ['1.4', '1.6', '2.0']
if not (version in known_oqcd_versions):
raise Exception('Unknown openQCD version defined!')
print("Working with openQCD version " + version)
if 'postfix' in kwargs:
postfix = kwargs.get('postfix')
postfix = ''
if 'files' in kwargs:
known_files = kwargs.get('files')
known_files = []
ls = _find_files(path, prefix, postfix, 'dat', known_files=known_files)
replica = len(ls)
if 'r_start' in kwargs:
r_start = kwargs.get('r_start')
if len(r_start) != replica:
raise Exception('r_start does not match number of replicas')
r_start = [o if o else None for o in r_start]
r_start = [None] * replica
if 'r_stop' in kwargs:
r_stop = kwargs.get('r_stop')
if len(r_stop) != replica:
raise Exception('r_stop does not match number of replicas')
r_stop = [None] * replica
if 'r_step' in kwargs:
r_step = kwargs.get('r_step')
r_step = 1
print('Read reweighting factors from', prefix[:-1], ',',
replica, 'replica', end='')
if names is None:
rep_names = []
for entry in ls:
truncated_entry = entry
suffixes = [".dat", ".rwms", ".ms1"]
for suffix in suffixes:
if truncated_entry.endswith(suffix):
truncated_entry = truncated_entry[0:-len(suffix)]
idx = truncated_entry.index('r')
rep_names.append(truncated_entry[:idx] + '|' + truncated_entry[idx:])
rep_names = names
rep_names = sort_names(rep_names)
print_err = 0
if 'print_err' in kwargs:
print_err = 1
deltas = []
configlist = []
r_start_index = []
r_stop_index = []
for rep in range(replica):
tmp_array = []
with open(path + '/' + ls[rep], 'rb') as fp:
t = fp.read(4) # number of reweighting factors
if rep == 0:
nrw = struct.unpack('i', t)[0]
if version == '2.0':
nrw = int(nrw / 2)
for k in range(nrw):
if ((nrw != struct.unpack('i', t)[0] and (not version == '2.0')) or (nrw != struct.unpack('i', t)[0] / 2 and version == '2.0')):
raise Exception('Error: different number of reweighting factors for replicum', rep)
for k in range(nrw):
# This block is necessary for openQCD1.6 and openQCD2.0 ms1 files
nfct = []
if version in ['1.6', '2.0']:
for i in range(nrw):
t = fp.read(4)
nfct.append(struct.unpack('i', t)[0])
for i in range(nrw):
nsrc = []
for i in range(nrw):
t = fp.read(4)
nsrc.append(struct.unpack('i', t)[0])
if version == '2.0':
if not struct.unpack('i', fp.read(4))[0] == 0:
raise Exception("You are using the input for openQCD version 2.0, this is not correct.")
while True:
t = fp.read(4)
if len(t) < 4:
config_no = struct.unpack('i', t)[0]
for i in range(nrw):
if (version == '2.0'):
tmpd = _read_array_openQCD2(fp)
tmpd = _read_array_openQCD2(fp)
tmp_rw = tmpd['arr']
tmp_nfct = 1.0
for j in range(tmpd['n'][0]):
tmp_nfct *= np.mean(np.exp(-np.asarray(tmp_rw[j])))
if print_err:
print(config_no, i, j,
print('Partial factor:', tmp_nfct)
elif version == '1.6' or version == '1.4':
tmp_nfct = 1.0
for j in range(nfct[i]):
t = fp.read(8 * nsrc[i])
t = fp.read(8 * nsrc[i])
tmp_rw = struct.unpack('d' * nsrc[i], t)
tmp_nfct *= np.mean(np.exp(-np.asarray(tmp_rw)))
if print_err:
print(config_no, i, j,
print('Sources:', np.exp(-np.asarray(tmp_rw)))
print('Partial factor:', tmp_nfct)
diffmeas = configlist[-1][-1] - configlist[-1][-2]
configlist[-1] = [item // diffmeas for item in configlist[-1]]
if configlist[-1][0] > 1 and diffmeas > 1:
warnings.warn('Assume thermalization and that the first measurement belongs to the first config.')
offset = configlist[-1][0] - 1
configlist[-1] = [item - offset for item in configlist[-1]]
if r_start[rep] is None:
except ValueError:
raise Exception('Config %d not in file with range [%d, %d]' % (
r_start[rep], configlist[-1][0], configlist[-1][-1])) from None
if r_stop[rep] is None:
r_stop_index.append(len(configlist[-1]) - 1)
except ValueError:
raise Exception('Config %d not in file with range [%d, %d]' % (
r_stop[rep], configlist[-1][0], configlist[-1][-1])) from None
for k in range(nrw):
deltas[k].append(tmp_array[k][r_start_index[rep]:r_stop_index[rep] + 1][::r_step])
if np.any([len(np.unique(np.diff(cl))) != 1 for cl in configlist]):
raise Exception('Irregular spaced data in input file!', [len(np.unique(np.diff(cl))) for cl in configlist])
stepsizes = [list(np.unique(np.diff(cl)))[0] for cl in configlist]
if np.any([step != 1 for step in stepsizes]):
warnings.warn('Stepsize between configurations is greater than one!' + str(stepsizes), RuntimeWarning)
print(',', nrw, 'reweighting factors with', nsrc, 'sources')
result = []
idl = [range(configlist[rep][r_start_index[rep]], configlist[rep][r_stop_index[rep]] + 1, r_step) for rep in range(replica)]
for t in range(nrw):
result.append(Obs(deltas[t], rep_names, idl=idl))
return result
def _extract_flowed_energy_density(path, prefix, dtr_read, xmin, spatial_extent, postfix='ms', **kwargs):
"""Extract a dictionary with the flowed Yang-Mills action density from given .ms.dat files.
Returns a dictionary with Obs as values and flow times as keys.
It is assumed that all boundary effects have
sufficiently decayed at x0=xmin.
It is assumed that one measurement is performed for each config.
If this is not the case, the resulting idl, as well as the handling
of r_start, r_stop and r_step is wrong and the user has to correct
this in the resulting observable.
path : str
Path to .ms.dat files
prefix : str
Ensemble prefix
dtr_read : int
Determines how many trajectories should be skipped
when reading the ms.dat files.
Corresponds to dtr_cnfg / dtr_ms in the openQCD input file.
xmin : int
First timeslice where the boundary
effects have sufficiently decayed.
spatial_extent : int
spatial extent of the lattice, required for normalization.
postfix : str
Postfix of measurement file (Default: ms)
r_start : list
list which contains the first config to be read for each replicum.
r_stop : list
list which contains the last config to be read for each replicum.
r_step : int
integer that defines a fixed step size between two measurements (in units of configs)
If not given, r_step=1 is assumed.
plaquette : bool
If true extract the plaquette estimate of t0 instead.
names : list
list of names that is assigned to the data according according
to the order in the file list. Use careful, if you do not provide file names!
files : list
list which contains the filenames to be read. No automatic detection of
files performed if given.
assume_thermalization : bool
If True: If the first record divided by the distance between two measurements is larger than
1, it is assumed that this is due to thermalization and the first measurement belongs
to the first config (default).
If False: The config numbers are assumed to be traj_number // difference
E_dict : dictionary
Dictionary with the flowed action density at flow times t
if 'files' in kwargs:
known_files = kwargs.get('files')
known_files = []
ls = _find_files(path, prefix, postfix, 'dat', known_files=known_files)
replica = len(ls)
if 'r_start' in kwargs:
r_start = kwargs.get('r_start')
if len(r_start) != replica:
raise Exception('r_start does not match number of replicas')
r_start = [o if o else None for o in r_start]
r_start = [None] * replica
if 'r_stop' in kwargs:
r_stop = kwargs.get('r_stop')
if len(r_stop) != replica:
raise Exception('r_stop does not match number of replicas')
r_stop = [None] * replica
if 'r_step' in kwargs:
r_step = kwargs.get('r_step')
r_step = 1
print('Extract flowed Yang-Mills action density from', prefix, ',', replica, 'replica')
if 'names' in kwargs:
rep_names = kwargs.get('names')
rep_names = []
for entry in ls:
truncated_entry = entry.split('.')[0]
idx = truncated_entry.index('r')
rep_names.append(truncated_entry[:idx] + '|' + truncated_entry[idx:])
Ysum = []
configlist = []
r_start_index = []
r_stop_index = []
for rep in range(replica):
with open(path + '/' + ls[rep], 'rb') as fp:
t = fp.read(12)
header = struct.unpack('iii', t)
if rep == 0:
dn = header[0]
nn = header[1]
tmax = header[2]
elif dn != header[0] or nn != header[1] or tmax != header[2]:
raise Exception('Replica parameters do not match.')
t = fp.read(8)
if rep == 0:
eps = struct.unpack('d', t)[0]
print('Step size:', eps, ', Maximal t value:', dn * (nn) * eps)
elif eps != struct.unpack('d', t)[0]:
raise Exception('Values for eps do not match among replica.')
Ysl = []
while True:
t = fp.read(4)
if (len(t) < 4):
nc = struct.unpack('i', t)[0]
t = fp.read(8 * tmax * (nn + 1))
if kwargs.get('plaquette'):
if nc % dtr_read == 0:
Ysl.append(struct.unpack('d' * tmax * (nn + 1), t))
t = fp.read(8 * tmax * (nn + 1))
if not kwargs.get('plaquette'):
if nc % dtr_read == 0:
Ysl.append(struct.unpack('d' * tmax * (nn + 1), t))
t = fp.read(8 * tmax * (nn + 1))
for i, item in enumerate(Ysl):
Ysum[-1].append([np.mean(item[current + xmin:
current + tmax - xmin])
for current in range(0, len(item), tmax)])
diffmeas = configlist[-1][-1] - configlist[-1][-2]
configlist[-1] = [item // diffmeas for item in configlist[-1]]
if kwargs.get('assume_thermalization', True) and configlist[-1][0] > 1:
warnings.warn('Assume thermalization and that the first measurement belongs to the first config.')
offset = configlist[-1][0] - 1
configlist[-1] = [item - offset for item in configlist[-1]]
if r_start[rep] is None:
except ValueError:
raise Exception('Config %d not in file with range [%d, %d]' % (
r_start[rep], configlist[-1][0], configlist[-1][-1])) from None
if r_stop[rep] is None:
r_stop_index.append(len(configlist[-1]) - 1)
except ValueError:
raise Exception('Config %d not in file with range [%d, %d]' % (
r_stop[rep], configlist[-1][0], configlist[-1][-1])) from None
if np.any([len(np.unique(np.diff(cl))) != 1 for cl in configlist]):
raise Exception('Irregular spaced data in input file!', [len(np.unique(np.diff(cl))) for cl in configlist])
stepsizes = [list(np.unique(np.diff(cl)))[0] for cl in configlist]
if np.any([step != 1 for step in stepsizes]):
warnings.warn('Stepsize between configurations is greater than one!' + str(stepsizes), RuntimeWarning)
idl = [range(configlist[rep][r_start_index[rep]], configlist[rep][r_stop_index[rep]] + 1, r_step) for rep in range(replica)]
E_dict = {}
for n in range(nn + 1):
samples = []
for nrep, rep in enumerate(Ysum):
for cnfg in rep:
samples[-1] = samples[-1][r_start_index[nrep]:r_stop_index[nrep] + 1][::r_step]
new_obs = Obs(samples, rep_names, idl=idl)
E_dict[n * dn * eps] = new_obs / (spatial_extent ** 3)
return E_dict
def extract_t0(path, prefix, dtr_read, xmin, spatial_extent, fit_range=5, postfix='ms', c=0.3, **kwargs):
"""Extract t0/a^2 from given .ms.dat files. Returns t0 as Obs.
It is assumed that all boundary effects have
sufficiently decayed at x0=xmin.
The data around the zero crossing of t^2<E> - c (where c=0.3 by default)
is fitted with a linear function
from which the exact root is extracted.
It is assumed that one measurement is performed for each config.
If this is not the case, the resulting idl, as well as the handling
of r_start, r_stop and r_step is wrong and the user has to correct
this in the resulting observable.
path : str
Path to .ms.dat files
prefix : str
Ensemble prefix
dtr_read : int
Determines how many trajectories should be skipped
when reading the ms.dat files.
Corresponds to dtr_cnfg / dtr_ms in the openQCD input file.
xmin : int
First timeslice where the boundary
effects have sufficiently decayed.
spatial_extent : int
spatial extent of the lattice, required for normalization.
fit_range : int
Number of data points left and right of the zero
crossing to be included in the linear fit. (Default: 5)
postfix : str
Postfix of measurement file (Default: ms)
c: float
Constant that defines the flow scale. Default 0.3 for t_0, choose 2./3 for t_1.
r_start : list
list which contains the first config to be read for each replicum.
r_stop : list
list which contains the last config to be read for each replicum.
r_step : int
integer that defines a fixed step size between two measurements (in units of configs)
If not given, r_step=1 is assumed.
plaquette : bool
If true extract the plaquette estimate of t0 instead.
names : list
list of names that is assigned to the data according according
to the order in the file list. Use careful, if you do not provide file names!
files : list
list which contains the filenames to be read. No automatic detection of
files performed if given.
plot_fit : bool
If true, the fit for the extraction of t0 is shown together with the data.
assume_thermalization : bool
If True: If the first record divided by the distance between two measurements is larger than
1, it is assumed that this is due to thermalization and the first measurement belongs
to the first config (default).
If False: The config numbers are assumed to be traj_number // difference
t0 : Obs
Extracted t0
E_dict = _extract_flowed_energy_density(path, prefix, dtr_read, xmin, spatial_extent, postfix, **kwargs)
t2E_dict = {}
for t in sorted(E_dict.keys()):
t2E_dict[t] = t ** 2 * E_dict[t] - c
return fit_t0(t2E_dict, fit_range, plot_fit=kwargs.get('plot_fit'))
def extract_w0(path, prefix, dtr_read, xmin, spatial_extent, fit_range=5, postfix='ms', c=0.3, **kwargs):
"""Extract w0/a from given .ms.dat files. Returns w0 as Obs.
It is assumed that all boundary effects have
sufficiently decayed at x0=xmin.
The data around the zero crossing of t d(t^2<E>)/dt - (where c=0.3 by default)
is fitted with a linear function
from which the exact root is extracted.
It is assumed that one measurement is performed for each config.
If this is not the case, the resulting idl, as well as the handling
of r_start, r_stop and r_step is wrong and the user has to correct
this in the resulting observable.
path : str
Path to .ms.dat files
prefix : str
Ensemble prefix
dtr_read : int
Determines how many trajectories should be skipped
when reading the ms.dat files.
Corresponds to dtr_cnfg / dtr_ms in the openQCD input file.
xmin : int
First timeslice where the boundary
effects have sufficiently decayed.
spatial_extent : int
spatial extent of the lattice, required for normalization.
fit_range : int
Number of data points left and right of the zero
crossing to be included in the linear fit. (Default: 5)
postfix : str
Postfix of measurement file (Default: ms)
c: float
Constant that defines the flow scale. Default 0.3 for w_0, choose 2./3 for w_1.
r_start : list
list which contains the first config to be read for each replicum.
r_stop : list
list which contains the last config to be read for each replicum.
r_step : int
integer that defines a fixed step size between two measurements (in units of configs)
If not given, r_step=1 is assumed.
plaquette : bool
If true extract the plaquette estimate of w0 instead.
names : list
list of names that is assigned to the data according according
to the order in the file list. Use careful, if you do not provide file names!
files : list
list which contains the filenames to be read. No automatic detection of
files performed if given.
plot_fit : bool
If true, the fit for the extraction of w0 is shown together with the data.
assume_thermalization : bool
If True: If the first record divided by the distance between two measurements is larger than
1, it is assumed that this is due to thermalization and the first measurement belongs
to the first config (default).
If False: The config numbers are assumed to be traj_number // difference
w0 : Obs
Extracted w0
E_dict = _extract_flowed_energy_density(path, prefix, dtr_read, xmin, spatial_extent, postfix, **kwargs)
ftimes = sorted(E_dict.keys())
t2E_dict = {}
for t in ftimes:
t2E_dict[t] = t ** 2 * E_dict[t]
tdtt2E_dict = {}
tdtt2E_dict[ftimes[0]] = ftimes[0] * (t2E_dict[ftimes[1]] - t2E_dict[ftimes[0]]) / (ftimes[1] - ftimes[0]) - c
for i in range(1, len(ftimes) - 1):
tdtt2E_dict[ftimes[i]] = ftimes[i] * (t2E_dict[ftimes[i + 1]] - t2E_dict[ftimes[i - 1]]) / (ftimes[i + 1] - ftimes[i - 1]) - c
tdtt2E_dict[ftimes[-1]] = ftimes[-1] * (t2E_dict[ftimes[-1]] - t2E_dict[ftimes[-2]]) / (ftimes[-1] - ftimes[-2]) - c
return np.sqrt(fit_t0(tdtt2E_dict, fit_range, plot_fit=kwargs.get('plot_fit'), observable='w0'))
def _parse_array_openQCD2(d, n, size, wa, quadrupel=False):
arr = []
if d == 2:
for i in range(n[0]):
tmp = wa[i * n[1]:(i + 1) * n[1]]
if quadrupel:
tmp2 = []
for j in range(0, len(tmp), 2):
raise Exception('Only two-dimensional arrays supported!')
return arr
def _find_files(path, prefix, postfix, ext, known_files=[]):
found = []
files = []
if postfix != "":
if postfix[-1] != ".":
postfix = postfix + "."
if postfix[0] != ".":
postfix = "." + postfix
if ext[0] == ".":
ext = ext[1:]
pattern = prefix + "*" + postfix + ext
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path + "/"):
if known_files != []:
for kf in known_files:
if kf not in found:
raise FileNotFoundError("Given file " + kf + " does not exist!")
return known_files
if not found:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Error, directory '{path}' not found")
for f in found:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern):
if files == []:
raise Exception("No files found after pattern filter!")
files = sort_names(files)
return files
def _read_array_openQCD2(fp):
t = fp.read(4)
d = struct.unpack('i', t)[0]
t = fp.read(4 * d)
n = struct.unpack('%di' % (d), t)
t = fp.read(4)
size = struct.unpack('i', t)[0]
if size == 4:
types = 'i'
elif size == 8:
types = 'd'
elif size == 16:
types = 'dd'
raise Exception("Type for size '" + str(size) + "' not known.")
m = n[0]
for i in range(1, d):
m *= n[i]
t = fp.read(m * size)
tmp = struct.unpack('%d%s' % (m, types), t)
arr = _parse_array_openQCD2(d, n, size, tmp, quadrupel=True)
return {'d': d, 'n': n, 'size': size, 'arr': arr}
def read_qtop(path, prefix, c, dtr_cnfg=1, version="openQCD", **kwargs):
"""Read the topologial charge based on openQCD gradient flow measurements.
path : str
path of the measurement files
prefix : str
prefix of the measurement files, e.g. <prefix>_id0_r0.ms.dat.
Ignored if file names are passed explicitly via keyword files.
c : double
Smearing radius in units of the lattice extent, c = sqrt(8 t0) / L.
dtr_cnfg : int
(optional) parameter that specifies the number of measurements
between two configs.
If it is not set, the distance between two measurements
in the file is assumed to be the distance between two configurations.
steps : int
(optional) Distance between two configurations in units of trajectories /
cycles. Assumed to be the distance between two measurements * dtr_cnfg if not given
version : str
Either openQCD or sfqcd, depending on the data.
L : int
spatial length of the lattice in L/a.
HAS to be set if version != sfqcd, since openQCD does not provide
this in the header
r_start : list
list which contains the first config to be read for each replicum.
r_stop : list
list which contains the last config to be read for each replicum.
files : list
specify the exact files that need to be read
from path, practical if e.g. only one replicum is needed
postfix : str
postfix of the file to read, e.g. '.gfms.dat' for openQCD-files
names : list
Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles.
Has to have the appropriate length.
Zeuthen_flow : bool
(optional) If True, the Zeuthen flow is used for Qtop. Only possible
for version=='sfqcd' If False, the Wilson flow is used.
integer_charge : bool
If True, the charge is rounded towards the nearest integer on each config.
result : Obs
Read topological charge
return _read_flow_obs(path, prefix, c, dtr_cnfg=dtr_cnfg, version=version, obspos=0, **kwargs)
def read_gf_coupling(path, prefix, c, dtr_cnfg=1, Zeuthen_flow=True, **kwargs):
"""Read the gradient flow coupling based on sfqcd gradient flow measurements. See 1607.06423 for details.
Note: The current implementation only works for c=0.3 and T=L. The definition of the coupling in 1607.06423 requires projection to topological charge zero which is not done within this function but has to be performed in a separate step.
path : str
path of the measurement files
prefix : str
prefix of the measurement files, e.g. <prefix>_id0_r0.ms.dat.
Ignored if file names are passed explicitly via keyword files.
c : double
Smearing radius in units of the lattice extent, c = sqrt(8 t0) / L.
dtr_cnfg : int
(optional) parameter that specifies the number of measurements
between two configs.
If it is not set, the distance between two measurements
in the file is assumed to be the distance between two configurations.
steps : int
(optional) Distance between two configurations in units of trajectories /
cycles. Assumed to be the distance between two measurements * dtr_cnfg if not given
r_start : list
list which contains the first config to be read for each replicum.
r_stop : list
list which contains the last config to be read for each replicum.
files : list
specify the exact files that need to be read
from path, practical if e.g. only one replicum is needed
names : list
Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles.
Has to have the appropriate length.
postfix : str
postfix of the file to read, e.g. '.gfms.dat' for openQCD-files
Zeuthen_flow : bool
(optional) If True, the Zeuthen flow is used for the coupling. If False, the Wilson flow is used.
if c != 0.3:
raise Exception("The required lattice norm is only implemented for c=0.3 at the moment.")
plaq = _read_flow_obs(path, prefix, c, dtr_cnfg=dtr_cnfg, version="sfqcd", obspos=6, sum_t=False, Zeuthen_flow=Zeuthen_flow, integer_charge=False, **kwargs)
C2x1 = _read_flow_obs(path, prefix, c, dtr_cnfg=dtr_cnfg, version="sfqcd", obspos=7, sum_t=False, Zeuthen_flow=Zeuthen_flow, integer_charge=False, **kwargs)
L = plaq.tag["L"]
T = plaq.tag["T"]
if T != L:
raise Exception("The required lattice norm is only implemented for T=L at the moment.")
if Zeuthen_flow is not True:
raise Exception("The required lattice norm is only implemented for the Zeuthen flow at the moment.")
t = (c * L) ** 2 / 8
normdict = {4: 0.012341170468270,
6: 0.010162691462430,
8: 0.009031614807931,
10: 0.008744966371393,
12: 0.008650917856809,
14: 8.611154391267955E-03,
16: 0.008591758449508,
20: 0.008575359627103,
24: 0.008569387847540,
28: 8.566803713382559E-03,
32: 0.008565541650006,
40: 8.564480684962046E-03,
48: 8.564098025073460E-03,
64: 8.563853943383087E-03}
return t * t * (5 / 3 * plaq - 1 / 12 * C2x1) / normdict[L]
def _read_flow_obs(path, prefix, c, dtr_cnfg=1, version="openQCD", obspos=0, sum_t=True, **kwargs):
"""Read a flow observable based on openQCD gradient flow measurements.
path : str
path of the measurement files
prefix : str
prefix of the measurement files, e.g. <prefix>_id0_r0.ms.dat.
Ignored if file names are passed explicitly via keyword files.
c : double
Smearing radius in units of the lattice extent, c = sqrt(8 t0) / L.
dtr_cnfg : int
(optional) parameter that specifies the number of measurements
between two configs.
If it is not set, the distance between two measurements
in the file is assumed to be the distance between two configurations.
steps : int
(optional) Distance between two configurations in units of trajectories /
cycles. Assumed to be the distance between two measurements * dtr_cnfg if not given
version : str
Either openQCD or sfqcd, depending on the data.
obspos : int
position of the obeservable in the measurement file. Only relevant for sfqcd files.
sum_t : bool
If true sum over all timeslices, if false only take the value at T/2.
L : int
spatial length of the lattice in L/a.
HAS to be set if version != sfqcd, since openQCD does not provide
this in the header
r_start : list
list which contains the first config to be read for each replicum.
r_stop : list
list which contains the last config to be read for each replicum.
files : list
specify the exact files that need to be read
from path, practical if e.g. only one replicum is needed
names : list
Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles.
Has to have the appropriate length.
postfix : str
postfix of the file to read, e.g. '.gfms.dat' for openQCD-files
Zeuthen_flow : bool
(optional) If True, the Zeuthen flow is used for Qtop. Only possible
for version=='sfqcd' If False, the Wilson flow is used.
integer_charge : bool
If True, the charge is rounded towards the nearest integer on each config.
result : Obs
flow observable specified
known_versions = ["openQCD", "sfqcd"]
if version not in known_versions:
raise Exception("Unknown openQCD version.")
if "steps" in kwargs:
steps = kwargs.get("steps")
if version == "sfqcd":
if "L" in kwargs:
supposed_L = kwargs.get("L")
supposed_L = None
postfix = "gfms"
if "L" not in kwargs:
raise Exception("This version of openQCD needs you to provide the spatial length of the lattice as parameter 'L'.")
L = kwargs.get("L")
postfix = "ms"
if "postfix" in kwargs:
postfix = kwargs.get("postfix")
if "files" in kwargs:
known_files = kwargs.get("files")
known_files = []
files = _find_files(path, prefix, postfix, "dat", known_files=known_files)
if 'r_start' in kwargs:
r_start = kwargs.get('r_start')
if len(r_start) != len(files):
raise Exception('r_start does not match number of replicas')
r_start = [o if o else None for o in r_start]
r_start = [None] * len(files)
if 'r_stop' in kwargs:
r_stop = kwargs.get('r_stop')
if len(r_stop) != len(files):
raise Exception('r_stop does not match number of replicas')
r_stop = [None] * len(files)
rep_names = []
zeuthen = kwargs.get('Zeuthen_flow', False)
if zeuthen and version not in ['sfqcd']:
raise Exception('Zeuthen flow can only be used for version==sfqcd')
r_start_index = []
r_stop_index = []
deltas = []
configlist = []
if not zeuthen:
obspos += 8
for rep, file in enumerate(files):
with open(path + "/" + file, "rb") as fp:
Q = []
traj_list = []
if version in ['sfqcd']:
t = fp.read(12)
header = struct.unpack('<iii', t)
zthfl = header[0] # Zeuthen flow -> if it's equal to 2 it means that the Zeuthen flow is also 'measured' (apart from the Wilson flow)
ncs = header[1] # number of different values for c in t_flow=1/8 c² L² -> measurements done for ncs c's
tmax = header[2] # lattice T/a
t = fp.read(12)
Ls = struct.unpack('<iii', t)
if (Ls[0] == Ls[1] and Ls[1] == Ls[2]):
L = Ls[0]
if not (supposed_L == L) and supposed_L:
raise Exception("It seems the length given in the header and by you contradict each other")
raise Exception("Found more than one spatial length in header!")
t = fp.read(16)
header2 = struct.unpack('<dd', t)
tol = header2[0]
cmax = header2[1] # highest value of c used
if c > cmax:
raise Exception('Flow has been determined between c=0 and c=%lf with tolerance %lf' % (cmax, tol))
if (zthfl == 2):
nfl = 2 # number of flows
nfl = 1
iobs = 8 * nfl # number of flow observables calculated
while True:
t = fp.read(4)
if (len(t) < 4):
traj_list.append(struct.unpack('i', t)[0]) # trajectory number when measurement was done
for j in range(ncs + 1):
for i in range(iobs):
t = fp.read(8 * tmax)
if (i == obspos): # determines the flow observable -> i=0 <-> Zeuthen flow
Q.append(struct.unpack('d' * tmax, t))
t = fp.read(12)
header = struct.unpack('<iii', t)
# step size in integration steps "dnms"
dn = header[0]
# number of measurements, so "ntot"/dn
nn = header[1]
# lattice T/a
tmax = header[2]
t = fp.read(8)
eps = struct.unpack('d', t)[0]
while True:
t = fp.read(4)
if (len(t) < 4):
traj_list.append(struct.unpack('i', t)[0])
# Wsl
t = fp.read(8 * tmax * (nn + 1))
# Ysl
t = fp.read(8 * tmax * (nn + 1))
# Qsl, which is asked for in this method
t = fp.read(8 * tmax * (nn + 1))
# unpack the array of Qtops,
# on each timeslice t=0,...,tmax-1 and the
# measurement number in = 0...nn (see README.qcd1)
tmpd = struct.unpack('d' * tmax * (nn + 1), t)
if len(np.unique(np.diff(traj_list))) != 1:
raise Exception("Irregularities in stepsize found")
if 'steps' in kwargs:
if steps != traj_list[1] - traj_list[0]:
raise Exception("steps and the found stepsize are not the same")
steps = traj_list[1] - traj_list[0]
configlist.append([tr // steps // dtr_cnfg for tr in traj_list])
if configlist[-1][0] > 1:
offset = configlist[-1][0] - 1
warnings.warn('Assume thermalization and that the first measurement belongs to the first config. Offset = %d configs (%d trajectories / cycles)' % (
offset, offset * steps))
configlist[-1] = [item - offset for item in configlist[-1]]
if r_start[rep] is None:
except ValueError:
raise Exception('Config %d not in file with range [%d, %d]' % (
r_start[rep], configlist[-1][0], configlist[-1][-1])) from None
if r_stop[rep] is None:
r_stop_index.append(len(configlist[-1]) - 1)
except ValueError:
raise Exception('Config %d not in file with range [%d, %d]' % (
r_stop[rep], configlist[-1][0], configlist[-1][-1])) from None
if version in ['sfqcd']:
cstepsize = cmax / ncs
index_aim = round(c / cstepsize)
t_aim = (c * L) ** 2 / 8
index_aim = round(t_aim / eps / dn)
Q_sum = []
for i, item in enumerate(Q):
if sum_t is True:
Q_sum.append([sum(item[current:current + tmax])
for current in range(0, len(item), tmax)])
Q_sum.append([item[int(tmax / 2)]])
Q_top = []
if version in ['sfqcd']:
for i in range(len(Q_sum) // (ncs + 1)):
Q_top.append(Q_sum[i * (ncs + 1) + index_aim][0])
for i in range(len(Q) // dtr_cnfg):
Q_top.append(Q_sum[dtr_cnfg * i][index_aim])
if len(Q_top) != len(traj_list) // dtr_cnfg:
raise Exception("qtops and traj_list dont have the same length")
if kwargs.get('integer_charge', False):
Q_top = [round(q) for q in Q_top]
truncated_file = file[:-len(postfix)]
if "names" not in kwargs:
idx = truncated_file.index('r')
except Exception:
if "names" not in kwargs:
raise Exception("Automatic recognition of replicum failed, please enter the key word 'names'.")
ens_name = truncated_file[:idx]
rep_names.append(ens_name + '|' + truncated_file[idx:].split(".")[0])
names = kwargs.get("names")
rep_names = names
rep_names = sort_names(rep_names)
idl = [range(int(configlist[rep][r_start_index[rep]]), int(configlist[rep][r_stop_index[rep]]) + 1, 1) for rep in range(len(deltas))]
deltas = [deltas[nrep][r_start_index[nrep]:r_stop_index[nrep] + 1] for nrep in range(len(deltas))]
result = Obs(deltas, rep_names, idl=idl)
result.tag = {"T": tmax - 1,
"L": L}
return result
def qtop_projection(qtop, target=0):
"""Returns the projection to the topological charge sector defined by target.
path : Obs
Topological charge.
target : int
Specifies the topological sector to be reweighted to (default 0)
reto : Obs
projection to the topological charge sector defined by target
if qtop.reweighted:
raise Exception('You can not use a reweighted observable for reweighting!')
proj_qtop = []
for n in qtop.deltas:
proj_qtop.append(np.array([1 if round(qtop.r_values[n] + q) == target else 0 for q in qtop.deltas[n]]))
reto = Obs(proj_qtop, qtop.names, idl=[qtop.idl[name] for name in qtop.names])
return reto
def read_qtop_sector(path, prefix, c, target=0, **kwargs):
"""Constructs reweighting factors to a specified topological sector.
path : str
path of the measurement files
prefix : str
prefix of the measurement files, e.g. <prefix>_id0_r0.ms.dat
c : double
Smearing radius in units of the lattice extent, c = sqrt(8 t0) / L
target : int
Specifies the topological sector to be reweighted to (default 0)
dtr_cnfg : int
(optional) parameter that specifies the number of trajectories
between two configs.
if it is not set, the distance between two measurements
in the file is assumed to be the distance between two configurations.
steps : int
(optional) Distance between two configurations in units of trajectories /
cycles. Assumed to be the distance between two measurements * dtr_cnfg if not given
version : str
version string of the openQCD (sfqcd) version used to create
the ensemble. Default is 2.0. May also be set to sfqcd.
L : int
spatial length of the lattice in L/a.
HAS to be set if version != sfqcd, since openQCD does not provide
this in the header
r_start : list
offset of the first ensemble, making it easier to match
later on with other Obs
r_stop : list
last configurations that need to be read (per replicum)
files : list
specify the exact files that need to be read
from path, practical if e.g. only one replicum is needed
names : list
Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles.
Has to have the appropriate length
Zeuthen_flow : bool
(optional) If True, the Zeuthen flow is used for Qtop. Only possible
for version=='sfqcd' If False, the Wilson flow is used.
reto : Obs
projection to the topological charge sector defined by target
if not isinstance(target, int):
raise Exception("'target' has to be an integer.")
kwargs['integer_charge'] = True
qtop = read_qtop(path, prefix, c, **kwargs)
return qtop_projection(qtop, target=target)
def read_ms5_xsf(path, prefix, qc, corr, sep="r", **kwargs):
Read data from files in the specified directory with the specified prefix and quark combination extension, and return a `Corr` object containing the data.
path : str
The directory to search for the files in.
prefix : str
The prefix to match the files against.
qc : str
The quark combination extension to match the files against.
corr : str
The correlator to extract data for.
sep : str, optional
The separator to use when parsing the replika names.
Additional keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are recognized:
- names (List[str]): A list of names to use for the replicas.
- files (List[str]): A list of files to read data from.
- idl (List[List[int]]): A list of idls per replicum, resticting data to the idls given.
A complex valued `Corr` object containing the data read from the files. In case of boudary to bulk correlators.
A complex valued `CObs` object containing the data read from the files. In case of boudary to boundary correlators.
If no files matching the specified prefix and quark combination extension are found in the specified directory.
If there is an error reading a file.
If there is an error unpacking binary data.
# found = []
files = []
names = []
# test if the input is correct
if qc not in ['dd', 'ud', 'du', 'uu']:
raise Exception("Unknown quark conbination!")
if corr not in ["gS", "gP", "gA", "gV", "gVt", "lA", "lV", "lVt", "lT", "lTt", "g1", "l1"]:
raise Exception("Unknown correlator!")
if "files" in kwargs:
known_files = kwargs.get("files")
known_files = []
files = _find_files(path, prefix, "ms5_xsf_" + qc, "dat", known_files=known_files)
if "names" in kwargs:
names = kwargs.get("names")
for f in files:
if not sep == "":
se = f.split(".")[0]
for s in f.split(".")[1:-2]:
se += "." + s
names.append(se.split(sep)[0] + "|r" + se.split(sep)[1])
if 'idl' in kwargs:
expected_idl = kwargs.get('idl')
names = sorted(names)
files = sorted(files)
cnfgs = []
realsamples = []
imagsamples = []
repnum = 0
for file in files:
with open(path + "/" + file, "rb") as fp:
t = fp.read(8)
kappa = struct.unpack('d', t)[0]
t = fp.read(8)
csw = struct.unpack('d', t)[0]
t = fp.read(8)
dF = struct.unpack('d', t)[0]
t = fp.read(8)
zF = struct.unpack('d', t)[0]
t = fp.read(4)
tmax = struct.unpack('i', t)[0]
t = fp.read(4)
bnd = struct.unpack('i', t)[0]
placesBI = ["gS", "gP",
"gA", "gV",
"gVt", "lA",
"lV", "lVt",
"lT", "lTt"]
placesBB = ["g1", "l1"]
# the chunks have the following structure:
# confignumber, 10x timedependent complex correlators as doubles, 2x timeindependent complex correlators as doubles
chunksize = 4 + (8 * 2 * tmax * 10) + (8 * 2 * 2)
packstr = '=i' + ('d' * 2 * tmax * 10) + ('d' * 2 * 2)
for t in range(tmax):
if 'idl' in kwargs:
left_idl = set(expected_idl[repnum])
while True:
cnfgt = fp.read(chunksize)
if not cnfgt:
asascii = struct.unpack(packstr, cnfgt)
cnfg = asascii[0]
idl_wanted = True
if 'idl' in kwargs:
idl_wanted = (cnfg in expected_idl[repnum])
left_idl = left_idl - set([cnfg])
if idl_wanted:
if corr not in placesBB:
tmpcorr = asascii[1 + 2 * tmax * placesBI.index(corr):1 + 2 * tmax * placesBI.index(corr) + 2 * tmax]
tmpcorr = asascii[1 + 2 * tmax * len(placesBI) + 2 * placesBB.index(corr):1 + 2 * tmax * len(placesBI) + 2 * placesBB.index(corr) + 2]
corrres = [[], []]
for i in range(len(tmpcorr)):
corrres[i % 2].append(tmpcorr[i])
for t in range(int(len(tmpcorr) / 2)):
for t in range(int(len(tmpcorr) / 2)):
if 'idl' in kwargs:
left_idl = list(left_idl)
if expected_idl[repnum] == left_idl:
raise ValueError("None of the idls searched for were found in replikum of file " + file)
elif len(left_idl) > 0:
warnings.warn('Could not find idls ' + str(left_idl) + ' in replikum of file ' + file, UserWarning)
repnum += 1
s = "Read correlator " + corr + " from " + str(repnum) + " replika with idls" + str(realsamples[0][t])
for rep in range(1, repnum):
s += ", " + str(realsamples[rep][t])
print("Asserted run parameters:\n T:", tmax, "kappa:", kappa, "csw:", csw, "dF:", dF, "zF:", zF, "bnd:", bnd)
# we have the data now... but we need to re format the whole thing and put it into Corr objects.
compObs = []
for t in range(int(len(tmpcorr) / 2)):
compObs.append(CObs(Obs([realsamples[rep][t] for rep in range(repnum)], names=names, idl=cnfgs),
Obs([imagsamples[rep][t] for rep in range(repnum)], names=names, idl=cnfgs)))
if len(compObs) == 1:
return compObs[0]
return Corr(compObs)