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import json import gzip import numpy as np import getpass import socket import datetime import platform import warnings from ..obs import Obs from ..covobs import Covobs from ..correlators import Corr from ..misc import _assert_equal_properties from .. import version as pyerrorsversion def create_json_string(ol, description='', indent=1): """Generate the string for the export of a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .json(.gz) file Parameters ---------- ol : list List of objects that will be exported. At the moments, these objects can be either of: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr. All Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same set of configurations. description : str Optional string that describes the contents of the json file. indent : int Specify the indentation level of the json file. None or 0 is permissible and saves disk space. """ def _default(self, obj): return str(obj) my_encoder = json.JSONEncoder _default.default = json.JSONEncoder().default my_encoder.default = _default class Deltalist: def __init__(self, li): self.cnfg = li[0] self.deltas = li[1:] def __repr__(self): s = '[%d' % (self.cnfg) for d in self.deltas: s += ', %1.15e' % (d) s += ']' return s def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() class Floatlist: def __init__(self, li): = list(li) def __repr__(self): s = '[' for i in range(len( if i > 0: s += ', ' s += '%1.15e' % ([i]) s += ']' return s def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def _gen_data_d_from_list(ol): dl = [] for name in ol[0].mc_names: ed = {} ed['id'] = name ed['replica'] = [] for r_name in ol[0].e_content[name]: rd = {} rd['name'] = r_name if ol[0].is_merged.get(r_name, False): rd['is_merged'] = True rd['deltas'] = [] for i in range(len(ol[0].idl[r_name])): rd['deltas'].append([ol[0].idl[r_name][i]]) for o in ol: rd['deltas'][-1].append(o.deltas[r_name][i]) rd['deltas'][-1] = Deltalist(rd['deltas'][-1]) ed['replica'].append(rd) dl.append(ed) return dl def _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol): dl = [] for name in ol[0].cov_names: ed = {} ed['id'] = name ed['layout'] = str(ol[0].covobs[name].cov.shape).lstrip('(').rstrip(')').rstrip(',') ed['cov'] = Floatlist(np.ravel(ol[0].covobs[name].cov)) ncov = ol[0].covobs[name].cov.shape[0] ed['grad'] = [] for i in range(ncov): ed['grad'].append([]) for o in ol: ed['grad'][-1].append(o.covobs[name].grad[i][0]) ed['grad'][-1] = Floatlist(ed['grad'][-1]) dl.append(ed) return dl def write_Obs_to_dict(o): d = {} d['type'] = 'Obs' d['layout'] = '1' if o.tag: d['tag'] = [o.tag] if o.reweighted: d['reweighted'] = o.reweighted d['value'] = [o.value] data = _gen_data_d_from_list([o]) if len(data) > 0: d['data'] = data cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list([o]) if len(cdata) > 0: d['cdata'] = cdata return d def write_List_to_dict(ol): _assert_equal_properties(ol) d = {} d['type'] = 'List' d['layout'] = '%d' % len(ol) taglist = [o.tag for o in ol] if np.any([tag is not None for tag in taglist]): d['tag'] = taglist if ol[0].reweighted: d['reweighted'] = ol[0].reweighted d['value'] = [o.value for o in ol] data = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol) if len(data) > 0: d['data'] = data cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol) if len(cdata) > 0: d['cdata'] = cdata return d def write_Array_to_dict(oa): ol = np.ravel(oa) _assert_equal_properties(ol) d = {} d['type'] = 'Array' d['layout'] = str(oa.shape).lstrip('(').rstrip(')').rstrip(',') taglist = [o.tag for o in ol] if np.any([tag is not None for tag in taglist]): d['tag'] = taglist if ol[0].reweighted: d['reweighted'] = ol[0].reweighted d['value'] = [o.value for o in ol] data = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol) if len(data) > 0: d['data'] = data cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol) if len(cdata) > 0: d['cdata'] = cdata return d def write_Corr_to_dict(my_corr): front_padding = next(i for i, j in enumerate(my_corr.content) if np.all(j)) back_padding_start = front_padding + next((i for i, j in enumerate(my_corr.content[front_padding:]) if not np.all(j)), my_corr.T) dat = write_Array_to_dict(np.array(my_corr.content[front_padding:back_padding_start])) dat['type'] = 'Corr' corr_meta_data = str(front_padding) + '|' + str(my_corr.T - back_padding_start) + '|' + str(my_corr.tag) if 'tag' in dat.keys(): dat['tag'].append(corr_meta_data) else: dat['tag'] = [corr_meta_data] return dat if not isinstance(ol, list): ol = [ol] d = {} d['program'] = 'pyerrors %s' % (pyerrorsversion.__version__) d['version'] = '0.1' d['who'] = getpass.getuser() d['date'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') d['host'] = socket.gethostname() + ', ' + platform.platform() if description: d['description'] = description d['obsdata'] = [] for io in ol: if isinstance(io, Obs): d['obsdata'].append(write_Obs_to_dict(io)) elif isinstance(io, list): d['obsdata'].append(write_List_to_dict(io)) elif isinstance(io, np.ndarray): d['obsdata'].append(write_Array_to_dict(io)) elif isinstance(io, Corr): d['obsdata'].append(write_Corr_to_dict(io)) else: raise Exception("Unkown datatype.") jsonstring = json.dumps(d, indent=indent, cls=my_encoder, ensure_ascii=False) def remove_quotationmarks(s): """Workaround for un-quoting of delta lists, adds 5% of work but is save, compared to a simple replace that could destroy the structure """ deltas = False split = s.split('\n') for i in range(len(split)): if '"deltas":' in split[i] or '"cov":' in split[i] or '"grad":' in split[i]: deltas = True if deltas: split[i] = split[i].replace('"[', '[').replace(']"', ']') if split[i][-1] == ']': deltas = False return '\n'.join(split) jsonstring = remove_quotationmarks(jsonstring) return jsonstring def dump_to_json(ol, fname, description='', indent=1, gz=True): """Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .json(.gz) file Parameters ---------- ol : list List of objects that will be exported. At the moments, these objects can be either of: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr. All Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same set of configurations. fname : str Filename of the output file. description : str Optional string that describes the contents of the json file. indent : int Specify the indentation level of the json file. None or 0 is permissible and saves disk space. gz : bool If True, the output is a gzipped json. If False, the output is a json file. """ jsonstring = create_json_string(ol, description, indent) if not fname.endswith('.json') and not fname.endswith('.gz'): fname += '.json' if gz: if not fname.endswith('.gz'): fname += '.gz' fp =, 'wb') fp.write(jsonstring.encode('utf-8')) else: fp = open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') fp.write(jsonstring) fp.close() def import_json_string(json_string, verbose=True, full_output=False): """Reconstruct a list of Obs or structures containing Obs from a json string. The following structures are supported: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr If the list contains only one element, it is unpacked from the list. Parameters ---------- json_string : str json string containing the data. verbose : bool Print additional information that was written to the file. full_output : bool If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned. If False, only the data is returned. """ def _gen_obsd_from_datad(d): retd = {} if d: retd['names'] = [] retd['idl'] = [] retd['deltas'] = [] retd['is_merged'] = {} for ens in d: for rep in ens['replica']: retd['names'].append(rep['name']) retd['idl'].append([di[0] for di in rep['deltas']]) retd['deltas'].append(np.array([di[1:] for di in rep['deltas']])) retd['is_merged'][rep['name']] = rep.get('is_merged', False) return retd def _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(d): retd = {} for ens in d: retl = [] name = ens['id'] layouts = ens.get('layout', '1').strip() layout = [int(ls.strip()) for ls in layouts.split(',') if len(ls) > 0] cov = np.reshape(ens['cov'], layout) grad = ens['grad'] nobs = len(grad[0]) for i in range(nobs): retl.append({'name': name, 'cov': cov, 'grad': [g[i] for g in grad]}) retd[name] = retl return retd def get_Obs_from_dict(o): layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip() if layouts != '1': raise Exception("layout is %s has to be 1 for type Obs." % (layouts), RuntimeWarning) values = o['value'] od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {})) cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {})) if od: ret = Obs([[ddi[0] + values[0] for ddi in di] for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl']) ret.is_merged = od['is_merged'] else: ret = Obs([], []) ret._value = values[0] for name in cd: co = cd[name][0] ret._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad']) ret.names.append(co['name']) ret.reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False) ret.tag = o.get('tag', [None])[0] return ret def get_List_from_dict(o): layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip() layout = int(layouts) values = o['value'] od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {})) cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {})) ret = [] taglist = o.get('tag', layout * [None]) for i in range(layout): if od: ret.append(Obs([list(di[:, i] + values[i]) for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl'])) ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged'] else: ret.append(Obs([], [])) ret[-1]._value = values[i] print('Created Obs with means= ', values[i]) for name in cd: co = cd[name][i] ret[-1]._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad']) ret[-1].names.append(co['name']) ret[-1].reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False) ret[-1].tag = taglist[i] return ret def get_Array_from_dict(o): layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip() layout = [int(ls.strip()) for ls in layouts.split(',') if len(ls) > 0] N = values = o['value'] od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {})) cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {})) ret = [] taglist = o.get('tag', N * [None]) for i in range(N): if od: ret.append(Obs([di[:, i] + values[i] for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl'])) ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged'] else: ret.append(Obs([], [])) ret[-1]._value = values[i] for name in cd: co = cd[name][i] ret[-1]._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad']) ret[-1].names.append(co['name']) ret[-1].reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False) ret[-1].tag = taglist[i] return np.reshape(ret, layout) def get_Corr_from_dict(o): taglist = o.get('tag') corr_meta_data = taglist[-1].split('|') padding_front = int(corr_meta_data[0]) padding_back = int(corr_meta_data[1]) corr_tag = corr_meta_data[2] tmp_o = o tmp_o['tag'] = taglist[:-1] if len(tmp_o['tag']) == 0: del tmp_o['tag'] dat = get_Array_from_dict(tmp_o) my_corr = Corr(list(dat), padding=[padding_front, padding_back]) if corr_tag != 'None': my_corr.tag = corr_tag return my_corr json_dict = json.loads(json_string) prog = json_dict.get('program', '') version = json_dict.get('version', '') who = json_dict.get('who', '') date = json_dict.get('date', '') host = json_dict.get('host', '') if prog and verbose: print('Data has been written using %s.' % (prog)) if version and verbose: print('Format version %s' % (version)) if np.any([who, date, host] and verbose): print('Written by %s on %s on host %s' % (who, date, host)) description = json_dict.get('description', '') if description and verbose: print() print('Description: ', description) obsdata = json_dict['obsdata'] ol = [] for io in obsdata: if io['type'] == 'Obs': ol.append(get_Obs_from_dict(io)) elif io['type'] == 'List': ol.append(get_List_from_dict(io)) elif io['type'] == 'Array': ol.append(get_Array_from_dict(io)) elif io['type'] == 'Corr': ol.append(get_Corr_from_dict(io)) else: raise Exception("Unkown datatype.") if full_output: retd = {} retd['program'] = prog retd['version'] = version retd['who'] = who retd['date'] = date retd['host'] = host retd['description'] = description retd['obsdata'] = ol return retd else: if len(obsdata) == 1: ol = ol[0] return ol def load_json(fname, verbose=True, gz=True, full_output=False): """Import a list of Obs or structures containing Obs from a .json.gz file. The following structures are supported: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr If the list contains only one element, it is unpacked from the list. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename of the input file. verbose : bool Print additional information that was written to the file. gz : bool If True, assumes that data is gzipped. If False, assumes JSON file. full_output : bool If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned. If False, only the data is returned. """ if not fname.endswith('.json') and not fname.endswith('.gz'): fname += '.json' if gz: if not fname.endswith('.gz'): fname += '.gz' with, 'r') as fin: d ='utf-8') else: if fname.endswith('.gz'): warnings.warn("Trying to read from %s without unzipping!" % fname, UserWarning) with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fin: d = return import_json_string(d, verbose, full_output)
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def create_json_string(ol, description='', indent=1): """Generate the string for the export of a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .json(.gz) file Parameters ---------- ol : list List of objects that will be exported. At the moments, these objects can be either of: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr. All Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same set of configurations. description : str Optional string that describes the contents of the json file. indent : int Specify the indentation level of the json file. None or 0 is permissible and saves disk space. """ def _default(self, obj): return str(obj) my_encoder = json.JSONEncoder _default.default = json.JSONEncoder().default my_encoder.default = _default class Deltalist: def __init__(self, li): self.cnfg = li[0] self.deltas = li[1:] def __repr__(self): s = '[%d' % (self.cnfg) for d in self.deltas: s += ', %1.15e' % (d) s += ']' return s def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() class Floatlist: def __init__(self, li): = list(li) def __repr__(self): s = '[' for i in range(len( if i > 0: s += ', ' s += '%1.15e' % ([i]) s += ']' return s def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def _gen_data_d_from_list(ol): dl = [] for name in ol[0].mc_names: ed = {} ed['id'] = name ed['replica'] = [] for r_name in ol[0].e_content[name]: rd = {} rd['name'] = r_name if ol[0].is_merged.get(r_name, False): rd['is_merged'] = True rd['deltas'] = [] for i in range(len(ol[0].idl[r_name])): rd['deltas'].append([ol[0].idl[r_name][i]]) for o in ol: rd['deltas'][-1].append(o.deltas[r_name][i]) rd['deltas'][-1] = Deltalist(rd['deltas'][-1]) ed['replica'].append(rd) dl.append(ed) return dl def _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol): dl = [] for name in ol[0].cov_names: ed = {} ed['id'] = name ed['layout'] = str(ol[0].covobs[name].cov.shape).lstrip('(').rstrip(')').rstrip(',') ed['cov'] = Floatlist(np.ravel(ol[0].covobs[name].cov)) ncov = ol[0].covobs[name].cov.shape[0] ed['grad'] = [] for i in range(ncov): ed['grad'].append([]) for o in ol: ed['grad'][-1].append(o.covobs[name].grad[i][0]) ed['grad'][-1] = Floatlist(ed['grad'][-1]) dl.append(ed) return dl def write_Obs_to_dict(o): d = {} d['type'] = 'Obs' d['layout'] = '1' if o.tag: d['tag'] = [o.tag] if o.reweighted: d['reweighted'] = o.reweighted d['value'] = [o.value] data = _gen_data_d_from_list([o]) if len(data) > 0: d['data'] = data cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list([o]) if len(cdata) > 0: d['cdata'] = cdata return d def write_List_to_dict(ol): _assert_equal_properties(ol) d = {} d['type'] = 'List' d['layout'] = '%d' % len(ol) taglist = [o.tag for o in ol] if np.any([tag is not None for tag in taglist]): d['tag'] = taglist if ol[0].reweighted: d['reweighted'] = ol[0].reweighted d['value'] = [o.value for o in ol] data = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol) if len(data) > 0: d['data'] = data cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol) if len(cdata) > 0: d['cdata'] = cdata return d def write_Array_to_dict(oa): ol = np.ravel(oa) _assert_equal_properties(ol) d = {} d['type'] = 'Array' d['layout'] = str(oa.shape).lstrip('(').rstrip(')').rstrip(',') taglist = [o.tag for o in ol] if np.any([tag is not None for tag in taglist]): d['tag'] = taglist if ol[0].reweighted: d['reweighted'] = ol[0].reweighted d['value'] = [o.value for o in ol] data = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol) if len(data) > 0: d['data'] = data cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol) if len(cdata) > 0: d['cdata'] = cdata return d def write_Corr_to_dict(my_corr): front_padding = next(i for i, j in enumerate(my_corr.content) if np.all(j)) back_padding_start = front_padding + next((i for i, j in enumerate(my_corr.content[front_padding:]) if not np.all(j)), my_corr.T) dat = write_Array_to_dict(np.array(my_corr.content[front_padding:back_padding_start])) dat['type'] = 'Corr' corr_meta_data = str(front_padding) + '|' + str(my_corr.T - back_padding_start) + '|' + str(my_corr.tag) if 'tag' in dat.keys(): dat['tag'].append(corr_meta_data) else: dat['tag'] = [corr_meta_data] return dat if not isinstance(ol, list): ol = [ol] d = {} d['program'] = 'pyerrors %s' % (pyerrorsversion.__version__) d['version'] = '0.1' d['who'] = getpass.getuser() d['date'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') d['host'] = socket.gethostname() + ', ' + platform.platform() if description: d['description'] = description d['obsdata'] = [] for io in ol: if isinstance(io, Obs): d['obsdata'].append(write_Obs_to_dict(io)) elif isinstance(io, list): d['obsdata'].append(write_List_to_dict(io)) elif isinstance(io, np.ndarray): d['obsdata'].append(write_Array_to_dict(io)) elif isinstance(io, Corr): d['obsdata'].append(write_Corr_to_dict(io)) else: raise Exception("Unkown datatype.") jsonstring = json.dumps(d, indent=indent, cls=my_encoder, ensure_ascii=False) def remove_quotationmarks(s): """Workaround for un-quoting of delta lists, adds 5% of work but is save, compared to a simple replace that could destroy the structure """ deltas = False split = s.split('\n') for i in range(len(split)): if '"deltas":' in split[i] or '"cov":' in split[i] or '"grad":' in split[i]: deltas = True if deltas: split[i] = split[i].replace('"[', '[').replace(']"', ']') if split[i][-1] == ']': deltas = False return '\n'.join(split) jsonstring = remove_quotationmarks(jsonstring) return jsonstring
Generate the string for the export of a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .json(.gz) file
- ol (list): List of objects that will be exported. At the moments, these objects can be either of: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr. All Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same set of configurations.
- description (str): Optional string that describes the contents of the json file.
- indent (int): Specify the indentation level of the json file. None or 0 is permissible and saves disk space.
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def dump_to_json(ol, fname, description='', indent=1, gz=True): """Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .json(.gz) file Parameters ---------- ol : list List of objects that will be exported. At the moments, these objects can be either of: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr. All Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same set of configurations. fname : str Filename of the output file. description : str Optional string that describes the contents of the json file. indent : int Specify the indentation level of the json file. None or 0 is permissible and saves disk space. gz : bool If True, the output is a gzipped json. If False, the output is a json file. """ jsonstring = create_json_string(ol, description, indent) if not fname.endswith('.json') and not fname.endswith('.gz'): fname += '.json' if gz: if not fname.endswith('.gz'): fname += '.gz' fp =, 'wb') fp.write(jsonstring.encode('utf-8')) else: fp = open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') fp.write(jsonstring) fp.close()
Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .json(.gz) file
- ol (list): List of objects that will be exported. At the moments, these objects can be either of: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr. All Obs inside a structure have to be defined on the same set of configurations.
- fname (str): Filename of the output file.
- description (str): Optional string that describes the contents of the json file.
- indent (int): Specify the indentation level of the json file. None or 0 is permissible and saves disk space.
- gz (bool): If True, the output is a gzipped json. If False, the output is a json file.
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def import_json_string(json_string, verbose=True, full_output=False): """Reconstruct a list of Obs or structures containing Obs from a json string. The following structures are supported: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr If the list contains only one element, it is unpacked from the list. Parameters ---------- json_string : str json string containing the data. verbose : bool Print additional information that was written to the file. full_output : bool If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned. If False, only the data is returned. """ def _gen_obsd_from_datad(d): retd = {} if d: retd['names'] = [] retd['idl'] = [] retd['deltas'] = [] retd['is_merged'] = {} for ens in d: for rep in ens['replica']: retd['names'].append(rep['name']) retd['idl'].append([di[0] for di in rep['deltas']]) retd['deltas'].append(np.array([di[1:] for di in rep['deltas']])) retd['is_merged'][rep['name']] = rep.get('is_merged', False) return retd def _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(d): retd = {} for ens in d: retl = [] name = ens['id'] layouts = ens.get('layout', '1').strip() layout = [int(ls.strip()) for ls in layouts.split(',') if len(ls) > 0] cov = np.reshape(ens['cov'], layout) grad = ens['grad'] nobs = len(grad[0]) for i in range(nobs): retl.append({'name': name, 'cov': cov, 'grad': [g[i] for g in grad]}) retd[name] = retl return retd def get_Obs_from_dict(o): layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip() if layouts != '1': raise Exception("layout is %s has to be 1 for type Obs." % (layouts), RuntimeWarning) values = o['value'] od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {})) cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {})) if od: ret = Obs([[ddi[0] + values[0] for ddi in di] for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl']) ret.is_merged = od['is_merged'] else: ret = Obs([], []) ret._value = values[0] for name in cd: co = cd[name][0] ret._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad']) ret.names.append(co['name']) ret.reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False) ret.tag = o.get('tag', [None])[0] return ret def get_List_from_dict(o): layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip() layout = int(layouts) values = o['value'] od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {})) cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {})) ret = [] taglist = o.get('tag', layout * [None]) for i in range(layout): if od: ret.append(Obs([list(di[:, i] + values[i]) for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl'])) ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged'] else: ret.append(Obs([], [])) ret[-1]._value = values[i] print('Created Obs with means= ', values[i]) for name in cd: co = cd[name][i] ret[-1]._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad']) ret[-1].names.append(co['name']) ret[-1].reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False) ret[-1].tag = taglist[i] return ret def get_Array_from_dict(o): layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip() layout = [int(ls.strip()) for ls in layouts.split(',') if len(ls) > 0] N = values = o['value'] od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {})) cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {})) ret = [] taglist = o.get('tag', N * [None]) for i in range(N): if od: ret.append(Obs([di[:, i] + values[i] for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl'])) ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged'] else: ret.append(Obs([], [])) ret[-1]._value = values[i] for name in cd: co = cd[name][i] ret[-1]._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad']) ret[-1].names.append(co['name']) ret[-1].reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False) ret[-1].tag = taglist[i] return np.reshape(ret, layout) def get_Corr_from_dict(o): taglist = o.get('tag') corr_meta_data = taglist[-1].split('|') padding_front = int(corr_meta_data[0]) padding_back = int(corr_meta_data[1]) corr_tag = corr_meta_data[2] tmp_o = o tmp_o['tag'] = taglist[:-1] if len(tmp_o['tag']) == 0: del tmp_o['tag'] dat = get_Array_from_dict(tmp_o) my_corr = Corr(list(dat), padding=[padding_front, padding_back]) if corr_tag != 'None': my_corr.tag = corr_tag return my_corr json_dict = json.loads(json_string) prog = json_dict.get('program', '') version = json_dict.get('version', '') who = json_dict.get('who', '') date = json_dict.get('date', '') host = json_dict.get('host', '') if prog and verbose: print('Data has been written using %s.' % (prog)) if version and verbose: print('Format version %s' % (version)) if np.any([who, date, host] and verbose): print('Written by %s on %s on host %s' % (who, date, host)) description = json_dict.get('description', '') if description and verbose: print() print('Description: ', description) obsdata = json_dict['obsdata'] ol = [] for io in obsdata: if io['type'] == 'Obs': ol.append(get_Obs_from_dict(io)) elif io['type'] == 'List': ol.append(get_List_from_dict(io)) elif io['type'] == 'Array': ol.append(get_Array_from_dict(io)) elif io['type'] == 'Corr': ol.append(get_Corr_from_dict(io)) else: raise Exception("Unkown datatype.") if full_output: retd = {} retd['program'] = prog retd['version'] = version retd['who'] = who retd['date'] = date retd['host'] = host retd['description'] = description retd['obsdata'] = ol return retd else: if len(obsdata) == 1: ol = ol[0] return ol
Reconstruct a list of Obs or structures containing Obs from a json string.
The following structures are supported: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr If the list contains only one element, it is unpacked from the list.
- json_string (str): json string containing the data.
- verbose (bool): Print additional information that was written to the file.
- full_output (bool): If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned. If False, only the data is returned.
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def load_json(fname, verbose=True, gz=True, full_output=False): """Import a list of Obs or structures containing Obs from a .json.gz file. The following structures are supported: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr If the list contains only one element, it is unpacked from the list. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename of the input file. verbose : bool Print additional information that was written to the file. gz : bool If True, assumes that data is gzipped. If False, assumes JSON file. full_output : bool If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned. If False, only the data is returned. """ if not fname.endswith('.json') and not fname.endswith('.gz'): fname += '.json' if gz: if not fname.endswith('.gz'): fname += '.gz' with, 'r') as fin: d ='utf-8') else: if fname.endswith('.gz'): warnings.warn("Trying to read from %s without unzipping!" % fname, UserWarning) with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fin: d = return import_json_string(d, verbose, full_output)
Import a list of Obs or structures containing Obs from a .json.gz file.
The following structures are supported: Obs, list, numpy.ndarray, Corr If the list contains only one element, it is unpacked from the list.
- fname (str): Filename of the input file.
- verbose (bool): Print additional information that was written to the file.
- gz (bool): If True, assumes that data is gzipped. If False, assumes JSON file.
- full_output (bool): If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned. If False, only the data is returned.