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#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import os import fnmatch import re import numpy as np # Thinly-wrapped numpy from ..obs import Obs def read_sfcf(path, prefix, name, **kwargs): """Read sfcf C format from given folder structure. Parameters ---------- im -- if True, read imaginary instead of real part of the correlation function. single -- if True, read a boundary-to-boundary correlation function with a single value b2b -- if True, read a time-dependent boundary-to-boundary correlation function names -- Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles. Has to have the appropriate length """ if kwargs.get('im'): im = 1 part = 'imaginary' else: im = 0 part = 'real' if kwargs.get('single'): b2b = 1 single = 1 else: b2b = 0 single = 0 if kwargs.get('b2b'): b2b = 1 read = 0 T = 0 start = 0 ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): ls.extend(dirnames) break if not ls: raise Exception('Error, directory not found') for exc in ls: if fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, prefix + '*'): ls = list(set(ls) - set(exc)) if len(ls) > 1: ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x[len(prefix):])[0])) replica = len(ls) print('Read', part, 'part of', name, 'from', prefix, ',', replica, 'replica') if 'names' in kwargs: new_names = kwargs.get('names') if len(new_names) != replica: raise Exception('Names does not have the required length', replica) else: # Adjust replica names to new bookmarking system new_names = [] for entry in ls: idx = entry.index('r') new_names.append(entry[:idx] + '|' + entry[idx:]) print(replica, 'replica') for i, item in enumerate(ls): print(item) sub_ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path + '/' + item): sub_ls.extend(dirnames) break for exc in sub_ls: if fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, 'cfg*'): sub_ls = list(set(sub_ls) - set(exc)) sub_ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[3:])) no_cfg = len(sub_ls) print(no_cfg, 'configurations') if i == 0: with open(path + '/' + item + '/' + sub_ls[0] + '/' + name) as fp: for k, line in enumerate(fp): if read == 1 and not line.strip() and k > start + 1: break if read == 1 and k >= start: T += 1 if '[correlator]' in line: read = 1 start = k + 7 + b2b T -= b2b deltas = [] for j in range(T): deltas.append([]) sublength = len(sub_ls) for j in range(T): deltas[j].append(np.zeros(sublength)) for cnfg, subitem in enumerate(sub_ls): with open(path + '/' + item + '/' + subitem + '/' + name) as fp: for k, line in enumerate(fp): if(k >= start and k < start + T): floats = list(map(float, line.split())) deltas[k - start][i][cnfg] = floats[1 + im - single] result = [] for t in range(T): result.append(Obs(deltas[t], new_names)) return result def read_sfcf_c(path, prefix, name, quarks='.*', noffset=0, wf=0, wf2=0, **kwargs): """Read sfcf c format from given folder structure. Parameters ---------- quarks -- Label of the quarks used in the sfcf input file noffset -- Offset of the source (only relevant when wavefunctions are used) wf -- ID of wave function wf2 -- ID of the second wavefunction (only relevant for boundary-to-boundary correlation functions) im -- if True, read imaginary instead of real part of the correlation function. b2b -- if True, read a time-dependent boundary-to-boundary correlation function names -- Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles. Has to have the appropriate length ens_name : str replaces the name of the ensemble """ if kwargs.get('im'): im = 1 part = 'imaginary' else: im = 0 part = 'real' if kwargs.get('b2b'): b2b = 1 else: b2b = 0 T = 0 ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): ls.extend(dirnames) break if not ls: raise Exception('Error, directory not found') # Exclude folders with different names for exc in ls: if not fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, prefix + '*'): ls = list(set(ls) - set([exc])) if len(ls) > 1: ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x[len(prefix):])[0])) # New version, to cope with ids, etc. replica = len(ls) if 'names' in kwargs: new_names = kwargs.get('names') if len(new_names) != replica: raise Exception('Names does not have the required length', replica) else: # Adjust replica names to new bookmarking system new_names = [] for entry in ls: idx = entry.index('r') if 'ens_name' in kwargs: new_names.append(kwargs.get('ens_name') + '|' + entry[idx:]) else: new_names.append(entry[:idx] + '|' + entry[idx:]) print('Read', part, 'part of', name, 'from', prefix[:-1], ',', replica, 'replica') for i, item in enumerate(ls): sub_ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path + '/' + item): sub_ls.extend(filenames) break for exc in sub_ls: if not fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, prefix + '*'): sub_ls = list(set(sub_ls) - set([exc])) sub_ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x)[-1])) first_cfg = int(re.findall(r'\d+', sub_ls[0])[-1]) last_cfg = len(sub_ls) + first_cfg - 1 for cfg in range(1, len(sub_ls)): if int(re.findall(r'\d+', sub_ls[cfg])[-1]) != first_cfg + cfg: last_cfg = cfg + first_cfg - 1 break no_cfg = last_cfg - first_cfg + 1 print(item, ':', no_cfg, 'evenly spaced configurations (', first_cfg, '-', last_cfg, ') ,', len(sub_ls) - no_cfg, 'configs omitted\n') if i == 0: pattern = 'name ' + name + '\nquarks ' + quarks + '\noffset ' + str(noffset) + '\nwf ' + str(wf) if b2b: pattern += '\nwf_2 ' + str(wf2) with open(path + '/' + item + '/' + sub_ls[0], 'r') as file: content = match =, content) if match: start_read = content.count('\n', 0, match.start()) + 5 + b2b end_match ='\n\s*\n', content[match.start():]) T = content[match.start():].count('\n', 0, end_match.start()) - 4 - b2b assert T > 0 print(T, 'entries, starting to read in line', start_read) else: raise Exception('Correlator with pattern\n' + pattern + '\nnot found.') deltas = [] for j in range(T): deltas.append([]) sublength = no_cfg for j in range(T): deltas[j].append(np.zeros(sublength)) for cfg in range(no_cfg): with open(path + '/' + item + '/' + sub_ls[cfg]) as fp: for k, line in enumerate(fp): if k == start_read - 5 - b2b: if line.strip() != 'name ' + name: raise Exception('Wrong format', sub_ls[cfg]) if(k >= start_read and k < start_read + T): floats = list(map(float, line.split())) deltas[k - start_read][i][cfg] = floats[-2:][im] result = [] for t in range(T): result.append(Obs(deltas[t], new_names)) return result def read_qtop(path, prefix, **kwargs): """Read qtop format from given folder structure. Parameters ---------- target -- specifies the topological sector to be reweighted to (default 0) full -- if true read the charge instead of the reweighting factor. """ if 'target' in kwargs: target = kwargs.get('target') else: target = 0 if kwargs.get('full'): full = 1 else: full = 0 ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): ls.extend(filenames) break if not ls: raise Exception('Error, directory not found') # Exclude files with different names for exc in ls: if not fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, prefix + '*'): ls = list(set(ls) - set([exc])) if len(ls) > 1: ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x[len(prefix):])[0])) # New version, to cope with ids, etc. replica = len(ls) print('Read Q_top from', prefix[:-1], ',', replica, 'replica') deltas = [] for rep in range(replica): tmp = [] with open(path + '/' + ls[rep]) as fp: for k, line in enumerate(fp): floats = list(map(float, line.split())) if full == 1: tmp.append(floats[1]) else: if int(floats[1]) == target: tmp.append(1.0) else: tmp.append(0.0) deltas.append(np.array(tmp)) rep_names = [] for entry in ls: truncated_entry = entry.split('.')[0] idx = truncated_entry.index('r') rep_names.append(truncated_entry[:idx] + '|' + truncated_entry[idx:]) result = Obs(deltas, rep_names) return result
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def read_sfcf(path, prefix, name, **kwargs): """Read sfcf C format from given folder structure. Parameters ---------- im -- if True, read imaginary instead of real part of the correlation function. single -- if True, read a boundary-to-boundary correlation function with a single value b2b -- if True, read a time-dependent boundary-to-boundary correlation function names -- Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles. Has to have the appropriate length """ if kwargs.get('im'): im = 1 part = 'imaginary' else: im = 0 part = 'real' if kwargs.get('single'): b2b = 1 single = 1 else: b2b = 0 single = 0 if kwargs.get('b2b'): b2b = 1 read = 0 T = 0 start = 0 ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): ls.extend(dirnames) break if not ls: raise Exception('Error, directory not found') for exc in ls: if fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, prefix + '*'): ls = list(set(ls) - set(exc)) if len(ls) > 1: ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x[len(prefix):])[0])) replica = len(ls) print('Read', part, 'part of', name, 'from', prefix, ',', replica, 'replica') if 'names' in kwargs: new_names = kwargs.get('names') if len(new_names) != replica: raise Exception('Names does not have the required length', replica) else: # Adjust replica names to new bookmarking system new_names = [] for entry in ls: idx = entry.index('r') new_names.append(entry[:idx] + '|' + entry[idx:]) print(replica, 'replica') for i, item in enumerate(ls): print(item) sub_ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path + '/' + item): sub_ls.extend(dirnames) break for exc in sub_ls: if fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, 'cfg*'): sub_ls = list(set(sub_ls) - set(exc)) sub_ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[3:])) no_cfg = len(sub_ls) print(no_cfg, 'configurations') if i == 0: with open(path + '/' + item + '/' + sub_ls[0] + '/' + name) as fp: for k, line in enumerate(fp): if read == 1 and not line.strip() and k > start + 1: break if read == 1 and k >= start: T += 1 if '[correlator]' in line: read = 1 start = k + 7 + b2b T -= b2b deltas = [] for j in range(T): deltas.append([]) sublength = len(sub_ls) for j in range(T): deltas[j].append(np.zeros(sublength)) for cnfg, subitem in enumerate(sub_ls): with open(path + '/' + item + '/' + subitem + '/' + name) as fp: for k, line in enumerate(fp): if(k >= start and k < start + T): floats = list(map(float, line.split())) deltas[k - start][i][cnfg] = floats[1 + im - single] result = [] for t in range(T): result.append(Obs(deltas[t], new_names)) return result
Read sfcf C format from given folder structure.
- im -- if True, read imaginary instead of real part of the correlation function.
- single -- if True, read a boundary-to-boundary correlation function with a single value
- b2b -- if True, read a time-dependent boundary-to-boundary correlation function
- names -- Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles. Has to have the appropriate length
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def read_sfcf_c(path, prefix, name, quarks='.*', noffset=0, wf=0, wf2=0, **kwargs): """Read sfcf c format from given folder structure. Parameters ---------- quarks -- Label of the quarks used in the sfcf input file noffset -- Offset of the source (only relevant when wavefunctions are used) wf -- ID of wave function wf2 -- ID of the second wavefunction (only relevant for boundary-to-boundary correlation functions) im -- if True, read imaginary instead of real part of the correlation function. b2b -- if True, read a time-dependent boundary-to-boundary correlation function names -- Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles. Has to have the appropriate length ens_name : str replaces the name of the ensemble """ if kwargs.get('im'): im = 1 part = 'imaginary' else: im = 0 part = 'real' if kwargs.get('b2b'): b2b = 1 else: b2b = 0 T = 0 ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): ls.extend(dirnames) break if not ls: raise Exception('Error, directory not found') # Exclude folders with different names for exc in ls: if not fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, prefix + '*'): ls = list(set(ls) - set([exc])) if len(ls) > 1: ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x[len(prefix):])[0])) # New version, to cope with ids, etc. replica = len(ls) if 'names' in kwargs: new_names = kwargs.get('names') if len(new_names) != replica: raise Exception('Names does not have the required length', replica) else: # Adjust replica names to new bookmarking system new_names = [] for entry in ls: idx = entry.index('r') if 'ens_name' in kwargs: new_names.append(kwargs.get('ens_name') + '|' + entry[idx:]) else: new_names.append(entry[:idx] + '|' + entry[idx:]) print('Read', part, 'part of', name, 'from', prefix[:-1], ',', replica, 'replica') for i, item in enumerate(ls): sub_ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path + '/' + item): sub_ls.extend(filenames) break for exc in sub_ls: if not fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, prefix + '*'): sub_ls = list(set(sub_ls) - set([exc])) sub_ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x)[-1])) first_cfg = int(re.findall(r'\d+', sub_ls[0])[-1]) last_cfg = len(sub_ls) + first_cfg - 1 for cfg in range(1, len(sub_ls)): if int(re.findall(r'\d+', sub_ls[cfg])[-1]) != first_cfg + cfg: last_cfg = cfg + first_cfg - 1 break no_cfg = last_cfg - first_cfg + 1 print(item, ':', no_cfg, 'evenly spaced configurations (', first_cfg, '-', last_cfg, ') ,', len(sub_ls) - no_cfg, 'configs omitted\n') if i == 0: pattern = 'name ' + name + '\nquarks ' + quarks + '\noffset ' + str(noffset) + '\nwf ' + str(wf) if b2b: pattern += '\nwf_2 ' + str(wf2) with open(path + '/' + item + '/' + sub_ls[0], 'r') as file: content = match =, content) if match: start_read = content.count('\n', 0, match.start()) + 5 + b2b end_match ='\n\s*\n', content[match.start():]) T = content[match.start():].count('\n', 0, end_match.start()) - 4 - b2b assert T > 0 print(T, 'entries, starting to read in line', start_read) else: raise Exception('Correlator with pattern\n' + pattern + '\nnot found.') deltas = [] for j in range(T): deltas.append([]) sublength = no_cfg for j in range(T): deltas[j].append(np.zeros(sublength)) for cfg in range(no_cfg): with open(path + '/' + item + '/' + sub_ls[cfg]) as fp: for k, line in enumerate(fp): if k == start_read - 5 - b2b: if line.strip() != 'name ' + name: raise Exception('Wrong format', sub_ls[cfg]) if(k >= start_read and k < start_read + T): floats = list(map(float, line.split())) deltas[k - start_read][i][cfg] = floats[-2:][im] result = [] for t in range(T): result.append(Obs(deltas[t], new_names)) return result
Read sfcf c format from given folder structure.
- quarks -- Label of the quarks used in the sfcf input file
- noffset -- Offset of the source (only relevant when wavefunctions are used)
- wf -- ID of wave function
- wf2 -- ID of the second wavefunction (only relevant for boundary-to-boundary correlation functions)
- im -- if True, read imaginary instead of real part of the correlation function.
- b2b -- if True, read a time-dependent boundary-to-boundary correlation function
- names -- Alternative labeling for replicas/ensembles. Has to have the appropriate length
- ens_name (str): replaces the name of the ensemble
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def read_qtop(path, prefix, **kwargs): """Read qtop format from given folder structure. Parameters ---------- target -- specifies the topological sector to be reweighted to (default 0) full -- if true read the charge instead of the reweighting factor. """ if 'target' in kwargs: target = kwargs.get('target') else: target = 0 if kwargs.get('full'): full = 1 else: full = 0 ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): ls.extend(filenames) break if not ls: raise Exception('Error, directory not found') # Exclude files with different names for exc in ls: if not fnmatch.fnmatch(exc, prefix + '*'): ls = list(set(ls) - set([exc])) if len(ls) > 1: ls.sort(key=lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x[len(prefix):])[0])) # New version, to cope with ids, etc. replica = len(ls) print('Read Q_top from', prefix[:-1], ',', replica, 'replica') deltas = [] for rep in range(replica): tmp = [] with open(path + '/' + ls[rep]) as fp: for k, line in enumerate(fp): floats = list(map(float, line.split())) if full == 1: tmp.append(floats[1]) else: if int(floats[1]) == target: tmp.append(1.0) else: tmp.append(0.0) deltas.append(np.array(tmp)) rep_names = [] for entry in ls: truncated_entry = entry.split('.')[0] idx = truncated_entry.index('r') rep_names.append(truncated_entry[:idx] + '|' + truncated_entry[idx:]) result = Obs(deltas, rep_names) return result
Read qtop format from given folder structure.
- target -- specifies the topological sector to be reweighted to (default 0)
- full -- if true read the charge instead of the reweighting factor.