# Contributing If you are new to contributing to open source software [this guide](https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute) can help get you started. ### Setup If you want to contribute to `pyerrors` please [fork](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo) `pyerrors` on Github, clone the repository ``` git clone http://github.com/my_username/pyerrors.git ``` and create your own branch for the feature or bug fix ``` cd pyerrors git checkout -b feature/my_feature ``` After committing your changes please send a pull requests to the `develop` branch. A guide on how to create a pull request can be found [here](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request). ### Documentation Please add docstrings to any new function, class or method you implement. The documentation is automatically generated from these docstrings. We follow the [numpydoc style](https://numpydoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/format.html) for docstrings. The startpage of the documentation is generated from the docstring of `pyerrors/__init__.py`. ### Tests When implementing a new feature or fixing a bug please add meaningful tests to the files in the `tests` directory which cover the new code. For all pull requests tests are executed for the most recent python releases via ``` pytest pytest --nbmake examples/*.ipynb ``` requiring `pytest`, `pytest-cov`, `pytest-benchmark`, `hypothesis` and `nbmake`. To install the test dependencies one can run `pip install pyerrors[test]` To get a coverage report in html run ``` pytest --cov=pyerrors --cov-report html ``` The linter `flake8` is executed with the command ``` flake8 --ignore=E501,W503 --exclude=__init__.py pyerrors ``` Please make sure that all tests pass for a new pull requests.