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#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import os import h5py import numpy as np from ..obs import Obs, CObs from ..correlators import Corr from ..npr import Npr_matrix def _get_files(path, filestem): ls = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): ls.extend(filenames) break # Clean up file list files = [] for line in ls: if line.startswith(filestem): files.append(line) if not files: raise Exception('No files starting with', filestem, 'in folder', path) def get_cnfg_number(n): return int(n[len(filestem) + 1:-3]) # Sort according to configuration number files.sort(key=get_cnfg_number) # Check that configurations are evenly spaced cnfg_numbers = [] for line in files: cnfg_numbers.append(get_cnfg_number(line)) if not all(np.diff(cnfg_numbers) == np.diff(cnfg_numbers)[0]): raise Exception('Configurations are not evenly spaced.') return files, cnfg_numbers def read_meson_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, meson='meson_0', tree='meson'): """Read hadrons meson hdf5 file and extract the meson labeled 'meson' Parameters ----------------- path : str path to the files to read filestem : str namestem of the files to read ens_id : str name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping meson : str label of the meson to be extracted, standard value meson_0 which corresponds to the pseudoscalar pseudoscalar two-point function. tree : str Label of the upmost directory in the hdf5 file, default 'meson' for outputs of the Meson module. Can be altered to read input from other modules with similar structures. """ files, cnfg_numbers = _get_files(path, filestem) corr_data = [] infos = [] for hd5_file in files: file = h5py.File(path + '/' + hd5_file, "r") raw_data = list(file[tree + '/' + meson + '/corr']) real_data = [o[0] for o in raw_data] corr_data.append(real_data) if not infos: for k, i in file[tree + '/' + meson].attrs.items(): infos.append(k + ': ' + i[0].decode()) file.close() corr_data = np.array(corr_data) l_obs = [] for c in corr_data.T: l_obs.append(Obs([c], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers])) corr = Corr(l_obs) corr.tag = r", ".join(infos) return corr def read_ExternalLeg_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, order='F'): """Read hadrons ExternalLeg hdf5 file and output an array of CObs Parameters ----------------- path -- path to the files to read filestem -- namestem of the files to read ens_id -- name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping order -- order in which the array is to be reshaped, 'F' for the first index changing fastest (9 4x4 matrices) default. 'C' for the last index changing fastest (16 3x3 matrices), """ files, cnfg_numbers = _get_files(path, filestem) mom = None corr_data = [] for hd5_file in files: file = h5py.File(path + '/' + hd5_file, "r") raw_data = file['ExternalLeg/corr'][0][0].view('complex') corr_data.append(raw_data) if mom is not None: assert np.allclose(mom, np.array(str(file['ExternalLeg/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int)) else: mom = np.array(str(file['ExternalLeg/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int) file.close() corr_data = np.array(corr_data) rolled_array = np.rollaxis(corr_data, 0, 5) matrix = np.empty((rolled_array.shape[:-1]), dtype=object) for si, sj, ci, cj in np.ndindex(rolled_array.shape[:-1]): real = Obs([rolled_array[si, sj, ci, cj].real], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers]) imag = Obs([rolled_array[si, sj, ci, cj].imag], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers]) matrix[si, sj, ci, cj] = CObs(real, imag) matrix[si, sj, ci, cj].gamma_method() return Npr_matrix(matrix.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape((12, 12), order=order), mom_in=mom) def read_Bilinear_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, order='F'): """Read hadrons Bilinear hdf5 file and output an array of CObs Parameters ----------------- path -- path to the files to read filestem -- namestem of the files to read ens_id -- name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping order -- order in which the array is to be reshaped, 'F' for the first index changing fastest (9 4x4 matrices) default. 'C' for the last index changing fastest (16 3x3 matrices), """ files, cnfg_numbers = _get_files(path, filestem) mom_in = None mom_out = None corr_data = {} for hd5_file in files: file = h5py.File(path + '/' + hd5_file, "r") for i in range(16): name = file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['gamma'][0].decode('UTF-8') if name not in corr_data: corr_data[name] = [] raw_data = file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/corr'][0][0].view('complex') corr_data[name].append(raw_data) if mom_in is not None: assert np.allclose(mom_in, np.array(str(file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int)) else: mom_in = np.array(str(file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int) if mom_out is not None: assert np.allclose(mom_out, np.array(str(file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['pOut'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int)) else: mom_out = np.array(str(file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['pOut'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int) file.close() result_dict = {} for key, data in corr_data.items(): local_data = np.array(data) rolled_array = np.rollaxis(local_data, 0, 5) matrix = np.empty((rolled_array.shape[:-1]), dtype=object) for si, sj, ci, cj in np.ndindex(rolled_array.shape[:-1]): real = Obs([rolled_array[si, sj, ci, cj].real], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers]) imag = Obs([rolled_array[si, sj, ci, cj].imag], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers]) matrix[si, sj, ci, cj] = CObs(real, imag) matrix[si, sj, ci, cj].gamma_method() result_dict[key] = Npr_matrix(matrix.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape((12, 12), order=order), mom_in=mom_in, mom_out=mom_out) return result_dict
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def read_meson_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, meson='meson_0', tree='meson'): """Read hadrons meson hdf5 file and extract the meson labeled 'meson' Parameters ----------------- path : str path to the files to read filestem : str namestem of the files to read ens_id : str name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping meson : str label of the meson to be extracted, standard value meson_0 which corresponds to the pseudoscalar pseudoscalar two-point function. tree : str Label of the upmost directory in the hdf5 file, default 'meson' for outputs of the Meson module. Can be altered to read input from other modules with similar structures. """ files, cnfg_numbers = _get_files(path, filestem) corr_data = [] infos = [] for hd5_file in files: file = h5py.File(path + '/' + hd5_file, "r") raw_data = list(file[tree + '/' + meson + '/corr']) real_data = [o[0] for o in raw_data] corr_data.append(real_data) if not infos: for k, i in file[tree + '/' + meson].attrs.items(): infos.append(k + ': ' + i[0].decode()) file.close() corr_data = np.array(corr_data) l_obs = [] for c in corr_data.T: l_obs.append(Obs([c], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers])) corr = Corr(l_obs) corr.tag = r", ".join(infos) return corr
Read hadrons meson hdf5 file and extract the meson labeled 'meson'
- path (str): path to the files to read
- filestem (str): namestem of the files to read
- ens_id (str): name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping
- meson (str): label of the meson to be extracted, standard value meson_0 which corresponds to the pseudoscalar pseudoscalar two-point function.
- tree (str): Label of the upmost directory in the hdf5 file, default 'meson' for outputs of the Meson module. Can be altered to read input from other modules with similar structures.
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def read_ExternalLeg_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, order='F'): """Read hadrons ExternalLeg hdf5 file and output an array of CObs Parameters ----------------- path -- path to the files to read filestem -- namestem of the files to read ens_id -- name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping order -- order in which the array is to be reshaped, 'F' for the first index changing fastest (9 4x4 matrices) default. 'C' for the last index changing fastest (16 3x3 matrices), """ files, cnfg_numbers = _get_files(path, filestem) mom = None corr_data = [] for hd5_file in files: file = h5py.File(path + '/' + hd5_file, "r") raw_data = file['ExternalLeg/corr'][0][0].view('complex') corr_data.append(raw_data) if mom is not None: assert np.allclose(mom, np.array(str(file['ExternalLeg/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int)) else: mom = np.array(str(file['ExternalLeg/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int) file.close() corr_data = np.array(corr_data) rolled_array = np.rollaxis(corr_data, 0, 5) matrix = np.empty((rolled_array.shape[:-1]), dtype=object) for si, sj, ci, cj in np.ndindex(rolled_array.shape[:-1]): real = Obs([rolled_array[si, sj, ci, cj].real], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers]) imag = Obs([rolled_array[si, sj, ci, cj].imag], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers]) matrix[si, sj, ci, cj] = CObs(real, imag) matrix[si, sj, ci, cj].gamma_method() return Npr_matrix(matrix.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape((12, 12), order=order), mom_in=mom)
Read hadrons ExternalLeg hdf5 file and output an array of CObs
- path -- path to the files to read
- filestem -- namestem of the files to read
- ens_id -- name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping
- order -- order in which the array is to be reshaped,: 'F' for the first index changing fastest (9 4x4 matrices) default. 'C' for the last index changing fastest (16 3x3 matrices),
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def read_Bilinear_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, order='F'): """Read hadrons Bilinear hdf5 file and output an array of CObs Parameters ----------------- path -- path to the files to read filestem -- namestem of the files to read ens_id -- name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping order -- order in which the array is to be reshaped, 'F' for the first index changing fastest (9 4x4 matrices) default. 'C' for the last index changing fastest (16 3x3 matrices), """ files, cnfg_numbers = _get_files(path, filestem) mom_in = None mom_out = None corr_data = {} for hd5_file in files: file = h5py.File(path + '/' + hd5_file, "r") for i in range(16): name = file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['gamma'][0].decode('UTF-8') if name not in corr_data: corr_data[name] = [] raw_data = file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/corr'][0][0].view('complex') corr_data[name].append(raw_data) if mom_in is not None: assert np.allclose(mom_in, np.array(str(file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int)) else: mom_in = np.array(str(file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int) if mom_out is not None: assert np.allclose(mom_out, np.array(str(file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['pOut'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int)) else: mom_out = np.array(str(file['Bilinear/Bilinear_' + str(i) + '/info'].attrs['pOut'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int) file.close() result_dict = {} for key, data in corr_data.items(): local_data = np.array(data) rolled_array = np.rollaxis(local_data, 0, 5) matrix = np.empty((rolled_array.shape[:-1]), dtype=object) for si, sj, ci, cj in np.ndindex(rolled_array.shape[:-1]): real = Obs([rolled_array[si, sj, ci, cj].real], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers]) imag = Obs([rolled_array[si, sj, ci, cj].imag], [ens_id], idl=[cnfg_numbers]) matrix[si, sj, ci, cj] = CObs(real, imag) matrix[si, sj, ci, cj].gamma_method() result_dict[key] = Npr_matrix(matrix.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape((12, 12), order=order), mom_in=mom_in, mom_out=mom_out) return result_dict
Read hadrons Bilinear hdf5 file and output an array of CObs
- path -- path to the files to read
- filestem -- namestem of the files to read
- ens_id -- name of the ensemble, required for internal bookkeeping
- order -- order in which the array is to be reshaped,: 'F' for the first index changing fastest (9 4x4 matrices) default. 'C' for the last index changing fastest (16 3x3 matrices),