1import scipy 2import numpy as np 3from autograd.extend import primitive, defvjp 4from autograd.scipy.special import j0, y0, j1, y1, jn, yn, i0, i1, iv, ive, beta, betainc, betaln 5from autograd.scipy.special import polygamma, psi, digamma, gamma, gammaln, gammainc, gammaincc, gammasgn, rgamma, multigammaln 6from autograd.scipy.special import erf, erfc, erfinv, erfcinv, logit, expit, logsumexp 7 8 9__all__ = ["beta", "betainc", "betaln", 10 "polygamma", "psi", "digamma", "gamma", "gammaln", "gammainc", "gammaincc", "gammasgn", "rgamma", "multigammaln", 11 "kn", "j0", "y0", "j1", "y1", "jn", "yn", "i0", "i1", "iv", "ive", 12 "erf", "erfc", "erfinv", "erfcinv", "logit", "expit", "logsumexp"] 13 14 15@primitive 16def kn(n, x): 17 """Modified Bessel function of the second kind of integer order n""" 18 if int(n) != n: 19 raise TypeError("The order 'n' needs to be an integer.") 20 return, x) 21 22 23defvjp(kn, None, lambda ans, n, x: lambda g: - g * 0.5 * (kn(np.abs(n - 1), x) + kn(n + 1, x)))
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
beta(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
beta(a, b, out=None)
Beta function.
This function is defined in 1 as
$$B(a, b) = \int_0^1 t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1}dt = \frac{\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)}{\Gamma(a+b)},$$
where \( \Gamma \) is the gamma function.
- a, b (array_like): Real-valued arguments
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function result
- scalar or ndarray: Value of the beta function
See Also
: the gamma function
: the regularized incomplete beta function
: the natural logarithm of the absolute
value of the beta function
>>> import scipy.special as sc
The beta function relates to the gamma function by the definition given above:
>>> sc.beta(2, 3)
>>> sc.gamma(2)*sc.gamma(3)/sc.gamma(2 + 3)
As this relationship demonstrates, the beta function is symmetric:
>>> sc.beta(1.7, 2.4)
>>> sc.beta(2.4, 1.7)
This function satisfies \( B(1, b) = 1/b \):
>>> sc.beta(1, 4)
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, Eq. 5.12.1. ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
betainc(x1, x2, x3, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
betainc(a, b, x, out=None)
Regularized incomplete beta function.
Computes the regularized incomplete beta function, defined as 1:
$$I_x(a, b) = \frac{\Gamma(a+b)}{\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)} \int_0^x t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1}dt,$$
for \( 0 \leq x \leq 1 \).
This function is the cumulative distribution function for the beta distribution; its range is [0, 1].
- a, b (array_like): Positive, real-valued parameters
- x (array_like): Real-valued such that \( 0 \leq x \leq 1 \), the upper limit of integration
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- scalar or ndarray: Value of the regularized incomplete beta function
See Also
: beta function
: inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function
: complement of the regularized incomplete beta function
: beta distribution
The term regularized in the name of this function refers to the
scaling of the function by the gamma function terms shown in the
formula. When not qualified as regularized, the name incomplete
beta function often refers to just the integral expression,
without the gamma terms. One can use the function beta
to get this "nonregularized" incomplete beta
function by multiplying the result of betainc(a, b, x)
beta(a, b)
Let \( B(a, b) \) be the beta
>>> import scipy.special as sc
The coefficient in terms of gamma
is equal to
\( 1/B(a, b) \). Also, when \( x=1 \)
the integral is equal to \( B(a, b) \).
Therefore, \( I_{x=1}(a, b) = 1 \) for any \( a, b \).
>>> sc.betainc(0.2, 3.5, 1.0)
It satisfies
\( I_x(a, b) = x^a F(a, 1-b, a+1, x)/ (aB(a, b)) \),
where \( F \) is the hypergeometric function hyp2f1
>>> a, b, x = 1.4, 3.1, 0.5
>>> x**a * sc.hyp2f1(a, 1 - b, a + 1, x)/(a * sc.beta(a, b))
>>> sc.betainc(a, b, x)
This functions satisfies the relationship \( I_x(a, b) = 1 - I_{1-x}(b, a) \):
>>> sc.betainc(2.2, 3.1, 0.4)
>>> 1 - sc.betainc(3.1, 2.2, 1 - 0.4)
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
betaln(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
betaln(a, b, out=None)
Natural logarithm of absolute value of beta function.
Computes ln(abs(beta(a, b)))
- a, b (array_like): Positive, real-valued parameters
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for function values
- scalar or ndarray: Value of the betaln function
See Also
: the gamma function
: the regularized incomplete beta function
: the beta function
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.special import betaln, beta
Verify that, for moderate values of a
and b
, betaln(a, b)
is the same as log(beta(a, b))
>>> betaln(3, 4)
>>> np.log(beta(3, 4))
In the following beta(a, b)
underflows to 0, so we can't compute
the logarithm of the actual value.
>>> a = 400
>>> b = 900
>>> beta(a, b)
We can compute the logarithm of beta(a, b)
by using betaln
>>> betaln(a, b)
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
Polygamma functions.
Defined as \( \psi^{(n)}(x) \) where \( \psi \) is the
function. See [dlmf]_ for details.
- n (array_like): The order of the derivative of the digamma function; must be integral
- x (array_like): Real valued input
- ndarray: Function results
See Also
.. [dlmf] NIST, Digital Library of Mathematical Functions,
>>> from scipy import special
>>> x = [2, 3, 25.5]
>>> special.polygamma(1, x)
array([ 0.64493407, 0.39493407, 0.03999467])
>>> special.polygamma(0, x) == special.psi(x)
array([ True, True, True], dtype=bool)
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
psi(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
psi(z, out=None)
The digamma function.
The logarithmic derivative of the gamma function evaluated at z
- z (array_like): Real or complex argument.
- out (ndarray, optional):
Array for the computed values of
- digamma (scalar or ndarray):
Computed values of
For large values not close to the negative real axis, psi
computed using the asymptotic series (5.11.2) from 1. For small
arguments not close to the negative real axis, the recurrence
relation (5.5.2) from 2 is used until the argument is large
enough to use the asymptotic series. For values close to the
negative real axis, the reflection formula (5.5.4) from 3 is
used first. Note that psi
has a family of zeros on the
negative real axis which occur between the poles at nonpositive
integers. Around the zeros the reflection formula suffers from
cancellation and the implementation loses precision. The sole
positive zero and the first negative zero, however, are handled
separately by precomputing series expansions using 4, so the
function should maintain full accuracy around the origin.
>>> from scipy.special import psi
>>> z = 3 + 4j
>>> psi(z)
Verify psi(z) = psi(z + 1) - 1/z:
>>> psi(z + 1) - 1/z
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ↩
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ↩
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ↩
Fredrik Johansson and others. "mpmath: a Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic" (Version 0.19) ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
psi(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
psi(z, out=None)
The digamma function.
The logarithmic derivative of the gamma function evaluated at z
- z (array_like): Real or complex argument.
- out (ndarray, optional):
Array for the computed values of
- digamma (scalar or ndarray):
Computed values of
For large values not close to the negative real axis, psi
computed using the asymptotic series (5.11.2) from 1. For small
arguments not close to the negative real axis, the recurrence
relation (5.5.2) from 2 is used until the argument is large
enough to use the asymptotic series. For values close to the
negative real axis, the reflection formula (5.5.4) from 3 is
used first. Note that psi
has a family of zeros on the
negative real axis which occur between the poles at nonpositive
integers. Around the zeros the reflection formula suffers from
cancellation and the implementation loses precision. The sole
positive zero and the first negative zero, however, are handled
separately by precomputing series expansions using 4, so the
function should maintain full accuracy around the origin.
>>> from scipy.special import psi
>>> z = 3 + 4j
>>> psi(z)
Verify psi(z) = psi(z + 1) - 1/z:
>>> psi(z + 1) - 1/z
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ↩
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ↩
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ↩
Fredrik Johansson and others. "mpmath: a Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic" (Version 0.19) ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
gamma(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
gamma(z, out=None)
gamma function.
The gamma function is defined as
$$\Gamma(z) = \int_0^\infty t^{z-1} e^{-t} dt$$
for \( \Re(z) > 0 \) and is extended to the rest of the complex plane by analytic continuation. See [dlmf]_ for more details.
- z (array_like): Real or complex valued argument
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- scalar or ndarray: Values of the gamma function
The gamma function is often referred to as the generalized factorial since \( \Gamma(n + 1) = n! \) for natural numbers \( n \). More generally it satisfies the recurrence relation \( \Gamma(z + 1) = z \cdot \Gamma(z) \) for complex \( z \), which, combined with the fact that \( \Gamma(1) = 1 \), implies the above identity for \( z = n \).
.. [dlmf] NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.special import gamma, factorial
>>> gamma([0, 0.5, 1, 5])
array([ inf, 1.77245385, 1. , 24. ])
>>> z = 2.5 + 1j
>>> gamma(z)
>>> gamma(z+1), z*gamma(z) # Recurrence property
>>> gamma(0.5)**2 # gamma(0.5) = sqrt(pi)
Plot gamma(x) for real x
>>> x = np.linspace(-3.5, 5.5, 2251)
>>> y = gamma(x)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(x, y, 'b', alpha=0.6, label='gamma(x)')
>>> k = np.arange(1, 7)
>>> plt.plot(k, factorial(k-1), 'k*', alpha=0.6,
... label='(x-1)!, x = 1, 2, ...')
>>> plt.xlim(-3.5, 5.5)
>>> plt.ylim(-10, 25)
>>> plt.grid()
>>> plt.xlabel('x')
>>> plt.legend(loc='lower right')
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
gammaln(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
gammaln(x, out=None)
Logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function.
Defined as
where \( \Gamma \) is the gamma function. For more details on the gamma function, see [dlmf]_.
- x (array_like): Real argument
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function results
- scalar or ndarray: Values of the log of the absolute value of gamma
See Also
: sign of the gamma function
: principal branch of the logarithm of the gamma function
It is the same function as the Python standard library function
When used in conjunction with gammasgn
, this function is useful
for working in logspace on the real axis without having to deal
with complex numbers via the relation exp(gammaln(x)) =
gammasgn(x) * gamma(x)
For complex-valued log-gamma, use loggamma
instead of gammaln
.. [dlmf] NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import scipy.special as sc
It has two positive zeros.
>>> sc.gammaln([1, 2])
array([0., 0.])
It has poles at nonpositive integers.
>>> sc.gammaln([0, -1, -2, -3, -4])
array([inf, inf, inf, inf, inf])
It asymptotically approaches x * log(x)
(Stirling's formula).
>>> x = np.array([1e10, 1e20, 1e40, 1e80])
>>> sc.gammaln(x)
array([2.20258509e+11, 4.50517019e+21, 9.11034037e+41, 1.83206807e+82])
>>> x * np.log(x)
array([2.30258509e+11, 4.60517019e+21, 9.21034037e+41, 1.84206807e+82])
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
gammainc(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
gammainc(a, x, out=None)
Regularized lower incomplete gamma function.
It is defined as
$$P(a, x) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(a)} \int_0^x t^{a - 1}e^{-t} dt$$
for \( a > 0 \) and \( x \geq 0 \). See [dlmf]_ for details.
- a (array_like): Positive parameter
- x (array_like): Nonnegative argument
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- scalar or ndarray: Values of the lower incomplete gamma function
See Also
: regularized upper incomplete gamma function
: inverse of the regularized lower incomplete gamma function
: inverse of the regularized upper incomplete gamma function
The function satisfies the relation gammainc(a, x) +
gammaincc(a, x) = 1
where gammaincc
is the regularized upper
incomplete gamma function.
The implementation largely follows that of [boost]_.
.. [dlmf] NIST Digital Library of Mathematical functions .. [boost] Maddock et. al., "Incomplete Gamma Functions",
>>> import scipy.special as sc
It is the CDF of the gamma distribution, so it starts at 0 and monotonically increases to 1.
>>> sc.gammainc(0.5, [0, 1, 10, 100])
array([0. , 0.84270079, 0.99999226, 1. ])
It is equal to one minus the upper incomplete gamma function.
>>> a, x = 0.5, 0.4
>>> sc.gammainc(a, x)
>>> 1 - sc.gammaincc(a, x)
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
gammaincc(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
gammaincc(a, x, out=None)
Regularized upper incomplete gamma function.
It is defined as
$$Q(a, x) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(a)} \int_x^\infty t^{a - 1}e^{-t} dt$$
for \( a > 0 \) and \( x \geq 0 \). See [dlmf]_ for details.
- a (array_like): Positive parameter
- x (array_like): Nonnegative argument
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- scalar or ndarray: Values of the upper incomplete gamma function
See Also
: regularized lower incomplete gamma function
: inverse of the regularized lower incomplete gamma function
: inverse of the regularized upper incomplete gamma function
The function satisfies the relation gammainc(a, x) +
gammaincc(a, x) = 1
where gammainc
is the regularized lower
incomplete gamma function.
The implementation largely follows that of [boost]_.
.. [dlmf] NIST Digital Library of Mathematical functions .. [boost] Maddock et. al., "Incomplete Gamma Functions",
>>> import scipy.special as sc
It is the survival function of the gamma distribution, so it starts at 1 and monotonically decreases to 0.
>>> sc.gammaincc(0.5, [0, 1, 10, 100, 1000])
array([1.00000000e+00, 1.57299207e-01, 7.74421643e-06, 2.08848758e-45,
It is equal to one minus the lower incomplete gamma function.
>>> a, x = 0.5, 0.4
>>> sc.gammaincc(a, x)
>>> 1 - sc.gammainc(a, x)
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
gammasgn(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
gammasgn(x, out=None)
Sign of the gamma function.
It is defined as
$$\text{gammasgn}(x) = \begin{cases} +1 & \Gamma(x) > 0 \ -1 & \Gamma(x) < 0 \end{cases}$$
where \( \Gamma \) is the gamma function; see gamma
. This
definition is complete since the gamma function is never zero;
see the discussion after [dlmf]_.
- x (array_like): Real argument
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- scalar or ndarray: Sign of the gamma function
See Also
: the gamma function
: log of the absolute value of the gamma function
: analytic continuation of the log of the gamma function
The gamma function can be computed as gammasgn(x) *
.. [dlmf] NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import scipy.special as sc
It is 1 for x > 0
>>> sc.gammasgn([1, 2, 3, 4])
array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
It alternates between -1 and 1 for negative integers.
>>> sc.gammasgn([-0.5, -1.5, -2.5, -3.5])
array([-1., 1., -1., 1.])
It can be used to compute the gamma function.
>>> x = [1.5, 0.5, -0.5, -1.5]
>>> sc.gammasgn(x) * np.exp(sc.gammaln(x))
array([ 0.88622693, 1.77245385, -3.5449077 , 2.3632718 ])
>>> sc.gamma(x)
array([ 0.88622693, 1.77245385, -3.5449077 , 2.3632718 ])
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
rgamma(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
rgamma(z, out=None)
Reciprocal of the gamma function.
Defined as \( 1 / \Gamma(z) \), where \( \Gamma \) is the
gamma function. For more on the gamma function see gamma
- z (array_like): Real or complex valued input
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function results
- scalar or ndarray: Function results
See Also
, gammaln,
, loggamma
The gamma function has no zeros and has simple poles at
nonpositive integers, so rgamma
is an entire function with zeros
at the nonpositive integers. See the discussion in [dlmf]_ for
more details.
.. [dlmf] Nist, Digital Library of Mathematical functions,
>>> import scipy.special as sc
It is the reciprocal of the gamma function.
>>> sc.rgamma([1, 2, 3, 4])
array([1. , 1. , 0.5 , 0.16666667])
>>> 1 / sc.gamma([1, 2, 3, 4])
array([1. , 1. , 0.5 , 0.16666667])
It is zero at nonpositive integers.
>>> sc.rgamma([0, -1, -2, -3])
array([0., 0., 0., 0.])
It rapidly underflows to zero along the positive real axis.
>>> sc.rgamma([10, 100, 179])
array([2.75573192e-006, 1.07151029e-156, 0.00000000e+000])
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
Returns the log of multivariate gamma, also sometimes called the generalized gamma.
- a (ndarray):
The multivariate gamma is computed for each item of
. - d (int): The dimension of the space of integration.
- res (ndarray):
The values of the log multivariate gamma at the given points
The formal definition of the multivariate gamma of dimension d for a real
$$\Gamma_d(a) = \int_{A>0} e^{-tr(A)} |A|^{a - (d+1)/2} dA$$
with the condition \( a > (d-1)/2 \), and \( A > 0 \) being the set of
all the positive definite matrices of dimension d
. Note that a
is a
scalar: the integrand only is multivariate, the argument is not (the
function is defined over a subset of the real set).
This can be proven to be equal to the much friendlier equation
$$\Gamma_d(a) = \pi^{d(d-1)/4} \prod_{i=1}^{d} \Gamma(a - (i-1)/2).$$
R. J. Muirhead, Aspects of multivariate statistical theory (Wiley Series in probability and mathematical statistics).
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.special import multigammaln, gammaln
>>> a = 23.5
>>> d = 10
>>> multigammaln(a, d)
Verify that the result agrees with the logarithm of the equation shown above:
>>> d*(d-1)/4*np.log(np.pi) + gammaln(a - 0.5*np.arange(0, d)).sum()
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
Modified Bessel function of the second kind of integer order n
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
j0(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
j0(x, out=None)
Bessel function of the first kind of order 0.
- x (array_like): Argument (float).
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- J (scalar or ndarray):
Value of the Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 at
See Also
: Bessel function of real order and complex argument.
: spherical Bessel functions.
The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 5] and (5, infinity). In the first interval the following rational approximation is used:
$$J_0(x) \approx (w - r_1^2)(w - r_2^2) \frac{P_3(w)}{Q_8(w)},$$
where \( w = x^2 \) and \( r_1 \), \( r_2 \) are the zeros of \( J_0 \), and \( P_3 \) and \( Q_8 \) are polynomials of degrees 3 and 8, respectively.
In the second interval, the Hankel asymptotic expansion is employed with two rational functions of degree 6/6 and 7/7.
This function is a wrapper for the Cephes 1 routine j0
It should not be confused with the spherical Bessel functions (see
Calculate the function at one point:
>>> from scipy.special import j0
>>> j0(1.)
Calculate the function at several points:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> j0(np.array([-2., 0., 4.]))
array([ 0.22389078, 1. , -0.39714981])
Plot the function from -20 to 20.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(-20., 20., 1000)
>>> y = j0(x)
>>> ax.plot(x, y)
Cephes Mathematical Functions Library, ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
y0(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
y0(x, out=None)
Bessel function of the second kind of order 0.
- x (array_like): Argument (float).
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function results
- Y (scalar or ndarray):
Value of the Bessel function of the second kind of order 0 at
See Also
: Bessel function of the first kind of order 0
: Bessel function of the first kind
The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 5] and (5, infinity). In the first interval a rational approximation \( R(x) \) is employed to compute,
$$Y_0(x) = R(x) + \frac{2 \log(x) J_0(x)}{\pi},$$
where \( J_0 \) is the Bessel function of the first kind of order 0.
In the second interval, the Hankel asymptotic expansion is employed with two rational functions of degree 6/6 and 7/7.
This function is a wrapper for the Cephes 1 routine y0
Calculate the function at one point:
>>> from scipy.special import y0
>>> y0(1.)
Calculate at several points:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> y0(np.array([0.5, 2., 3.]))
array([-0.44451873, 0.51037567, 0.37685001])
Plot the function from 0 to 10.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(0., 10., 1000)
>>> y = y0(x)
>>> ax.plot(x, y)
Cephes Mathematical Functions Library, ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
j1(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
j1(x, out=None)
Bessel function of the first kind of order 1.
- x (array_like): Argument (float).
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- J (scalar or ndarray):
Value of the Bessel function of the first kind of order 1 at
See Also
: Bessel function of the first kind
: spherical Bessel functions.
The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 8] and (8, infinity). In the first interval a 24 term Chebyshev expansion is used. In the second, the asymptotic trigonometric representation is employed using two rational functions of degree 5/5.
This function is a wrapper for the Cephes 1 routine j1
It should not be confused with the spherical Bessel functions (see
Calculate the function at one point:
>>> from scipy.special import j1
>>> j1(1.)
Calculate the function at several points:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> j1(np.array([-2., 0., 4.]))
array([-0.57672481, 0. , -0.06604333])
Plot the function from -20 to 20.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(-20., 20., 1000)
>>> y = j1(x)
>>> ax.plot(x, y)
Cephes Mathematical Functions Library, ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
y1(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
y1(x, out=None)
Bessel function of the second kind of order 1.
- x (array_like): Argument (float).
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function results
- Y (scalar or ndarray):
Value of the Bessel function of the second kind of order 1 at
See Also
: Bessel function of the first kind of order 1
: Bessel function of the second kind
: Bessel function of the second kind
The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 8] and (8, infinity). In the first interval a 25 term Chebyshev expansion is used, and computing \( J_1 \) (the Bessel function of the first kind) is required. In the second, the asymptotic trigonometric representation is employed using two rational functions of degree 5/5.
This function is a wrapper for the Cephes 1 routine y1
Calculate the function at one point:
>>> from scipy.special import y1
>>> y1(1.)
Calculate at several points:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> y1(np.array([0.5, 2., 3.]))
array([-1.47147239, -0.10703243, 0.32467442])
Plot the function from 0 to 10.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(0., 10., 1000)
>>> y = y1(x)
>>> ax.plot(x, y)
Cephes Mathematical Functions Library, ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
jv(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
jv(v, z, out=None)
Bessel function of the first kind of real order and complex argument.
- v (array_like): Order (float).
- z (array_like): Argument (float or complex).
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- J (scalar or ndarray): Value of the Bessel function, \( J_v(z) \).
See Also
: \( J_v \) with leading exponential behavior stripped off.
: spherical Bessel functions.
: faster version of this function for order 0.
: faster version of this function for order 1.
For positive v
values, the computation is carried out using the AMOS
1 zbesj
routine, which exploits the connection to the modified
Bessel function \( I_v \),
$$J_v(z) = \exp(v\pi\imath/2) I_v(-\imath z)\qquad (\Im z > 0)
J_v(z) = \exp(-v\pi\imath/2) I_v(\imath z)\qquad (\Im z < 0)$$
For negative v
values the formula,
$$J_{-v}(z) = J_v(z) \cos(\pi v) - Y_v(z) \sin(\pi v)$$
is used, where \( Y_v(z) \) is the Bessel function of the second
kind, computed using the AMOS routine zbesy
. Note that the second
term is exactly zero for integer v
; to improve accuracy the second
term is explicitly omitted for v
values such that v = floor(v)
Not to be confused with the spherical Bessel functions (see spherical_jn
Evaluate the function of order 0 at one point.
>>> from scipy.special import jv
>>> jv(0, 1.)
Evaluate the function at one point for different orders.
>>> jv(0, 1.), jv(1, 1.), jv(1.5, 1.)
(0.7651976865579666, 0.44005058574493355, 0.24029783912342725)
The evaluation for different orders can be carried out in one call by
providing a list or NumPy array as argument for the v
>>> jv([0, 1, 1.5], 1.)
array([0.76519769, 0.44005059, 0.24029784])
Evaluate the function at several points for order 0 by providing an
array for z
>>> import numpy as np
>>> points = np.array([-2., 0., 3.])
>>> jv(0, points)
array([ 0.22389078, 1. , -0.26005195])
If z
is an array, the order parameter v
must be broadcastable to
the correct shape if different orders shall be computed in one call.
To calculate the orders 0 and 1 for an 1D array:
>>> orders = np.array([[0], [1]])
>>> orders.shape
(2, 1)
>>> jv(orders, points)
array([[ 0.22389078, 1. , -0.26005195],
[-0.57672481, 0. , 0.33905896]])
Plot the functions of order 0 to 3 from -10 to 10.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(-10., 10., 1000)
>>> for i in range(4):
... ax.plot(x, jv(i, x), label=f'$J_{i!r}$')
>>> ax.legend()
Donald E. Amos, "AMOS, A Portable Package for Bessel Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order", ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
yn(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
yn(n, x, out=None)
Bessel function of the second kind of integer order and real argument.
- n (array_like): Order (integer).
- x (array_like): Argument (float).
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function results
- Y (scalar or ndarray): Value of the Bessel function, \( Y_n(x) \).
See Also
: For real order and real or complex argument.
: faster implementation of this function for order 0
: faster implementation of this function for order 1
Wrapper for the Cephes 1 routine yn
The function is evaluated by forward recurrence on n
, starting with
values computed by the Cephes routines y0
and y1
. If n = 0
or 1,
the routine for y0
or y1
is called directly.
Evaluate the function of order 0 at one point.
>>> from scipy.special import yn
>>> yn(0, 1.)
Evaluate the function at one point for different orders.
>>> yn(0, 1.), yn(1, 1.), yn(2, 1.)
(0.08825696421567697, -0.7812128213002888, -1.6506826068162546)
The evaluation for different orders can be carried out in one call by
providing a list or NumPy array as argument for the v
>>> yn([0, 1, 2], 1.)
array([ 0.08825696, -0.78121282, -1.65068261])
Evaluate the function at several points for order 0 by providing an
array for z
>>> import numpy as np
>>> points = np.array([0.5, 3., 8.])
>>> yn(0, points)
array([-0.44451873, 0.37685001, 0.22352149])
If z
is an array, the order parameter v
must be broadcastable to
the correct shape if different orders shall be computed in one call.
To calculate the orders 0 and 1 for an 1D array:
>>> orders = np.array([[0], [1]])
>>> orders.shape
(2, 1)
>>> yn(orders, points)
array([[-0.44451873, 0.37685001, 0.22352149],
[-1.47147239, 0.32467442, -0.15806046]])
Plot the functions of order 0 to 3 from 0 to 10.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(0., 10., 1000)
>>> for i in range(4):
... ax.plot(x, yn(i, x), label=f'$Y_{i!r}$')
>>> ax.set_ylim(-3, 1)
>>> ax.legend()
Cephes Mathematical Functions Library, ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
i0(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
i0(x, out=None)
Modified Bessel function of order 0.
Defined as,
$$I_0(x) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{(x^2/4)^k}{(k!)^2} = J_0(\imath x),$$
where \( J_0 \) is the Bessel function of the first kind of order 0.
- x (array_like): Argument (float)
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- I (scalar or ndarray):
Value of the modified Bessel function of order 0 at
See Also
: Modified Bessel function of any order
: Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of order 0
The range is partitioned into the two intervals [0, 8] and (8, infinity). Chebyshev polynomial expansions are employed in each interval.
This function is a wrapper for the Cephes 1 routine i0
Calculate the function at one point:
>>> from scipy.special import i0
>>> i0(1.)
Calculate at several points:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> i0(np.array([-2., 0., 3.5]))
array([2.2795853 , 1. , 7.37820343])
Plot the function from -10 to 10.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(-10., 10., 1000)
>>> y = i0(x)
>>> ax.plot(x, y)
Cephes Mathematical Functions Library, ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
i1(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
i1(x, out=None)
Modified Bessel function of order 1.
Defined as,
$$I_1(x) = \frac{1}{2}x \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{(x^2/4)^k}{k! (k + 1)!} = -\imath J_1(\imath x),$$
where \( J_1 \) is the Bessel function of the first kind of order 1.
- x (array_like): Argument (float)
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- I (scalar or ndarray):
Value of the modified Bessel function of order 1 at
See Also
: Modified Bessel function of the first kind
: Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of order 1
The range is partitioned into the two intervals [0, 8] and (8, infinity). Chebyshev polynomial expansions are employed in each interval.
This function is a wrapper for the Cephes 1 routine i1
Calculate the function at one point:
>>> from scipy.special import i1
>>> i1(1.)
Calculate the function at several points:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> i1(np.array([-2., 0., 6.]))
array([-1.59063685, 0. , 61.34193678])
Plot the function between -10 and 10.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(-10., 10., 1000)
>>> y = i1(x)
>>> ax.plot(x, y)
Cephes Mathematical Functions Library, ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
iv(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
iv(v, z, out=None)
Modified Bessel function of the first kind of real order.
- v (array_like):
Order. If
is of real type and negative,v
must be integer valued. - z (array_like of float or complex): Argument.
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- scalar or ndarray: Values of the modified Bessel function.
See Also
: This function with leading exponential behavior stripped off.
: Faster version of this function for order 0.
: Faster version of this function for order 1.
For real z
and \( v \in [-50, 50] \), the evaluation is carried out
using Temme's method 1. For larger orders, uniform asymptotic
expansions are applied.
For complex z
and positive v
, the AMOS 2 zbesi
routine is
called. It uses a power series for small z
, the asymptotic expansion
for large abs(z)
, the Miller algorithm normalized by the Wronskian
and a Neumann series for intermediate magnitudes, and the uniform
asymptotic expansions for \( I_v(z) \) and \( J_v(z) \) for large
orders. Backward recurrence is used to generate sequences or reduce
orders when necessary.
The calculations above are done in the right half plane and continued into the left half plane by the formula,
$$I_v(z \exp(\pm\imath\pi)) = \exp(\pm\pi v) I_v(z)$$
(valid when the real part of z
is positive). For negative v
, the
$$I_{-v}(z) = I_v(z) + \frac{2}{\pi} \sin(\pi v) K_v(z)$$
is used, where \( K_v(z) \) is the modified Bessel function of the
second kind, evaluated using the AMOS routine zbesk
Evaluate the function of order 0 at one point.
>>> from scipy.special import iv
>>> iv(0, 1.)
Evaluate the function at one point for different orders.
>>> iv(0, 1.), iv(1, 1.), iv(1.5, 1.)
(1.2660658777520084, 0.565159103992485, 0.2935253263474798)
The evaluation for different orders can be carried out in one call by
providing a list or NumPy array as argument for the v
>>> iv([0, 1, 1.5], 1.)
array([1.26606588, 0.5651591 , 0.29352533])
Evaluate the function at several points for order 0 by providing an
array for z
>>> import numpy as np
>>> points = np.array([-2., 0., 3.])
>>> iv(0, points)
array([2.2795853 , 1. , 4.88079259])
If z
is an array, the order parameter v
must be broadcastable to
the correct shape if different orders shall be computed in one call.
To calculate the orders 0 and 1 for an 1D array:
>>> orders = np.array([[0], [1]])
>>> orders.shape
(2, 1)
>>> iv(orders, points)
array([[ 2.2795853 , 1. , 4.88079259],
[-1.59063685, 0. , 3.95337022]])
Plot the functions of order 0 to 3 from -5 to 5.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(-5., 5., 1000)
>>> for i in range(4):
... ax.plot(x, iv(i, x), label=f'$I_{i!r}$')
>>> ax.legend()
Temme, Journal of Computational Physics, vol 21, 343 (1976) ↩
Donald E. Amos, "AMOS, A Portable Package for Bessel Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order", ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
ive(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
ive(v, z, out=None)
Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of the first kind.
Defined as::
ive(v, z) = iv(v, z) * exp(-abs(z.real))
For imaginary numbers without a real part, returns the unscaled
Bessel function of the first kind iv
- v (array_like of float): Order.
- z (array_like of float or complex): Argument.
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- scalar or ndarray: Values of the exponentially scaled modified Bessel function.
See Also
: Modified Bessel function of the first kind
: Faster implementation of this function for order 0
: Faster implementation of this function for order 1
For positive v
, the AMOS 1 zbesi
routine is called. It uses a
power series for small z
, the asymptotic expansion for large
, the Miller algorithm normalized by the Wronskian and a
Neumann series for intermediate magnitudes, and the uniform asymptotic
expansions for \( I_v(z) \) and \( J_v(z) \) for large orders.
Backward recurrence is used to generate sequences or reduce orders when
The calculations above are done in the right half plane and continued into the left half plane by the formula,
$$I_v(z \exp(\pm\imath\pi)) = \exp(\pm\pi v) I_v(z)$$
(valid when the real part of z
is positive). For negative v
, the
$$I_{-v}(z) = I_v(z) + \frac{2}{\pi} \sin(\pi v) K_v(z)$$
is used, where \( K_v(z) \) is the modified Bessel function of the
second kind, evaluated using the AMOS routine zbesk
is useful for large arguments z
: for these, iv
easily overflows,
while ive
does not due to the exponential scaling.
In the following example iv
returns infinity whereas ive
still returns
a finite number.
>>> from scipy.special import iv, ive
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> iv(3, 1000.), ive(3, 1000.)
(inf, 0.01256056218254712)
Evaluate the function at one point for different orders by
providing a list or NumPy array as argument for the v
>>> ive([0, 1, 1.5], 1.)
array([0.46575961, 0.20791042, 0.10798193])
Evaluate the function at several points for order 0 by providing an
array for z
>>> points = np.array([-2., 0., 3.])
>>> ive(0, points)
array([0.30850832, 1. , 0.24300035])
Evaluate the function at several points for different orders by
providing arrays for both v
for z
. Both arrays have to be
broadcastable to the correct shape. To calculate the orders 0, 1
and 2 for a 1D array of points:
>>> ive([[0], [1], [2]], points)
array([[ 0.30850832, 1. , 0.24300035],
[-0.21526929, 0. , 0.19682671],
[ 0.09323903, 0. , 0.11178255]])
Plot the functions of order 0 to 3 from -5 to 5.
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> x = np.linspace(-5., 5., 1000)
>>> for i in range(4):
... ax.plot(x, ive(i, x), label=fr'$I_{i!r}(z)\cdot e^{{-|z|}}$')
>>> ax.legend()
>>> ax.set_xlabel(r"$z$")
Donald E. Amos, "AMOS, A Portable Package for Bessel Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order", ↩
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
erf(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
erf(z, out=None)
Returns the error function of complex argument.
It is defined as 2/sqrt(pi)*integral(exp(-t**2), t=0..z)
- x (ndarray): Input array.
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- res (scalar or ndarray):
The values of the error function at the given points
See Also
, erfinv,
, erfcinv,
, wofz,
, erfcx,
, erfi
The cumulative of the unit normal distribution is given by
Phi(z) = 1/2[1 + erf(z/sqrt(2))]
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import special
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = np.linspace(-3, 3)
>>> plt.plot(x, special.erf(x))
>>> plt.xlabel('$x$')
>>> plt.ylabel('$erf(x)$')
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
erfc(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
erfc(x, out=None)
Complementary error function, 1 - erf(x)
- x (array_like): Real or complex valued argument
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function results
- scalar or ndarray: Values of the complementary error function
See Also
, erfi,
, erfcx,
, dawsn,
, wofz
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import special
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = np.linspace(-3, 3)
>>> plt.plot(x, special.erfc(x))
>>> plt.xlabel('$x$')
>>> plt.ylabel('$erfc(x)$')
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
erfinv(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
erfinv(y, out=None)
Inverse of the error function.
Computes the inverse of the error function.
In the complex domain, there is no unique complex number w satisfying erf(w)=z. This indicates a true inverse function would be multivalued. When the domain restricts to the real, -1 < x < 1, there is a unique real number satisfying erf(erfinv(x)) = x.
- y (ndarray): Argument at which to evaluate. Domain: [-1, 1]
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- erfinv (scalar or ndarray): The inverse of erf of y, element-wise
See Also
: Error function of a complex argument
: Complementary error function, 1 - erf(x)
: Inverse of the complementary error function
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from scipy.special import erfinv, erf
>>> erfinv(0.5)
>>> y = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, num=9)
>>> x = erfinv(y)
>>> x
array([ -inf, -0.81341985, -0.47693628, -0.22531206, 0. ,
0.22531206, 0.47693628, 0.81341985, inf])
Verify that erf(erfinv(y))
is y
>>> erf(x)
array([-1. , -0.75, -0.5 , -0.25, 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])
Plot the function:
>>> y = np.linspace(-1, 1, 200)
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> ax.plot(y, erfinv(y))
>>> ax.grid(True)
>>> ax.set_xlabel('y')
>>> ax.set_title('erfinv(y)')
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
erfcinv(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
erfcinv(y, out=None)
Inverse of the complementary error function.
Computes the inverse of the complementary error function.
In the complex domain, there is no unique complex number w satisfying erfc(w)=z. This indicates a true inverse function would be multivalued. When the domain restricts to the real, 0 < x < 2, there is a unique real number satisfying erfc(erfcinv(x)) = erfcinv(erfc(x)).
It is related to inverse of the error function by erfcinv(1-x) = erfinv(x)
- y (ndarray): Argument at which to evaluate. Domain: [0, 2]
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- erfcinv (scalar or ndarray): The inverse of erfc of y, element-wise
See Also
: Error function of a complex argument
: Complementary error function, 1 - erf(x)
: Inverse of the error function
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from scipy.special import erfcinv
>>> erfcinv(0.5)
>>> y = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, num=11)
>>> erfcinv(y)
array([ inf, 0.9061938 , 0.59511608, 0.37080716, 0.17914345,
-0. , -0.17914345, -0.37080716, -0.59511608, -0.9061938 ,
Plot the function:
>>> y = np.linspace(0, 2, 200)
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> ax.plot(y, erfcinv(y))
>>> ax.grid(True)
>>> ax.set_xlabel('y')
>>> ax.set_title('erfcinv(y)')
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
logit(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
""" logit(x, out=None)
Logit ufunc for ndarrays.
The logit function is defined as logit(p) = log(p/(1-p)). Note that logit(0) = -inf, logit(1) = inf, and logit(p) for p<0 or p>1 yields nan.
- x (ndarray): The ndarray to apply logit to element-wise.
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function results
- scalar or ndarray: An ndarray of the same shape as x. Its entries are logit of the corresponding entry of x.
See Also
As a ufunc logit takes a number of optional keyword arguments. For more information see ufuncs
New in version 0.10.0.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.special import logit, expit
>>> logit([0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1])
array([ -inf, -1.09861229, 0. , 1.09861229, inf])
is the inverse of logit
>>> expit(logit([0.1, 0.75, 0.999]))
array([ 0.1 , 0.75 , 0.999])
Plot logit(x) for x in [0, 1]:
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = np.linspace(0, 1, 501)
>>> y = logit(x)
>>> plt.plot(x, y)
>>> plt.grid()
>>> plt.ylim(-6, 6)
>>> plt.xlabel('x')
>>> plt.title('logit(x)')
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
expit(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature])
expit(x, out=None)
Expit (a.k.a. logistic sigmoid) ufunc for ndarrays.
The expit function, also known as the logistic sigmoid function, is
defined as expit(x) = 1/(1+exp(-x))
. It is the inverse of the
logit function.
- x (ndarray): The ndarray to apply expit to element-wise.
- out (ndarray, optional): Optional output array for the function values
- scalar or ndarray: An ndarray of the same shape as x. Its entries
of the corresponding entry of x.
See Also
As a ufunc expit takes a number of optional keyword arguments. For more information see ufuncs
New in version 0.10.0.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.special import expit, logit
>>> expit([-np.inf, -1.5, 0, 1.5, np.inf])
array([ 0. , 0.18242552, 0.5 , 0.81757448, 1. ])
is the inverse of expit
>>> logit(expit([-2.5, 0, 3.1, 5.0]))
array([-2.5, 0. , 3.1, 5. ])
Plot expit(x) for x in [-6, 6]:
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = np.linspace(-6, 6, 121)
>>> y = expit(x)
>>> plt.plot(x, y)
>>> plt.grid()
>>> plt.xlim(-6, 6)
>>> plt.xlabel('x')
>>> plt.title('expit(x)')
36 @wraps(f_raw) 37 def f_wrapped(*args, **kwargs): 38 boxed_args, trace, node_constructor = find_top_boxed_args(args) 39 if boxed_args: 40 argvals = subvals(args, [(argnum, box._value) for argnum, box in boxed_args]) 41 if f_wrapped in notrace_primitives[node_constructor]: 42 return f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 43 parents = tuple(box._node for _ , box in boxed_args) 44 argnums = tuple(argnum for argnum, _ in boxed_args) 45 ans = f_wrapped(*argvals, **kwargs) 46 node = node_constructor(ans, f_wrapped, argvals, kwargs, argnums, parents) 47 return new_box(ans, trace, node) 48 else: 49 return f_raw(*args, **kwargs)
Compute the log of the sum of exponentials of input elements.
- a (array_like): Input array.
axis (None or int or tuple of ints, optional): Axis or axes over which the sum is taken. By default
is None, and all elements are summed.New in version 0.11.0.
b (array-like, optional): Scaling factor for exp(
) must be of the same shape asa
or broadcastable toa
. These values may be negative in order to implement subtraction.New in version 0.12.0.
keepdims (bool, optional): If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option, the result will broadcast correctly against the original array.
New in version 0.15.0.
return_sign (bool, optional): If this is set to True, the result will be a pair containing sign information; if False, results that are negative will be returned as NaN. Default is False (no sign information).
New in version 0.16.0.
- res (ndarray):
The result,
calculated in a numerically more stable way. Ifb
is given thennp.log(np.sum(b*np.exp(a)))
is returned. Ifreturn_sign
is True,res
contains the log of the absolute value of the argument. - sgn (ndarray):
is True, this will be an array of floating-point numbers matching res containing +1, 0, -1 (for real-valued inputs) or a complex phase (for complex inputs). This gives the sign of the argument of the logarithm inres
. Ifreturn_sign
is False, only one result is returned.
See Also
, numpy.logaddexp2
NumPy has a logaddexp function which is very similar to logsumexp
, but
only handles two arguments. logaddexp.reduce
is similar to this
function, but may be less stable.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.special import logsumexp
>>> a = np.arange(10)
>>> logsumexp(a)
>>> np.log(np.sum(np.exp(a)))
With weights
>>> a = np.arange(10)
>>> b = np.arange(10, 0, -1)
>>> logsumexp(a, b=b)
>>> np.log(np.sum(b*np.exp(a)))
Returning a sign flag
>>> logsumexp([1,2],b=[1,-1],return_sign=True)
(1.5413248546129181, -1.0)
Notice that logsumexp
does not directly support masked arrays. To use it
on a masked array, convert the mask into zero weights:
>>> a =[np.log(2), 2, np.log(3)],
... mask=[False, True, False])
>>> b = (~a.mask).astype(int)
>>> logsumexp(, b=b), np.log(5)
1.6094379124341005, 1.6094379124341005