What is pyerrors?
is a python package for error computation and propagation of Markov chain Monte Carlo data.
It is based on the gamma method arXiv:hep-lat/0306017. Some of its features are:
- automatic differentiation for exact liner error propagation as suggested in arXiv:1809.01289 (partly based on the autograd package).
- treatment of slow modes in the simulation as suggested in arXiv:1009.5228.
- coherent error propagation for data from different Markov chains.
- non-linear fits with x- and y-errors and exact linear error propagation based on automatic differentiation as introduced in arXiv:1809.01289.
- real and complex matrix operations and their error propagation based on automatic differentiation (Matrix inverse, Cholesky decomposition, calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, singular value decomposition...).
There exist similar publicly available implementations of gamma method error analysis suites in Fortran, Julia and Python.
Basic example
import numpy as np
import pyerrors as pe
my_obs = pe.Obs([samples], ['ensemble_name']) # Initialize an Obs object
my_new_obs = 2 * np.log(my_obs) / my_obs ** 2 # Construct derived Obs object
my_new_obs.gamma_method() # Estimate the statistical error
print(my_new_obs) # Print the result to stdout
> 0.31498(72)
The Obs
introduces a new datatype, Obs
, which simplifies error propagation and estimation for auto- and cross-correlated data.
An Obs
object can be initialized with two arguments, the first is a list containing the samples for an observable from a Monte Carlo chain.
The samples can either be provided as python list or as numpy array.
The second argument is a list containing the names of the respective Monte Carlo chains as strings. These strings uniquely identify a Monte Carlo chain/ensemble.
import pyerrors as pe
my_obs = pe.Obs([samples], ['ensemble_name'])
Error propagation
When performing mathematical operations on Obs
objects the correct error propagation is intrinsically taken care of using a first order Taylor expansion
$$\delta_f^i=\sum_\alpha \bar{f}_\alpha \delta_\alpha^i\,,\quad \delta_\alpha^i=a_\alpha^i-\bar{a}_\alpha\,,$$
as introduced in arXiv:hep-lat/0306017.
The required derivatives $\bar{f}_\alpha$ are evaluated up to machine precision via automatic differentiation as suggested in arXiv:1809.01289.
The Obs
class is designed such that mathematical numpy functions can be used on Obs
just as for regular floats.
import numpy as np
import pyerrors as pe
my_obs1 = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble_name'])
my_obs2 = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble_name'])
my_sum = my_obs1 + my_obs2
my_m_eff = np.log(my_obs1 / my_obs2)
iamzero = my_m_eff - my_m_eff
# Check that value and fluctuations are zero within machine precision
print(iamzero == 0.0)
> True
Error estimation
The error estimation within pyerrors
is based on the gamma method introduced in arXiv:hep-lat/0306017.
After having arrived at the derived quantity of interest the gamma_method
can be called as detailed in the following example.
> 1.70(57)
> Result 1.70000000e+00 +/- 5.72046658e-01 +/- 7.56746598e-02 (33.650%)
> t_int 2.71422900e+00 +/- 6.40320983e-01 S = 2.00
> 1000 samples in 1 ensemble:
> · Ensemble 'ensemble_name' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000)
We use the following definition of the integrated autocorrelation time established in Madras & Sokal 1988
$$\tau_\mathrm{int}=\frac{1}{2}+\sum_{t=1}^{W}\rho(t)\geq \frac{1}{2}\,.$$
The window $W$ is determined via the automatic windowing procedure described in arXiv:hep-lat/0306017.
The standard value for the parameter $S$ of this automatic windowing procedure is $S=2$. Other values for $S$ can be passed to the gamma_method
as parameter.
> Result 1.70000000e+00 +/- 6.30675201e-01 +/- 1.04585650e-01 (37.099%)
> t_int 3.29909703e+00 +/- 9.77310102e-01 S = 3.00
> 1000 samples in 1 ensemble:
> · Ensemble 'ensemble_name' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000)
The integrated autocorrelation time $\tau_\mathrm{int}$ and the autocorrelation function $\rho(W)$ can be monitored via the methods pyerrors.obs.Obs.plot_tauint
and pyerrors.obs.Obs.plot_tauint
If the parameter $S$ is set to zero it is assumed that the dataset does not exhibit any autocorrelation and the windowsize is chosen to be zero. In this case the error estimate is identical to the sample standard error.
Exponential tails
Slow modes in the Monte Carlo history can be accounted for by attaching an exponential tail to the autocorrelation function $\rho$ as suggested in arXiv:1009.5228. The longest autocorrelation time in the history, $\tau_\mathrm{exp}$, can be passed to the gamma_method
as parameter. In this case the automatic windowing procedure is vacated and the parameter $S$ does not affect the error estimate.
> Result 1.70000000e+00 +/- 6.28097762e-01 +/- 5.79077524e-02 (36.947%)
> t_int 3.27218667e+00 +/- 7.99583654e-01 tau_exp = 7.20, N_sigma = 1
> 1000 samples in 1 ensemble:
> · Ensemble 'ensemble_name' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000)
For the full API see pyerrors.obs.Obs.gamma_method
Multiple ensembles/replica
Error propagation for multiple ensembles (Markov chains with different simulation parameters) is handled automatically. Ensembles are uniquely identified by their name
obs1 = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble1'])
obs2 = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble2'])
my_sum = obs1 + obs2
> Result 2.00697958e+00
> 1500 samples in 2 ensembles:
> · Ensemble 'ensemble1' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000)
> · Ensemble 'ensemble2' : 500 configurations (from 1 to 500)
identifies multiple replica (independent Markov chains with identical simulation parameters) by the vertical bar |
in the name of the data set.
obs1 = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble1|r01'])
obs2 = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble1|r02'])
> my_sum = obs1 + obs2
> my_sum.details()
> Result 2.00697958e+00
> 1500 samples in 1 ensemble:
> · Ensemble 'ensemble1'
> · Replicum 'r01' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000)
> · Replicum 'r02' : 500 configurations (from 1 to 500)
Error estimation for multiple ensembles
In order to keep track of different error analysis parameters for different ensembles one can make use of global dictionaries as detailed in the following example.
pe.Obs.S_dict['ensemble1'] = 2.5
pe.Obs.tau_exp_dict['ensemble2'] = 8.0
pe.Obs.tau_exp_dict['ensemble3'] = 2.0
In case the gamma_method
is called without any parameters it will use the values specified in the dictionaries for the respective ensembles.
Passing arguments to the gamma_method
still dominates over the dictionaries.
Irregular Monte Carlo chains
objects defined on irregular Monte Carlo chains can be initialized with the parameter idl
# Observable defined on configurations 20 to 519
obs1 = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble1'], idl=[range(20, 520)])
> Result 9.98319881e-01
> 500 samples in 1 ensemble:
> · Ensemble 'ensemble1' : 500 configurations (from 20 to 519)
# Observable defined on every second configuration between 5 and 1003
obs2 = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble1'], idl=[range(5, 1005, 2)])
> Result 9.99100712e-01
> 500 samples in 1 ensemble:
> · Ensemble 'ensemble1' : 500 configurations (from 5 to 1003 in steps of 2)
# Observable defined on configurations 2, 9, 28, 29 and 501
obs3 = pe.Obs([samples3], ['ensemble1'], idl=[[2, 9, 28, 29, 501]])
> Result 1.01718064e+00
> 5 samples in 1 ensemble:
> · Ensemble 'ensemble1' : 5 configurations (irregular range)
objects defined on regular and irregular histories of the same ensemble can be computed with each other and the correct error propagation and estimation is automatically taken care of.
Warning: Irregular Monte Carlo chains can result in odd patterns in the autocorrelation functions.
Make sure to check the autocorrelation time with e.g. pyerrors.obs.Obs.plot_rho
or pyerrors.obs.Obs.plot_tauint
For the full API see pyerrors.obs.Obs
When one is not interested in single observables but correlation functions, pyerrors
offers the Corr
class which simplifies the corresponding error propagation and provides the user with a set of standard methods. In order to initialize a Corr
objects one needs to arrange the data as a list of Obs
my_corr = pe.Corr([obs_0, obs_1, obs_2, obs_3])
> x0/a Corr(x0/a)
> ------------------
> 0 0.7957(80)
> 1 0.5156(51)
> 2 0.3227(33)
> 3 0.2041(21)
In case the correlation functions are not defined on the outermost timeslices, for example because of fixed boundary conditions, a padding can be introduced.
my_corr = pe.Corr([obs_0, obs_1, obs_2, obs_3], padding=[1, 1])
> x0/a Corr(x0/a)
> ------------------
> 0
> 1 0.7957(80)
> 2 0.5156(51)
> 3 0.3227(33)
> 4 0.2041(21)
> 5
The individual entries of a correlator can be accessed via slicing
> 0.3227(33)
Error propagation with the Corr
class works very similar to Obs
objects. Mathematical operations are overloaded and Corr
objects can be computed together with other Corr
objects, Obs
objects or real numbers and integers.
my_new_corr = 0.3 * my_corr[2] * my_corr * my_corr + 12 / my_corr
provides the user with a set of regularly used methods for the manipulation of correlator objects:
applies the gamma method to all entries of the correlator.Corr.m_eff
to construct effective masses. Various variants for periodic and fixed temporal boundary conditions are available.Corr.deriv
returns the first derivative of the correlator asCorr
. Different discretizations of the numerical derivative are available.Corr.second_deriv
returns the second derivative of the correlator asCorr
. Different discretizations of the numerical derivative are available.Corr.symmetric
symmetrizes parity even correlations functions, assuming periodic boundary conditions.Corr.anti_symmetric
anti-symmetrizes parity odd correlations functions, assuming periodic boundary conditions.Corr.T_symmetry
averages a correlator with its time symmetry partner, assuming fixed boundary conditions.Corr.plateau
extracts a plateau value from the correlator in a given range.Corr.roll
periodically shifts the correlator.Corr.reverse
reverses the time ordering of the correlator.Corr.correlate
constructs a disconnected correlation function from the correlator and anotherCorr
reweights the correlator.
can also handle matrices of correlation functions and extract energy states from these matrices via a generalized eigenvalue problem (see pyerrors.correlators.Corr.GEVP
For the full API see pyerrors.correlators.Corr
Complex valued observables
can handle complex valued observables via the class pyerrors.obs.CObs
are initialized with a real and an imaginary part which both can be Obs
my_real_part = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble1'])
my_imag_part = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble1'])
my_cobs = pe.CObs(my_real_part, my_imag_part)
> (0.9959(91)+0.659(28)j)
Elementary mathematical operations are overloaded and samples are properly propagated as for the Obs
my_derived_cobs = (my_cobs + my_cobs.conjugate()) / np.abs(my_cobs)
> (1.668(23)+0.0j)
Error propagation in iterative algorithms
supports exact linear error propagation for iterative algorithms like various variants of non-linear least sqaures fits or root finding. The derivatives required for the error propagation are calculated as described in arXiv:1809.01289.
Least squares fits
Standard non-linear least square fits with errors on the dependent but not the independent variables can be performed with pyerrors.fits.least_squares
. As default solver the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm implemented in scipy is used.
Fit functions have to be of the following form
import autograd.numpy as anp
def func(a, x):
return a[1] * anp.exp(-a[0] * x)
It is important that numerical functions refer to autograd.numpy
instead of numpy
for the automatic differentiation in iterative algorithms to work properly.
Fits can then be performed via
fit_result = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, func)
print("\n", fit_result)
> Fit with 2 parameters
> Method: Levenberg-Marquardt
> `ftol` termination condition is satisfied.
> chisquare/d.o.f.: 0.9593035785160936
> Goodness of fit:
> χ²/d.o.f. = 0.959304
> p-value = 0.5673
> Fit parameters:
> 0 0.0548(28)
> 1 1.933(64)
where x is a list
or numpy.array
of floats
and y is a list
or numpy.array
of Obs
Data stored in Corr
objects can be fitted directly using the
my_corr = pe.Corr(y)
fit_result =, fitrange=[12, 25])
this can simplify working with absolute fit ranges and takes care of gaps in the data automatically.
For fit functions with multiple independent variables the fit function can be of the form
def func(a, x):
(x1, x2) = x
return a[0] * x1 ** 2 + a[1] * x2
Total least squares fits
can also fit data with errors on both the dependent and independent variables using the total least squares method also referred to orthogonal distance regression as implemented in scipy, see pyerrors.fits.least_squares
. The syntax is identical to the standard least squares case, the only diffrence being that x
also has to be a list
or numpy.array
of Obs
For the full API see pyerrors.fits
for fits and pyerrors.roots
for finding roots of functions.
Matrix operations
provides wrappers for Obs
- and CObs
-valued matrix operations based on numpy.linalg
. The supported functions include:
for the matrix inverse.cholseky
for the Cholesky decomposition.det
for the matrix determinant.eigh
for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of hermitean matrices.eig
for eigenvalues of general matrices.pinv
for the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse.svd
for the singular-value-decomposition.
For the full API see pyerrors.linalg
Export data
The preferred exported file format within pyerrors
is json.gz. The exact specifications of this format will be listed here soon.
Jackknife samples
For comparison with other analysis workflows pyerrors
can generate jackknife samples from an Obs
object or import jackknife samples into an Obs
See pyerrors.obs.Obs.export_jackknife
and pyerrors.obs.import_jackknife
for details.
If you use pyerrors
for research that leads to a publication please consider citing:
- Ulli Wolff, Monte Carlo errors with less errors. Comput.Phys.Commun. 156 (2004) 143-153, Comput.Phys.Commun. 176 (2007) 383 (erratum).
- Stefan Schaefer, Rainer Sommer, Francesco Virotta, Critical slowing down and error analysis in lattice QCD simulations. Nucl.Phys.B 845 (2011) 93-119.
- Alberto Ramos, Automatic differentiation for error analysis of Monte Carlo data. Comput.Phys.Commun. 238 (2019) 19-35.
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r''' # What is pyerrors? `pyerrors` is a python package for error computation and propagation of Markov chain Monte Carlo data. It is based on the gamma method [arXiv:hep-lat/0306017]( Some of its features are: - automatic differentiation for exact liner error propagation as suggested in [arXiv:1809.01289]( (partly based on the [autograd]( package). - treatment of slow modes in the simulation as suggested in [arXiv:1009.5228]( - coherent error propagation for data from different Markov chains. - non-linear fits with x- and y-errors and exact linear error propagation based on automatic differentiation as introduced in [arXiv:1809.01289]( - real and complex matrix operations and their error propagation based on automatic differentiation (Matrix inverse, Cholesky decomposition, calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, singular value decomposition...). There exist similar publicly available implementations of gamma method error analysis suites in [Fortran](, [Julia]( and [Python]( ## Basic example ```python import numpy as np import pyerrors as pe my_obs = pe.Obs([samples], ['ensemble_name']) # Initialize an Obs object my_new_obs = 2 * np.log(my_obs) / my_obs ** 2 # Construct derived Obs object my_new_obs.gamma_method() # Estimate the statistical error print(my_new_obs) # Print the result to stdout > 0.31498(72) ``` # The `Obs` class `pyerrors` introduces a new datatype, `Obs`, which simplifies error propagation and estimation for auto- and cross-correlated data. An `Obs` object can be initialized with two arguments, the first is a list containing the samples for an observable from a Monte Carlo chain. The samples can either be provided as python list or as numpy array. The second argument is a list containing the names of the respective Monte Carlo chains as strings. These strings uniquely identify a Monte Carlo chain/ensemble. ```python import pyerrors as pe my_obs = pe.Obs([samples], ['ensemble_name']) ``` ## Error propagation When performing mathematical operations on `Obs` objects the correct error propagation is intrinsically taken care of using a first order Taylor expansion $$\delta_f^i=\sum_\alpha \bar{f}_\alpha \delta_\alpha^i\,,\quad \delta_\alpha^i=a_\alpha^i-\bar{a}_\alpha\,,$$ as introduced in [arXiv:hep-lat/0306017]( The required derivatives $\bar{f}_\alpha$ are evaluated up to machine precision via automatic differentiation as suggested in [arXiv:1809.01289]( The `Obs` class is designed such that mathematical numpy functions can be used on `Obs` just as for regular floats. ```python import numpy as np import pyerrors as pe my_obs1 = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble_name']) my_obs2 = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble_name']) my_sum = my_obs1 + my_obs2 my_m_eff = np.log(my_obs1 / my_obs2) iamzero = my_m_eff - my_m_eff # Check that value and fluctuations are zero within machine precision print(iamzero == 0.0) > True ``` ## Error estimation The error estimation within `pyerrors` is based on the gamma method introduced in [arXiv:hep-lat/0306017]( After having arrived at the derived quantity of interest the `gamma_method` can be called as detailed in the following example. ```python my_sum.gamma_method() print(my_sum) > 1.70(57) my_sum.details() > Result 1.70000000e+00 +/- 5.72046658e-01 +/- 7.56746598e-02 (33.650%) > t_int 2.71422900e+00 +/- 6.40320983e-01 S = 2.00 > 1000 samples in 1 ensemble: > · Ensemble 'ensemble_name' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000) ``` We use the following definition of the integrated autocorrelation time established in [Madras & Sokal 1988]( $$\tau_\mathrm{int}=\frac{1}{2}+\sum_{t=1}^{W}\rho(t)\geq \frac{1}{2}\,.$$ The window $W$ is determined via the automatic windowing procedure described in [arXiv:hep-lat/0306017]( The standard value for the parameter $S$ of this automatic windowing procedure is $S=2$. Other values for $S$ can be passed to the `gamma_method` as parameter. ```python my_sum.gamma_method(S=3.0) my_sum.details() > Result 1.70000000e+00 +/- 6.30675201e-01 +/- 1.04585650e-01 (37.099%) > t_int 3.29909703e+00 +/- 9.77310102e-01 S = 3.00 > 1000 samples in 1 ensemble: > · Ensemble 'ensemble_name' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000) ``` The integrated autocorrelation time $\tau_\mathrm{int}$ and the autocorrelation function $\rho(W)$ can be monitored via the methods `pyerrors.obs.Obs.plot_tauint` and `pyerrors.obs.Obs.plot_tauint`. If the parameter $S$ is set to zero it is assumed that the dataset does not exhibit any autocorrelation and the windowsize is chosen to be zero. In this case the error estimate is identical to the sample standard error. ### Exponential tails Slow modes in the Monte Carlo history can be accounted for by attaching an exponential tail to the autocorrelation function $\rho$ as suggested in [arXiv:1009.5228]( The longest autocorrelation time in the history, $\tau_\mathrm{exp}$, can be passed to the `gamma_method` as parameter. In this case the automatic windowing procedure is vacated and the parameter $S$ does not affect the error estimate. ```python my_sum.gamma_method(tau_exp=7.2) my_sum.details() > Result 1.70000000e+00 +/- 6.28097762e-01 +/- 5.79077524e-02 (36.947%) > t_int 3.27218667e+00 +/- 7.99583654e-01 tau_exp = 7.20, N_sigma = 1 > 1000 samples in 1 ensemble: > · Ensemble 'ensemble_name' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000) ``` For the full API see `pyerrors.obs.Obs.gamma_method`. ## Multiple ensembles/replica Error propagation for multiple ensembles (Markov chains with different simulation parameters) is handled automatically. Ensembles are uniquely identified by their `name`. ```python obs1 = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble1']) obs2 = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble2']) my_sum = obs1 + obs2 my_sum.details() > Result 2.00697958e+00 > 1500 samples in 2 ensembles: > · Ensemble 'ensemble1' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000) > · Ensemble 'ensemble2' : 500 configurations (from 1 to 500) ``` `pyerrors` identifies multiple replica (independent Markov chains with identical simulation parameters) by the vertical bar `|` in the name of the data set. ```python obs1 = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble1|r01']) obs2 = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble1|r02']) > my_sum = obs1 + obs2 > my_sum.details() > Result 2.00697958e+00 > 1500 samples in 1 ensemble: > · Ensemble 'ensemble1' > · Replicum 'r01' : 1000 configurations (from 1 to 1000) > · Replicum 'r02' : 500 configurations (from 1 to 500) ``` ### Error estimation for multiple ensembles In order to keep track of different error analysis parameters for different ensembles one can make use of global dictionaries as detailed in the following example. ```python pe.Obs.S_dict['ensemble1'] = 2.5 pe.Obs.tau_exp_dict['ensemble2'] = 8.0 pe.Obs.tau_exp_dict['ensemble3'] = 2.0 ``` In case the `gamma_method` is called without any parameters it will use the values specified in the dictionaries for the respective ensembles. Passing arguments to the `gamma_method` still dominates over the dictionaries. ## Irregular Monte Carlo chains `Obs` objects defined on irregular Monte Carlo chains can be initialized with the parameter `idl`. ```python # Observable defined on configurations 20 to 519 obs1 = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble1'], idl=[range(20, 520)]) obs1.details() > Result 9.98319881e-01 > 500 samples in 1 ensemble: > · Ensemble 'ensemble1' : 500 configurations (from 20 to 519) # Observable defined on every second configuration between 5 and 1003 obs2 = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble1'], idl=[range(5, 1005, 2)]) obs2.details() > Result 9.99100712e-01 > 500 samples in 1 ensemble: > · Ensemble 'ensemble1' : 500 configurations (from 5 to 1003 in steps of 2) # Observable defined on configurations 2, 9, 28, 29 and 501 obs3 = pe.Obs([samples3], ['ensemble1'], idl=[[2, 9, 28, 29, 501]]) obs3.details() > Result 1.01718064e+00 > 5 samples in 1 ensemble: > · Ensemble 'ensemble1' : 5 configurations (irregular range) ``` `Obs` objects defined on regular and irregular histories of the same ensemble can be computed with each other and the correct error propagation and estimation is automatically taken care of. **Warning:** Irregular Monte Carlo chains can result in odd patterns in the autocorrelation functions. Make sure to check the autocorrelation time with e.g. `pyerrors.obs.Obs.plot_rho` or `pyerrors.obs.Obs.plot_tauint`. For the full API see `pyerrors.obs.Obs`. # Correlators When one is not interested in single observables but correlation functions, `pyerrors` offers the `Corr` class which simplifies the corresponding error propagation and provides the user with a set of standard methods. In order to initialize a `Corr` objects one needs to arrange the data as a list of `Obs` ```python my_corr = pe.Corr([obs_0, obs_1, obs_2, obs_3]) print(my_corr) > x0/a Corr(x0/a) > ------------------ > 0 0.7957(80) > 1 0.5156(51) > 2 0.3227(33) > 3 0.2041(21) ``` In case the correlation functions are not defined on the outermost timeslices, for example because of fixed boundary conditions, a padding can be introduced. ```python my_corr = pe.Corr([obs_0, obs_1, obs_2, obs_3], padding=[1, 1]) print(my_corr) > x0/a Corr(x0/a) > ------------------ > 0 > 1 0.7957(80) > 2 0.5156(51) > 3 0.3227(33) > 4 0.2041(21) > 5 ``` The individual entries of a correlator can be accessed via slicing ```python print(my_corr[3]) > 0.3227(33) ``` Error propagation with the `Corr` class works very similar to `Obs` objects. Mathematical operations are overloaded and `Corr` objects can be computed together with other `Corr` objects, `Obs` objects or real numbers and integers. ```python my_new_corr = 0.3 * my_corr[2] * my_corr * my_corr + 12 / my_corr ``` `pyerrors` provides the user with a set of regularly used methods for the manipulation of correlator objects: - `Corr.gamma_method` applies the gamma method to all entries of the correlator. - `Corr.m_eff` to construct effective masses. Various variants for periodic and fixed temporal boundary conditions are available. - `Corr.deriv` returns the first derivative of the correlator as `Corr`. Different discretizations of the numerical derivative are available. - `Corr.second_deriv` returns the second derivative of the correlator as `Corr`. Different discretizations of the numerical derivative are available. - `Corr.symmetric` symmetrizes parity even correlations functions, assuming periodic boundary conditions. - `Corr.anti_symmetric` anti-symmetrizes parity odd correlations functions, assuming periodic boundary conditions. - `Corr.T_symmetry` averages a correlator with its time symmetry partner, assuming fixed boundary conditions. - `Corr.plateau` extracts a plateau value from the correlator in a given range. - `Corr.roll` periodically shifts the correlator. - `Corr.reverse` reverses the time ordering of the correlator. - `Corr.correlate` constructs a disconnected correlation function from the correlator and another `Corr` or `Obs` object. - `Corr.reweight` reweights the correlator. `pyerrors` can also handle matrices of correlation functions and extract energy states from these matrices via a generalized eigenvalue problem (see `pyerrors.correlators.Corr.GEVP`). For the full API see `pyerrors.correlators.Corr`. # Complex valued observables `pyerrors` can handle complex valued observables via the class `pyerrors.obs.CObs`. `CObs` are initialized with a real and an imaginary part which both can be `Obs` valued. ```python my_real_part = pe.Obs([samples1], ['ensemble1']) my_imag_part = pe.Obs([samples2], ['ensemble1']) my_cobs = pe.CObs(my_real_part, my_imag_part) my_cobs.gamma_method() print(my_cobs) > (0.9959(91)+0.659(28)j) ``` Elementary mathematical operations are overloaded and samples are properly propagated as for the `Obs` class. ```python my_derived_cobs = (my_cobs + my_cobs.conjugate()) / np.abs(my_cobs) my_derived_cobs.gamma_method() print(my_derived_cobs) > (1.668(23)+0.0j) ``` # Error propagation in iterative algorithms `pyerrors` supports exact linear error propagation for iterative algorithms like various variants of non-linear least sqaures fits or root finding. The derivatives required for the error propagation are calculated as described in [arXiv:1809.01289]( ## Least squares fits Standard non-linear least square fits with errors on the dependent but not the independent variables can be performed with `pyerrors.fits.least_squares`. As default solver the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm implemented in [scipy]( is used. Fit functions have to be of the following form ```python import autograd.numpy as anp def func(a, x): return a[1] * anp.exp(-a[0] * x) ``` **It is important that numerical functions refer to `autograd.numpy` instead of `numpy` for the automatic differentiation in iterative algorithms to work properly.** Fits can then be performed via ```python fit_result = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, func) print("\n", fit_result) > Fit with 2 parameters > Method: Levenberg-Marquardt > `ftol` termination condition is satisfied. > chisquare/d.o.f.: 0.9593035785160936 > Goodness of fit: > χ²/d.o.f. = 0.959304 > p-value = 0.5673 > Fit parameters: > 0 0.0548(28) > 1 1.933(64) ``` where x is a `list` or `numpy.array` of `floats` and y is a `list` or `numpy.array` of `Obs`. Data stored in `Corr` objects can be fitted directly using the `` method. ```python my_corr = pe.Corr(y) fit_result =, fitrange=[12, 25]) ``` this can simplify working with absolute fit ranges and takes care of gaps in the data automatically. For fit functions with multiple independent variables the fit function can be of the form ```python def func(a, x): (x1, x2) = x return a[0] * x1 ** 2 + a[1] * x2 ``` ## Total least squares fits `pyerrors` can also fit data with errors on both the dependent and independent variables using the total least squares method also referred to orthogonal distance regression as implemented in [scipy](, see `pyerrors.fits.least_squares`. The syntax is identical to the standard least squares case, the only diffrence being that `x` also has to be a `list` or `numpy.array` of `Obs`. For the full API see `pyerrors.fits` for fits and `pyerrors.roots` for finding roots of functions. # Matrix operations `pyerrors` provides wrappers for `Obs`- and `CObs`-valued matrix operations based on `numpy.linalg`. The supported functions include: - `inv` for the matrix inverse. - `cholseky` for the Cholesky decomposition. - `det` for the matrix determinant. - `eigh` for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of hermitean matrices. - `eig` for eigenvalues of general matrices. - `pinv` for the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. - `svd` for the singular-value-decomposition. For the full API see `pyerrors.linalg`. # Export data The preferred exported file format within `pyerrors` is json.gz. The exact specifications of this format will be listed here soon. ## Jackknife samples For comparison with other analysis workflows `pyerrors` can generate jackknife samples from an `Obs` object or import jackknife samples into an `Obs` object. See `pyerrors.obs.Obs.export_jackknife` and `pyerrors.obs.import_jackknife` for details. # Citing If you use `pyerrors` for research that leads to a publication please consider citing: - Ulli Wolff, *Monte Carlo errors with less errors*. Comput.Phys.Commun. 156 (2004) 143-153, Comput.Phys.Commun. 176 (2007) 383 (erratum). - Stefan Schaefer, Rainer Sommer, Francesco Virotta, *Critical slowing down and error analysis in lattice QCD simulations*. Nucl.Phys.B 845 (2011) 93-119. - Alberto Ramos, *Automatic differentiation for error analysis of Monte Carlo data*. Comput.Phys.Commun. 238 (2019) 19-35. ''' from .obs import * from .correlators import * from .fits import * from .misc import * from . import dirac from . import input from . import linalg from . import mpm from . import roots from .version import __version__