cff-version: 1.2.0 title: "pyerrors" message: >- If you use this software, please cite it using the metadata from this file. type: software authors: - given-names: Fabian family-names: Joswig orcid: '' - given-names: Simon family-names: Kuberski orcid: '' - given-names: Justus T. family-names: Kuhlmann orcid: '' - given-names: Jan family-names: Neuendorf orcid: '' repository-code: '' preferred-citation: type: article authors: - given-names: Fabian family-names: Joswig orcid: '' - given-names: Simon family-names: Kuberski orcid: '' - given-names: Justus T. family-names: Kuhlmann orcid: '' - given-names: Jan family-names: Neuendorf orcid: '' doi: "10.1016/j.cpc.2023.108750" journal: "Computer Physics Communications" month: 7 start: 108750 title: "pyerrors: A python framework for error analysis of Monte Carlo data" volume: 288 year: 2023