* feat: corr_matrix kwargs as input for least squares fit
* feat/tests: inverse covariance matrix and correlation matrix kwargs as input for least squares function
* feat/tests/example: reduced new kwargs to 'inv_chol_cov_matrix' and outsourced the inversion & cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix (function 'invert_corr_cov_cholesky(corr, covdiag)')
* tests: added tests for inv_chol_cov_matrix kwarg for the case of combined fits
* fix: renamed covdiag to inverrdiag needed for the cholesky decomposition and corrected its documentation
* examples: added an example of a correlated combined fit to the least_squares documentation
* feat/tests/fix(of typos): added function 'sort_corr()' (and a test of it) to sort correlation matrix according to a list of alphabetically sorted keys
* docs: added more elaborate documentation/example of sort_corr(), fixed typos in documentation of invert_corr_cov_cholesky()
* [fix] First version of a fix to cope with missing replica.
* [fix] added test for missing replica
* [fix] refactored fix for missing replica, modified tests
* [fix] refinement of tests
* feat: implemented __eq__ method for Corr class.
* feat: __eq__ method now respects None entries in correlators.
* feat: Obs can now be compared to None, __ne__ method removed as it is
not required.
* feat: Corr.__eq__ rewritten to give a per element comparison.
* tests: additional test case for correlator comparison added.
* feat: comparison now also works for padding.
* feat: vectorized gamma_method function added.
* feat: vectorized gamma method generalized to also work on other objects
like Corr or Fit_result.
* feat: alias gamma_method for vectorized gamma_method added.
* docs: example 5 updated to include vectorized gamma_method.
* docs: output of example 5 updated.
* tests: failing test for compute_drho edge case added.
* tests: example file for failing compute_drho added.
* tests: assertion that dvalue stays the same added to compute drho test.
* fix: another edge case in computation of drho fixed.
* fix: Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar deprecation fixed.
* fix: adjusted maximal value for rho in test_gamma_method_irregular.
* fix: obs in f-strings now work again when no specifier is provided.
* Fix: Corrected merging of idls
* Fix: Computation of drho in cases where tau_int is large compared to the chain length
* Removed unnecessary imports
* Refactor list comparisons in obs.py
* feat: _format_uncertainty now accepts a significance.
* feat: __format__ now accepts significance.
* feat: explicit + sign added to format.
* fix: - option removed from format specifier.
* feat: space format added.
* refactor: merged combined fit and prior fit without breaking the
routine. Fitting with priors does not work yet.
* refactor: correlated fits without priors work now.
* refactor: prior error propagation and dof fixed.
* refactor: old prior fit implementation moved to tests.
* refactor: moved _extract_val_and_dval out of least_squares.
* refactor: comment removed.
* tests: additional tests and exceptions added.
* tests: test for constrained prior fit added.
* docs: least_squares docstring extended.
* fix: linting errors fixed.
* feat: additional if cause for fits without priors added to achieve
original speed.
* tests: test_constrained_and_prior_fit fixed.
* fix: fix array cast of least_squares dict mode.
* tests: test for lists in dict fit added.
* fix: additional asarray added in resplot.
Co-authored-by: Simon Kuberski <simon.kuberski@uni-muenster.de>