refactor: _standard_fit method made redundant. (#154)

* refactor: _standard_fit method made redundant.

* fix: xs and yz in promoted to arrays.

* fix: x promoted to array in _combined_fit if input is just a list.

* feat: residual_plot and qqplot now work with combined fits with
dictionary inputs.

* tests: test for combined fit resplot and qqplot added.

* docs: docstring of fits.residual_plot extended.
This commit is contained in:
Fabian Joswig 2023-03-01 10:00:35 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent de35332a80
commit dc7033e51f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 changed files with 75 additions and 225 deletions

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@ -734,8 +734,8 @@ class Corr:
if len(fitrange) != 2: if len(fitrange) != 2:
raise Exception("fitrange has to have exactly two elements [fit_start, fit_stop]") raise Exception("fitrange has to have exactly two elements [fit_start, fit_stop]")
xs = [x for x in range(fitrange[0], fitrange[1] + 1) if not self.content[x] is None] xs = np.array([x for x in range(fitrange[0], fitrange[1] + 1) if not self.content[x] is None])
ys = [self.content[x][0] for x in range(fitrange[0], fitrange[1] + 1) if not self.content[x] is None] ys = np.array([self.content[x][0] for x in range(fitrange[0], fitrange[1] + 1) if not self.content[x] is None])
result = least_squares(xs, ys, function, silent=silent, **kwargs) result = least_squares(xs, ys, function, silent=silent, **kwargs)
return result return result

View file

@ -168,13 +168,8 @@ def least_squares(x, y, func, priors=None, silent=False, **kwargs):
''' '''
if priors is not None: if priors is not None:
return _prior_fit(x, y, func, priors, silent=silent, **kwargs) return _prior_fit(x, y, func, priors, silent=silent, **kwargs)
elif (type(x) == dict and type(y) == dict and type(func) == dict):
return _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=silent, **kwargs)
elif (type(x) == dict or type(y) == dict or type(func) == dict):
raise TypeError("All arguments have to be dictionaries in order to perform a combined fit.")
else: else:
return _standard_fit(x, y, func, silent=silent, **kwargs) return _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=silent, **kwargs)
def total_least_squares(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs): def total_least_squares(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
@ -509,204 +504,23 @@ def _prior_fit(x, y, func, priors, silent=False, **kwargs):
return output return output
def _standard_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
output = Fit_result()
output.fit_function = func
x = np.asarray(x)
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
jacobian = num_jacobian
hessian = num_hessian
jacobian = auto_jacobian
hessian = auto_hessian
if x.shape[-1] != len(y):
raise Exception('x and y input have to have the same length')
if len(x.shape) > 2:
raise Exception('Unknown format for x values')
if not callable(func):
raise TypeError('func has to be a function.')
for i in range(42):
func(np.arange(i), x.T[0])
except TypeError:
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError("Fit function is not valid.")
n_parms = i
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameter' + 's' * (n_parms > 1))
y_f = [o.value for o in y]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y]
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
x0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(x0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length: %d vs. %d' % (len(x0), n_parms))
x0 = [0.1] * n_parms
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
corr = covariance(y, correlation=True, **kwargs)
covdiag = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f))
condn = np.linalg.cond(corr)
if condn > 0.1 / np.finfo(float).eps:
raise Exception(f"Cannot invert correlation matrix as its condition number exceeds machine precision ({condn:1.2e})")
if condn > 1e13:
warnings.warn("Correlation matrix may be ill-conditioned, condition number: {%1.2e}" % (condn), RuntimeWarning)
chol = np.linalg.cholesky(corr)
chol_inv = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(chol, covdiag, lower=True)
def chisqfunc_corr(p):
model = func(p, x)
chisq = anp.sum(, (y_f - model)) ** 2)
return chisq
def chisqfunc(p):
model = func(p, x)
chisq = anp.sum(((y_f - model) / dy_f) ** 2)
return chisq
output.method = kwargs.get('method', 'Levenberg-Marquardt')
if not silent:
print('Method:', output.method)
if output.method != 'Levenberg-Marquardt':
if output.method == 'migrad':
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc, x0, tol=1e-4) # Stopping criterion 0.002 * tol * errordef
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc_corr, fit_result.x, tol=1e-4) # Stopping criterion 0.002 * tol * errordef
output.iterations = fit_result.nfev
fit_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(chisqfunc, x0, method=kwargs.get('method'), tol=1e-12)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
fit_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(chisqfunc_corr, fit_result.x, method=kwargs.get('method'), tol=1e-12)
output.iterations = fit_result.nit
chisquare =
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
def chisqfunc_residuals_corr(p):
model = func(p, x)
chisq =, (y_f - model))
return chisq
def chisqfunc_residuals(p):
model = func(p, x)
chisq = ((y_f - model) / dy_f)
return chisq
fit_result = scipy.optimize.least_squares(chisqfunc_residuals, x0, method='lm', ftol=1e-15, gtol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
fit_result = scipy.optimize.least_squares(chisqfunc_residuals_corr, fit_result.x, method='lm', ftol=1e-15, gtol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15)
chisquare = np.sum( ** 2)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
assert np.isclose(chisquare, chisqfunc_corr(fit_result.x), atol=1e-14)
assert np.isclose(chisquare, chisqfunc(fit_result.x), atol=1e-14)
output.iterations = fit_result.nfev
if not fit_result.success:
raise Exception('The minimization procedure did not converge.')
if x.shape[-1] - n_parms > 0:
output.chisquare_by_dof = chisquare / (x.shape[-1] - n_parms)
output.chisquare_by_dof = float('nan')
output.message = fit_result.message
if not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.chisquare_by_dof)
if kwargs.get('expected_chisquare') is True:
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is not True:
W = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f))
cov = covariance(y)
A = W @ jacobian(func)(fit_result.x, x)
P_phi = A @ np.linalg.pinv(A.T @ A) @ A.T
expected_chisquare = np.trace((np.identity(x.shape[-1]) - P_phi) @ W @ cov @ W)
output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare = chisquare / expected_chisquare
if not silent:
fitp = fit_result.x
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
hess = hessian(chisqfunc_corr)(fitp)
hess = hessian(chisqfunc)(fitp)
except TypeError:
raise Exception("It is required to use autograd.numpy instead of numpy within fit functions, see the documentation for details.") from None
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
model = func(d[:n_parms], x)
chisq = anp.sum(, (d[n_parms:] - model)) ** 2)
return chisq
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
model = func(d[:n_parms], x)
chisq = anp.sum(((d[n_parms:] - model) / dy_f) ** 2)
return chisq
jac_jac = hessian(chisqfunc_compact)(np.concatenate((fitp, y_f)))
# Compute hess^{-1} @ jac_jac[:n_parms, n_parms:] using LAPACK dgesv
deriv = -scipy.linalg.solve(hess, jac_jac[:n_parms, n_parms:])
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
raise Exception("Cannot invert hessian matrix.")
result = []
for i in range(n_parms):
result.append(derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: (x[0] + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) / (y[0].value + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) * fit_result.x[i], list(y), man_grad=list(deriv[i])))
output.fit_parameters = result
output.chisquare = chisquare
output.dof = x.shape[-1] - n_parms
output.p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.chi2.cdf(output.chisquare, output.dof)
# Hotelling t-squared p-value for correlated fits.
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
n_cov = np.min(np.vectorize(lambda x: x.N)(y))
output.t2_p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.f.cdf((n_cov - output.dof) / (output.dof * (n_cov - 1)) * output.chisquare,
output.dof, n_cov - output.dof)
if kwargs.get('resplot') is True:
residual_plot(x, y, func, result)
if kwargs.get('qqplot') is True:
qqplot(x, y, func, result)
return output
def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs): def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
output = Fit_result() output = Fit_result()
output.fit_function = func
if (type(x) == dict and type(y) == dict and type(func) == dict):
xd = x
yd = y
funcd = func
output.fit_function = func
elif (type(x) == dict or type(y) == dict or type(func) == dict):
raise TypeError("All arguments have to be dictionaries in order to perform a combined fit.")
x = np.asarray(x)
xd = {"": x}
yd = {"": y}
funcd = {"": func}
output.fit_function = func
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True: if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
jacobian = num_jacobian jacobian = num_jacobian
@ -715,16 +529,16 @@ def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
jacobian = auto_jacobian jacobian = auto_jacobian
hessian = auto_hessian hessian = auto_hessian
key_ls = sorted(list(x.keys())) key_ls = sorted(list(xd.keys()))
if sorted(list(y.keys())) != key_ls: if sorted(list(yd.keys())) != key_ls:
raise Exception('x and y dictionaries do not contain the same keys.') raise Exception('x and y dictionaries do not contain the same keys.')
if sorted(list(func.keys())) != key_ls: if sorted(list(funcd.keys())) != key_ls:
raise Exception('x and func dictionaries do not contain the same keys.') raise Exception('x and func dictionaries do not contain the same keys.')
x_all = np.concatenate([np.array(x[key]) for key in key_ls]) x_all = np.concatenate([np.array(xd[key]) for key in key_ls])
y_all = np.concatenate([np.array(y[key]) for key in key_ls]) y_all = np.concatenate([np.array(yd[key]) for key in key_ls])
y_f = [o.value for o in y_all] y_f = [o.value for o in y_all]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_all] dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_all]
@ -738,13 +552,13 @@ def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
# number of fit parameters # number of fit parameters
n_parms_ls = [] n_parms_ls = []
for key in key_ls: for key in key_ls:
if not callable(func[key]): if not callable(funcd[key]):
raise TypeError('func (key=' + key + ') is not a function.') raise TypeError('func (key=' + key + ') is not a function.')
if len(x[key]) != len(y[key]): if len(xd[key]) != len(yd[key]):
raise Exception('x and y input (key=' + key + ') do not have the same length') raise Exception('x and y input (key=' + key + ') do not have the same length')
for i in range(100): for i in range(100):
try: try:
func[key](np.arange(i), x_all.T[0]) funcd[key](np.arange(i), x_all.T[0])
except TypeError: except TypeError:
continue continue
except IndexError: except IndexError:
@ -778,12 +592,12 @@ def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
chol_inv = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(chol, covdiag, lower=True) chol_inv = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(chol, covdiag, lower=True)
def chisqfunc_corr(p): def chisqfunc_corr(p):
model = np.concatenate([np.array(func[key](p, np.asarray(x[key]))) for key in key_ls]) model = np.concatenate([np.array(funcd[key](p, np.asarray(xd[key]))).reshape(-1) for key in key_ls])
chisq = anp.sum(, (y_f - model)) ** 2) chisq = anp.sum(, (y_f - model)) ** 2)
return chisq return chisq
def chisqfunc(p): def chisqfunc(p):
func_list = np.concatenate([[func[k]] * len(x[k]) for k in key_ls]) func_list = np.concatenate([[funcd[k]] * len(xd[k]) for k in key_ls])
model = anp.array([func_list[i](p, x_all[i]) for i in range(len(x_all))]) model = anp.array([func_list[i](p, x_all[i]) for i in range(len(x_all))])
chisq = anp.sum(((y_f - model) / dy_f) ** 2) chisq = anp.sum(((y_f - model) / dy_f) ** 2)
return chisq return chisq
@ -815,12 +629,12 @@ def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
else: else:
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True: if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
def chisqfunc_residuals_corr(p): def chisqfunc_residuals_corr(p):
model = np.concatenate([np.array(func[key](p, np.asarray(x[key]))) for key in key_ls]) model = np.concatenate([np.array(funcd[key](p, np.asarray(xd[key]))).reshape(-1) for key in key_ls])
chisq =, (y_f - model)) chisq =, (y_f - model))
return chisq return chisq
def chisqfunc_residuals(p): def chisqfunc_residuals(p):
model = np.concatenate([np.array(func[key](p, np.asarray(x[key]))) for key in key_ls]) model = np.concatenate([np.array(funcd[key](p, np.asarray(xd[key]))).reshape(-1) for key in key_ls])
chisq = ((y_f - model) / dy_f) chisq = ((y_f - model) / dy_f)
return chisq return chisq
@ -859,9 +673,9 @@ def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
def prepare_hat_matrix(): def prepare_hat_matrix():
hat_vector = [] hat_vector = []
for key in key_ls: for key in key_ls:
x_array = np.asarray(x[key]) x_array = np.asarray(xd[key])
if (len(x_array) != 0): if (len(x_array) != 0):
hat_vector.append(jacobian(func[key])(fit_result.x, x_array)) hat_vector.append(jacobian(funcd[key])(fit_result.x, x_array))
hat_vector = [item for sublist in hat_vector for item in sublist] hat_vector = [item for sublist in hat_vector for item in sublist]
return hat_vector return hat_vector
@ -870,7 +684,7 @@ def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
W = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f)) W = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f))
cov = covariance(y_all) cov = covariance(y_all)
hat_vector = prepare_hat_matrix() hat_vector = prepare_hat_matrix()
A = W @ hat_vector # hat_vector = 'jacobian(func)(fit_result.x, x)' A = W @ hat_vector
P_phi = A @ np.linalg.pinv(A.T @ A) @ A.T P_phi = A @ np.linalg.pinv(A.T @ A) @ A.T
expected_chisquare = np.trace((np.identity(x_all.shape[-1]) - P_phi) @ W @ cov @ W) expected_chisquare = np.trace((np.identity(x_all.shape[-1]) - P_phi) @ W @ cov @ W)
output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare = output.chisquare / expected_chisquare output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare = output.chisquare / expected_chisquare
@ -891,13 +705,13 @@ def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True: if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
def chisqfunc_compact(d): def chisqfunc_compact(d):
func_list = np.concatenate([[func[k]] * len(x[k]) for k in key_ls]) func_list = np.concatenate([[funcd[k]] * len(xd[k]) for k in key_ls])
model = anp.array([func_list[i](d[:n_parms], x_all[i]) for i in range(len(x_all))]) model = anp.array([func_list[i](d[:n_parms], x_all[i]) for i in range(len(x_all))])
chisq = anp.sum(, (d[n_parms:] - model)) ** 2) chisq = anp.sum(, (d[n_parms:] - model)) ** 2)
return chisq return chisq
else: else:
def chisqfunc_compact(d): def chisqfunc_compact(d):
func_list = np.concatenate([[func[k]] * len(x[k]) for k in key_ls]) func_list = np.concatenate([[funcd[k]] * len(xd[k]) for k in key_ls])
model = anp.array([func_list[i](d[:n_parms], x_all[i]) for i in range(len(x_all))]) model = anp.array([func_list[i](d[:n_parms], x_all[i]) for i in range(len(x_all))])
chisq = anp.sum(((d[n_parms:] - model) / dy_f) ** 2) chisq = anp.sum(((d[n_parms:] - model) / dy_f) ** 2)
return chisq return chisq
@ -916,11 +730,20 @@ def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
output.fit_parameters = result output.fit_parameters = result
# Hotelling t-squared p-value for correlated fits.
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True: if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
n_cov = np.min(np.vectorize(lambda x_all: x_all.N)(y_all)) n_cov = np.min(np.vectorize(lambda x_all: x_all.N)(y_all))
output.t2_p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.f.cdf((n_cov - output.dof) / (output.dof * (n_cov - 1)) * output.chisquare, output.t2_p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.f.cdf((n_cov - output.dof) / (output.dof * (n_cov - 1)) * output.chisquare,
output.dof, n_cov - output.dof) output.dof, n_cov - output.dof)
if kwargs.get('resplot') is True:
for key in key_ls:
residual_plot(xd[key], yd[key], funcd[key], result, title=key)
if kwargs.get('qqplot') is True:
for key in key_ls:
qqplot(xd[key], yd[key], funcd[key], result, title=key)
return output return output
@ -955,7 +778,7 @@ def fit_lin(x, y, **kwargs):
raise Exception('Unsupported types for x') raise Exception('Unsupported types for x')
def qqplot(x, o_y, func, p): def qqplot(x, o_y, func, p, title=""):
"""Generates a quantile-quantile plot of the fit result which can be used to """Generates a quantile-quantile plot of the fit result which can be used to
check if the residuals of the fit are gaussian distributed. check if the residuals of the fit are gaussian distributed.
@ -981,13 +804,15 @@ def qqplot(x, o_y, func, p):
plt.xlabel('Theoretical quantiles') plt.xlabel('Theoretical quantiles')
plt.ylabel('Ordered Values') plt.ylabel('Ordered Values')
plt.legend() plt.legend(title=title)
plt.draw() plt.draw()
def residual_plot(x, y, func, fit_res): def residual_plot(x, y, func, fit_res, title=""):
"""Generates a plot which compares the fit to the data and displays the corresponding residuals """Generates a plot which compares the fit to the data and displays the corresponding residuals
For uncorrelated data the residuals are expected to be distributed ~N(0,1).
Returns Returns
------- -------
None None
@ -1005,7 +830,7 @@ def residual_plot(x, y, func, fit_res):
ax0.set_xticklabels([]) ax0.set_xticklabels([])
ax0.set_xlim([xstart, xstop]) ax0.set_xlim([xstart, xstop])
ax0.set_xticklabels([]) ax0.set_xticklabels([])
ax0.legend() ax0.legend(title=title)
residuals = (np.asarray([o.value for o in y]) - func([o.value for o in fit_res], x)) / np.asarray([o.dvalue for o in y]) residuals = (np.asarray([o.value for o in y]) - func([o.value for o in fit_res], x)) / np.asarray([o.dvalue for o in y])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1])

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import autograd.numpy as anp import autograd.numpy as anp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math import math
import scipy.optimize import scipy.optimize
from scipy.odr import ODR, Model, RealData from scipy.odr import ODR, Model, RealData
@ -618,7 +619,7 @@ def test_combined_fit_vs_standard_fit():
[item.gamma_method() for item in y_const[key]] [item.gamma_method() for item in y_const[key]]
y_const_ls = np.concatenate([np.array(o) for o in y_const.values()]) y_const_ls = np.concatenate([np.array(o) for o in y_const.values()])
x_const_ls = np.arange(0, 20) x_const_ls = np.arange(0, 20)
def func_const(a,x): def func_const(a,x):
return 0 * x + a[0] return 0 * x + a[0]
@ -633,6 +634,7 @@ def test_combined_fit_vs_standard_fit():
assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].p_value - res[1].p_value), 1e-14, 1e-8) assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].p_value - res[1].p_value), 1e-14, 1e-8)
assert (res[0][0] - res[1][0]).is_zero(atol=1e-8) assert (res[0][0] - res[1][0]).is_zero(atol=1e-8)
def test_combined_fit_no_autograd(): def test_combined_fit_no_autograd():
def func_exp1(x): def func_exp1(x):
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@ def test_combined_fit_no_autograd():
pe.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs, num_grad=True) pe.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs, num_grad=True)
def test_combined_fit_invalid_fit_functions(): def test_combined_fit_invalid_fit_functions():
def func1(a, x): def func1(a, x):
return a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * anp.sinh(x) + a[199] return a[0] + a[1] * x + a[2] * anp.sinh(x) + a[199]
@ -692,6 +695,7 @@ def test_combined_fit_invalid_fit_functions():
with pytest.raises(Exception): with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares({'a':xvals, 'b':xvals}, {'a':yvals, 'b':yvals}, {'a':func_valid, 'b':func}) pe.least_squares({'a':xvals, 'b':xvals}, {'a':yvals, 'b':yvals}, {'a':func_valid, 'b':func})
def test_combined_fit_invalid_input(): def test_combined_fit_invalid_input():
xvals =[] xvals =[]
yvals =[] yvals =[]
@ -706,6 +710,7 @@ def test_combined_fit_invalid_input():
with pytest.raises(Exception): with pytest.raises(Exception):
pe.least_squares({'a':xvals}, {'a':yvals}, {'a':func_valid}) pe.least_squares({'a':xvals}, {'a':yvals}, {'a':func_valid})
def test_combined_fit_no_autograd(): def test_combined_fit_no_autograd():
def func_exp1(x): def func_exp1(x):
@ -774,6 +779,7 @@ def test_combined_fit_num_grad():
assert(num[0] == auto[0]) assert(num[0] == auto[0])
assert(num[1] == auto[1]) assert(num[1] == auto[1])
def test_combined_fit_dictkeys_no_order(): def test_combined_fit_dictkeys_no_order():
def func_exp1(x): def func_exp1(x):
return 0.3*np.exp(0.5*x) return 0.3*np.exp(0.5*x)
@ -835,6 +841,7 @@ def test_combined_fit_dictkeys_no_order():
assert(no_order_x_y[0] == order[0]) assert(no_order_x_y[0] == order[0])
assert(no_order_x_y[1] == order[1]) assert(no_order_x_y[1] == order[1])
def test_correlated_combined_fit_vs_correlated_standard_fit(): def test_correlated_combined_fit_vs_correlated_standard_fit():
x_const = {'a':[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 'b':np.arange(10, 20)} x_const = {'a':[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 'b':np.arange(10, 20)}
@ -861,6 +868,7 @@ def test_correlated_combined_fit_vs_correlated_standard_fit():
assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].t2_p_value - res[1].t2_p_value), 1e-14, 1e-8) assert np.isclose(0.0, (res[0].t2_p_value - res[1].t2_p_value), 1e-14, 1e-8)
assert (res[0][0] - res[1][0]).is_zero(atol=1e-8) assert (res[0][0] - res[1][0]).is_zero(atol=1e-8)
def test_combined_fit_hotelling_t(): def test_combined_fit_hotelling_t():
xvals_b = np.arange(0,6) xvals_b = np.arange(0,6)
xvals_a = np.arange(0,8) xvals_a = np.arange(0,8)
@ -888,6 +896,23 @@ def test_combined_fit_hotelling_t():
ft = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs, correlated_fit=True) ft = pe.fits.least_squares(xs, ys, funcs, correlated_fit=True)
assert ft.t2_p_value >= ft.p_value assert ft.t2_p_value >= ft.p_value
def test_combined_resplot_qqplot():
x = np.arange(3)
y1 = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 * o + np.random.normal(0, 0.1), 0.1, "test") for o in x]
y2 = [pe.pseudo_Obs(3 * o ** 2 + np.random.normal(0, 0.1), 0.1, "test") for o in x]
fr = pe.least_squares(x, y1, lambda a, x: a[0] + a[1] * x, resplot=True, qqplot=True)
xd = {"1": x,
"2": x}
yd = {"1": y1,
"2": y2}
fd = {"1": lambda a, x: a[0] + a[1] * x,
"2": lambda a, x: a[0] + a[2] * x ** 2}
fr = pe.least_squares(xd, yd, fd, resplot=True, qqplot=True)
def fit_general(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs): def fit_general(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
"""Performs a non-linear fit to y = func(x) and returns a list of Obs corresponding to the fit parameters. """Performs a non-linear fit to y = func(x) and returns a list of Obs corresponding to the fit parameters.