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synced 2025-03-15 06:40:24 +01:00
[fix] Handle missing replia (#232)
* [fix] First version of a fix to cope with missing replica. * [fix] added test for missing replica * [fix] refactored fix for missing replica, modified tests * [fix] refinement of tests
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 124 additions and 6 deletions
@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ def _intersection_idx(idl):
return idinter
def _expand_deltas_for_merge(deltas, idx, shape, new_idx):
def _expand_deltas_for_merge(deltas, idx, shape, new_idx, scalefactor):
"""Expand deltas defined on idx to the list of configs that is defined by new_idx.
New, empty entries are filled by 0. If idx and new_idx are of type range, the smallest
common divisor of the step sizes is used as new step size.
@ -1154,15 +1154,20 @@ def _expand_deltas_for_merge(deltas, idx, shape, new_idx):
Number of configs in idx.
new_idx : list
List of configs that defines the new range, has to be sorted in ascending order.
scalefactor : float
An additional scaling factor that can be applied to scale the fluctuations,
e.g., when Obs with differing numbers of replica are merged.
if type(idx) is range and type(new_idx) is range:
if idx == new_idx:
return deltas
if scalefactor == 1:
return deltas
return deltas * scalefactor
ret = np.zeros(new_idx[-1] - new_idx[0] + 1)
for i in range(shape):
ret[idx[i] - new_idx[0]] = deltas[i]
return np.array([ret[new_idx[i] - new_idx[0]] for i in range(len(new_idx))]) * len(new_idx) / len(idx)
return np.array([ret[new_idx[i] - new_idx[0]] for i in range(len(new_idx))]) * len(new_idx) / len(idx) * scalefactor
def derived_observable(func, data, array_mode=False, **kwargs):
@ -1243,6 +1248,25 @@ def derived_observable(func, data, array_mode=False, **kwargs):
new_r_values[name] = func(tmp_values, **kwargs)
new_idl_d[name] = _merge_idx(idl)
def _compute_scalefactor_missing_rep(obs):
Computes the scale factor that is to be multiplied with the deltas
in the case where Obs with different subsets of replica are merged.
Returns a dictionary with the scale factor for each Monte Carlo name.
obs : Obs
The observable corresponding to the deltas that are to be scaled
scalef_d = {}
for mc_name in obs.mc_names:
mc_idl_d = [name for name in obs.idl if name.startswith(mc_name + '|')]
new_mc_idl_d = [name for name in new_idl_d if name.startswith(mc_name + '|')]
if len(mc_idl_d) > 0 and len(mc_idl_d) < len(new_mc_idl_d):
scalef_d[mc_name] = sum([len(new_idl_d[name]) for name in new_mc_idl_d]) / sum([len(new_idl_d[name]) for name in mc_idl_d])
return scalef_d
if 'man_grad' in kwargs:
deriv = np.asarray(kwargs.get('man_grad'))
if new_values.shape + data.shape != deriv.shape:
@ -1280,7 +1304,7 @@ def derived_observable(func, data, array_mode=False, **kwargs):
d_extracted[name] = []
ens_length = len(new_idl_d[name])
for i_dat, dat in enumerate(data):
d_extracted[name].append(np.array([_expand_deltas_for_merge(o.deltas.get(name, np.zeros(ens_length)), o.idl.get(name, new_idl_d[name]), o.shape.get(name, ens_length), new_idl_d[name]) for o in dat.reshape(np.prod(dat.shape))]).reshape(dat.shape + (ens_length, )))
d_extracted[name].append(np.array([_expand_deltas_for_merge(o.deltas.get(name, np.zeros(ens_length)), o.idl.get(name, new_idl_d[name]), o.shape.get(name, ens_length), new_idl_d[name], _compute_scalefactor_missing_rep(o).get(name.split('|')[0], 1)) for o in dat.reshape(np.prod(dat.shape))]).reshape(dat.shape + (ens_length, )))
for name in new_cov_names:
g_extracted[name] = []
zero_grad = _Zero_grad(new_covobs_lengths[name])
@ -1302,11 +1326,12 @@ def derived_observable(func, data, array_mode=False, **kwargs):
new_grad[name] += np.tensordot(deriv[i_val + (i_dat, )], dat)
for j_obs, obs in np.ndenumerate(data):
scalef_d = _compute_scalefactor_missing_rep(obs)
for name in obs.names:
if name in obs.cov_names:
new_grad[name] = new_grad.get(name, 0) + deriv[i_val + j_obs] * obs.covobs[name].grad
new_deltas[name] = new_deltas.get(name, 0) + deriv[i_val + j_obs] * _expand_deltas_for_merge(obs.deltas[name], obs.idl[name], obs.shape[name], new_idl_d[name])
new_deltas[name] = new_deltas.get(name, 0) + deriv[i_val + j_obs] * _expand_deltas_for_merge(obs.deltas[name], obs.idl[name], obs.shape[name], new_idl_d[name], scalef_d.get(name.split('|')[0], 1))
new_covobs = {name: Covobs(0, allcov[name], name, grad=new_grad[name]) for name in new_grad}
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyerrors as pe
import pytest
import pyerrors.linalg
from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
@ -1338,9 +1339,101 @@ def test_vec_gm():
pe.gm(cc, S=4.12)
assert np.all(np.vectorize(lambda x: x.S["qq"])(cc.content) == 4.12)
def test_complex_addition():
o = pe.pseudo_Obs(34.12, 1e-4, "testens")
r = o + 2j
assert r.real == o
r = r * 1j
assert r.imag == o
def test_missing_replica():
N1 = 3000
N2 = 2000
O1 = np.random.normal(1.0, .1, N1 + N2)
O2 = .5 * O1[:N1]
w1 = N1 / (N1 + N2)
w2 = N2 / (N1 + N2)
m12 = np.mean(O1[N1:])
m2 = np.mean(O2)
d12 = np.std(O1[N1:]) / np.sqrt(N2) # error of <O1> from second rep
d2 = np.std(O2) / np.sqrt(N1) # error of <O2> from first rep
dval = np.sqrt((w2 * d12 / m2)**2 + (w2 * m12 * d2 / m2**2)**2) # complete error of <O1>/<O2>
# pyerrors version that should give the same result
O1dobs = pe.Obs([O1[:N1], O1[N1:]], names=['E|1', 'E|2'])
O2dobs = pe.Obs([O2], names=['E|1'])
O1O2 = O1dobs / O2dobs
# explicit construction with different ensembles
O1a = pe.Obs([O1[:N1]], names=['E|1'])
O1b = pe.Obs([O1[N1:]], names=['F|2'])
O1O2b = (w1 * O1a + w2 * O1b) / O2dobs
# pyerrors version without replica (missing configs)
O1c = pe.Obs([O1], names=['E|1'])
O1O2c = O1c / O2dobs
for o in [O1O2, O1O2b, O1O2c]:
assert(np.isclose(dval, o.dvalue, atol=0, rtol=5e-2))
o = O1O2 * O2dobs - O1dobs
o = O1dobs / O1O2 - O2dobs
# bring more randomness and complexity into the game
Nl = [int(np.random.uniform(low=500, high=5000)) for i in range(4)]
wl = np.array(Nl) / sum(Nl)
O1 = np.random.normal(1.0, .1, sum(Nl))
# pyerrors replica version
datl = [O1[:Nl[0]], O1[Nl[0]:sum(Nl[:2])], O1[sum(Nl[:2]):sum(Nl[:3])], O1[sum(Nl[:3]):sum(Nl[:4])]]
O1dobs = pe.Obs(datl, names=['E|%d' % (d) for d in range(len(Nl))])
O2dobs = .5 * pe.Obs([datl[0]], names=['E|0'])
O3dobs = 2. / pe.Obs([datl[1]], names=['E|1'])
O1O2 = O1dobs / O2dobs
O1O2O3 = O1O2 * np.sinh(O3dobs)
# explicit construction with different ensembles
charl = ['E', 'F', 'G', 'H']
Ol = [pe.Obs([datl[i]], names=['%s|%d' % (charl[i], i)]) for i in range(len(Nl))]
O1O2b = sum(np.array(Ol) * wl) / O2dobs
i = 1
O3dobsb = 2. / pe.Obs([datl[i]], names=['%s|%d' % (charl[i], i)])
O1O2O3b = O1O2b * np.sinh(O3dobsb)
for op in [[O1O2, O1O2b], [O1O2O3, O1O2O3b]]:
assert np.isclose(op[0].value, op[1].value)
assert np.isclose(op[0].dvalue, op[1].dvalue, atol=0, rtol=5e-2)
# perform the same test using the array_mode of derived_observable
O1O2 = pyerrors.linalg.matmul(np.diag(np.diag(np.reshape(4 * [O1dobs], (2, 2)))), np.diag(np.diag(np.reshape(4 * [1. / O2dobs], (2, 2)))))
O1O2O3 = pyerrors.linalg.matmul(O1O2, np.diag(np.diag(np.sinh(np.reshape(4 * [O3dobs], (2, 2))))))
O1O2 = O1O2[0][0]
O1O2O3 = O1O2O3[0][0]
O1O2b = pyerrors.linalg.matmul(np.diag(np.diag(np.reshape(4 * [sum(np.array(Ol) * wl)], (2, 2)))), np.diag(np.diag(np.reshape(4 * [1. / O2dobs], (2, 2)))))
O1O2O3b = pyerrors.linalg.matmul(O1O2b, np.diag(np.diag(np.sinh(np.reshape(4 * [O3dobsb], (2, 2))))))
O1O2b = O1O2b[0][0]
O1O2O3b = O1O2O3b[0][0]
for op in [[O1O2, O1O2b], [O1O2O3, O1O2O3b]]:
assert np.isclose(op[1].value, op[0].value)
assert np.isclose(op[1].dvalue, op[0].dvalue, atol=0, rtol=5e-2)
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