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synced 2025-03-15 06:40:24 +01:00
matrix valued operations speed up, inv and cholesky explictly added
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 200 additions and 45 deletions
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
from autograd import jacobian
import autograd.numpy as anp # Thinly-wrapped numpy
from .pyerrors import derived_observable, CObs
from .pyerrors import derived_observable, CObs, Obs
# This code block is directly taken from the current master branch of autograd and remains
@ -11,50 +12,135 @@ from .pyerrors import derived_observable, CObs
from functools import partial
from autograd.extend import defvjp
_dot = partial(anp.einsum, '...ij,...jk->...ik')
def derived_array(func, data, **kwargs):
"""Construct a derived Obs according to func(data, **kwargs) using automatic differentiation.
func -- arbitrary function of the form func(data, **kwargs). For the
automatic differentiation to work, all numpy functions have to have
the autograd wrapper (use 'import autograd.numpy as anp').
data -- list of Obs, e.g. [obs1, obs2, obs3].
Keyword arguments
num_grad -- if True, numerical derivatives are used instead of autograd
(default False). To control the numerical differentiation the
kwargs of numdifftools.step_generators.MaxStepGenerator
can be used.
man_grad -- manually supply a list or an array which contains the jacobian
of func. Use cautiously, supplying the wrong derivative will
not be intercepted.
For simple mathematical operations it can be practical to use anonymous
functions. For the ratio of two observables one can e.g. use
new_obs = derived_observable(lambda x: x[0] / x[1], [obs1, obs2])
data = np.asarray(data)
raveled_data = data.ravel()
# Workaround for matrix operations containing non Obs data
for i_data in raveled_data:
if isinstance(i_data, Obs):
first_name = i_data.names[0]
first_shape = i_data.shape[first_name]
for i in range(len(raveled_data)):
if isinstance(raveled_data[i], (int, float)):
raveled_data[i] = Obs([raveled_data[i] + np.zeros(first_shape)], [first_name])
n_obs = len(raveled_data)
new_names = sorted(set([y for x in [o.names for o in raveled_data] for y in x]))
new_shape = {}
for i_data in raveled_data:
for name in new_names:
tmp = i_data.shape.get(name)
if tmp is not None:
if new_shape.get(name) is None:
new_shape[name] = tmp
if new_shape[name] != tmp:
raise Exception('Shapes of ensemble', name, 'do not match.')
if data.ndim == 1:
values = np.array([o.value for o in data])
values = np.vectorize(lambda x: x.value)(data)
new_values = func(values, **kwargs)
new_r_values = {}
for name in new_names:
tmp_values = np.zeros(n_obs)
for i, item in enumerate(raveled_data):
tmp = item.r_values.get(name)
if tmp is None:
tmp = item.value
tmp_values[i] = tmp
tmp_values = np.array(tmp_values).reshape(data.shape)
new_r_values[name] = func(tmp_values, **kwargs)
if 'man_grad' in kwargs:
deriv = np.asarray(kwargs.get('man_grad'))
if new_values.shape + data.shape != deriv.shape:
raise Exception('Manual derivative does not have correct shape.')
elif kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
raise Exception('Multi mode currently not supported for numerical derivative')
deriv = jacobian(func)(values, **kwargs)
final_result = np.zeros(new_values.shape, dtype=object)
d_extracted = {}
for name in new_names:
d_extracted[name] = []
for i_dat, dat in enumerate(data):
ens_length = dat.ravel()[0].shape[name]
d_extracted[name].append(np.array([o.deltas[name] for o in dat.reshape(np.prod(dat.shape))]).reshape(dat.shape + (ens_length, )))
for i_val, new_val in np.ndenumerate(new_values):
new_deltas = {}
for name in new_names:
ens_length = d_extracted[name][0].shape[-1]
new_deltas[name] = np.zeros(ens_length)
for i_dat, dat in enumerate(d_extracted[name]):
new_deltas[name] += np.tensordot(deriv[i_val + (i_dat, )], dat)
new_samples = []
new_means = []
for name in new_names:
final_result[i_val] = Obs(new_samples, new_names, means=new_means)
final_result[i_val]._value = new_val
return final_result
# batched diag
def _diag(a):
return anp.eye(a.shape[-1]) * a
def matmul(x1, x2):
if isinstance(x1[0, 0], CObs) or isinstance(x2[0, 0], CObs):
Lr, Li = np.vectorize(lambda x: (np.real(x), np.imag(x)))(x1)
Rr, Ri = np.vectorize(lambda x: (np.real(x), np.imag(x)))(x2)
Nr = derived_array(lambda x: x[0] @ x[2] - x[1] @ x[3], [Lr, Li, Rr, Ri])
Ni = derived_array(lambda x: x[0] @ x[3] + x[1] @ x[2], [Lr, Li, Rr, Ri])
return (1 + 0j) * Nr + 1j * Ni
return derived_array(lambda x: x[0] @ x[1], [x1, x2])
# batched diagonal, similar to matrix_diag in tensorflow
def _matrix_diag(a):
reps = anp.array(a.shape)
reps[:-1] = 1
reps[-1] = a.shape[-1]
newshape = list(a.shape) + [a.shape[-1]]
return _diag(anp.tile(a, reps).reshape(newshape))
# https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.00392.pdf Eq(4.77)
# Note the formula from Sec3.1 in https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/gilesm/files/NA-08-01.pdf is incomplete
def inv(x):
return mat_mat_op(anp.linalg.inv, x)
def grad_eig(ans, x):
"""Gradient of a general square (complex valued) matrix"""
e, u = ans # eigenvalues as 1d array, eigenvectors in columns
n = e.shape[-1]
def vjp(g):
ge, gu = g
ge = _matrix_diag(ge)
f = 1 / (e[..., anp.newaxis, :] - e[..., :, anp.newaxis] + 1.e-20)
f -= _diag(f)
ut = anp.swapaxes(u, -1, -2)
r1 = f * _dot(ut, gu)
r2 = -f * (_dot(_dot(ut, anp.conj(u)), anp.real(_dot(ut, gu)) * anp.eye(n)))
r = _dot(_dot(anp.linalg.inv(ut), ge + r1 + r2), ut)
if not anp.iscomplexobj(x):
r = anp.real(r)
# the derivative is still complex for real input (imaginary delta is allowed), real output
# but the derivative should be real in real input case when imaginary delta is forbidden
return r
return vjp
defvjp(anp.linalg.eig, grad_eig)
# End of the code block from autograd.master
def cholesky(x):
return mat_mat_op(anp.linalg.cholesky, x)
def scalar_mat_op(op, obs, **kwargs):
@ -107,7 +193,7 @@ def mat_mat_op(op, obs, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
return _num_diff_mat_mat_op(op, obs, **kwargs)
return derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: op(x), obs)
return derived_array(lambda x, **kwargs: op(x), [obs])[0]
def eigh(obs, **kwargs):
@ -375,3 +461,49 @@ def _num_diff_svd(obs, **kwargs):
return (np.array(res_mat0) @ np.identity(mid_index), np.array(res_mat1) @ np.identity(mid_index), np.array(res_mat2) @ np.identity(shape[1]))
_dot = partial(anp.einsum, '...ij,...jk->...ik')
# batched diag
def _diag(a):
return anp.eye(a.shape[-1]) * a
# batched diagonal, similar to matrix_diag in tensorflow
def _matrix_diag(a):
reps = anp.array(a.shape)
reps[:-1] = 1
reps[-1] = a.shape[-1]
newshape = list(a.shape) + [a.shape[-1]]
return _diag(anp.tile(a, reps).reshape(newshape))
# https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.00392.pdf Eq(4.77)
# Note the formula from Sec3.1 in https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/gilesm/files/NA-08-01.pdf is incomplete
def grad_eig(ans, x):
"""Gradient of a general square (complex valued) matrix"""
e, u = ans # eigenvalues as 1d array, eigenvectors in columns
n = e.shape[-1]
def vjp(g):
ge, gu = g
ge = _matrix_diag(ge)
f = 1 / (e[..., anp.newaxis, :] - e[..., :, anp.newaxis] + 1.e-20)
f -= _diag(f)
ut = anp.swapaxes(u, -1, -2)
r1 = f * _dot(ut, gu)
r2 = -f * (_dot(_dot(ut, anp.conj(u)), anp.real(_dot(ut, gu)) * anp.eye(n)))
r = _dot(_dot(anp.linalg.inv(ut), ge + r1 + r2), ut)
if not anp.iscomplexobj(x):
r = anp.real(r)
# the derivative is still complex for real input (imaginary delta is allowed), real output
# but the derivative should be real in real input case when imaginary delta is forbidden
return r
return vjp
defvjp(anp.linalg.eig, grad_eig)
# End of the code block from autograd.master
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import autograd.numpy as np
import numpy as np
import autograd.numpy as anp
import math
import pyerrors as pe
import pytest
@ -6,6 +7,28 @@ import pytest
def test_matmul():
for dim in [4, 8]:
my_list = []
length = 1000 + np.random.randint(200)
for i in range(dim ** 2):
my_list.append(pe.Obs([np.random.rand(length), np.random.rand(length + 1)], ['t1', 't2']))
my_array = np.array(my_list).reshape((dim, dim))
tt = pe.linalg.matmul(my_array, my_array) - my_array @ my_array
for t, e in np.ndenumerate(tt):
assert e.is_zero(), t
my_list = []
length = 1000 + np.random.randint(200)
for i in range(dim ** 2):
my_list.append(pe.CObs(pe.Obs([np.random.rand(length), np.random.rand(length + 1)], ['t1', 't2']),
pe.Obs([np.random.rand(length), np.random.rand(length + 1)], ['t1', 't2'])))
my_array = np.array(my_list).reshape((dim, dim))
tt = pe.linalg.matmul(my_array, my_array) - my_array @ my_array
for t, e in np.ndenumerate(tt):
assert e.is_zero(), t
def test_matrix_inverse():
content = []
for t in range(9):
@ -14,7 +37,7 @@ def test_matrix_inverse():
content.append(1.0) # Add 1.0 as a float
matrix = np.diag(content)
inverse_matrix = pe.linalg.mat_mat_op(np.linalg.inv, matrix)
inverse_matrix = pe.linalg.inv(matrix)
assert all([o.is_zero() for o in np.diag(matrix) * np.diag(inverse_matrix) - 1])
@ -35,7 +58,7 @@ def test_complex_matrix_inverse():
matrix[n, m] = entry.real.value + 1j * entry.imag.value
inverse_matrix = np.linalg.inv(matrix)
inverse_obs_matrix = pe.linalg.mat_mat_op(np.linalg.inv, obs_matrix)
inverse_obs_matrix = pe.linalg.inv(obs_matrix)
for (n, m), entry in np.ndenumerate(inverse_matrix):
assert np.isclose(inverse_matrix[n, m].real, inverse_obs_matrix[n, m].real.value)
assert np.isclose(inverse_matrix[n, m].imag, inverse_obs_matrix[n, m].imag.value)
@ -53,7 +76,7 @@ def test_matrix_functions():
matrix = np.array(matrix) @ np.identity(dim)
# Check inverse of matrix
inv = pe.linalg.mat_mat_op(np.linalg.inv, matrix)
inv = pe.linalg.inv(matrix)
check_inv = matrix @ inv
for (i, j), entry in np.ndenumerate(check_inv):
@ -66,7 +89,7 @@ def test_matrix_functions():
# Check Cholesky decomposition
sym = np.dot(matrix, matrix.T)
cholesky = pe.linalg.mat_mat_op(np.linalg.cholesky, sym)
cholesky = pe.linalg.cholesky(sym)
check = cholesky @ cholesky.T
for (i, j), entry in np.ndenumerate(check):
Add table
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