mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 14:50:25 +01:00
Improved prior fit (#161)
* refactor: merged combined fit and prior fit without breaking the routine. Fitting with priors does not work yet. * refactor: correlated fits without priors work now. * refactor: prior error propagation and dof fixed. * refactor: old prior fit implementation moved to tests. * refactor: moved _extract_val_and_dval out of least_squares. * refactor: comment removed. * tests: additional tests and exceptions added. * tests: test for constrained prior fit added. * docs: least_squares docstring extended. * fix: linting errors fixed. * feat: additional if cause for fits without priors added to achieve original speed. * tests: test_constrained_and_prior_fit fixed. * fix: fix array cast of least_squares dict mode. * tests: test for lists in dict fit added. * fix: additional asarray added in resplot. Co-authored-by: Simon Kuberski <simon.kuberski@uni-muenster.de>
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 549 additions and 364 deletions
@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ def least_squares(x, y, func, priors=None, silent=False, **kwargs):
It is important that all numpy functions refer to autograd.numpy, otherwise the differentiation
will not work.
priors : list, optional
priors has to be a list with an entry for every parameter in the fit. The entries can either be
priors : dict or list, optional
priors can either be a dictionary with integer keys and the corresponding priors as values or
a list with an entry for every parameter in the fit. The entries can either be
Obs (e.g. results from a previous fit) or strings containing a value and an error formatted like
0.548(23), 500(40) or 0.5(0.4)
silent : bool, optional
@ -166,10 +167,286 @@ def least_squares(x, y, func, priors=None, silent=False, **kwargs):
output : Fit_result
Parameters and information on the fitted result.
if priors is not None:
return _prior_fit(x, y, func, priors, silent=silent, **kwargs)
output = Fit_result()
if (type(x) == dict and type(y) == dict and type(func) == dict):
xd = {key: anp.asarray(x[key]) for key in x}
yd = y
funcd = func
output.fit_function = func
elif (type(x) == dict or type(y) == dict or type(func) == dict):
raise TypeError("All arguments have to be dictionaries in order to perform a combined fit.")
return _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=silent, **kwargs)
x = np.asarray(x)
xd = {"": x}
yd = {"": y}
funcd = {"": func}
output.fit_function = func
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
jacobian = num_jacobian
hessian = num_hessian
jacobian = auto_jacobian
hessian = auto_hessian
key_ls = sorted(list(xd.keys()))
if sorted(list(yd.keys())) != key_ls:
raise Exception('x and y dictionaries do not contain the same keys.')
if sorted(list(funcd.keys())) != key_ls:
raise Exception('x and func dictionaries do not contain the same keys.')
x_all = np.concatenate([np.array(xd[key]) for key in key_ls])
y_all = np.concatenate([np.array(yd[key]) for key in key_ls])
y_f = [o.value for o in y_all]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_all]
if len(x_all.shape) > 2:
raise Exception('Unknown format for x values')
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
# number of fit parameters
n_parms_ls = []
for key in key_ls:
if not callable(funcd[key]):
raise TypeError('func (key=' + key + ') is not a function.')
if np.asarray(xd[key]).shape[-1] != len(yd[key]):
raise Exception('x and y input (key=' + key + ') do not have the same length')
for i in range(100):
funcd[key](np.arange(i), x_all.T[0])
except TypeError:
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError("Fit function (key=" + key + ") is not valid.")
n_parms = i
n_parms = max(n_parms_ls)
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameter' + 's' * (n_parms > 1))
if priors is not None:
if isinstance(priors, (list, np.ndarray)):
if n_parms != len(priors):
raise ValueError("'priors' does not have the correct length.")
loc_priors = []
for i_n, i_prior in enumerate(priors):
if isinstance(i_prior, Obs):
elif isinstance(i_prior, str):
loc_val, loc_dval = _extract_val_and_dval(i_prior)
loc_priors.append(cov_Obs(loc_val, loc_dval ** 2, '#prior' + str(i_n) + f"_{np.random.randint(2147483647):010d}"))
raise TypeError("Prior entries need to be 'Obs' or 'str'.")
prior_mask = np.arange(len(priors))
output.priors = loc_priors
elif isinstance(priors, dict):
loc_priors = []
prior_mask = []
output.priors = {}
for pos, prior in priors.items():
if isinstance(pos, int):
raise TypeError("Prior position needs to be an integer.")
if isinstance(prior, Obs):
elif isinstance(prior, str):
loc_val, loc_dval = _extract_val_and_dval(prior)
loc_priors.append(cov_Obs(loc_val, loc_dval ** 2, '#prior' + str(pos) + f"_{np.random.randint(2147483647):010d}"))
raise TypeError("Prior entries need to be 'Obs' or 'str'.")
output.priors[pos] = loc_priors[-1]
if max(prior_mask) >= n_parms:
raise ValueError("Prior position out of range.")
raise TypeError("Unkown type for `priors`.")
p_f = [o.value for o in loc_priors]
dp_f = [o.dvalue for o in loc_priors]
if np.any(np.asarray(dp_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No prior errors available, run the gamma method first.')
p_f = dp_f = np.array([])
prior_mask = []
loc_priors = []
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
x0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(x0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length: %d vs. %d' % (len(x0), n_parms))
x0 = [0.1] * n_parms
if priors is None:
def general_chisqfunc_uncorr(p, ivars, pr):
model = anp.concatenate([anp.array(funcd[key](p, xd[key])).reshape(-1) for key in key_ls])
return (ivars - model) / dy_f
def general_chisqfunc_uncorr(p, ivars, pr):
model = anp.concatenate([anp.array(funcd[key](p, xd[key])).reshape(-1) for key in key_ls])
return anp.concatenate(((ivars - model) / dy_f, (p[prior_mask] - pr) / dp_f))
def chisqfunc_uncorr(p):
return anp.sum(general_chisqfunc_uncorr(p, y_f, p_f) ** 2)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
corr = covariance(y_all, correlation=True, **kwargs)
covdiag = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f))
condn = np.linalg.cond(corr)
if condn > 0.1 / np.finfo(float).eps:
raise Exception(f"Cannot invert correlation matrix as its condition number exceeds machine precision ({condn:1.2e})")
if condn > 1e13:
warnings.warn("Correlation matrix may be ill-conditioned, condition number: {%1.2e}" % (condn), RuntimeWarning)
chol = np.linalg.cholesky(corr)
chol_inv = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(chol, covdiag, lower=True)
def general_chisqfunc(p, ivars, pr):
model = anp.concatenate([anp.array(funcd[key](p, xd[key])).reshape(-1) for key in key_ls])
return anp.concatenate((anp.dot(chol_inv, (ivars - model)), (p[prior_mask] - pr) / dp_f))
def chisqfunc(p):
return anp.sum(general_chisqfunc(p, y_f, p_f) ** 2)
general_chisqfunc = general_chisqfunc_uncorr
chisqfunc = chisqfunc_uncorr
output.method = kwargs.get('method', 'Levenberg-Marquardt')
if not silent:
print('Method:', output.method)
if output.method != 'Levenberg-Marquardt':
if output.method == 'migrad':
tolerance = 1e-4 # default value of 1e-1 set by iminuit can be problematic
if 'tol' in kwargs:
tolerance = kwargs.get('tol')
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc_uncorr, x0, tol=tolerance) # Stopping criterion 0.002 * tol * errordef
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc, fit_result.x, tol=tolerance)
output.iterations = fit_result.nfev
tolerance = 1e-12
if 'tol' in kwargs:
tolerance = kwargs.get('tol')
fit_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(chisqfunc_uncorr, x0, method=kwargs.get('method'), tol=tolerance)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
fit_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(chisqfunc, fit_result.x, method=kwargs.get('method'), tol=tolerance)
output.iterations = fit_result.nit
chisquare = fit_result.fun
if 'tol' in kwargs:
print('tol cannot be set for Levenberg-Marquardt')
def chisqfunc_residuals_uncorr(p):
return general_chisqfunc_uncorr(p, y_f, p_f)
fit_result = scipy.optimize.least_squares(chisqfunc_residuals_uncorr, x0, method='lm', ftol=1e-15, gtol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
def chisqfunc_residuals(p):
return general_chisqfunc(p, y_f, p_f)
fit_result = scipy.optimize.least_squares(chisqfunc_residuals, fit_result.x, method='lm', ftol=1e-15, gtol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15)
chisquare = np.sum(fit_result.fun ** 2)
assert np.isclose(chisquare, chisqfunc(fit_result.x), atol=1e-14)
output.iterations = fit_result.nfev
if not fit_result.success:
raise Exception('The minimization procedure did not converge.')
if x_all.shape[-1] - n_parms > 0:
output.chisquare = chisquare
output.dof = x_all.shape[-1] - n_parms + len(loc_priors)
output.chisquare_by_dof = output.chisquare / output.dof
output.p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.chi2.cdf(output.chisquare, output.dof)
output.chisquare_by_dof = float('nan')
output.message = fit_result.message
if not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.chisquare_by_dof)
print('fit parameters', fit_result.x)
def prepare_hat_matrix():
hat_vector = []
for key in key_ls:
if (len(xd[key]) != 0):
hat_vector.append(jacobian(funcd[key])(fit_result.x, xd[key]))
hat_vector = [item for sublist in hat_vector for item in sublist]
return hat_vector
if kwargs.get('expected_chisquare') is True:
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is not True:
W = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f))
cov = covariance(y_all)
hat_vector = prepare_hat_matrix()
A = W @ hat_vector
P_phi = A @ np.linalg.pinv(A.T @ A) @ A.T
expected_chisquare = np.trace((np.identity(x_all.shape[-1]) - P_phi) @ W @ cov @ W)
output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare = output.chisquare / expected_chisquare
if not silent:
print('chisquare/expected_chisquare:', output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare)
fitp = fit_result.x
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
hess = hessian(chisqfunc)(fitp)
except TypeError:
raise Exception("It is required to use autograd.numpy instead of numpy within fit functions, see the documentation for details.") from None
len_y = len(y_f)
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
return anp.sum(general_chisqfunc(d[:n_parms], d[n_parms: n_parms + len_y], d[n_parms + len_y:]) ** 2)
jac_jac_y = hessian(chisqfunc_compact)(np.concatenate((fitp, y_f, p_f)))
# Compute hess^{-1} @ jac_jac_y[:n_parms + m, n_parms + m:] using LAPACK dgesv
deriv_y = -scipy.linalg.solve(hess, jac_jac_y[:n_parms, n_parms:])
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
raise Exception("Cannot invert hessian matrix.")
result = []
for i in range(n_parms):
result.append(derived_observable(lambda x_all, **kwargs: (x_all[0] + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) / (y_all[0].value + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) * fitp[i], list(y_all) + loc_priors, man_grad=list(deriv_y[i])))
output.fit_parameters = result
# Hotelling t-squared p-value for correlated fits.
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
n_cov = np.min(np.vectorize(lambda x_all: x_all.N)(y_all))
output.t2_p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.f.cdf((n_cov - output.dof) / (output.dof * (n_cov - 1)) * output.chisquare,
output.dof, n_cov - output.dof)
if kwargs.get('resplot') is True:
for key in key_ls:
residual_plot(xd[key], yd[key], funcd[key], result, title=key)
if kwargs.get('qqplot') is True:
for key in key_ls:
qqplot(xd[key], yd[key], funcd[key], result, title=key)
return output
def total_least_squares(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
@ -376,363 +653,6 @@ def total_least_squares(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
return output
def _prior_fit(x, y, func, priors, silent=False, **kwargs):
output = Fit_result()
output.fit_function = func
x = np.asarray(x)
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
hessian = num_hessian
hessian = auto_hessian
if not callable(func):
raise TypeError('func has to be a function.')
for i in range(100):
func(np.arange(i), 0)
except TypeError:
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError("Fit function is not valid.")
n_parms = i
if n_parms != len(priors):
raise Exception('Priors does not have the correct length.')
def extract_val_and_dval(string):
split_string = string.split('(')
if '.' in split_string[0] and '.' not in split_string[1][:-1]:
factor = 10 ** -len(split_string[0].partition('.')[2])
factor = 1
return float(split_string[0]), float(split_string[1][:-1]) * factor
loc_priors = []
for i_n, i_prior in enumerate(priors):
if isinstance(i_prior, Obs):
loc_val, loc_dval = extract_val_and_dval(i_prior)
loc_priors.append(cov_Obs(loc_val, loc_dval ** 2, '#prior' + str(i_n) + f"_{np.random.randint(2147483647):010d}"))
output.priors = loc_priors
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameter' + 's' * (n_parms > 1))
y_f = [o.value for o in y]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y]
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
p_f = [o.value for o in loc_priors]
dp_f = [o.dvalue for o in loc_priors]
if np.any(np.asarray(dp_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No prior errors available, run the gamma method first.')
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
x0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(x0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length.')
x0 = p_f
def chisqfunc(p):
model = func(p, x)
chisq = anp.sum(((y_f - model) / dy_f) ** 2) + anp.sum(((p_f - p) / dp_f) ** 2)
return chisq
if not silent:
print('Method: migrad')
m = iminuit.Minuit(chisqfunc, x0)
m.errordef = 1
m.print_level = 0
if 'tol' in kwargs:
m.tol = kwargs.get('tol')
m.tol = 1e-4
params = np.asarray(m.values)
output.chisquare_by_dof = m.fval / len(x)
output.method = 'migrad'
if not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.chisquare_by_dof)
if not m.fmin.is_valid:
raise Exception('The minimization procedure did not converge.')
hess = hessian(chisqfunc)(params)
hess_inv = np.linalg.pinv(hess)
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
model = func(d[:n_parms], x)
chisq = anp.sum(((d[n_parms: n_parms + len(x)] - model) / dy_f) ** 2) + anp.sum(((d[n_parms + len(x):] - d[:n_parms]) / dp_f) ** 2)
return chisq
jac_jac = hessian(chisqfunc_compact)(np.concatenate((params, y_f, p_f)))
deriv = -hess_inv @ jac_jac[:n_parms, n_parms:]
result = []
for i in range(n_parms):
result.append(derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: (x[0] + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) / (y[0].value + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) * params[i], list(y) + list(loc_priors), man_grad=list(deriv[i])))
output.fit_parameters = result
output.chisquare = chisqfunc(np.asarray(params))
if kwargs.get('resplot') is True:
residual_plot(x, y, func, result)
if kwargs.get('qqplot') is True:
qqplot(x, y, func, result)
return output
def _combined_fit(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
output = Fit_result()
if (type(x) == dict and type(y) == dict and type(func) == dict):
xd = x
yd = y
funcd = func
output.fit_function = func
elif (type(x) == dict or type(y) == dict or type(func) == dict):
raise TypeError("All arguments have to be dictionaries in order to perform a combined fit.")
x = np.asarray(x)
xd = {"": x}
yd = {"": y}
funcd = {"": func}
output.fit_function = func
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
jacobian = num_jacobian
hessian = num_hessian
jacobian = auto_jacobian
hessian = auto_hessian
key_ls = sorted(list(xd.keys()))
if sorted(list(yd.keys())) != key_ls:
raise Exception('x and y dictionaries do not contain the same keys.')
if sorted(list(funcd.keys())) != key_ls:
raise Exception('x and func dictionaries do not contain the same keys.')
x_all = np.concatenate([np.array(xd[key]) for key in key_ls])
y_all = np.concatenate([np.array(yd[key]) for key in key_ls])
y_f = [o.value for o in y_all]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_all]
if len(x_all.shape) > 2:
raise Exception('Unknown format for x values')
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
# number of fit parameters
n_parms_ls = []
for key in key_ls:
if not callable(funcd[key]):
raise TypeError('func (key=' + key + ') is not a function.')
if np.asarray(xd[key]).shape[-1] != len(yd[key]):
raise Exception('x and y input (key=' + key + ') do not have the same length')
for i in range(100):
funcd[key](np.arange(i), x_all.T[0])
except TypeError:
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError("Fit function (key=" + key + ") is not valid.")
n_parms = i
n_parms = max(n_parms_ls)
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameter' + 's' * (n_parms > 1))
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
x0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(x0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length: %d vs. %d' % (len(x0), n_parms))
x0 = [0.1] * n_parms
def general_chisqfunc_uncorr(p, ivars):
model = anp.concatenate([anp.array(funcd[key](p, anp.asarray(xd[key]))).reshape(-1) for key in key_ls])
return ((ivars - model) / dy_f)
def chisqfunc_uncorr(p):
return anp.sum(general_chisqfunc_uncorr(p, y_f) ** 2)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
corr = covariance(y_all, correlation=True, **kwargs)
covdiag = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f))
condn = np.linalg.cond(corr)
if condn > 0.1 / np.finfo(float).eps:
raise Exception(f"Cannot invert correlation matrix as its condition number exceeds machine precision ({condn:1.2e})")
if condn > 1e13:
warnings.warn("Correlation matrix may be ill-conditioned, condition number: {%1.2e}" % (condn), RuntimeWarning)
chol = np.linalg.cholesky(corr)
chol_inv = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(chol, covdiag, lower=True)
def general_chisqfunc(p, ivars):
model = anp.concatenate([anp.array(funcd[key](p, anp.asarray(xd[key]))).reshape(-1) for key in key_ls])
return anp.dot(chol_inv, (ivars - model))
def chisqfunc(p):
return anp.sum(general_chisqfunc(p, y_f) ** 2)
general_chisqfunc = general_chisqfunc_uncorr
chisqfunc = chisqfunc_uncorr
output.method = kwargs.get('method', 'Levenberg-Marquardt')
if not silent:
print('Method:', output.method)
if output.method != 'Levenberg-Marquardt':
if output.method == 'migrad':
tolerance = 1e-4 # default value of 1e-1 set by iminuit can be problematic
if 'tol' in kwargs:
tolerance = kwargs.get('tol')
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc_uncorr, x0, tol=tolerance) # Stopping criterion 0.002 * tol * errordef
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc, fit_result.x, tol=tolerance)
output.iterations = fit_result.nfev
tolerance = 1e-12
if 'tol' in kwargs:
tolerance = kwargs.get('tol')
fit_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(chisqfunc_uncorr, x0, method=kwargs.get('method'), tol=tolerance)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
fit_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(chisqfunc, fit_result.x, method=kwargs.get('method'), tol=tolerance)
output.iterations = fit_result.nit
chisquare = fit_result.fun
if 'tol' in kwargs:
print('tol cannot be set for Levenberg-Marquardt')
def chisqfunc_residuals_uncorr(p):
return general_chisqfunc_uncorr(p, y_f)
fit_result = scipy.optimize.least_squares(chisqfunc_residuals_uncorr, x0, method='lm', ftol=1e-15, gtol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15)
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
def chisqfunc_residuals(p):
return general_chisqfunc(p, y_f)
fit_result = scipy.optimize.least_squares(chisqfunc_residuals, fit_result.x, method='lm', ftol=1e-15, gtol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15)
chisquare = np.sum(fit_result.fun ** 2)
assert np.isclose(chisquare, chisqfunc(fit_result.x), atol=1e-14)
output.iterations = fit_result.nfev
if not fit_result.success:
raise Exception('The minimization procedure did not converge.')
if x_all.shape[-1] - n_parms > 0:
output.chisquare = chisquare
output.dof = x_all.shape[-1] - n_parms
output.chisquare_by_dof = output.chisquare / output.dof
output.p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.chi2.cdf(output.chisquare, output.dof)
output.chisquare_by_dof = float('nan')
output.message = fit_result.message
if not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.chisquare_by_dof)
print('fit parameters', fit_result.x)
def prepare_hat_matrix():
hat_vector = []
for key in key_ls:
x_array = np.asarray(xd[key])
if (len(x_array) != 0):
hat_vector.append(jacobian(funcd[key])(fit_result.x, x_array))
hat_vector = [item for sublist in hat_vector for item in sublist]
return hat_vector
if kwargs.get('expected_chisquare') is True:
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is not True:
W = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f))
cov = covariance(y_all)
hat_vector = prepare_hat_matrix()
A = W @ hat_vector
P_phi = A @ np.linalg.pinv(A.T @ A) @ A.T
expected_chisquare = np.trace((np.identity(x_all.shape[-1]) - P_phi) @ W @ cov @ W)
output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare = output.chisquare / expected_chisquare
if not silent:
print('chisquare/expected_chisquare:', output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare)
fitp = fit_result.x
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
hess = hessian(chisqfunc)(fitp)
except TypeError:
raise Exception("It is required to use autograd.numpy instead of numpy within fit functions, see the documentation for details.") from None
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
return anp.sum(general_chisqfunc(d[:n_parms], d[n_parms:]) ** 2)
jac_jac_y = hessian(chisqfunc_compact)(np.concatenate((fitp, y_f)))
# Compute hess^{-1} @ jac_jac_y[:n_parms + m, n_parms + m:] using LAPACK dgesv
deriv_y = -scipy.linalg.solve(hess, jac_jac_y[:n_parms, n_parms:])
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
raise Exception("Cannot invert hessian matrix.")
result = []
for i in range(n_parms):
result.append(derived_observable(lambda x_all, **kwargs: (x_all[0] + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) / (y_all[0].value + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) * fitp[i], list(y_all), man_grad=list(deriv_y[i])))
output.fit_parameters = result
# Hotelling t-squared p-value for correlated fits.
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is True:
n_cov = np.min(np.vectorize(lambda x_all: x_all.N)(y_all))
output.t2_p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.f.cdf((n_cov - output.dof) / (output.dof * (n_cov - 1)) * output.chisquare,
output.dof, n_cov - output.dof)
if kwargs.get('resplot') is True:
for key in key_ls:
residual_plot(xd[key], yd[key], funcd[key], result, title=key)
if kwargs.get('qqplot') is True:
for key in key_ls:
qqplot(xd[key], yd[key], funcd[key], result, title=key)
return output
def fit_lin(x, y, **kwargs):
"""Performs a linear fit to y = n + m * x and returns two Obs n, m.
@ -818,7 +738,7 @@ def residual_plot(x, y, func, fit_res, title=""):
residuals = (np.asarray([o.value for o in y]) - func([o.value for o in fit_res], x)) / np.asarray([o.dvalue for o in y])
residuals = (np.asarray([o.value for o in y]) - func([o.value for o in fit_res], np.asarray(x))) / np.asarray([o.dvalue for o in y])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
ax1.plot(x, residuals, 'ko', ls='none', markersize=5)
@ -897,3 +817,12 @@ def ks_test(objects=None):
print(scipy.stats.kstest(p_values, 'uniform'))
def _extract_val_and_dval(string):
split_string = string.split('(')
if '.' in split_string[0] and '.' not in split_string[1][:-1]:
factor = 10 ** -len(split_string[0].partition('.')[2])
factor = 1
return float(split_string[0]), float(split_string[1][:-1]) * factor
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import scipy.optimize
from scipy.odr import ODR, Model, RealData
from scipy.linalg import cholesky
from scipy.stats import norm
import iminuit
from autograd import jacobian
from autograd import hessian
import pyerrors as pe
import pytest
@ -410,6 +413,19 @@ def test_prior_fit():
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares([0, 1], y, f, priors=y, resplot=True, qqplot=True)
def test_vs_old_prior_implementation():
x = np.arange(1, 5)
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 * i + 1.1 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1), .1, 't') for i in x]
[o.gm() for o in y];
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0] * x + a[1]
priors = [pe.cov_Obs(1.10, 0.01 ** 2, "p0"), pe.cov_Obs(1.1, 0.3 ** 2, "p1")]
pr = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=priors, method="migrad")
fr = old_prior_fit(x, y, fitf, priors=priors)
assert pr[0] == fr[0]
assert pr[1] == fr[1]
def test_correlated_fit_covobs():
x1 = pe.cov_Obs(1.01, 0.01 ** 2, 'test1')
x2 = pe.cov_Obs(2.01, 0.01 ** 2, 'test2')
@ -924,6 +940,123 @@ def test_x_multidim_fit():
pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf)
def test_priors_dict_vs_list():
x = np.arange(1, 5)
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 * i + 1.1 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01), .01, 't') for i in x]
[o.gm() for o in y];
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0] * x + a[1]
priors = [pe.cov_Obs(1.0, 0.0001 ** 2, "p0"), pe.cov_Obs(1.1, 0.8 ** 2, "p1")]
pr1 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=priors)
prd = {0: priors[0],
1: priors[1]}
pr2 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
prd = {1: priors[1],
0: priors[0]}
pr3 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
assert (pr1[0] - pr2[0]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[1] - pr2[1]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[0] - pr3[0]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[1] - pr3[1]).is_zero(1e-6)
def test_not_all_priors_set():
x = np.arange(1, 5)
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 * i + 1.1 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01), .01, 't') for i in x]
[o.gm() for o in y];
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0] * x + a[1] + a[2] * x ** 2
priors = [pe.cov_Obs(2.0, 0.1 ** 2, "p0"), pe.cov_Obs(2, 0.8 ** 2, "p2")]
prd = {0: priors[0],
2: priors[1]}
pr1 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
prd = {2: priors[1],
0: priors[0]}
pr2 = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
assert (pr1[0] - pr2[0]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[1] - pr2[1]).is_zero(1e-6)
assert (pr1[2] - pr2[2]).is_zero(1e-6)
def test_force_fit_on_prior():
x = np.arange(1, 10)
y = [pe.pseudo_Obs(2 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1), .1, 't') for i in x]
[o.gm() for o in y];
def fitf(a, x):
return a[0]
prd = {0: pe.cov_Obs(0.0, 0.0000001 ** 2, "prior0")}
pr = pe.fits.least_squares(x, y, fitf, priors=prd)
diff = prd[0] - pr[0]
assert diff.is_zero_within_error(5)
def test_constrained_and_prior_fit():
for my_constant in [pe.pseudo_Obs(5.0, 0.00000001, "test"),
pe.pseudo_Obs(6.5, 0.00000001, "test"),
pe.pseudo_Obs(6.5, 0.00000001, "another_ensmble")]:
dim = 10
x = np.arange(dim)
y = -0.06 * x + 5 + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.3, dim)
yerr = [0.3] * dim
oy = []
for i, item in enumerate(x):
oy.append(pe.pseudo_Obs(y[i], yerr[i], 'test'))
def func(a, x):
y = a[0] * x + a[1]
return y
# Fit with constrained parameter
out = pe.least_squares(x, oy, func, priors={1: my_constant}, silent=True)
def alt_func(a, x):
y = a[0] * x
return y
alt_y = np.array(oy) - my_constant
[o.gm() for o in alt_y]
# Fit with the constant subtracted from the data
alt_out = pe.least_squares(x, alt_y, alt_func, silent=True)
assert np.isclose(out[0].value, alt_out[0].value, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-6)
assert np.isclose(out[0].dvalue, alt_out[0].dvalue, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-6)
assert np.isclose(out.chisquare_by_dof, alt_out.chisquare_by_dof, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-6)
def test_resplot_lists_in_dict():
xd = {
'a': [1, 2, 3],
'b': [1, 2, 3],
yd = {
'a': [pe.pseudo_Obs(i, .1*i, 't') for i in range(1, 4)],
'b': [pe.pseudo_Obs(2*i**2, .1*i**2, 't') for i in range(1, 4)]
[[o.gamma_method() for o in y] for y in yd.values()]
fd = {
'a': lambda a, x: a[0] + a[1] * x,
'b': lambda a, x: a[0] + a[2] * x**2,
fitp = pe.fits.least_squares(xd, yd, fd, resplot=True)
def fit_general(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
"""Performs a non-linear fit to y = func(x) and returns a list of Obs corresponding to the fit parameters.
@ -1021,3 +1154,126 @@ def fit_general(x, y, func, silent=False, **kwargs):
for n in range(n_parms):
res.append(pe.derived_observable(do_the_fit, obs, function=func, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, x_constants=x_constants, num_grad=True, n=n, **kwargs))
return res
def old_prior_fit(x, y, func, priors, silent=False, **kwargs):
output = pe.fits.Fit_result()
output.fit_function = func
x = np.asarray(x)
if not callable(func):
raise TypeError('func has to be a function.')
for i in range(100):
func(np.arange(i), 0)
except TypeError:
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError("Fit function is not valid.")
n_parms = i
if n_parms != len(priors):
raise Exception('Priors does not have the correct length.')
def extract_val_and_dval(string):
split_string = string.split('(')
if '.' in split_string[0] and '.' not in split_string[1][:-1]:
factor = 10 ** -len(split_string[0].partition('.')[2])
factor = 1
return float(split_string[0]), float(split_string[1][:-1]) * factor
loc_priors = []
for i_n, i_prior in enumerate(priors):
if isinstance(i_prior, pe.Obs):
loc_val, loc_dval = extract_val_and_dval(i_prior)
loc_priors.append(pe.cov_Obs(loc_val, loc_dval ** 2, '#prior' + str(i_n) + f"_{np.random.randint(2147483647):010d}"))
output.priors = loc_priors
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameter' + 's' * (n_parms > 1))
y_f = [o.value for o in y]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y]
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
p_f = [o.value for o in loc_priors]
dp_f = [o.dvalue for o in loc_priors]
if np.any(np.asarray(dp_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No prior errors available, run the gamma method first.')
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
x0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(x0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length.')
x0 = p_f
def chisqfunc(p):
model = func(p, x)
chisq = anp.sum(((y_f - model) / dy_f) ** 2) + anp.sum(((p_f - p) / dp_f) ** 2)
return chisq
if not silent:
print('Method: migrad')
m = iminuit.Minuit(chisqfunc, x0)
m.errordef = 1
m.print_level = 0
if 'tol' in kwargs:
m.tol = kwargs.get('tol')
m.tol = 1e-4
params = np.asarray(m.values)
output.chisquare_by_dof = m.fval / len(x)
output.method = 'migrad'
if not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.chisquare_by_dof)
if not m.fmin.is_valid:
raise Exception('The minimization procedure did not converge.')
hess = hessian(chisqfunc)(params)
hess_inv = np.linalg.pinv(hess)
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
model = func(d[:n_parms], x)
chisq = anp.sum(((d[n_parms: n_parms + len(x)] - model) / dy_f) ** 2) + anp.sum(((d[n_parms + len(x):] - d[:n_parms]) / dp_f) ** 2)
return chisq
jac_jac = hessian(chisqfunc_compact)(np.concatenate((params, y_f, p_f)))
deriv = -hess_inv @ jac_jac[:n_parms, n_parms:]
result = []
for i in range(n_parms):
result.append(pe.derived_observable(lambda x, **kwargs: (x[0] + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) / (y[0].value + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) * params[i], list(y) + list(loc_priors), man_grad=list(deriv[i])))
output.fit_parameters = result
output.chisquare = chisqfunc(np.asarray(params))
if kwargs.get('resplot') is True:
residual_plot(x, y, func, result)
if kwargs.get('qqplot') is True:
qqplot(x, y, func, result)
return output
@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ def test_non_overlapping_missing_cnfgs():
average = (even + odd) / 2
assert np.isclose(full.value, average.value)
assert np.isclose(full.dvalue, average.dvalue, rtol=0.01)
assert np.isclose(full.dvalue, average.dvalue, rtol=0.02)
def test_non_overlapping_operations():
Add table
Reference in a new issue