(temporary) least squares function for combined fits with dictionaries (+ example)

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ppetrak 2022-12-14 15:09:42 +01:00
parent 23708694d6
commit 78c7c32f1c
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@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ from .obs import *
from .correlators import *
from .fits import *
from .misc import *
from . import combined_fits
from . import dirac
from . import input
from . import linalg

pyerrors/combined_fits.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
import iminuit
import autograd.numpy as anp
from autograd import jacobian
from pyerrors.fits import Fit_result
import numpy as np
import pyerrors as pe
from autograd import jacobian as auto_jacobian
from autograd import hessian as auto_hessian
from autograd import elementwise_grad as egrad
from numdifftools import Jacobian as num_jacobian
from numdifftools import Hessian as num_hessian
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.stats
def combined_total_least_squares(x,y,funcs,silent=False,**kwargs):
r'''Performs a combined non-linear fit.
x : ordered dict
dict of lists.
y : ordered dict
dict of lists of Obs.
funcs : ordered dict
dict of objects
fit functions have to be of the form (here a[0] is the common fit parameter)
import autograd.numpy as anp
funcs = {"a": func_a,
"b": func_b}
def func_a(a, x):
return a[1] * anp.exp(-a[0] * x)
def func_b(a, x):
return a[2] * anp.exp(-a[0] * x)
It is important that all numpy functions refer to autograd.numpy, otherwise the differentiation
will not work.
silent : bool, optional
If true all output to the console is omitted (default False).
initial_guess : list
can provide an initial guess for the input parameters. Relevant for
non-linear fits with many parameters.
num_grad : bool
Use numerical differentation instead of automatic differentiation to perform the error propagation (default False).
output = Fit_result()
output.fit_function = funcs
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
jacobian = num_jacobian
hessian = num_hessian
jacobian = auto_jacobian
hessian = auto_hessian
x_all = []
y_all = []
for key in x.keys():
x_all = np.asarray(x_all)
# number of fit parameters
n_parms_ls = []
for key in funcs.keys():
for i in range(42):
funcs[key](np.arange(i), x_all.T[0])
except TypeError:
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError("Fit function is not valid.")
n_parms = i
n_parms = max(n_parms_ls)
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameter' + 's' * (n_parms > 1))
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
x0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(x0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length: %d vs. %d' % (len(x0), n_parms))
x0 = [0.1] * n_parms
def chisqfunc(p):
chisq = 0.0
for key in funcs.keys():
x_array = np.asarray(x[key])
model = anp.array(funcs[key](p,x_array))
y_obs = y[key]
y_f = [o.value for o in y_obs]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_obs]
C_inv = np.diag(np.diag(np.ones((len(x_array),len(x_array)))))/dy_f/dy_f
chisq += anp.sum((y_f - model)@ C_inv @(y_f - model))
return chisq
if 'tol' in kwargs:
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc, x0,tol=kwargs.get('tol'))
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc, fit_result.x,tol=kwargs.get('tol'))
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc, x0,tol=1e-4)
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc, fit_result.x,tol=1e-4)
chisquare = fit_result.fun
output.method = 'migrad'
output.message = fit_result.message
if x_all.shape[-1] - n_parms > 0:
output.chisquare = chisqfunc(fit_result.x)
output.dof = x_all.shape[-1] - n_parms
output.chisquare_by_dof = output.chisquare/output.dof
output.chisquare_by_dof = float('nan')
if not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.chisquare_by_dof )
print('fit parameters',fit_result.x)
# use ordered dicts so the data and fit parameters can be mapped correctly
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
chisq = 0.0
list_tmp = []
c1 = 0
c2 = 0
for key in funcs.keys():
x_array = np.asarray(x[key])
model = anp.array(funcs[key](d[:n_parms],x_array))
y_obs = y[key]
y_f = [o.value for o in y_obs]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_obs]
C_inv = np.diag(np.diag(np.ones((len(x_array),len(x_array)))))/dy_f/dy_f
list_tmp.append(anp.sum((d[n_parms+c1:n_parms+c2]- model)@ C_inv @(d[n_parms+c1:n_parms+c2]- model)))
chisq = anp.sum(list_tmp)
return chisq
fitp = fit_result.x
y_f = [o.value for o in y_all] # y_f is constructed based on the ordered dictionary if the order is changed then the y values are not allocated to the the correct x and func values in the hessian
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_all] # the same goes for dy_f
hess = hessian(chisqfunc)(fitp)
except TypeError:
raise Exception("It is required to use autograd.numpy instead of numpy within fit functions, see the documentation for details.") from None
jac_jac_y = hessian(chisqfunc_compact)(np.concatenate((fitp, y_f)))
# Compute hess^{-1} @ jac_jac_y[:n_parms + m, n_parms + m:] using LAPACK dgesv
deriv_y = -scipy.linalg.solve(hess, jac_jac_y[:n_parms, n_parms:])
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
raise Exception("Cannot invert hessian matrix.")
result = []
for i in range(n_parms):
result.append(pe.derived_observable(lambda x_all, **kwargs: (x_all[0] + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) / (y_all[0].value + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) * fitp[i], list(y_all), man_grad=list(deriv_y[i])))
output.fit_parameters = result
return output