Npr_matrix class and read_ExternalLeg improved

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Joswig 2021-10-20 11:25:48 +01:00
parent 207678513c
commit 69d6d5ae43
2 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ def read_meson_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, meson='meson_0', tree='meson'):
corr_data = []
for hd5_file in files:
file = h5py.File(path + '/' + hd5_file, "r")
raw_data = list(file[tree + '/' + meson + '/corr'])
real_data = [o[0] for o in raw_data]
corr_data = np.array(corr_data)
l_obs = []
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ def read_ExternalLeg_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, order='C'):
file = h5py.File(path + '/' + hd5_file, "r")
raw_data = file['ExternalLeg/corr'][0][0].view('complex')
corr_data = np.array(corr_data)
mom = np.array(str(file['ExternalLeg/info'].attrs['pIn'])[3:-2].strip().split(' '), dtype=int)
@ -103,4 +104,4 @@ def read_ExternalLeg_hd5(path, filestem, ens_id, order='C'):
matrix[si, sj, ci, cj] = CObs(real, imag)
matrix[si, sj, ci, cj].gamma_method()
return Npr_matrix(matrix.reshape((12,12), order=order), mom_in=mom)
return Npr_matrix(matrix.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape((12,12), order=order), mom_in=mom)

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@ -73,27 +73,31 @@ class Npr_matrix(np.ndarray):
def g5H(self):
new_matrix = Npr_matrix.g5 @ self.conj().T @ Npr_matrix.g5
"""Gamma_5 hermitean conjugate
Returns gamma_5 @ M.T.conj() @ gamma_5 and exchanges in and out going
momenta. Works only for 12x12 matrices.
if self.shape != (12, 12):
raise Exception('g5H only works for 12x12 matrices.')
extended_g5 = np.kron(np.eye(3, dtype=int), Npr_matrix.g5)
new_matrix = extended_g5 @ self.conj().T @ extended_g5
new_matrix.mom_in = self.mom_out
new_matrix.mom_out = self.mom_in
return new_matrix
def _propagate_mom(self, other, name):
s_mom = getattr(self, name, None)
o_mom = getattr(other, name, None)
if s_mom != o_mom and s_mom and o_mom:
raise Exception(name + ' does not match.')
return o_mom if o_mom else s_mom
def __matmul__(self, other):
if hasattr(other, 'mom_in'):
if self.mom_in != other.mom_in and self.mom_in and other.mom_in:
raise Exception('mom_in does not match.')
mom_in = self.mom_in if self.mom_in else other.mom_in
mom_in = self.mom_in
if hasattr(other, 'mom_out'):
if self.mom_out != other.mom_out and self.mom_out and other.mom_out:
raise Exception('mom_out does not match.')
mom_out = self.mom_out if self.mom_out else other.mom_out
mom_out = self.mom_out
return self.__new__(Npr_matrix, super().__matmul__(other), mom_in, mom_out)
return self.__new__(Npr_matrix,
self._propagate_mom(other, 'mom_in'),
self._propagate_mom(other, 'mom_out'))
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
if obj is None: return