docstring for extended, bug for display of fit result fixed

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Joswig 2021-11-03 14:28:15 +00:00
parent 7e909affcc
commit 61cd8d9415

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@ -490,15 +490,25 @@ class Corr:
self.prange = prange
def show(self, x_range=None, comp=None, y_range=None, logscale=False, plateau=None, fit_res=None, save=None, ylabel=None):
def show(self, x_range=None, comp=None, y_range=None, logscale=False, plateau=None, fit_res=None, ylabel=None, save=None):
"""Plots the correlator, uses tag as label if available.
x_range -- list of two values, determining the range of the x-axis e.g. [4, 8]
comp -- Correlator or list of correlators which are plotted for comparison.
logscale -- Sets y-axis to logscale
save -- path to file in which the figure should be saved
x_range : list
list of two values, determining the range of the x-axis e.g. [4, 8]
comp : Corr or list of Corr
Correlator or list of correlators which are plotted for comparison.
logscale : bool
Sets y-axis to logscale
plateau : Obs
plateau to be visualized in the figure
fit_res : Fit_result
Fit_result object to be visualized
ylabel : str
Label for the y-axis
save : str
path to file in which the figure should be saved
if self.N != 1:
raise Exception("Correlator must be projected before plotting")
@ -544,7 +554,7 @@ class Corr:
if fit_res:
x_samples = np.arange(x_range[0], x_range[1] + 1, 0.05)
fit_res['fit_function']([o.value for o in fit_res['fit_parameters']], x_samples),
fit_res.fit_function([o.value for o in fit_res.fit_parameters], x_samples),
ls='-', marker=',', lw=2)
ax1.set_xlabel(r'$x_0 / a$')