feat: argument save added to Obs.plot_piechart

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Fabian Joswig 2022-05-13 16:42:22 +01:00
parent 165e294b90
commit 57834be62e

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@ -571,9 +571,15 @@ class Obs:
plt.title(e_name + f'\nskew: {skew(y_test):.3f} (p={skewtest(y_test).pvalue:.3f}), kurtosis: {kurtosis(y_test):.3f} (p={kurtosistest(y_test).pvalue:.3f})')
def plot_piechart(self):
def plot_piechart(self, save=None):
"""Plot piechart which shows the fractional contribution of each
ensemble to the error and returns a dictionary containing the fractions."""
ensemble to the error and returns a dictionary containing the fractions.
save : str
saves the figure to a file named 'save' if.
if not hasattr(self, 'e_dvalue'):
raise Exception('Run the gamma method first.')
if np.isclose(0.0, self._dvalue, atol=1e-15):
@ -584,6 +590,8 @@ class Obs:
ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, startangle=90, normalize=True)
if save:
return dict(zip(self.e_names, sizes))