Allow Obs in json format to be pure Covobs, i.e., to have empty deltas

This commit is contained in:
Simon Kuberski 2021-12-14 16:27:05 +01:00
parent 76b483d730
commit 5338982060
2 changed files with 56 additions and 31 deletions

View file

@ -126,8 +126,12 @@ def create_json_string(ol, description='', indent=1):
if o.reweighted:
d['reweighted'] = o.reweighted
d['value'] = [o.value]
d['data'] = _gen_data_d_from_list([o])
d['cdata'] = _gen_cdata_d_from_list([o])
data = _gen_data_d_from_list([o])
if len(data) > 0:
d['data'] = data
cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list([o])
if len(cdata) > 0:
d['cdata'] = cdata
return d
def write_List_to_dict(ol):
@ -141,8 +145,12 @@ def create_json_string(ol, description='', indent=1):
if ol[0].reweighted:
d['reweighted'] = ol[0].reweighted
d['value'] = [o.value for o in ol]
d['data'] = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol)
d['cdata'] = _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol)
data = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol)
if len(data) > 0:
d['data'] = data
cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol)
if len(cdata) > 0:
d['cdata'] = cdata
return d
def write_Array_to_dict(oa):
@ -157,8 +165,12 @@ def create_json_string(ol, description='', indent=1):
if ol[0].reweighted:
d['reweighted'] = ol[0].reweighted
d['value'] = [o.value for o in ol]
d['data'] = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol)
d['cdata'] = _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol)
data = _gen_data_d_from_list(ol)
if len(data) > 0:
d['data'] = data
cdata = _gen_cdata_d_from_list(ol)
if len(cdata) > 0:
d['cdata'] = cdata
return d
if not isinstance(ol, list):
@ -259,6 +271,7 @@ def import_json_string(json_string, verbose=True, full_output=False):
def _gen_obsd_from_datad(d):
retd = {}
if d:
retd['names'] = []
retd['idl'] = []
retd['deltas'] = []
@ -281,7 +294,6 @@ def import_json_string(json_string, verbose=True, full_output=False):
cov = np.reshape(ens['cov'], layout)
grad = ens['grad']
nobs = len(grad[0])
print(nobs, grad)
for i in range(nobs):
retl.append({'name': name, 'cov': cov, 'grad': [g[i] for g in grad]})
retd[name] = retl
@ -293,17 +305,21 @@ def import_json_string(json_string, verbose=True, full_output=False):
raise Exception("layout is %s has to be 1 for type Obs." % (layouts), RuntimeWarning)
values = o['value']
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o['data'])
cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o['cdata'])
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {}))
cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {}))
if od:
ret = Obs([[ddi[0] + values[0] for ddi in di] for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl'])
ret.is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret = Obs([], [])
ret._value = values[0]
for name in cd:
co = cd[name][0]
ret._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad'])
ret.reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False)
ret.is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret.tag = o.get('tag', [None])[0]
return ret
@ -311,20 +327,25 @@ def import_json_string(json_string, verbose=True, full_output=False):
layouts = o.get('layout', '1').strip()
layout = int(layouts)
values = o['value']
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o['data'])
cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o['cdata'])
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {}))
cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {}))
ret = []
taglist = o.get('tag', layout * [None])
for i in range(layout):
if od:
ret.append(Obs([list(di[:, i] + values[i]) for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl']))
ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret.append(Obs([], []))
ret[-1]._value = values[i]
print('Created Obs with means= ', values[i])
for name in cd:
co = cd[name][i]
ret[-1]._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad'])
ret[-1].reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False)
ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret[-1].tag = taglist[i]
return ret
@ -333,19 +354,23 @@ def import_json_string(json_string, verbose=True, full_output=False):
layout = [int(ls.strip()) for ls in layouts.split(',') if len(ls) > 0]
N =
values = o['value']
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o['data'])
cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o['cdata'])
od = _gen_obsd_from_datad(o.get('data', {}))
cd = _gen_covobsd_from_cdatad(o.get('cdata', {}))
ret = []
taglist = o.get('tag', N * [None])
for i in range(N):
if od:
ret.append(Obs([di[:, i] + values[i] for di in od['deltas']], od['names'], idl=od['idl']))
ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret.append(Obs([], []))
ret[-1]._value = values[i]
for name in cd:
co = cd[name][i]
ret[-1]._covobs[name] = Covobs(None, co['cov'], co['name'], grad=co['grad'])
ret[-1].reweighted = o.get('reweighted', False)
ret[-1].is_merged = od['is_merged']
ret[-1].tag = taglist[i]
return np.reshape(ret, layout)

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def test_jsonio():
tt.tag = 'Test Obs: Ä'
ol = [o4, do, testl, mat, arr, np.array([o]), np.array([tt, tt]), [tt, tt]]
ol = [o4, do, testl, mat, arr, np.array([o]), np.array([tt, tt]), [tt, tt], co1, co2, np.array(co2)]
fname = 'test_rw'
jsonio.dump_to_json(ol, fname, indent=1, description='[I am a tricky description]')
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def test_jsonio():
for o, r in zip(ol, rl):
assert np.all(o == r)
for i in range(len(rl)):
for i in range(len(ol)):
if isinstance(ol[i], pe.Obs):
o = ol[i] - rl[i]