This commit is contained in:
ppetrak 2022-12-16 18:55:43 +01:00
parent 9a05fc916a
commit 500c5234cf
3 changed files with 81 additions and 369 deletions

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@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
import iminuit
import autograd.numpy as anp
from autograd import jacobian
from pyerrors.fits import Fit_result
import numpy as np
import pyerrors as pe
from autograd import jacobian as auto_jacobian
from autograd import hessian as auto_hessian
from autograd import elementwise_grad as egrad
from numdifftools import Jacobian as num_jacobian
from numdifftools import Hessian as num_hessian
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.stats
def combined_fit(x,y,funcs,silent=False,**kwargs):
r'''Performs a combined non-linear fit.
x : ordered dict
dict of lists.
y : ordered dict
dict of lists of Obs.
funcs : ordered dict
dict of objects
fit functions have to be of the form (here a[0] is the common fit parameter)
import autograd.numpy as anp
funcs = {"a": func_a,
"b": func_b}
def func_a(a, x):
return a[1] * anp.exp(-a[0] * x)
def func_b(a, x):
return a[2] * anp.exp(-a[0] * x)
It is important that all numpy functions refer to autograd.numpy, otherwise the differentiation
will not work.
silent : bool, optional
If true all output to the console is omitted (default False).
initial_guess : list
can provide an initial guess for the input parameters. Relevant for
non-linear fits with many parameters.
num_grad : bool
Use numerical differentation instead of automatic differentiation to perform the error propagation (default False).
output = Fit_result()
output.fit_function = funcs
if kwargs.get('num_grad') is True:
jacobian = num_jacobian
hessian = num_hessian
jacobian = auto_jacobian
hessian = auto_hessian
x_all = []
y_all = []
for key in x.keys():
x_all = np.asarray(x_all)
if len(x_all.shape) > 2:
raise Exception('Unknown format for x values')
# number of fit parameters
n_parms_ls = []
for key in funcs.keys():
if not callable(funcs[key]):
raise TypeError('func (key='+ key + ') is not a function.')
if len(x[key]) != len(y[key]):
raise Exception('x and y input (key='+ key + ') do not have the same length')
for i in range(42):
funcs[key](np.arange(i), x_all.T[0])
except TypeError:
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError("Fit function (key="+ key + ") is not valid.")
n_parms = i
n_parms = max(n_parms_ls)
if not silent:
print('Fit with', n_parms, 'parameter' + 's' * (n_parms > 1))
if 'initial_guess' in kwargs:
x0 = kwargs.get('initial_guess')
if len(x0) != n_parms:
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length: %d vs. %d' % (len(x0), n_parms))
x0 = [0.1] * n_parms
def chisqfunc(p):
chisq = 0.0
for key in funcs.keys():
x_array = np.asarray(x[key])
model = anp.array(funcs[key](p,x_array))
y_obs = y[key]
y_f = [o.value for o in y_obs]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_obs]
C_inv = np.diag(np.diag(np.ones((len(x_array),len(x_array)))))/dy_f/dy_f
chisq += anp.sum((y_f - model)@ C_inv @(y_f - model))
return chisq
output.method = kwargs.get('method', 'Levenberg-Marquardt')
if not silent:
print('Method:', output.method)
if output.method == 'migrad':
tolerance = 1e-4
if 'tol' in kwargs:
tolerance = kwargs.get('tol')
fit_result = iminuit.minimize(chisqfunc, x0, tol=tolerance) # Stopping criterion 0.002 * tol * errordef
output.iterations = fit_result.nfev
tolerance = 1e-12
if 'tol' in kwargs:
tolerance = kwargs.get('tol')
fit_result = scipy.optimize.minimize(chisqfunc, x0, method=kwargs.get('method'), tol=tolerance)
output.iterations = fit_result.nit
chisquare =
output.message = fit_result.message
if not fit_result.success:
raise Exception('The minimization procedure did not converge.')
if x_all.shape[-1] - n_parms > 0:
output.chisquare = chisqfunc(fit_result.x)
output.dof = x_all.shape[-1] - n_parms
output.chisquare_by_dof = output.chisquare/output.dof
output.p_value = 1 - scipy.stats.chi2.cdf(output.chisquare, output.dof)
output.chisquare_by_dof = float('nan')
if not silent:
print('chisquare/d.o.f.:', output.chisquare_by_dof )
print('fit parameters',fit_result.x)
# use ordered dicts so the data and fit parameters can be mapped correctly
def chisqfunc_compact(d):
chisq = 0.0
list_tmp = []
c1 = 0
c2 = 0
for key in funcs.keys():
x_array = np.asarray(x[key])
model = anp.array(funcs[key](d[:n_parms],x_array))
y_obs = y[key]
y_f = [o.value for o in y_obs]
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_obs]
C_inv = np.diag(np.diag(np.ones((len(x_array),len(x_array)))))/dy_f/dy_f
list_tmp.append(anp.sum((d[n_parms+c1:n_parms+c2]- model)@ C_inv @(d[n_parms+c1:n_parms+c2]- model)))
chisq = anp.sum(list_tmp)
return chisq
def prepare_hat_matrix(): # should be cross-checked again
hat_vector = []
for key in funcs.keys():
x_array = np.asarray(x[key])
if (len(x_array)!= 0):
hat_vector.append(anp.array(jacobian(funcs[key])(fit_result.x, x_array)))
hat_vector = [item for sublist in hat_vector for item in sublist]
return hat_vector
fitp = fit_result.x
y_f = [o.value for o in y_all] # y_f is constructed based on the ordered dictionary if the order is changed then the y values are not allocated to the the correct x and func values in the hessian
dy_f = [o.dvalue for o in y_all] # the same goes for dy_f
if np.any(np.asarray(dy_f) <= 0.0):
raise Exception('No y errors available, run the gamma method first.')
hess = hessian(chisqfunc)(fitp)
except TypeError:
raise Exception("It is required to use autograd.numpy instead of numpy within fit functions, see the documentation for details.") from None
jac_jac_y = hessian(chisqfunc_compact)(np.concatenate((fitp, y_f)))
# Compute hess^{-1} @ jac_jac_y[:n_parms + m, n_parms + m:] using LAPACK dgesv
deriv_y = -scipy.linalg.solve(hess, jac_jac_y[:n_parms, n_parms:])
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
raise Exception("Cannot invert hessian matrix.")
if kwargs.get('expected_chisquare') is True:
if kwargs.get('correlated_fit') is not True:
W = np.diag(1 / np.asarray(dy_f))
cov = covariance(y_all)
hat_vector = prepare_hat_matrix()
A = W @ hat_vector #hat_vector = 'jacobian(func)(fit_result.x, x)'
P_phi = A @ np.linalg.pinv(A.T @ A) @ A.T
expected_chisquare = np.trace((np.identity(x.shape[-1]) - P_phi) @ W @ cov @ W)
output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare = chisquare / expected_chisquare
if not silent:
print('chisquare/expected_chisquare:', output.chisquare_by_expected_chisquare)
result = []
for i in range(n_parms):
result.append(pe.derived_observable(lambda x_all, **kwargs: (x_all[0] + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) / (y_all[0].value + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) * fitp[i], list(y_all), man_grad=list(deriv_y[i])))
output.fit_parameters = result
return output

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@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ def least_squares(x, y, func, priors=None, silent=False, **kwargs):
Do not need to use ordered dictionaries: python version >= 3.7: Dictionary order is guaranteed to be insertion order.
( Ensures that x, y and func values are mapped correctly.
x : ordered dict
x : dict
dict of lists.
y : ordered dict
y : dict
dict of lists of Obs.
funcs : ordered dict
funcs : dict
dict of objects
fit functions have to be of the form (here a[0] is the common fit parameter)
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def least_squares(x, y, func, priors=None, silent=False, **kwargs):
can be used to choose an alternative method for the minimization of chisquare.
The possible methods are the ones which can be used for scipy.optimize.minimize and
migrad of iminuit. If no method is specified, Levenberg-Marquard is used.
Reliable alternatives are migrad, Powell and Nelder-Mead.
Reliable alternatives are migrad (default for combined fit), Powell and Nelder-Mead.
correlated_fit : bool
If True, use the full inverse covariance matrix in the definition of the chisquare cost function.
For details about how the covariance matrix is estimated see `pyerrors.obs.covariance`.
@ -744,6 +744,10 @@ def _combined_fit(x,y,func,silent=False,**kwargs):
raise Exception('Initial guess does not have the correct length: %d vs. %d' % (len(x0), n_parms))
x0 = [0.1] * n_parms
output.method = kwargs.get('method', 'migrad')
if not silent:
print('Method:', output.method)
def chisqfunc(p):
chisq = 0.0
@ -756,10 +760,6 @@ def _combined_fit(x,y,func,silent=False,**kwargs):
C_inv = np.diag(np.diag(np.ones((len(x_array),len(x_array)))))/dy_f/dy_f
chisq += anp.sum((y_f - model)@ C_inv @(y_f - model))
return chisq
output.method = kwargs.get('method', 'Levenberg-Marquardt')
if not silent:
print('Method:', output.method)
if output.method == 'migrad':
tolerance = 1e-4
@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ def _combined_fit(x,y,func,silent=False,**kwargs):
for key in func.keys():
x_array = np.asarray(x[key])
if (len(x_array)!= 0):
hat_vector.append(anp.array(jacobian(func[key])(fit_result.x, x_array)))
hat_vector.append(jacobian(func[key])(fit_result.x, x_array))
hat_vector = [item for sublist in hat_vector for item in sublist]
return hat_vector