fix: prevent division by zero by setting values of gamma_div which are

smaller than 1 to 1
This commit is contained in:
Fabian Joswig 2022-03-04 16:56:30 +00:00
parent 5dd365a997
commit 4139f88a0a

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@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ class Obs:
gamma_div = np.zeros(w_max)
for r_name in e_content[e_name]:
gamma_div += self._calc_gamma(np.ones((self.shape[r_name])), self.idl[r_name], self.shape[r_name], w_max, fft)
gamma_div[gamma_div < 1] = 1.0
e_gamma[e_name] /= gamma_div[:w_max]
if np.abs(e_gamma[e_name][0]) < 10 * np.finfo(float).tiny: # Prevent division by zero
@ -1452,7 +1453,7 @@ def _covariance_element(obs1, obs2):
gamma_div += calc_gamma(np.ones(obs1.shape[r_name]), np.ones(obs2.shape[r_name]), obs1.idl[r_name], obs2.idl[r_name], idl_d[r_name])
e_N += len(idl_d[r_name])
gamma /= gamma_div
gamma /= max(gamma_div, 1.0)
# Bias correction hep-lat/0306017 eq. (49)
dvalue += (1 + 1 / e_N) * gamma / e_N