mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 14:50:25 +01:00
Some changes on dobs
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 192 additions and 297 deletions
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ from ..covobs import Covobs
from .. import version as pyerrorsversion
# standard pobs
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/10076823
# Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/10076823
def _etree_to_dict(t):
""" Convert the content of an XML file to a python dict"""
d = {t.tag: {} if t.attrib else None}
children = list(t)
if children:
@ -38,164 +38,6 @@ def _etree_to_dict(t):
return d
def _get_data_from_root(d, root):
tree = et.ElementTree(root)
nl = []
pl = []
for node in root.findall('.//array'):
for nd in range(len(nl)):
s = pl[nd].split('/')
ad = d
for i in range(len(s) - 1):
if len(s[i]) > 0:
ad = ad[s[i]]
nr = int(ad['nr'])
ad = ad['array']
if '[' in s[-1]:
ai = int(s[-1].lstrip('array[').rstrip(']')) - 1
ad = ad[ai]
if nr == 1:
dats = [t for t in nl[nd].itertext()][0]
dats = [t for t in nl[nd].itertext()][-1]
dats = [o.strip() for o in dats.split('\n')]
layout = ad['layout']
sl = layout.split()
datl = []
idx = []
for di in dats:
if len(di) > 0:
ds = di.split()
if sl[1] == 'i':
i = int(ds[0])
df = np.asarray(ds[1:], dtype=np.float64)
df = np.asarray(ds, dtype=np.float64)
nfloat = int(sl[-1].lstrip('f'))
assert len(df) == nfloat
ad['idx'] = idx
ad['#data'] = np.transpose(np.array(datl))
return d
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/9808122
def _find(key, value):
for k, v in (value.items() if isinstance(value, dict) else enumerate(value) if isinstance(value, list) else []):
if k == key:
yield v
elif isinstance(v, (dict, list)):
for result in _find(key, v):
yield result
# generate obs from all 'array' entries inside a dict
def _gen_obs_from_dict(d):
pobs_list = [a for a in _find('array', d)]
ol = []
for po in pobs_list:
if isinstance(po, list):
names = []
idl = [poi['idx'] for poi in po]
names = [poi['id'] for poi in po]
for i in range(len(po[0])):
tag = po[0]['symbol'].split()[-8 + i]
data = [poi['#data'][i] for poi in po]
ol.append(Obs(data, names, idl=idl))
ol[-1].tag = tag
return ol
# generate obs from entries inside a 'pobs'-dict
def _gen_obs_from_pobs_dict(d):
po = d['array']
if isinstance(po, dict):
po = [po]
enstag = d['enstag']
nr = int(d['nr'])
assert len(po) == nr, 'Lenght of array %d does not match nr=%d' % (len(po), nr)
ol = []
names = []
idl = [poi['idx'] for poi in po]
names = [poi['id'] for poi in po]
names = [name.replace(enstag, enstag + '|') for name in names]
if len(po[0]['symbol'].split()) >= len(po[0]):
gettag = True
gettag = False
nobs = np.shape(po[0]['#data'])[0]
print(nobs, 'observables')
for i in range(nobs):
if gettag:
tag = po[0]['symbol'].split()[i + 1]
tag = po[0]['symbol']
data = [poi['#data'][i] for poi in po]
ol.append(Obs(data, names, idl=idl))
ol[-1].tag = tag
return ol
def _read_pobs_traditional(fname, full_output=False):
"""Import a list of Obs from an xml.gz file in the Zeuthen pobs format,
this does not include pobs that are written using the dobs package.
fname : str
Filename of the input file.
full_output : bool
If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned.
If False, only the data is returned as list.
# open and read gzipped xml file
infile = gzip.open(fname)
content = infile.read()
# parse xml file content
root = et.fromstring(content)
# parse to dict
d = _etree_to_dict(root)
# get the actual data from the xml file
d = _get_data_from_root(d, root)
# pobs dict:
pod = d[list(d.keys())[0]]['pobs']
# convert data to Obs
ol = _gen_obs_from_pobs_dict(pod)
if full_output:
retd = {}
retd['obsdata'] = ol
for k in pod.keys():
if k == 'spec' and isinstance(pod[k], dict):
retd[k] = ''
if '#data' in pod[k]:
if isinstance(pod[k]['#data'], list):
for el in pod[k]['#data']:
retd[k] += el
retd[k] = pod[k]['#data']
for li in pod[k]:
if not li == '#data':
retd[k] += '\n<%s>\n ' % (li) + pod[k][li] + '\n<%s%s>' % ('/', li)
elif not k == 'array':
retd[k] = pod[k]
return retd
return ol
def _dict_to_xmlstring(d):
if isinstance(d, dict):
iters = ''
@ -243,7 +85,7 @@ def _dict_to_xmlstring_spaces(d, space=' '):
return o
def create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[]):
def create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[], enstag=None):
"""Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to an xml string
according to the Zeuthen pobs format.
@ -262,6 +104,8 @@ def create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[]):
Specify where the data has its origin.
symbol : list
A list of symbols that describe the observables to be written. May be empty.
enstag : str
Enstag that is written to pobs. If None, the ensemble name is used.
od = {}
@ -288,6 +132,11 @@ def create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[]):
pd['spec'] = spec
pd['origin'] = origin
pd['name'] = name
if enstag:
if not isinstance(enstag, str):
raise Exception('enstag has to be a string!')
pd['enstag'] = enstag
pd['enstag'] = ename
pd['nr'] = '%d' % (nr)
pd['array'] = []
@ -322,7 +171,7 @@ def create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[]):
return rs
def write_pobs(obsl, fname, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[], gz=True):
def write_pobs(obsl, fname, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[], enstag=None, gz=True):
"""Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .xml.gz file
according to the Zeuthen pobs format.
@ -343,10 +192,12 @@ def write_pobs(obsl, fname, name, spec='', origin='', symbol=[], gz=True):
Specify where the data has its origin.
symbol : list
A list of symbols that describe the observables to be written. May be empty.
enstag : str
Enstag that is written to pobs. If None, the ensemble name is used.
gz : bool
If True, the output is a gzipped json. If False, the output is a json file.
pobsstring = create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec, origin, symbol)
pobsstring = create_pobs_string(obsl, name, spec, origin, symbol, enstag)
if not fname.endswith('.xml') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.xml'
@ -372,11 +223,18 @@ def _check(condition):
raise Exception("XML file format not supported")
class _NoTagInDataError(Exception):
"""Raised when tag is not in data"""
def __init__(self, tag):
self.tag = tag
super().__init__('Tag %s not in data!' % (self.tag))
def _find_tag(dat, tag):
for i in range(len(dat)):
if dat[i].tag == tag:
return i
raise Exception('Tag %s not in data!' % (tag))
raise _NoTagInDataError(tag)
def _import_array(arr):
@ -384,7 +242,7 @@ def _import_array(arr):
index = _find_tag(arr, 'layout')
sindex = _find_tag(arr, 'symbol')
except _NoTagInDataError:
sindex = 0
if sindex > index:
tmp = _import_data(arr[sindex].tail)
@ -430,7 +288,7 @@ def _import_cdata(cd):
return cd[0].text.strip(), cov, grad
def read_pobs(fname, full_output=False, gz=True):
def read_pobs(fname, full_output=False, gz=True, separator_insertion=None):
"""Import a list of Obs from an xml.gz file in the Zeuthen pobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically.
@ -442,6 +300,10 @@ def read_pobs(fname, full_output=False, gz=True):
full_output : bool
If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned.
If False, only the data is returned as list.
separatior_insertion: str or int
str: replace all occurences of "separator_insertion" within the replica names
by "|%s" % (separator_insertion) when constructing the names of the replica.
int: Insert the separator "|" at position separator_insertion
if not fname.endswith('.xml') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
@ -463,18 +325,6 @@ def read_pobs(fname, full_output=False, gz=True):
_check(root[2].tag == 'pobs')
pobs = root[2]
if root.tag == 'observables' and False:
_check(root[0].tag in ['schema'])
version = root[0][1].text.strip()
_check(root[1].tag == 'origin')
file_origin = _etree_to_dict(root[1])['origin']
res = _read_pobs_traditional(fname)
# _check(root.tag in ['OBSERVABLES'])
# _check(root[0].tag in ['SCHEMA'])
version = root[0][1].text.strip()
_check(root[1].tag == 'origin')
@ -486,6 +336,14 @@ def read_pobs(fname, full_output=False, gz=True):
for i in range(5, len(pobs)):
delta, name, idx = _import_rdata(pobs[i])
if separator_insertion is None:
elif isinstance(separator_insertion, int):
name = name[:separator_insertion] + '|' + name[separator_insertion:]
elif isinstance(separator_insertion, str):
name = name.replace(separator_insertion, "|%s" % (separator_insertion))
raise Exception("separator_insertion has to be string or int, is ", type(separator_insertion))
res = [Obs([d[i] for d in deltas], names, idl=idl) for i in range(len(deltas[0]))]
@ -520,9 +378,13 @@ def read_pobs(fname, full_output=False, gz=True):
return res
# Reading (and writing) dobs is not yet working properly:
# we have to loop over root[2:] because each entry is a dobs
# But maybe this is just a problem with Ben's implementation
# this is based on Mattia Bruno's implementation at https://github.com/mbruno46/pyobs/blob/master/pyobs/IO/xml.py
def import_dobs_string(content, noempty=False, full_output=False):
"""Import a list of Obs from an xml.gz file in the Zeuthen dobs format.
def import_dobs_string(content, noempty=False, full_output=False, separator_insertion=None):
"""Import a list of Obs from a string in the Zeuthen dobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically.
@ -536,6 +398,10 @@ def import_dobs_string(content, noempty=False, full_output=False):
full_output : bool
If True, a dict containing auxiliary information and the data is returned.
If False, only the data is returned as list.
separatior_insertion: str or int
str: replace all occurences of "separator_insertion" within the replica names
by "|%s" % (separator_insertion) when constructing the names of the replica.
int: Insert the separator "|" at position separator_insertion
root = et.fromstring(content)
@ -574,6 +440,7 @@ def import_dobs_string(content, noempty=False, full_output=False):
gradd = {}
names = []
e_names = []
enstags = {}
for k in range(6, len(list(dobs))):
if dobs[k].tag == "edata":
_check(dobs[k][0].tag == "enstag")
@ -583,8 +450,20 @@ def import_dobs_string(content, noempty=False, full_output=False):
R = int(dobs[k][1].text.strip())
for i in range(2, 2 + R):
deltas, rname, idx = _import_rdata(dobs[k][i])
if rname != ename:
if separator_insertion is None:
if rname.startswith(ename):
rname = rname[:len(ename)] + '|' + rname[len(ename):]
elif isinstance(separator_insertion, int):
rname = rname[:separator_insertion] + '|' + rname[separator_insertion:]
elif isinstance(separator_insertion, str):
rname = rname.replace(separator_insertion, "|%s" % (separator_insertion))
raise Exception("separator_insertion has to be string or int, is ", type(separator_insertion))
if '|' in rname:
new_ename = rname[:rname.index('|')]
new_ename = ename
enstags[new_ename] = ename
idld[rname] = idx
deltad[rname] = deltas
@ -602,6 +481,7 @@ def import_dobs_string(content, noempty=False, full_output=False):
for name in names:
for i in range(len(deltad[name])):
deltad[name][i] = np.array(deltad[name][i]) + mean[i]
res = []
for i in range(len(mean)):
deltas = []
@ -615,7 +495,7 @@ def import_dobs_string(content, noempty=False, full_output=False):
res.append(Obs(deltas, obs_names, idl=idl))
print(mean, 'vs', res)
_check(len(e_names) == ne)
cnames = list(covd.keys())
@ -654,13 +534,14 @@ def import_dobs_string(content, noempty=False, full_output=False):
retd['date'] = file_origin['date']
retd['host'] = file_origin['host']
retd['description'] = descriptiond
retd['enstags'] = enstags
retd['obsdata'] = res
return retd
return res
def read_dobs(fname, noempty=False, full_output=False, gz=True):
def read_dobs(fname, noempty=False, full_output=False, gz=True, separator_insertion=None):
"""Import a list of Obs from an xml.gz file in the Zeuthen dobs format.
Tags are not written or recovered automatically.
@ -677,6 +558,10 @@ def read_dobs(fname, noempty=False, full_output=False, gz=True):
If False, only the data is returned as list.
gz : bool
If True, assumes that data is gzipped. If False, assumes XML file.
separatior_insertion: str or int
str: replace all occurences of "separator_insertion" within the replica names
by "|%s" % (separator_insertion) when constructing the names of the replica.
int: Insert the separator "|" at position separator_insertion
if not fname.endswith('.xml') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
@ -696,7 +581,7 @@ def read_dobs(fname, noempty=False, full_output=False, gz=True):
infile = gzip.open(fname)
content = infile.read()
return import_dobs_string(content, noempty, full_output)
return import_dobs_string(content, noempty, full_output, separator_insertion=separator_insertion)
def _dobsdict_to_xmlstring(d):
@ -758,7 +643,7 @@ def _dobsdict_to_xmlstring_spaces(d, space=' '):
return o
def create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=None):
def create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=None, enstags={}):
"""Generate the string for the export of a list of Obs or structures containing Obs
to a .xml.gz file according to the Zeuthen dobs format.
@ -780,6 +665,9 @@ def create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=N
A list of symbols that describe the observables to be written. May be empty.
who : str
Provide the name of the person that exports the data.
enstags : dict
Provide alternative enstag for ensembles in the form enstags = {ename: enstag}
Otherwise, the ensemble name is used.
od = {}
r_names = []
@ -787,6 +675,9 @@ def create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=N
r_names += [name for name in o.names if name.split('|')[0] in o.mc_names]
r_names = sorted(set(r_names))
mc_names = sorted(set([n.split('|')[0] for n in r_names]))
for tmpname in mc_names:
if tmpname not in enstags:
enstags[tmpname] = tmpname
ne = len(set(mc_names))
cov_names = []
for o in obsl:
@ -827,7 +718,7 @@ def create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=N
pd['edata'] = []
for name in mc_names:
ed = {}
ed['enstag'] = name
ed['enstag'] = enstags[name]
onames = sorted([n for n in r_names if (n.startswith(name + '|') or n == name)])
nr = len(onames)
ed['nr'] = nr
@ -852,7 +743,6 @@ def create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=N
data += '0 '
if o.idl[repname][counters[oi]] == ci:
# c = o.idl[repname][counters[oi]]
num = o.deltas[repname][counters[oi]]
if num == 0:
data += '0 '
@ -926,7 +816,7 @@ def create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=N
return rs
def write_dobs(obsl, fname, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=None, gz=True):
def write_dobs(obsl, fname, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=None, enstags={}, gz=True):
"""Export a list of Obs or structures containing Obs to a .xml.gz file
according to the Zeuthen dobs format.
@ -950,11 +840,14 @@ def write_dobs(obsl, fname, name, spec='dobs v1.0', origin='', symbol=[], who=No
A list of symbols that describe the observables to be written. May be empty.
who : str
Provide the name of the person that exports the data.
enstags : dict
Provide alternative enstag for ensembles in the form enstags = {ename: enstag}
Otherwise, the ensemble name is used.
gz : bool
If True, the output is a gzipped json. If False, the output is a json file.
If True, the output is a gzipped XML. If False, the output is a XML file.
dobsstring = create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec, origin, symbol, who)
dobsstring = create_dobs_string(obsl, name, spec, origin, symbol, who, enstags=enstags)
if not fname.endswith('.xml') and not fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname += '.xml'
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import pyerrors.input.json as jsonio
import pyerrors.input.dobs as dobsio
import pytest
def test_jsonio():
o = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, .2, 'one')
o2 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r1')
@ -139,99 +140,6 @@ def test_json_corr_2d_io():
assert my_corr.prange == recover.prange
def test_dobsio():
o = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, .2, 'one')
o1 = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.5, .2, 'one')
ol = [o, o1]
fname = 'test_rw'
dobsio.write_pobs(ol, fname, 'Testobs')
rl = dobsio.read_pobs(fname)
for o, r in zip(ol, rl):
assert np.all(o == r)
od = {
'obsdata': ol,
'name': 'testn',
'spec': 'tests',
'origin': 'testo',
'symbol': ['A', 'B']
dobsio.write_pobs(ol, fname, od['name'], od['spec'], od['origin'], od['symbol'])
rd = dobsio.read_pobs(fname, full_output=True)
for o, r in zip(od['obsdata'], rd['obsdata']):
assert np.all(o == r)
assert(od['spec'] == rd['description']['spec'])
assert(od['origin'] == rd['description']['origin'])
assert(od['name'] == rd['description']['name'])
assert(rd['description']['enstag'] == ol[0].e_names[0])
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, 'Testobs')
rl = dobsio.read_dobs(fname)
for o, r in zip(ol, rl):
assert np.all(o == r)
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, od['name'], od['spec'], od['origin'], od['symbol'])
rd = dobsio.read_dobs(fname, full_output=True)
for o, r in zip(od['obsdata'], rd['obsdata']):
assert np.all(o == r)
assert(od['spec'] == rd['description']['spec'])
assert(od['origin'] == rd['description']['origin'])
assert(od['name'] == rd['description']['name'])
o2 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r1')
o3 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r2')
o4 = pe.merge_obs([o2, o3])
otag = 'This has been merged!'
o4.tag = otag
do = o - .2 * o4
co1 = pe.cov_Obs(1., .123, 'cov1')
co3 = pe.cov_Obs(4., .1 ** 2, 'cov3')
do *= co1 / co3
do.tag = {'A': 2}
o5 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.8, .1, 'two|r2')
co2 = pe.cov_Obs([1, 2], [[.12, .004], [.004, .02]], 'cov2')
o5 /= co2[0]
#o3 /= co2[1]
o5.tag = 2 * otag
tt1 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(100)], ['t|r1'], idl=[range(2, 202, 2)])
tt2 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(100)], ['t|r2'], idl=[range(2, 202, 2)])
tt3 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(102)], ['qe'])
tt = tt1 + tt2 + tt3
tt.tag = 'Test Obs: Ä'
ol = [o2, o3, o4, do, o5, tt]
fname = 'test_rw'
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, 'TEST')
rl = dobsio.read_dobs(fname, noempty=True)
[o.gamma_method() for o in rl]
#os.remove(fname + '.xml.gz')
for o, r in zip(ol, rl):
assert np.all(o == r)
for i in range(len(ol)):
if isinstance(ol[i], pe.Obs):
o = ol[i] - rl[i]
or1 = np.ravel(ol[i])
or2 = np.ravel(rl[i])
for j in range(len(or1)):
o = or1[j] - or2[j]
def test_json_dict_io():
def check_dict_equality(d1, d2):
def dict_check_obs(d1, d2):
@ -344,3 +252,97 @@ def test_renorm_deriv_of_corr(tmp_path):
pe.input.json.dump_to_json(c, (tmp_path / 'test').as_posix())
recover = pe.input.json.load_json((tmp_path / 'test').as_posix())
assert np.all([o == 0 for o in (c - recover)[1:-1]])
def test_dobsio():
o = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.0, .2, 'one')
o1 = pe.pseudo_Obs(1.5, .2, 'one')
ol = [o, o1]
fname = 'test_rw'
dobsio.write_pobs(ol, fname, 'Testobs')
rl = dobsio.read_pobs(fname)
for o, r in zip(ol, rl):
assert np.all(o == r)
od = {
'obsdata': ol,
'name': 'testn',
'spec': 'tests',
'origin': 'testo',
'symbol': ['A', 'B']
dobsio.write_pobs(ol, fname, od['name'], od['spec'], od['origin'], od['symbol'])
rd = dobsio.read_pobs(fname, full_output=True)
for o, r in zip(od['obsdata'], rd['obsdata']):
assert np.all(o == r)
assert(od['spec'] == rd['description']['spec'])
assert(od['origin'] == rd['description']['origin'])
assert(od['name'] == rd['description']['name'])
assert(rd['description']['enstag'] == ol[0].e_names[0])
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, 'Testobs')
rl = dobsio.read_dobs(fname)
for o, r in zip(ol, rl):
assert np.all(o == r)
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, od['name'], od['spec'], od['origin'], od['symbol'])
rd = dobsio.read_dobs(fname, full_output=True)
for o, r in zip(od['obsdata'], rd['obsdata']):
assert np.all(o == r)
assert(od['spec'] == rd['description']['spec'])
assert(od['origin'] == rd['description']['origin'])
assert(od['name'] == rd['description']['name'])
o2 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r1')
o3 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.5, .1, 'two|r2')
o4 = pe.merge_obs([o2, o3])
otag = 'This has been merged!'
o4.tag = otag
do = o - .2 * o4
co1 = pe.cov_Obs(1., .123, 'cov1')
co3 = pe.cov_Obs(4., .1 ** 2, 'cov3')
do *= co1 / co3
do.tag = {'A': 2}
o5 = pe.pseudo_Obs(0.8, .1, 'two|r2')
co2 = pe.cov_Obs([1, 2], [[.12, .004], [.004, .02]], 'cov2')
o5 /= co2[0]
#o3 /= co2[1]
o5.tag = 2 * otag
tt1 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(100)], ['t|r1'], idl=[range(2, 202, 2)])
tt2 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(100)], ['t|r2'], idl=[range(2, 202, 2)])
tt3 = pe.Obs([np.random.rand(102)], ['qe'])
tt = tt1 + tt2 + tt3
tt.tag = 'Test Obs: Ä'
ol = [o2, o3, o4, do, o5, tt]
fname = 'test_rw'
dobsio.write_dobs(ol, fname, 'TEST')
rl = dobsio.read_dobs(fname, noempty=True)
[o.gamma_method() for o in rl]
#os.remove(fname + '.xml.gz')
for o, r in zip(ol, rl):
assert np.all(o == r)
for i in range(len(ol)):
if isinstance(ol[i], pe.Obs):
o = ol[i] - rl[i]
or1 = np.ravel(ol[i])
or2 = np.ravel(rl[i])
for j in range(len(or1)):
o = or1[j] - or2[j]
Add table
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